
kind death

This is a very detailed and imaginative story describing the five countries on Tianyuan Continent and their people, culture, politics and social structure. The story is rich in characters and plot, including a variety of races, professions, and social classes. The protagonists of the story are Dumb and Yatou. They are thieves living at the bottom, but their fate changed because of a chance. The story is filled with adventure and the unknown, making one look forward to what will happen next.

L_Y_5741 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 10 The bloody sun is coming (Part 2)

The blood sun and blood rain lasted for a full day before gradually dissipating, and everything returned to normal. Duan was always depressed all day long, not even in the mood to practice magic. I don't know why, but his heart always beats very fast, as if something happened. After the bloody sun and bloody rain disappeared, Owen woke up from his trance. After fighting against the evil force for a whole day, he looked extremely tired.

     "Uncle, you're done meditating." Dumb looked at Owen, who looked a little pale, and walked out of the room.

     Owen nodded and said with lingering fear: "What a strong evil spirit. It seems that the legendary disaster is indeed real."

     Dumb obviously didn't understand what Owen said, and said: "Uncle Sil came here once today, and I told him that you were sick and were resting. Uncle Sil said that all the fishermen did not go out to sea to fish today. He said he wanted to ask you if you knew Know what's going on."

     Owen said: "Okay, let's have something to eat first. After dinner, you can meditate at home. I'll go to your Uncle Seal's house."

     Ah-Dai nodded obediently and said, "Okay, let's eat." The two of them ate something casually, and Owen went out, while Ah-Dai stayed at home and entered a state of meditation.

     This sudden change in the weather has caused panic in the entire continent. Some people are happy, some are sad, but no one can tell what is going on with this sudden bloody day. This change lasted for several months before it calmed down. The four countries on the mainland have been implementing some policies to appease the people, but the Holy See has not given any explanation on this matter. Suddenly, voices of dissatisfaction with the church have quietly arisen. It was not until a year of turmoil in people's hearts that the effects of the Blood Sun and Blood Rain completely disappeared, but a strange atmosphere appeared on the mainland.

     In May of the holy calendar year 990, Ah-Dai had been in Shitang Town for a year and two months.

     "Brother Dumb, you are much taller than when you first came here."

     The thirteen-year-old Ah-Dai looked at the little girl Xi Fei who was two years younger than him in front of him, and smiled and said: "Really, I have been eating more recently, and it seems that I have grown a lot taller." The thirteen-year-old Ah-Dai, has already He is about 1.6 meters tall, which is relatively tall among children of the same age. In the past year, apart from letting Ah-Dai practice Shengshengjue, Owen has not taught him any other kung fu. Over the past year, Ah-Dai has been able to master the cable domain federal dialect. Since the six major races in the Federation only have different accents, Owen only taught Dumb West the Federal language of the United States. Duan's extraordinary efforts in cultivation, through his unremitting efforts, can now run for twenty-seven weeks in one night. Shengshengjue has also been cultivated to the second level. Dui once asked Owen how far he had to practice before he could leave. Owen did not answer directly, but just told him that he still had a lot to learn. Now Owen has begun to teach Ah-Dai the Holy See language. After all, it is the common language in mainland China and it is a course that Ah-Dai must learn. I just finished my language class today, and Dumb was playing with Sil's granddaughter and two grandsons at the beach. Due to practicing the Sheng Sheng Jue for more than a year, Ah-Dai's body is much stronger than when he left Nino City. Although he is not handsome, his honest and simple demeanor is deeply loved by the villagers here.

     "Brother Dumb, how about we go swimming in the sea." Xi Er's eldest grandson, Xi Feng, who is eight years old, said. It's May day now, and for these children who live by the sea all year round, it's time to start swimming. According to seniority, they should have been called Uncle Dumb, but because they were about the same age, they all called Brother Dumb when there were no adults around.

     Dumb's water quality is not very good. He just swam a few times under the guidance of Xi Fei's father. He hesitated, lowered his head and said, "You go ahead, I can't swim well."

     The youngest Xi Lei, who is only four years old, shouted: "I want to go, I want to go too."

     Xi Fei said: "No, you are still too young. Go home quickly. Swimming is for us older children, without you."

