
King of Curses In Demon Slayer

At the time of his demise, the walking calamity, the king of curses, divided his soul into 20 portions and stored them in his fingers and scattered them, waiting patiently and silently to be revived and to once more plunge the world into chaos.

David_555 · Cómic
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24 Chs

Twelve Kisuki meet once more


The graceful melody of a lute reverberated within a castle with a seemingly endless span. At the centre of the castle, a white skinned beautiful woman with long dark hair sat begrudgingly with a slow healing incised wound on her cheek.

On her far left, another woman with long dark hair that covered her nose and eyes sat on a pedestal, as her fingers trailed the strings of the lute, with every note shifting a portion of the magnificent castle.


She played a simple note, and right then, a figure mysteriously appeared. Dressed in a black and purple Komodo his sword was fastened to his waist, as his long dark hair was tied. Turning around, the mysterious figure revealed six distinct eyes, three on either side of his face.

Nodding gently towards the woman, he walked forward and took a seat on her right, crossing his legs and closing his eyes.


Another figure appeared, a slightly effeminate man with white hair, dressed in a red and black jacket. His multicoloured eyes were like treasures, and the gentle smile on his face was enough to hide the sadistic tendencies in his heart.

"Lord Muzan, it's quite surprising you summon us here again.."

He laughed and waved the fan in his hand, before he walked to the left side of the woman and took a seat.


This time, a white skinned, pink haired demon appeared with an solemn expression, dressed in a white robed pant and a pink unbuttoned short tank top. He sat towards the white haired demon with the gentle smile, and refused to speak a word.


Two figures appeared, one a white skinned demon who seemed to live in a pot. Three short arms extended on either side of its head, as an uncanny laughter escaped its mouth. The other was a scared ugly looking demon dressed in a yellow cloth.

"I called all of you here, for an important reason."

After watching all of her subordinates take their place, Muzan finally spoke, with a solemn tone was both alerting and surprising at the same time. Normally the upper ranked demons were almost in awe of Muzan's flawless disposition, however this time, there was something almost none of them had felt in a long time, fear.

"Gyutaro and Daki are dead…"

His words caused all the upper moons to raise their heads in surprise, after all it'd been more than a hundred years that an upper moon was actually killed.

"Which Hashira is responsible, Lord Muzan?" The demon with white hair and the smile, the Doma, the second ranked of the upper moons asked with a small laugh.

"Do you think this is funny?" Muzan turned towards him with blazing fury, as the upper moon shrank back a little but still retorted.

"It was to be expected, Lord Muzan, after all, Gyutaro was a weakling." Muzan couldn't be bothered by the uncannines of his subordinate and continued.

"He was not killed by any Hashira, nor a demon slayer for that matter. He was killed by something worse. Ryoumen Sukuna, the infamous king of curses."

Some of the upper moons looked towards him in shock, while some wondered what he was talking about, the moment he mentioned the name of the king of curses.

"This isn't possible. Ryoumen Sukuna has been dead for thousands of years." The normally silent number one ranked upper moon, Kokushibo, opened his eyes and looked towards Muzan in disbelief, after all he knew very well what that name meant and the weight of the words Muzan carried.

"I was present myself during the battle, and would've been dead if I was caught up in that last attack of his." If his previous words didn't shock the upper ranks, then these ones got everyone's attention instantly.

Even Nakime, the lute player halted immediately and turned towards Muzan after hearing him.

"How is this possible?! Lord Muzan, you are the strongest!"

The pink haired demon, Akaza who was the third strongest of the upper moons spoke in shock, as Muzan turned towards him and shook her head.

"He outclasses me in every way possible, Akaza, and I have every reason to believe that he's not even at half of his full power." Muzan admitted, and looked towards his subordinates.

"Someone as powerful as him can never be left alone without any form of control. We'll need to put him down before he can recover more of his strength."

Muzan spoke, as everyone descended into deep thought.

"Is he allied with the demon slayers?" Doma asked once more, as Muzan shook his head.

"No. And he dislikes humans to the point of treating them as worms. If we play our cards right, we might be able to get him on our side, otherwise, we need to take him out before he grows even more powerful."

Disappearing after speaking his last words, Muzan left his subordinates in deep thought.



Kagaya Ubayashiki, the leader of the demon slayer corps stood under the moonlight, holding before the demon slayer dojo.


Suddenly a figure walked out from the dojo and bowed slightly to him, bringing a smile to his face.

"I'm glad your injuries have healed already, Giyuu." He turned towards the water Hashira who still had a couple of bandages on his arms.

"Our informants just told us a crucial piece of information. Two members of the twelve Kisuki have fallen once more at the hands of Ryoumen Sukuna, along with nearly every human present at the festival."

Kagaya spoke and looked back to the sky, while Giyuu clenched his sword tightly.