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Part 5: Settling of scores (erasa is untouchable)

In a world outside the real world is that of erasa who seemed to be absent for ages.

But despite her absence, her world had always evolved well. erasa only had Jerome and Nehemi as a henchman or soldier but now she had at her disposal an army of more than 12,000 individuals formed by Jerome and Nehemi. The world was also prettier for the eyes thanks to the talent of Madame Elodie and Zémira for architecture

Jerome was sitting on a chair sipping an iced drink and also resting just as everyone life was beautiful erasa seemed to watch over her world despite her absence the people did not seem worried everything was going well

Jerome << haaaaa !!! The good life there's only that better I could never thank our lord Erasa enough >> Nehemi approaches just as smiling

Néhémi << Jerome ... can I tell you something? >>

Jérôme << Mhmmm... go ahead!! >>

Néhémi << I never felt so good you know? Even when i was living with lord boaz i was stressed so much because of lord galead because he scared me and i always worried about lord boaz but now with lord erasa even though she is very absent i have never been so healthy although she communicates with us now that in our dreams she lets us do what we want and become what we want and .... the best thing is that she can even help us to be better in our fields >>

Jérôme << Hum... yes erasa rocks I can only admit it >>

Nehémi << I want this never to end >> she says with a smile on her face

Jérôme << this would be the case because erasa is eternal moreover the hastou also allows us to realize our desires while remaining humble hum..... >> Jérôme suddenly stops talking when he sees the sky become dark in the distance

Jerome << what is it? >>

Nehemi << of the rain which is approaching, isn't it? >>

Jerome << no !! Dark clouds or torrential rain don't have that kind of evil glow.... let's take a closer look >> Jerome and Nehemi rush towards that glow

At the bottom of this dark light the people of erasa were all staring at the sky because the light was disturbing

But as soon as that light appeared it disappeared too

And the clear sky presented itself again on its splendor

The people resumed their ideas and busied themselves as usual. But yet two women were now among this erasa people, and one particularly attracted the public's attention by her appearance.

The people << lord erasa ?? It's her ? Wow it's been so long >> the people were asking themselves hundreds of questions the woman was walking all the same without paying them any attention

The woman << hiiaaaaaa!!! So here it is!! >>

The other woman << you are much observed look around you Sata >> indeed, it was well the demon Sata and Raiku.

Sata << they have nothing else to do? Otherwise I can eliminate them directly in addition I want to see blood >>

Raiku << you shouldn't do anything we came for erasa >>

SATA << yes !! YES !! YES indeed >>

Raiku << although it's embarrassing the way they observe us here >>

Sata << wait I will play the game >> Sata began to levitate in the areas

The people << huhg... look!!! >> eyes were on her and only

Sata << my dear people... I am erased after so much absence I know that some recognized me immediately >> the people were amazed and some were even in tears

The people << lord erasa !! Is it really you? What a grace to finally see you again >> Raiku found it all pathetic to the point that she slapped her forehead

Sata << my coming today is to show you a little something... after so much absence I am going to show you ..... that you are all dead !!!>> after telling the people from erasa all fall to the ground like old wooden puppets. They had all lost their lives.

Everyone was completely on the ground except Raiku and Sata

Sata << haaaahaha!!! >>

Raiku << can't you stop doing the circus?>>

Sata << I don't like dead atmospheres that's all ... I'm finally going to see my little sister from centuries ago >>

Raiku << haha ​​erasa is going to spend a hell of an hour with us I can't believe that mother gave him help to gain power but not us pfff >>

Sata << don't worry about that she will regret seeing the lifeless body of her favorite daughter >>

Raiku << look!! Looks like we have a visitor >>

Jerome, Nehemi and the 12,000 soldiers all stood in front of sata and Raiku

Jerome << what have you done to the people of lord erasa? >>

Sata << are you also part of it? You want to be entitled to it too I presume?!! >> Nehemi approaches Jerome and whispers in his ear.

Nehemi << she looks a lot like lord erasa wouldn't she be his sister or a member of his family or one of his many bodies? >>

Jerome << Hmm...!!! >> he pondered and thought of the days when they walked to the well with erasa millions of years ago

Jérôme << she told me it was erasa hyper demon >> Then Jérôme observes sata and Raiku

Jerome << you are hyper demon? >>

Sata and Raiku stared at each other for a moment and laughed so loudly that Jerome found it embarrassing and blushed.

