
King Arthur: a trainee Of Roger's Regiment

Traveled to the battlefield of the Valley of the Gods, was adopted by the Roger Pirates, and together with Shanks and Buggy as the first-time pirates, participated in the sea battle of Art Wall, witnessed the birth of the One Piece King, and witnessed the advent of the era of great pirates . Its name is: Arthur Pendragon! Holding the holy sword: the sword of vowed victory, holding the holy gun: the gun that shines at the end, and the scabbard at the waist: the distant utopia! Lead the Knights of the Round Table and form a new Holy British Empire! Reforge the prestige of King Arthur, King of Knights, and the invincible Lion King! Shanks: "Arthur! He's always at the forefront!" Whitebeard: "That brat? Laozi remembers it very clearly! He once said he would surpass me!" Kaido: "That's the kid who cut off Laozi's dragon horn!" Sengoku: "Does the British Empire represent justice?"

The_Creator223 · Cómic
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93 Chs

Battle With The Whitebeard Pirates! The Collision That Shattered The Sky!



A huge pirate ship gallops past into the distance, and this pirate ship has a bow like a whale head, and this pirate ship has another name on this sea, the Moby Dick ! And it is the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the three legendary pirates.

"Did something happen to this island?"


"what's up?"

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates looked at the island with strange expressions. Everyone thought it was very strange. What's wrong?




"Is this the Great Migration of Beasts?"

Kozuki Oden looked at the situation in front of him curiously. Beasts rushed out of the island one after another. He always felt very strange. What is this situation? Or is it that something happened, is there an earthquake?


Wearing a captain's coat, wearing a captain's hat, holding a huge naginata, and a figure with sharp eyes and a crescent-shaped white beard, he quietly looked into the distance, grinned, and said ferociously: "It's not an earthquake. Ah! Oden, you'll soon see that man..."

"That man?!"

Hearing this, Kozuki Oden was even more at a loss, but! The next moment, as the Moby Dick missed another location on the island, he immediately saw that pirate ship, and! Marine, Roger who stood still, and everyone in the Roger Pirates.

"Roger Pirates!"

"Gold Roger?!"

Kozuki Oden looked at Roger, and became interested in an instant, his whole body rose into the sky instantly, and he laughed and said, "Let me see it! I'm so excited, I've wanted to see this man for a long time! "



Newgate let out a deafening roar, it is undeniable! Kozuki Oden's strength is good, but! Don't you know yourself? Kozuki Oden's strength is still far behind monsters at their level .



Looking at the figure jumping down from the Moby Dick, Buggy asked curiously: "Arthur, that person, if I remember correctly, is a samurai from the Whitebeard Pirates, right?"

Arthur nodded and said: "Yes, the samurai from Wanokuni is the captain of the second team in the Whitebeard Pirates. As for his strength? It's not very clear, but! In the first few years, this man made a lot of trouble It's very lively!"

"Kozuki Oden?"

Shanks also looked Kozuki Oden up and down, and finally just shook his head, forget it! No idea, not because of other reasons, but! It feels that the two sides are not particularly suitable for people.

"Kozuki Oden..."


Arthur looked at this galloping figure, and didn't know what to say, how to say it! You said he is not a good person? He is not right, you said he is a man, there seems to be something wrong!

In general.

Kozuki Oden is a very contradictory person, but! One thing that is certain is that Kozuki Oden definitely has a problem with his head. He has to believe in any prophecy, and he has to believe in the prophecy of the founding of the country 20 years later.

The results of it?!

After Momosuke took back his own country, didn't he not found a country? Let's not talk about it! Kozuki Oden has lived in both the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, and has a very good relationship with both parties , If you only need someone to help, Kaido at this point in time! No, don't even talk about Kaido at this point in time, you just take Kaido from the heyday of the Four Emperors in the future, and open his head.


Roger and Newgate at their peak, plus the Whitebeard Pirates teamed up with Roger Pirates? Kaido's skull was lifted off by him! The ashes were all given to Kaido, there is no need to doubt it what!


Kozuki Oden chose to do the most idiotic thing, all he can say is! Although this person has strength and status, he definitely has no brains, or in other words, his brain circuits are not normal with normal people.

"never mind."

"It has nothing to do with me."

