
King Engine in One Piece

King, the "strongest man on Earth" from One-Punch Man, finds himself suddenly transported to the world of One Piece. Despite his fearsome reputation, King is a coward at heart and just wants a quiet life. This story is written by me only when I'm sleep deprived. Mostly a comedy but with legitimate and unique story, dark elements, new lore, incorporating plenty of other media. Story focuses on King and his personal journey and how his actions affect the original story of One Piece and people around him.

Kandro · Cómic
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21 Chs

Hero of Haltom

King POV

When I arrived at the port, it was lively. Much livelier than before. I went here around a week ago to look at the ships out of extreme boredom and immediately felt dizzy. People stank there. The place stank.

Most ships looked shabby. The giant monster ate the ship with a black flag. The place got into chaos. I ran away, while people were screaming some bullshit about 'King did it!' . That's my experience with this place.

It's not looking so bad now.Even some children ran around. Okay, I guess until they don't bother me.

I jinxed it. I made an utter fool of myself.

A couple of kids saw me and ran straight to me. Why the hell are they so fast? Maybe it's the food?

"KING!!! WOW!" The boy screamed at the top of his lungs. And damn, he is loud. I think I got a migraine. Some people turned in my direction. Not good. Other kids were staring at me. I'd really prefer it if they didn't.

"Please be quiter."

That won't let him cry or whatever, right? I'm really bad with kids.


My ears. Also, I didn't do anything. I'm... a tourist for the most part. For the past two weeks, I did nothing but waste other people's time and money. Why me and not somebody like Bang? He would deal with this criminal place in a day. He is a real hero after all.

"I don't think I deserve to be called that."

I hope he understands. I don't want to crush the kid's dreams, but it's better now than to let him have false images of people.

Seconds later, people swarmed me. Familiar situation for me. Quite unpleasant.

"But you did so much!" "You saved my father's life!" "You revived my parrot, yarr!"

"Haltom is pirate free thanks to King!" "I named a kid after you!"

A lot of screaming. Right in my face. There were at least twenty people around me.

"Please let me go." I said very queitly. The worst kind of situation for a NEET like me. My luck is terrible. I feel like throwing up. I clenched a bag in my hand.


"WE ARE SORRY, PLEASE DON'T!" "That sound?" "King's engine? No way!"

People near me run away. The rest were standing at more of a distance. That's better. I can breathe.

I walked to the peer at a fast pace.


Isn't this a royal procession? You know, King is just my name, right?

The Marines split two rows of people, making a clear path in the middle. At the end of it stood McSheriff with his daughter, Mary, clumsily hiding behind him. Right behind them floated, I guess, a large ship. I don't have what you call it though.

That's like fifty people waiting for me. Why?

"THANK YOU!" they shouted in unison.

As I walked, I heard some people crying. What the hell?

"You showed us the new path." said McSheriff, with tears in his eyes. He was slightly bowing.

Confusing situation program activation. Act natural.

I placed my free hand on his shoulder and said:

"Man shouldn't cry like that."

Well, I stole that from a manga.

Mary suddenly hugged my leg. I almost fell. She is damn strong.

I patted her head a bit before she let me out.

It's my time to go. I really can't wait to go home. I can manage it all in a week's time, surely.

I went onto the ship as people from shore were shouting their thanks for something. Some were visibly crying also.

Really nice people.

As we sailed forth, I asked a random person on the ship:

"So how long till we arrive?"

According to my uneducated estimates, it will take about a day.

"Ehm? Around two weeks?" the dude was questioning himself.

Fuck. Shit. Piss. Are ships really that slow?

What am I going to do here for two weeks? My brain will shrivel and die without any entertainment. Is this world being adjusted to make me suffer specifically by some maniacal being for no reason other than his own entertainment? (AN: Oh, yes.)

If you just said something along the lines of 'hell yes' I will find you and I will. Kill. You.

(AN: King became too powerful. Emergency debuff)

I feel sick. Am I seasick? No no no no no no.



In the ragged prison of an unknown island made for imprisoning the worst prisoners West Blue has to offer, there lay a large figure. Heavy storm falls upon this place. The cell was moist and dirty. There was a hole in the celling for giving food and water from the rain. It was poorly lit, but you can clearly see the blinding white skin this individual has.

He was lying on a bed made of solid stone. He was reading a newspaper with a specific face on the front cover. Piercing blue eyes looking at the reader and three scars over his left eye. The prisoner, enraged, tore paper to shreds.

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared looking down the hole that here is called a prison cell.

"We give you a second chance, Meme D. Troll." As soon as he said it, he threw down a bottle.


Meme D. Troll wasted no time.

As the rain hit his oiled up body, he flew. Flew away from this place. For getting his revenge.


My genius of storywriting scares me. Only thing scarier is writing longer chapters.

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