
Number One in the Great Country (1)

The current ranking on the high stage for the ten stars were as follows:

Number one - Prince Jin

Number two - Wang Xiaoguai

Number three - Tian Yunzhi

Number four - Zhao Feng

Number five - Liu Qinxin

Number six - Jiang Sanfeng

These six places were pretty stable.

The spots that were changing were the last few, especially number nine and ten.

On Zhao Feng’s right was Tian Yunzhi while Liu Qinxin was on his left.

Because of Liu Qinxin’s arrival, Zhao Feng seemed to be slightly pressured and didn’t continue to ‘sleep’.

Liu Qinxin sat next to him quietly with no signs of blaming him and instead, she had a look of joy on her face.

Although Zhao Feng ran away from the marriage, they were still engaged.

This meant that the two still had a fiance-fiancee relationship as they entered this competitive area.

If there wasn’t any surprise, the two would both step onto the true stage of the continent.

Such destiny was filled with colour and changes.