Arthur shook his head silently, sorry! I'm really not interested in this point, I don't hate Kozuki Oden, it's the other party's choice, but! I definitely don't like it, it's just two people Personality makes the difference.


Bullet raised his eyebrows, keenly aware of something, and said: "You don't seem to like Kozuki Oden very much?"

Arthur shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't like Kozuki Oden, but for me, I don't really like Kozuki Oden, well! Don't pay too much attention to it, it has nothing to do with us."


Bullet nodded, and listening to the conversation between the two, Shanks and Buggy were also very confused. Looking at Kozuki Oden, they didn't understand what it meant. After all, they are not time travelers, so of course they don't know what Kozuki Oden made What an idiot.


Roger put down the Marine in his hand, and it was very interesting to watch Kozuki Oden galloping towards him.


Kozuki Oden pulled out Yan Mo and Tianyu Yuzhan from his waist, and came straight to Roger and the others, excitedly saying: "Let me see your strength! I already want to see and see after placing an order!"

As for the Roger Pirates and the Flying Pirates, one of the three legendary pirates, Kozuki Oden already wanted to see them, but he himself wanted to see what their strength was.



Roger laughed and said, "The opponent's strength is very strong! Rayleigh, Jabba, don't make a move! You are not the opponent's opponent."



Saying that, Roger passed the two of them directly, and went straight to Kozuki Oden, with a smiling face, he felt like a fool...


The corners of Arthur's mouth twitched slightly, and he shook his head. Although he always felt that it was not good to think of his captain like this, but! Now it seems that his captain really looks like a fool. This feeling, really I don't know what to say.

"Really are."

"Isn't it just that you want to make a move?"


Both Rayleigh and Jabba couldn't help complaining, and Rayleigh then walked to Arthur's side.


Patting Arthur on the shoulder, Rayleigh said very calmly; "Arthur, I know what you're thinking, um! Now Roger is really almost a fool."

Arthur remained silent, even if it was Mr. Rayleigh who said this, he still didn't answer the question, it was wrong, it was wrong.

"Here we come!"

"Oden two swords style..."

Kozuki Oden looked at Roger, who was running up and down, grinning at the corners of his mouth, Yan Mo with his left hand, and Tian Yu Yuzhan with his right hand, showing an astonishing vigor on his body.


next moment!

"God avoids!"

Roger's speed has suddenly increased by an unknown amount. From the naive just now, it has become different in an instant, and the whole person's breath has become unknowingly terrifying in an instant

Grinning, with a cruel smile, he went straight to Kozuki Oden.

next moment!

Kozuki Oden's eyes widened in disbelief, obviously he had already defended, but the opponent's attack landed on him in an instant.


"how is this possible?!"

Kozuki Oden was full of disbelief, but he had already turned into a meteor, and was instantly defeated and flew backwards.



One after another, Kozuki Oden was like a meteor, smashing an unknown number of big trees, and then stopped viciously on a giant tree, and his whole body twitched.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Kozuki Oden looked at Roger struggling, and murmured: "This guy's strength?! So strong!"


Regardless of Kozuki Oden's thoughts at this moment, Newgate's figure has jumped up and fell from the sky accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps.


Newgate let out a deafening roar, and the sword holding Cong Yunqie, one of the twelve great swords, fell from top to bottom, covered with amazing armed colors, entwined with Conqueror's Haki, and smashed instantly It was a fatal blow.


Roger also grinned at the corner of his mouth, and let out an excited laugh. Facing Newgate's fatal blow, he was not afraid at all, and went from bottom to top to meet Newgate's blow.

One of the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Quick Knife, Ace!

Cong Yunqie, one of the twelve crafts of the Supreme Quick Knife!

The two famous knives collided like this.




In an instant!

The dark purple streams of air spread to the surroundings instantly, in a short time! Everything around was instantly exploded, everything was completely shattered, the earth was cut into pieces, and the ground directly floated away. Together, it seems to represent the invincible power of the two.


This is not the end! The next moment, a terrifying airflow directly shot up into the sky, and the sky was torn apart in an instant, the clouds rolled and shook, and the sky was torn apart like this, and in the middle of the two, clearly Such a collision, but there is no collision at all.