Raiku << no but this boy thinks we are hyper demons? >>

Sata << it's literally a real psycho haaaahahaha >>

Jérôme << ok, OK now we understand what makes you laugh so much? >>

Sata << what's funny, my little Jerome, is that it? It's that a Hyper demon is way too weak and ridiculous for me >>

Jérôme widens his eyes and suddenly he starts to sweat.

Nehemi << Jerome!! How are you ? >> Jérôme did not answer and continued to shake

Néhémi << Jerome but what happens to you? >>

Jerome was still frozen watching Sata he saw the greatest terror in him he saw her terrifying with snakes everywhere and a dark face leaving only the smile of the demon and the eyes of a bright red.

Jerome "we....we're finished....there's nothing left for us but death" said Jerome before falling on his knees on the ground, he stared at the sky and said

Jérôme << it's the end now there is nothing more for us to do >>

Nehémi << Jerome up!!! >>

no answer*

Sata << hoooooo !!.... the vision of this boy allows you to really see the being in front of him it's interesting, he could one day awaken the eye of clairvoyance with this look >>

Raiku << where is erasa? >>

Nehemi << shut up!!! You'll never know, hey guys let's eliminate them now!! >> The 12,000 soldiers began to howl

The soldiers << let's go !!!!! >>

Sata << hum... fuuuuhh >>

blowing, all the soldiers collapsed to the last except Nehemi who was still standing

Nehémi << but !!! How ? >>

Raiku << you should drop it >>

Nehemi << never die!!!! >> Sata paralyzed Nehemi and by her gaze she hypnotized him and said

Sata << now you calm down you seem to me to be a rare pearl for erasa, I will kill you in front of her sleep now >> Nehemi passed out

Sata approaches Jerome who was shaking to the point of almost going mad.

Sata << it's too bad for you I transmitted my person to you by thought and yes you can't stand it I'm the reptilians who made Eve commit the sin of biting this cursed apple it's normal my influence is a torture for the soul and the Person!! after all I am the demon of sin >>

Jerome was losing his hair and was shaking while speaking in a low voice, no one could hear what he was whispering while looking at the ground. Jerome had gone completely mad.

Sata << I don't think anyone would need the one you are now!! >> Sata approaches his thumb and index finger which were touching in front of Jérôme and says

SATA << bye bye!! >> Then she snaps her fingers and Jerome's head explodes, he falls on his back with his head in pieces.

Raiku << um... we could have reassured ourselves of the presence of erasa first >>

Sata << not worth it !! We have Nehemi anyway she can tell us where erasa is if I hypnotize her >>

Raiku << good idea wake up there!! >>

After saying so, erasa appeared out of nowhere.

Erasa was not really the same her appearance was different. She looked exhausted, her body full of scars, plus she was completely naked.

Sata << erasa, but what happened to you, did you see yourself at this moment? >> erasa was silent watching everywhere around her

Erasa << Nehemi!!! Jerome !! My subjects.... >> erasa's voice was completely shy and her look was dark, she seemed to be sad without wanting to show it.

Sata << erasa, I'm talking to you idiot >>

Erasa << uh... Erashia, did you do that? >>

Sata << here we go again, no matter what you call me Erashia, Sata, reptilius, medusa I have nothing to do with all that the importance is that my goal is about to be accomplished!! >>

Erasa << you're not answering my question... it's you who did that? Why tear me all that I had? I didn't do anything wrong, I even left your world to create one for myself here where I could live in peace, but no, that was apparently... too much to ask!! >> erasa stared at the ground.

Raiku << um... Erasa my poor Erasa your way of acting is pathetic don't you think? .... >> before she finished her sentence erasa appeared in front of her and said holding out her hand

Erasa << ""exteriores vincula "" >>

erasa kicks Raiku on the chest and the one if mysteriously disappears

Sata << erasa, did you touch Raiku? Can you interfere with beings of the name dimensions now? However it is not logical you are only a hyper demon in my memories!! >>

Erasa << you know me more exactly, I'm more hyper demon ages ago >> Sata made his pupils blush and saw that erasa was far too different than that of other times.