     Xi Lei's eyes suddenly turned red, and he stretched out his chubby little hand to grab the corner of his sister's clothes, "Sister, sister, please take me there. Xi Lei is very well-behaved."

     Ah-Dai squatted on the ground and held Xi Lei in his arms, "Xi Lei, good boy, it's too dangerous in the sea. You are still young and can't swim, and Brother Ah-Dai can't swim either. How about we play in the sand on the shore."

     Xi Lei looked at Ah-Dai, nodded and said, "Okay, but brother Ah-Dai, you have to build a big castle for me."

     Dumb nodded and said to Xifei: "Sister Fei'er, you and Xiaofeng go. I'll stay with Lei Lei here. However, don't swim too deep. It's very dangerous in the water."

     Xi Fei and her younger brother Xi Feng took off their coats, agreed, and rushed into the sea noisily. They learned to swim under the leadership of their father when they were young. The calm sea water was nothing to them. After a while, he swam out of sight. Ah-Dai and Xi Lei were playing in the sand on the beach. Ah-Dai was very patient and played very happily with Xi Lei, who was only four years old.

     Suddenly, a dark cloud floated in the originally clear sky, the sea wind suddenly became strong, and the calm sea surface stirred up waves.

     Dui stood up and stared at the sea in the distance, but he did not catch the figures of Xi Fei's sister and brother, and murmured: "Why don't you come back? The waves are so big, it will be dangerous."

     Xi Lei shook Ah-Dai's hand and said, "Brother Ah-Dai, sister and the others will be fine."

     Raindrops poured down, and with the cold wind blowing on the beach, Ah-Dai walked to the beach anxiously, looked into the distance, but there was still no sign of Xi Fei and the others. He turned to Xi Lei and said: "Lei Lei, it's raining. You go home first, tell your grandpa and ask them to come over quickly. Sister Fei'er and Xiaofeng haven't come back yet. I'll wait here."

     Xi Lei nodded, turned around and ran towards the town. The wind got stronger and the waves got higher, but Xi Fei and Xi Feng were still nowhere to be found. They were both good friends of Ah-Dai. In his heart, Ah-Dai had already regarded them as his family. He anxiously walked to the beach, no matter what His pants were soaked by the sea water.

     No, I can't wait any longer. If something happens to Xi Fei and Xi Feng, how can I explain it to Uncle Xier? Thinking of this, Dui took off his coat and threw it aside, and quickly jumped into the sea. Although his swimming skills were not very good, the practice of Shengshengjue made him very strong. He adjusted his breathing and kept fighting in the waves. In a short time, he was carried into the depths of the sea by the waves. The edge had turned into a straight line and was blurry. As he swam, he kept calling the names of Xi Fei and Xi Feng. However, his voice was completely covered by the waves. How could he reach anyone in this endless sea water? Until now, he still didn't realize that he was in danger.

     Because there were waves on the sea, Xier's three sons all packed up the boat and returned home early. As soon as they entered the house, they happened to meet Xi Lei who was rushing back to report the news. They rushed to the beach immediately without taking a rest.

     Xi Lei shouted: "Dad, look, aren't those brother and sister?" Sure enough, Xi Fei and Xi Feng just walked onto the beach from the sea.

     Xi Fei also saw them and ran over excitedly, shouting: "Dad, second uncle, third uncle, why are you here?"

     Xi Fei's father said in a deep voice: "You are too brave. You dare to swim in the sea in such a big wave. What if the sea water sweeps you away?"

     Xi Fei stuck out her tongue, held her father's hand, and said softly: "Dad, no, Brother Feng and I are so good at water, how could anything happen? It's so fun to play in the waves, just swim back." It was a bit difficult at the time." He turned to his younger brother and asked: "Leilei, where is Brother Dumb, aren't you with him?"

     Xi Lei was stunned, looked at his father Xi Bai, and said, "Isn't Brother Dumb waiting for you on the shore? Why haven't you seen him?"

     Xi Zhong looked at his two brothers and said, "Everyone, look for each other quickly. Ah-Dai will definitely not leave Fei'er and Feng'er and go back first. He should be nearby." Although he said this, in his heart It felt a bit ominous. The beach was so flat without any cover. If Ah Dai were there, they should be able to see it at a glance.

