
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Fantasía
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26 Chs

New Entity

"Hmm, this place doesn't seem too bad, small but not too bad." I say to Catharine walking beside me, this time she's wearing something normal.

"It is lands our ancestors fought for and got by slaying the monster called Beowulf, we adopted it's named later after our 3rd Ancestor named Peter Beowulf charge through a crowd of enemies to save prince Charles Dragoon." I heard about that story or rather the story of the sword. 

"The sword is in the hands of my father he spent years waiting for another war but it never came through." Two generations of people have waited on that war but the current and previous kings are adamant about not starting the next. 

"Maybe in the future, that sword will be useful but for now that's not the case some people believe the usefulness of knights has long run its course." This statement is one my family believes but we have yet to back it up.

"If that time come my family will be completely destroyed, the only reason we are surviving is due to the small amount of money we receive being your family knights." I'm sure my father wants to cut down on spending on knights very quickly but it will piss people off.

"So when that time comes I'm willing to sell myself to you to keep my family floating." She says with a bunch of conviction but still blushing.  

"Okay then." Yeah, I probably won't be alive when that time reach, I can't let her down now. 

"Remember your promise then." She says smiling and spin in the dress. 

We then finally reach our destination, a small clean and empty pond. Owned by the Beowulf family for generations and a resting place for the family.

"We usually come here has a family, our mother pass away recently and going here don't usually bring back happy memories." She says looking at the pond in a bittersweet expression. 

I didn't say anything I just touch her head to comfort her, she hugs me. She stays like that for a while. Finally moving to help set up the picnic.

"This is one of the best cheese sandwiches I ever had." Catharine says that's lovely the cheese might be degrading a little but everything else is nice.

"So what are your dreams?" I ask her curiously and she blushes. 

"It was to be a princess that was until I realized you can only be born a princess, so my current goal is to help my family out from being in depth." That's a goal I've heard so many times before from many young girls. Most really it's impossible eventually, the only girl who I know who never wanted to be a princess was my teacher.

"My goal is to become I hero never forgotten by history, that was crushed some time ago. Now I'm forced to accept reality." Even if I can't fight I would become a doctor remembered by history, even that's been crushed.  

"Well, you can still be, your the son of the Ice Merchant nothing is impossible." My father took his house from a low-level nobody to fusing with a Great house and taking over. Beating death shouldn't be too hard.

Nah, rising to the top and fighting death is two completely different adventure. All this talk makes me feel for some tea . . . Where is the tea?

"There Is no tea here?" I say to her and she looks down and her face turns green and she runs off. 

"She's quite cute at these times." I say then take a little bite of the cheese sandwich.

I then feel an eerie presence lock on to me, I try to get up but my heart begins to act up and magic seems to be drained from me.

Soon I see a rag wearing girl with white hair and red eyes approached me. Her hands are stretch out and her eyes are wildly moving around. More importantly magic seems to be wildly attracted to her.

"Food!" She says in a low voice. Hmm, she can speak, obviously. I take up one of the sandwiches and point it towards her. 

"Come for it." I say to her curious about something. Her eye turns towards me then she slowly approaches on crawling. Weird but I've seen weirder things. 

She soon reaches towards the sandwich and bites it in her mouth. I pat her head then watch her. 

For some reason magic is been rapidly depleted from the core, is she the reverse of me. My breathing is becoming more stable and my heart rate . . . This . . . I'm being healed. 

I touch her forehead again and she doesn't react, then her shoulders even her breast and she doesn't react. Usually, they begin to shake you off at this point. 

I then did something sure to get her attention, touch her butt. If she doesn't react something is wrong. I take my hands and squeeze her butt and . . .

Nothing,  no squeal, no moaning. She just eats the sandwich. Even when I knead her butt in. Time to move on to the next stage.  

I then move behind her and take a finger readying it. Due to her being naked underneath her dress I'm able to swiftly place my finger inside her. To my slight surprise, she reacts not the way I intended.

"Hurt." She says in a meek voice and I stop immediately.

"Sorry you just failed to react so far, so my interest was piqued." That was stupid, I should have thought it through.

"Food." Instead of berating me, she asks for more food, I hand her the entire basket and she begins to eat wildly. 

Thinking calmly now she must be hungry, I'm such an idiot. Her clothes and the way she looks everything says this.

The girl finished everything in the basket then collapsed. The suction of all my magic has stopped and now I feel free.