
King of Heaven's Bride

Princess Sofia gaped at the sight of a white tiger standing in front of her holding out her fallen loom. Her face suddenly turned pale remembering that she had just said her oath. Make a man a husband and a woman as a sister if they are able to carry the loom that fell into the river. Then how about the story of Princess Sofia and Arvando next? Is Princess Sofia willing to accept Arvando, a white tiger, to be her husband?

arie_riyan · Fantasía
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7 Chs

1. The Oath

"Lord, why did it have to fall? I'm tired and too lazy to go down. Oh, if there was someone who could help me get my embroidery tools, if it was a boy I would make him my husband and if it was a girl I would make her my sister." Princess Sofia Aritha, princess of the Valcke Kingdom leaned her tired body on the back of the chair and closed her eyes. Several times she recalled her meeting with the crown prince of the Mystic kingdom who she had defeated in an archery match in the Mystick royal palace field. She still remembers the handsome crown prince giving her a thumbs up. This caught her off guard and dropped the tool she was holding for weaving.

"It's a fallen tool, Princess."

Princess Sofia's delusions were shattered when a male white tiger came to her biting thread and a pen to weave. Her eyes bulged, remembering the promise that had just left her lips. She shook her head, covering her face and screaming.

"Aaaaa, why should you?"

The tiger in front of Princess Sofia was stunned to see the girl in front of him screaming hysterically at her sight.

"What is it, Princess? Are you going to break your promise? I am a man and have the right to have the opportunity to be your husband."

"B-but, you. . . you're not a tiger. How could it be? The ones that are included in the criteria for the prospective husband that I said earlier are not animals but humans."

"So you rejected me?"

"I-I, I'm not rejecting you, but how can a human marry a Tiger? You really are."

"What if I could change my form into a human? Will you keep your promise?"

The male tiger in front of Princess Sofia transformed into a very charming handsome man. Princess Sofia gaped at the tiger's handsomeness and she was completely speechless. She is confused about how to decide what is very important in life. Even though she can transform into a human, she is sure that her parents, King Gardenio and Queen Ellisha, will not approve of their marriage.

"How is it, Princess? Are you still thinking of rejecting me? Never promise but you break your own promise because I will make your life uncomfortable forever."

Sofia shook her head. Her body shook violently and tears escaped one by one from her eyelids.

"I-I, I. . . ."

Princess Sofia faints in front of Arvando, a handsome prince from the kingdom of heaven who was cursed by a witch to become a tiger and is forced to flee to earth. He had been in the Otzar forest for a week, the forest belonging to the Valcke kingdom which became a favorite place for families to spend time when they were tired.

Seeing Princess Sofia passed out, Arvando immediately lifted Princess Sofia's body and laid her on the couch in the corner of the room. Arvando massaged Princess Sofia's legs, making the girl feel a little comfortable. Some days she was tired of practicing horses with Aqwa's handler, and had not had time to rest at all. Now that he is enjoying her vacation, she has to take even tougher tests, even if she is faced with a tough choice.

"Princess wake up! Whatever happened you should be responsible for what you just said. Don't ever think about breaking a promise because a promise is a debt and I will collect it at any time. If you don't want to keep all your promises I will go to King Gardenio and say that you are a princess who can't be trusted. I'm sure your parents will be angry with you and I will never stop there. I will tell the people of Valcke that the King's daughter is a person who breaks promises."

Princess Sofia, who had been awake for a long time, shook her head. She didn't want the man in front of her to do what she just said. So far she is known as a gentle princess and always keeps her promises. She looked at Arvando for a moment, then she turned to the front door to see that maybe there was someone who overheard her conversation with Arvando.

"How can I marry you? I do not want to. Please don't force me and don't threaten me by telling me all the bad things about me. I was just kidding. don't take what I say seriously because I'm really feeling exhausted."

"Whatever you say for whatever reason I still hold you accountable. I have fulfilled my promise by fetching the tool that just fell."

Princess Sofia was crying. She couldn't think straight at all.

"Anyway, I don't want you to lie to me. I just want you to fulfill your promise by marrying me.

"How about I give you a lot of gifts? Whatever you want I'll try to give it."

"I just want you. No other. Any gifts I don't want at all."

Princess Sofia ruffled her hair. She was confused about what she would decide. Accepting Arvando as her husband or refusing, both have a very big risk. Sofia didn't want to sacrifice anyone else in this..Just because of an unintentional mistake her people would fall victim to.

Arvando looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. His eyes remained fixed on Sofia who at this time still couldn't decide what to take.

"Are you still hesitating to marry me? Don't tell me your refusal because I guarantee your safety. Your father will never know that you married me. I will participate in maintaining the safety of the Valcke kingdom because right now I know your kingdom is in danger of war."

"I'm still confused. I don't know what I'm going to say to dad when one day I get pregnant. Will you take responsibility when father throws me out of the palace? What are you going to do and what are you going to say to dad because until dad finds out that my husband is a tiger like you."

"Even if you have to be kicked out of the palace you don't have to worry because you have a husband like me. I would never let my wife languish just because she was expelled from her parents' palace. I an-nur built a palace for my wife and children. Do you still think that I will only be your burden after marriage?"

"B-but I. . . .'

Arvando clenched his jaw. He really felt very disappointed in Sofia who was currently thinking too much about something that hadn't happened yet. his fists clenched and he tried to punch the air making a loud sound that made Sofia scream.

Angry Arvando then leaves Princess Sofia in her place making the girl feel worried about what the coil will do after she leaves her villa.