
The Interveiw

"My name is Ash and I was adventuring into the sea! I'm only seventeen. I've always wished to go out to sea! I was looking out to the water and saw a strange fish—" "Woah kiddo! Calm down. It's just an interview." "Ah yeah.. well I fell off and landed in the water.. but I saw something when I fell in— it swam away quickly though.." "Do you know what it was?" "Well—No because it'll sound too crazy.." "Tell is kid!!" "A mermaid..." The entire front and second row gasp, the third row passed out. "For a seventeen year old, you have quite the imagination!"

"I'm not imagining things!" "Well that's it for today folks! Please exit out the doors behind you all!" "I'm not lying!" "Listen Ash, we all know mermaids aren't real so cool your beers!" After a big fight, they all leave.

I am making my first one so it might be cheesy.. ? The character are; Ash, Johnny, Kaitlyn, and Jay. At the beginning Ash is being interviewed by television! Sorry if it’s weird but I’m trying! ?

Breezydustcreators' thoughts