     Xi Feng suddenly said: "Dad, uncle, third uncle, look, isn't this the coat of Brother Dumb?"

     Xi Zhong, Xi Fa, and Xi Bai ran closer. Sure enough, Ah-Dai's coat was on the beach, completely wet by the rain. The three of them looked at each other, and their expression changed at the table: "No, Dumb must have gone to the sea to look for you. Something is broken now, and his water quality is not good. I'm afraid it will be difficult to swim back. Third child, go and inform Uncle Owen." , Old 2, let's go to the sea and look for it."

     At this time, Ah-Dai could no longer see the shore. Under the dim dark clouds, the waves kept beating his body. He wiped the sea water on his face. Ah-Dai looked around anxiously, "Fei'er, Xiaofeng, where are you?" Ah." What he was thinking about now was still the safety of Xi Fei and Xi Feng. A big wave came over, and Dui immediately took a sip of the salty sea water, and the bitter taste made him extremely uncomfortable. His physical strength was disappearing little by little, and the crisis gradually came to Ah-Dai.

     Ah-Dai, who was floating on the sea, suddenly felt a huge pain under his feet, as if something had pierced his leg. He let out a cry of pain, and Ah-Dai bent down and touched a slippery body. There was a sharp thorn on the slippery body. It had penetrated deeply into the muscles of his thighs, and bright red blood rose from the seawater around his body. Ah-Dai grabbed the slippery body with both hands and pulled it out of the body with force. His entire right leg was completely paralyzed, and blood continued to flow out. Ah-Dai took a breath, and the vitality in his body automatically transferred to the wound area, sealing the blood there, preventing him from continuing to bleed. The sea water continued to stimulate the injured area, and Duan almost fainted from the pain.

     The slippery body in his hand suddenly twisted violently, as if trying to break free from Ah-Dai's hands. Ah-Dai raised the body in front of his eyes, and it turned out to be a two-foot-long golden monster fish. Its whole body shone with golden light, and it looked like the fish Ah-Dai had seen before. Not only was the color different, but it also had an extra golden pointed mouth. Just now, it was the mouth that was as long as the body that pierced Dumb's thigh.

     Ah-Dai held the mouth of the strange fish with one hand and its tail with the other hand, relying entirely on the buoyancy of the sea water to float on the sea. Due to the loss of a lot of blood, waves of dizziness continued to come, and one wave after another remained unstoppable. Flapping his body restlessly, the strange fish struggled several times, but could not break free from Dui's strong hands.

     Dumb said to the strange fish in shock: "You, why did you stab me? It hurts a lot." The strange fish twisted twice, and the seawater on its body flowed through its eyelids, as if it was crying, and its two strange eyes shone with golden light and complained sadly. He looked at Ah-Dai, as if begging him to let him go.

     Dumb's heart softened and he said: "I'll let you go, but please don't stab me again, and you can't stab others again in the future." After saying that, he threw the strange fish outwards and threw it into the sea. The golden light flashed a few times in the sea water, and the strange fish disappeared.

     Ah-Dai carefully touched the wound on his leg that had stopped bleeding, and continued to shout, "Fei'er, Xiaofeng, where are you? I'm Ah-Dai." After only shouting a few times, his voice became hoarse. Under the constant impact of the waves, Ah-Dai's consciousness became increasingly blurred.

     Just when Ah-Dai was about to faint, there was a flash of golden light, and the golden strange fish came back again. It used its long mouth to poke Ah-Dai's body, with something in its mouth.

     Ah-Dai wiped the sea water from his face, gasped and asked, "Is it for me?"

     The strange fish actually nodded as if he understood. Ah-Dai took off the thing from the strange fish's mouth. It turned out to be a rose-white jade ring. On the surface, there was nothing surprising about it. Ah-Dai blinked his hazy eyes and reluctantly put the ring on his left index finger. The huge blow came and knocked him unconscious immediately.

     On the shore, under the leadership of Xi Bai, Owen rushed anxiously to the beach where Dumb went into the water. The surging giants kept hitting the beach on the shore. Xi Fei, Xi Feng and Xi Lei stood on the shore. Xi Fei and Xi Feng obviously knew He was in trouble. He lowered his head and said nothing. Owen asked eagerly: "Fei'er, have your father and your second uncle found Dumb?"