
King's Gambit

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com Cagnus Marlsen is a young, ordinary boy who enrolls in the prestigious Imperial Chess Academy, a school for the supernatural elite. However, when his true potential is discovered, he becomes the target of both gods and devils who fear his power. Despite his lack of knowledge about his true identity, Cagnus's random actions are seen as a genius by those around him. As he navigates the dangerous world of the supernatural. ..... [The interesting side of the story really begins in chapter 4 so please be patient till then.] Reminder: The character is designed to be kinda stupid but anything he makes or does people around him find it genius. It is comedic and it's written for fun please do not bully me in the comment section if you find his actions illogical. .... I don't know if you have realised, but I'm as shameless as our MC 20 stones per week for extra chapters. I haven't decided on the exact number. ....

BishopsNemesis · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 6 - The power of privileged

The bell rang loudly, signalling the start of a new class period. Students filed into the amphitheatre, taking their usual seats.

Suddenly, the door opened again, and a tall, familiar yet unfamiliar figure strode into the room. The students exchanged astonished glances, unsure of what was going on.

The figure made his way to the most remote and farthest seat in the entire amphitheatre, the infamous seat Z-01.

A man stood up from row G and pointed with his fingers.

"It's you!", he exclaimed with surprise. This man was none other than the one who called out Cagnus earlier for his "peasantry", his name was Niens Hamann.

Neins Hamann was the son of the infamous Viscount Hamann, a man known for his wealth, power, and abusive nature. Like his father, Neins was a bully, using his privileged upbringing and connections to bully and intimidate those around him.

Viscount Hamann was a towering figure in the Fide Empire, renowned for his exceptional business acumen and his unrivalled wealth. As the owner of the premier export and import company for magical and mystical ingredients, he had access to resources that seemed almost limitless. His name was synonymous with power and authority, and his presence was always felt in the highest circles of society.

Despite his good looks and natural charm, Neins was not well-liked by those who knew him. His cruel and abusive behaviour made him feared and hated by many, and his reputation for being a ruthless and selfish individual was well-known throughout the Fide Empire.

Despite his father's expectations and the pressure to live up to his legacy, Neins was a disappointment to those who knew him. He lacked the drive and ambition of his father, and instead used his privileged position to take shortcuts and bully those around him to get what he wanted.

There are whispers and murmurs circulating throughout the aristocratic society, gossip that seems too incredible to be true. According to these rumours, Viscount Hamann's butler is no ordinary servant - he is an Advanced-level Magician, a powerful and skilled practitioner of the arcane arts. And not just any kind of magician, but one who wields the ancient and mysterious crafts of the Elves, a proud and ancient race renowned for their magical abilities. These rumours have caused a stir among the upper class, with many wondering if it could be true, and if so, what kind of magical abilities this butler might possess. Some speculate that he is a master of illusion, able to bend reality itself to his will. Others believe he has the power to control the elements, summoning fire and lightning at his command. Whatever the truth may be, it is clear that Viscount Hamann's butler is a figure of great fascination and intrigue among the aristocratic circles.

"Bumpkin, it seems you managed to sneak into class once again!", Niens' spit was all over the place as he said coarsely.

Cagnus paid him no heed as he waited for the professor to start the session; he couldn't be bothered to reply or engage in a dispute with Niens.

'I missed the previous class because of you all!', Cagnus was naturally begrudged, it was his first day in the academy, and yet this idiot had to ruin it all, 'if only this kid kept his mouth shut, I wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble.'

Unfortunately, Niens Hanmann wouldn't miss an opportunity to bully someone of a lower class than him.

"Knights!", his voice echoed in the amphitheatre, it was loud and jarring, brimming with authority. The previous squadron of knights that humiliated Cagnus entered the room and looked at Niens Hamann.

"Yes, milord?", the spear-wielding knight asked. Instinctively, he looked at Cagnus from the corner of his eyes, he had a bad feeling about this.

The classroom was filled with tension as the students watched Niens, the arrogant son of a viscount, issue his command to remove the "lowlife" Cagnus. Cagnus, the peasant who had been detained by the knights earlier for not having an identification badge, stood there looking small and helpless as the students sneered at him, clearly relishing the opportunity to see him humiliated.

The knights, who had been tasked with protecting the Imperial Chess Academy, were caught in a difficult situation. On one hand, they knew that removing Cagnus would go against their protocol and potentially cause a disturbance within the academy. On the other hand, disobeying Niens' orders could lead to serious consequences, as no one wanted to offend his powerful father.

