
Chapter 2-

"kartik handle the crowed and make sure there are no animal in the crowed" said Praveen while running towards the boy getting the swords out

He jumped and sliced two of the three heads of the dog "are you alright" asked Praveen to the boy telling him to run

The dog seeing it's pray running attacked the boy

Praveen seeing this came in between the two and launched an attacked on the dog

While kartik is trying to get some people to let go of their pets as they will be mutating shortly

Suddenly he feels a chill running down his spine and look's back where he finds a cat like creature standing in front of him without a body and just a shadow

The ' shadow cat' attacks kartik moving at a speed hard to follow

Praveen just having delt with the 'hound dog' now see's kartik dealing with a ' shadow cat'

Running towards kartik he hears screems coming from the side looking he see's a group of 'hound dogs' running towards them

"I will deal with the cat you deal with the dogs " said Praveen to kartik

"Everyone move back" said kartik to the horde of people while running towards the group of 'hound dogs'

Taking out his long sword he swing it at the 'hound dogs' while shouting at the people

"Get out of here this place is dangerous"

Suddenly three 'hound dogs' surrounded him planing to attack him together

While Praveen is dealing with the ' shadow cat' he jumped up and swing his dual sword at the neck of ' shadow cat' "this thing is to slippery" said Praveen trying to end the fight

Suddenly they hear a houl and look at that direction

Seeing kartik having difficulty dealing with the 'hounds' he gained his composer and landed a surprise attack on ' shadow cat' killing it in one blow

"To the back" said Praveen to kartik dealing with one of the 'hounds' and then the two of them delt with the other 'hounds' in no time

"Everyone follow us we are going out of here" said Praveen to everyone

There friend that they mat before everything started come up to them asking "what is happening hare" Praveen answered "the end is starting and right now the first wave is on " the friend looking even more confused then before asked "then how do you know about it and why now" Praveen looking at him said"I will talk about it later as we should get out of here first " and starts walking

After some time they are in an open space looking for a place to build a shelter "I think this place will do" said Praveen then looking at everyone he said" I now everyone is thinking about what is happening so let me tell you" saing that he started to talk

"The thing that is happening is called end you can think of it as an apocalypse of sorts

But this is not the first time this has happened " said Praveen continuing he said "there are many civilizations that have faced this and only some of them managed to survive because of the rules it has" so do you know about the rules of this 'end' you speak of asked a person to Praveen"yes I do and they are quite simple to begin with

Rule no.1 the power of monsters in the apocalypse will only rise when our power rises or every other full moon

Rule no.2 the apocalypse will give out weapon's to everyone on the second night so that we can survive as long as we can

Rule no. 3 the more monsters you kill the harder it gets and one's the kill counter goes to 1,000,000 the next level of the apocalypse will start

That is all or at list that is all I know of"

Said Praveen

After listening to everything Praveen said everyone started talking to eachother then someone asked"if it's like that then won't we survive if we just do nothing"

"Maybe but are you sure others will sit still knowing that the can gain power by killing some slightly dangerous animals" the person thought and nods his head saying "No no one will" and sits down

Now Praveen gathers everyone together to talk about the shelter as to how it should be build