
Kindred System

Ichiro and Yui are siblings who become the Kindred, the spirit gods of death, after a near-death encounter with a pack of wolves. They gain the ability to level up and turn anyone they kill into a shadow. They balance their normal lives as students with their duties as agents of death, and deal with their new partners, Lamb and Wolf. They fight against enemies and mysteries in a world full of dungeons and monsters.

PhoenixKing2 · Cómic
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6 Chs

The Tutorial

"Hello, Ichiro and Yui. Welcome to the Kindred System. I am the System, your guide and assistant. I am here to help you with your new lives as the Kindred, the spirit gods of death. Please listen carefully to my instructions, and follow them accordingly. Failure to do so may result in severe consequences."

Ichiro and Yui heard a voice in their ears, clear and gentle. It was the voice of the System, the magical program that had awakened them as the Kindred. They looked at each other and saw confusion and curiosity in their eyes.

They looked at Lamb and Wolf and saw amusement and excitement in their eyes.

They looked at the wolves and saw fear and anger in their eyes.

They realized they were still in danger.

They realized they had to act fast.

They realized they had to trust the System.

They nodded to each other and answered with a determined voice.


The System smiled in their ears and praised them with a warm voice.

"Good. I'm glad you are willing to cooperate. Let me explain to you the basics of the Kindred System. The Kindred System is a program that grants you various functions and features that enhance your abilities and experiences as the Kindred. You can access these functions and features by using your mental commands or by speaking out loud. The main functions and features are:

- Status: This function shows you your basic information, such as your name, level, health, mana, stamina, attributes, skills, items, quests, etc. You can access this function by saying or thinking 'Status'.

- Inventory: This function shows you your items, such as weapons, armor, potions, materials, etc. You can store or retrieve items from your inventory by using your mental commands or by speaking out loud. You can access this function by saying or thinking 'Inventory'.

- Quests: This function shows you your quests, such as missions, tasks, challenges, etc. You can accept or decline quests from the System or other sources by using your mental commands or by speaking out loud. You can access this function by saying or thinking 'Quests'.

- Skills: This function shows you your skills, such as active skills, passive skills, special skills, etc. You can use or upgrade your skills by using your mental commands or by speaking out loud. You can access this function by saying or thinking 'Skills'.

- Shop: This function shows you the shop, where you can buy or sell items using gold or other currencies. You can access this function by saying or thinking 'Shop'.

- Settings: This function shows you the settings, where you can customize your preferences and options for the Kindred System. You can access this function by saying or thinking 'Settings'.

These are the main functions and features of the Kindred System. There are more functions and features that you will discover later on as you progress in your journey as the Kindred. Do you have any questions so far?"

Ichiro and Yui listened to the System's explanation with awe and disbelief. They couldn't believe that they had gained such a powerful and convenient program that could help them with their new lives as the Kindred. They felt like they were dreaming.

They also felt overwhelmed.

They had so many questions.

They didn't know where to start.

They looked at each other again, hoping for some guidance.

But they didn't get any.

They looked at Lamb and Wolf again, hoping for some help.

But they didn't get any.

Instead, they got more questions.

Lamb tilted her head again and asked them with a gentle voice.

"Do you like the System?"

Wolf grinned again and told them with a hungry voice.

"We love the System. It makes our lives more fun and exciting."

Ichiro and Yui blinked in confusion again and wondered with a puzzled voice.

"Fun and exciting?"

Lamb nodded again and explained with a kind voice.

"Yes, fun and exciting. The System gives us quests that challenge us and reward us. The System gives us skills that enhance us and empower us. The System gives us items that help us and please us."

Wolf snorted again and added with a proud voice.

"The System also gives us enemies that we can hunt and kill."

Ichiro and Yui gasped again and realized with a shocked voice.


Lamb smiled again and confirmed with a happy voice.

"Yes, enemies. You see, we are not only the spirit gods of death. We are also eternal hunters. We hunt those who run from their fate. We hunt those who defy our will. We hunt those who oppose us."

Wolf bared his teeth again