As the knights looked at each other in confusion, their gazes eventually landed on Sir Maxim, the spear-wielding knight who seemed to be their leader. Maxim could see the pleading looks in their eyes, begging him to find a way out of this predicament. He knew he had to act quickly, but he was not sure what the best course of action was.

Sir Maxim's mind was racing as he tried to come up with a plan. 'What are you looking at me for?' he thought to himself, 'That Cagnus guy is big trouble! An ordinary toothbrush in his possession contains one of the Truths of the Universe, a domain only gods can pry into. One wrong word will banish me into eternal damnation!' Sir Maxim couldn't believe that Niens seemed so unaware of the danger they were in. He looked at Niens as though he was looking at an idiot, his expression filled with frustration and disappointment. Despite his reluctance, Sir Maxim knew he had no choice but to face Cagnus and try to navigate this encounter with caution. He took a deep breath and turned to face Cagnus Marlsen, his heart pounding in his chest.

'As he stands before me, I can't help but notice the nonchalant and indifferent demeanour that exudes from his every pore. This is not the type of reaction that I would expect from a simple peasant from the rural countryside, confronted by someone of such high standing as the son of a Viscount. No, there is something more to this teenage boy, hidden beneath his unremarkable exterior. It's as if he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a powerful and influential figure disguised as an ordinary youth. I can sense that he is someone of great importance, and I am left wondering just how deep his connections and influence truly run.'


Sir Maxim's heart was pounding in his chest as he made the decision to side with Cagnus, a hidden bigshot with mysterious and potentially dangerous powers. He knew that this decision could have serious consequences, but he also knew that he had to do everything he could to protect the integrity of the Imperial Chess Academy.

As he spoke, Sir Maxim's voice trembled with nervousness, but he tried his best to sound confident and assured. He enunciated each word carefully, hoping to convey a sense of authority and righteousness. His voice brimmed with the power and conviction of an Ascetic Knight, a highly trained and respected member of the academy.

"Student Cagnus Marlsen is enlisted and eligible for studies here in the Imperial Chess Academy," Sir Maxim said. "Kicking him out will be in direct violation of the academy's protocol."

Sir Maxim stood tall and upright, his posture radiating a sense of morality and dignity. His stance seemed to say, "I will not allow any violations of the academy's protocols to go unchallenged." He hoped that his words and demeanour would deter Cagnus and Niens from any further wrongdoing and encourage them to behave in a more responsible and respectful manner. Despite his nerves, Sir Maxim knew that it was his duty to defend the honour and integrity of the academy, no matter what the cost.

Upon hearing that, both Niens and the class wore surprised expressions, in fact, even Cagnus couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and look towards Sir Maxim, the spear-wielding knight who rummaged through his belongings and destroyed them.

No one expected that Sir Maxim, an Intermediate-level Knight, would side with a peasant.

Niens' jaws were wide-open, he rubbed his eyes a few times, flabbergasted by this unexpected turn of events. Then his expression quickly turned red with anger as fumes poured out from his ears, he pointed towards Sir Maxim and exclaimed:

"You!!! How dare you disobey my orders? Do you know who my father is? He's Viscount Hamann, Viscount Hamann!"

Neins' chest puffed up and down, he took a moment to take in a deep breath before he exploded in anger, "He's a Viscount! Do you know what Viscount is, you lowly knight? He's a righteous and magnanimous noble who is above the common people. How dare you badmouth the title and status generations of my family spilt blood and tears for?"

Maxim's brows couldn't help but twitch as his expression quickly turned dark.

'How dare this debaucher to talk to me like that?', as an Intermediate-level Ascetic Knight who serves the Empress, Maxim felt stifled and humiliated. Neins was nothing but a youngster who relied on his father's wealth and status to achieve Novice-level battle prowess in the Ascentionist path. If it were not for that, considering his moral standards and mediocre talent, Niens wouldn't even qualify to enlist in the prestigious and infamous Imperial Chess Academy.

'If I wanted to, I could be a Baron! If I contribute more to the Empire, I would even become a Viscount, someone who is on equal standing with your father!', Sir Maxim, the Ascetic Knight, couldn't help but complain inwardly. He was filled with indignation as he wanted to lash out at this youngster.

Ultimately, he took a deep breath down as he faced Neins calmly, "What kind of language are you using? Do you know where you are? This is the sacred grounds of the Fide Empire, the Imperial Chess Academy!"

Sir Maxim's voice was loud and authoritative; he continued, "You dare claim to be a student of the Imperial Chess Academy with that tongue of yours? According to Academy Protocol Section A-18, Page 130413, Phrase 84. You will be fined a minimum of a hundred thousand pounds."