Instead, there was a distance of almost three meters. The two of them collided with the terrifying Haki like this. The power between each other was vented crazily, and the sky fell apart! Such a description, for these two people, is really It is too appropriate.

at the same time!

In the eyes of everyone, this battle was quietly watched, Kozuki Oden couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw such a battle for the first time, and murmured, "They didn't touch each other at all? !"


At this moment, the young Marco turned into a phoenix and came to Kozuki Oden's side, floating in mid-air and said: "Oden, are you okay?"

Kozuki Oden struggled from the giant tree and landed on the ground. He gave a thumbs up and said, "Of course it's all right! Don't worry, Marco!"

... Ask for flowers......…

"That's good!"

Marco took a deep breath, but still separated a group of blue flames and landed on Kozuki Oden. This is the ability of bird fruit · phantom beast species · phoenix fruit, although it cannot directly heal others The effect is that it can promote the opponent's recovery power to be greatly improved and recover in the shortest time.


Although this method can quickly recover from the injury, it is essentially oppressing and promoting birth, so that he can recover in a short time, and the follow-up still needs a long period of rest, of course! Yes!

As far as Kozuki Oden's injury is concerned, according to Kozuki Oden's physical fitness, of course it is nothing.

"That person is Arthur Pendragon!"

Marco looked into the distance, and the first thing he saw was Arthur, he couldn't help but smashed his tongue and said: "It's really scary! As a trainee pirate of the Roger Pirates, the bounty is actually

It has reached 1 billion Baileys. "


And at this moment, figures one by one have come to the side of Marco and Kozuki Oden, the future Ice Witch Whitebee! She is chuckling and saying: "Marco!

You are also a trainee pirate, compared to your opponent, your strength is much worse!"


"This is also impossible!"

Marco said helplessly: "I'm working hard too! But this person is too perverted. I just won't talk about that Bullet. Who would have thought that Arthur would be so perverted?"

This pervert ah?"


It's really not that Marco is showing weakness and complaining, but that this question is outrageous! Isn't Marco strong?

Do not!


Do not!

Marco, Katakuri and others, those new generation of kid, at this moment all know Arthur's reputation, especially! They have started to change because of Arthur

Work harder and improve yourself even harder.

For them, although Arthur has never met these people, he has already caused a lot of changes, changed a lot, and made them all work harder to improve

To himself, just to not be surpassed too much by Arthur.


Arthur is too perverted, they really don't understand why Arthur can be so strong? What is the reason? Arthur is not only 13 years old

Is this guy an evildoer? Or is it that this guy is not human at all? These people are really very confused, they just can't understand,

What the heck is this because of something.


Because of this situation, although Marco is working hard to catch up, he still wants to complain more. Is this man too outrageous?! He

Only 13 years old! Is it so scary to be 13 years old?


No matter what Marco is complaining about, Roger and Newgate have already separated at this time, and the two are standing in the same place, separated by about tens of meters

Just look at each other at a distance.



Roger Pirates....

The Whitebeard Pirates...

The two sides came over one by one, everyone had sharp eyes, and they were full of strong fighting intent, each of them looked at each other sharply, for them,

They want to see how strong their opponents are!


Roger laughed and said, "Whitebeard, I didn't expect to meet you here?!"


"That's a samurai?!"

Roger eyed Kozuki Oden interestingly, and Newgate grinned the same.

"Gu la la la ~~~"

Newgate laughed and said, "Roger, you guy, you've made a big fuss in the past two years! What do you guys want to do?"

"Who knows!"

Roger grinned, and said ferociously: "Whitebeard, if you want to know, then! You still have to show your strength! Otherwise, you won't know, after all

what happened!"


Newgate grinned at the corners of his mouth as well, and said excitedly: "What does Laozi want to do with you? He's not interested at all! Roger, you bastard,

Do you want to die if you dare to hurt Laozi?!"


Roger seemed to be stunned, and then said sarcastically: "Do you still need to hesitate if you dare to attack Laozi? Laozi didn't kill him, he was already merciful!"


"Gu la la la ~ ~ ~"

Roger and Newgate looked at each other, and let out a deafening laugh at the same time, and the next moment! The two raised their weapons at the same time, pointed at each other, and roared loudly

Said: "You bastard! Hand over all the supplies?!"

"want to?"

"Then come and grab it!"

"The war is on!"