
killmonger with gacha in marvel multiverse

Story will be continuation of the fanfiction where eric recover his memory after his father death and got gacha. in marvel with gacha it will continue with the rewrite of original story.The one with no background anything other than original character belongs to their owner including picture

gacha927 · Cómic
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3 Chs


Oakland, California

Liberty Middle School

In a 6th-grade classroom, a teacher is lecturing on ancient civilizations, but Erik Stevens, seated in the back row, stares absently at his open book. His mind drifts far from the lesson; Erik is haunted by recent grief, having lost his father just two months prior.

Known also as N'Jadaka, Erik is the son of the Wakandan Prince N'Jobu, who met his end at the hands of his own brother, King T'Chaka. But that day is more than a day marked by mourning—it's a turning point. Erik is undergoing a profound transformation. He has begun to recover fragmented memories of a past life, one confined to the realm of comics and films, where his father's death was a plot point .

With these memories, Erik now comprehends the true nature of his father's demise. Perhaps without this recollection, he might have walked the same destructive path as the original Killmonger. However, with his newfound insight, he has resolved to forge a different destiny. He harbors no desire for the throne; rather, he sees the potential for a life of affluence and influence, though he understands it will fall short of Wakanda's grandeur.

The resentment towards T'Chaka remains, a burning ember in his heart. But Erik's quest for vengeance will remain his own. He has no intention of dragging T'Chaka's children into his conflict; his vendetta is personal and will not affect them.

For now, Erik faces a multitude of uncertainties. With the presence of Mutants he knows that this world is not the Marvel Cinematic Universe but an alternate reality, rife with unpredictable dangers. The future could unfold into a zombie apocalypse, the Avengers might fail against a cosmic Titan, demons could invade, or Galactus might set his sights on Earth for tomorrow lunch.

Revenge will have to wait. Erik's immediate concern is his own safety, which hinges on a mysterious system he has had since birth but only recently discovered since if is non-sentient. This system, a gacha mechanism, grants him one gacha point per day. With it, he can acquire a wide array of items: from extraordinary powers and rare artifacts to templates and summons, spanning across the omniverse and beyond. The possibilities are vast, from iconic figures like Batman or Sung Jin-Woo to obtaining powerful abilities such as the Great Sage's tome or item like Pokéball. As he reviews his character panel, Erik contemplates his next move with a mix of anticipation and caution.

Name:Erik Stevens, N'Jadaka


Gacha points: 3478

Gacha mode:

Normal: 1 card per 5 points

Marvel: 1 card per 10 points

Characters assimilated:


In progress:

[Damian wayne 61%][Daredevil 79%]


Clone, regeneration,etc

Gacha cards:

Kunai x100 (naruto)

Aizen glasses

A broken watch(monsterverse)

Interspatial ring (TDG)

Mashiro Tsukiyuki(backflip)


I look at the templates progress made in 2 months for which I spend all the time.

Living in orphanage spending all time in exercising, and at library in school. It may seem slow but it's actually fast since I will be getting their experience, of course it just about his mentality, physical skills other , excluding his memory. I know how to beat a thug ,what steps Damian will take but not Damian took in his world. It's like i instinctively know what to do .


Author's pov

Sorry chapter was small. Next focus

What should mc do since Mc is going to run from school ,go to apartment, take his locket and store other things in space ring

1.take someone identity and live

2.create his own business

I prefer 1st one although many reincarnated character make their own company but mc has shapeshifting ability so it's waste to not use this ability .

Suggest the company.

Mc first templates were mystique and Damian. Mystique templates war completed fast then he use daredevil template. Since mc got fighting experience from Damian it was easy to assimilate him. It's due to his super senses it's taking time.

Regenerative of logan

Clone is to make 1 Clone of yourself with no special powers. It will automatically cease to exist in 24 hours. At one time only one Clone can be made.

Why mc doesn't leave just after assimilating mystique, since mc wants to assimilate Damian to some level before leaving and orphanage was OK place to live for Some time.

Mc is around 12 years 3 months

Mc has already spend 1000 points with 500 for normal and 500 for marvel. Means he got 100 normal cards and 50 marvel. I will make separate chapter for gacha cards in future.

I don't know if there is school name of Liberty, it's just a random name so don't take seriously.

Chapters updates and size will be uneven.

Also give suggestions