

"sign so it started" Praveen said to himself looking at himself

He get's his phone and calls a friend asking "are you free tuday" to his friend asking him to meet him

Half an hour letter they meet at the house where they have thare collection of vehicles

And swords

Praveen says to his friend "kartik let's get you something that suits you "and gives him a long sword and some knifes and get's dual wilding sword for himself

Kartik thinking to himself ' look's like we are going to practice with sword today ' said " where are you going practice room is inside" to which Praveen answered " we are not practicing today" and starts to leave the place with the swords when he remembers and Question "where are the other's" to which kartik answered that his did not know about them

Praveen thinking that they will be alright and let it go

Now they are getting some supplies so that they can have some time to prepare for up coming disaster

Praveen is now sitting in his room when he feels like the power in his body is awakening

And the first level of seal is broken

With the first seal broken he get's his'weapon armory' skill that let's him store any and all weapons inside his mind that can be taken out in an instance allowing him to fight him without any fear of losing the weapon

And get's his body strengthen so that he is able to use his powers properly

But he just have 8 hours to be ready for the apocalypse to begin

At first he thought that he should report to the authority of the danger that is coming

But then again who will believe a student that an apocalypse is coming so he gave up the thought

Now he is trying to find people who can help him in this fight and who he can trust

With that in mind he started to make calls to get in touch with some of his old friends but to no avail

6 hours until the apocalypse begins and now he is trying to get the hang of his modified body so that he won't have a problem later

4 hours until apocalypse and he has gotten his body in control as well as his ability

Half an hour until apocalypse they are going to one of the crowded places in the city so they can save as much people as they can

They have just entered the place that they ran into a friend of their that he called previously

"Hi Praveen hi kartik" said the friend coming towards them when suddenly they hard a frighteen screem and looked towards the boy who had his hand Bitten by a dog which if closely seeing can notice the three heads on its body

And with that tha apocalypse begins