
Zhao Feng Making His Move

Zhao Linlong had lost!

The others immediately stared at Zhao Feng. Once again his calculations were correct, yet this was not the way he thought that Zhao Linlong would lose…

“How can you be like this, Zhao Feng? You shouldn’t say bad things about Brother Linlong.” Zhao Chi’s brow furrowed.

After all, they were all from the same family and Zhao Linlong losing lost face for everyone here.

“Big mouther!” Zhao Ling said grimly, as if Zhao Linlong had lost because of Zhao Feng’s prediction.

_You blame me for this?_

Zhao Feng smiled as he shook his head and said coldly, “Did you just forget our bet where the losing side has to apologize to the other person.”

Bet? Apologize?

Zhao Ling’s face immediately froze.

“I can apologize to you for losing, but I won’t bow down my head towards your shameless act…” Zhao Ling said, trembling with humiliation.

“Losing means losing.” Zhao Feng looked on in disdain.