
finding the truth

Jack was searching around his house knocking on the walls and moving stuff around until he reached a painting of him and his parents

He moved it and saw a small button jack pressed the button and heard a door open

*huh what's that* jack thought as he walked into his living room

He saw his fire place was gone and a dark tunnel was there instead.Jack started to walk down the tunnel,until a light appeared at the end of the tunnel

Jack was in the middle of a room filled with books,pictures and a desk he walked over and picked up a book.

*mmm this looks like a diary did mom or dad write this* I thought to myself

I sat down and opened the book

-to my son if your reading this then we are dead or your powers have awakened. Before I get started I want you to know that both me and your mother love you with all our hearts even though we where definitely not the best parents or even there for you life.

We just wanted the best for you and your future so we spent all our time to prepare you for what is coming. Anyway back to the main point.

For as long as our family has been alive we have had a special connection to the dragons some of us had enhanced senses,strength or even speed I think you get what I'm talking about so I'll stop rambling but out of all of our family you my son are the strongest out of us all.

You have all of our powers and more read more on the next page to find out your powers but my son I want you two know that both me and your mother love you with everything-

I wiped my tears away then flicked to the next page and started reading the contents


Super strength

Super speed

Super stamina

Super durability

Super regeneration

Enhanced senses

Transformation into a dragon know a ghidorah

Partial transformation where you can have wings or claws in human form

Lightning manipulation

Energy absorption

Form energy shields

There are all your different abilities my son and you have a form know as void ghidorah but nothing is know about this form there should be a suit to hide your identity from anyone who wishes you harm.I wish you luck and we love you our son.

I stood up and looked around and noticed a golden suit it looked like black panthers but a dragon instead of a panther.

*this has to be one of the best looking suits I have ever seen and not to mention with powers I'm pretty busted*

haha I laughed to myself "how do I pull my wings out" just as I thought this giant golden wing popped out of my back

*whoa t-this is awesome * I touched my wings they where sharp they sliced open my fingers but before I could react they already healed.After that I tried to flap my wings but they where stuck in the walls.

"shit shit how do I get them back,wait a moment they came out when I thought about them coming out so let's try the opposite"

I tried my theory and it worked they immediately retracted into my back

-a few hours later-

After I tried my powers it was hard at first but over the ours it was pretty simple

It was late a night when I decided to go on my first patrol,I walked into the secret room and out on my suit them walked to the mirror and looked at my self.

*not gonna lie I look good in this*

I turned to the window ran and jumped out of it at full speed which left a imprint on the floor as I was falling my wings came out and sent me flying into the sky.

I was flying threw the city as people took pictures and videos well as much as they could after all I was flying fatster then they could react.


I heard a woman scream a while away I spread up and appeared in the alleyway.I saw a man standing over a woman who was bleeding

He turned to me and and started speaking

"And who the hell are you supposed to be,another costume freak"

He spoke in aggressive tone

-jack didn't speak and rushed over grabbed the guy by the neck and shock him with the electricity until he was knocked out-

After that I walked over and and helped the woman up

"W-who are you"

I smiled under the mask and spoke "you can just call me ghidorah"

"W-well t-thank you ghidorah"

"What's your name" I spoke in a soft tone.

"M-my n-name is….m-makima"

(yes I know nothing to do with marvel but I just like so I added her got a problem idc)

The beauty with red hair and golden eyes like my spoke

"Well miss makima get home safe and goodbye" I stretched my wings out and took of.

Little did jack how deeply this affected the woman.

For next couple of hours I was flying around saving people or just helping anyway that I could,I stoped on a building to rest for a while and looked at the news headlines



I put my phone away and laughed to my self "ahaha I never thought that I would be on the news"

I dropped down of the roof and spread my wings and took of,whilst I was flying I saw a red and golden armour coming towards me I slowed down to see what it was until it crashed into me.

It sent me crashing through some trees as I landed in a forest.


After their meeting

"So does anyone know where stark is" captain America questioned

"Uhhh he said that he was going out because something in the city broke the sound barrier and was flying about" Hawkeye remarked