Sata << hehe!! Haaaahahaha!!! Even the level you currently have will not save you from me you know, not even from Raiku, but still I congratulate you erasa, the primordial demon is to reach this level that your body has these scars? >>

Erasa was not answering

Sata << you have become rude my poor I think I should teach you good manners!! >>

Erasa << I don't care at all... do with me what you want you took away my treasure my well-being my reason to exist so I just have to do what you do to me go ahead don't hold back Erashia!! >>

Sata took Erasa in his arms.

Erasa << how can she move so fast? >>

Sata << calm down my tender little sister so small so fragile erasa ... you are right your reason for existing should no longer hughh ... >> sata had noticed something at erasa

Sata << so it has really become a primordial demon.. it even already has super existence 2!!! Killing her became impossible unless I did....>> Sata slowly raised her hand to touch Erasa's head then she was pushed

Erasa "you too disappear"

time seemed to be stopped for a while then everything went back to normal

Sata << you attacked me how many times with the omnipresence erasur? >>

Erasa << no idea, just be proud to have seen it all coming!! >>

Sata was no longer smiling.

Sata "um... Raiku" after saying it Raiku appears out of nowhere in front of her.

Erasa << What? I sealed him in his outer being >>

Raiku << erasa, I will disappoint you but it is useless to have tried that... however what you did is unforgivable >>

Raiku was so annoyed that the area became darker as well as the sky.

Erasa fell but on her knees, she looked everywhere around her and saw the corpse of Jerome, the completely sprawled body of Nehemi who no longer had his own consciousness.

Erasa could not help thinking that she had no chance of winning because the level of her two sisters was much larger than her to such an extent that Erasa preferred to accept her fate and undergo her fate but above all that she no longer had anything of her own because all her treasure according to her no longer exists.

Erasa << I have nothing more to do I want to refuse this reality but it's impossible... it's impossible to get out of your own story sniff... I don't understand anything anymore I've always done everything ... all done to never provoke anyone sniff... all I wanted was always to live my life with my subjects and those I love but even this little comfort was too much to ask for is that ? I hate this world and everyone in it! >>

Erasa stood up facing Raiku and said

Erasa << let's get it over with eliminate me now my existence in itself no longer has any meaning so let's go!!!! >> she was screaming.

A silence suddenly reigned the sadness and the tears of erasa brought down a massive rain with storms and strong winds which created tornadoes.

Raiku << erasa .. I ... um .. >>

Sata slowly approaches erasa and pushes Raiku

Sata << erasa, it's over now I'm going to absorb you instead since I can no longer kill you goodbye >>

she reached out her hand towards erasa and pure energy materialized she was about to absorb erasa.

Erasa meanwhile closed her eyes slowly and her tears turned into tears of blood. Which changed the expression of the face of sata who saw in erasa a terrifying and evil source which even threatened his existence.

Sata << what is that..!!! >> The source was in erasa and could be seen by sata who wanted to eliminate it. Sata could observe black smoke in erasa that seemed to have fiery flame eyes worthy of the flames of hell.

Sata was afraid of what she saw and slowly backed away from erasa

Sata << but ... but !!! >> the smoke that sata could see always materialized and became darker and darker going in all directions, the look of flame was more and more terrifying this look seemed to threaten the existence of sata who could not stand it and started screaming.

Sata << but who are you ?????? >> the black smoke concentrated in mass before jumping completely on Sata and clouding all his mind, sata was completely scared to death.

Looking around she saw the whole space completely black there was no one but her and erasa in that darkness but erasa still looked sad.

Sata walks up and says

Sata << erasa, what is going on here? >>

no answer *

Erasa was completely silent

Sata << you do it on purpose not to answer? I'm talking to you erasa!! >>

she hits erasa, with a slap that seemed to make things even more ugly erasa falls on the ground and as soon as this mass of black smoke covers the body of the latter by decomposing her body. Sata saw Erasa's body decomposing very quickly leaving only his bones. Sata was terrified.

Sata << but what happens ???? >> the smoke materialized in front of the skeleton of erasa, this smoke which took the form of death physically having a large size and covered with a long black coat which covered its face. Sata got on his guard.

Sata << you don't scare me come on approach!!! >> The terrifying figure showed no signs of life

Sata << I will destroy it now >>

she jumped towards the figure and at the same time the figure opened its jaws and a dark hand immediately pulled out grabbing Sata by the throat. The hand stretched and seemed to lead sata to nowhere she couldn't defend herself when suddenly the hand tackled her to the ground

Sata << hurgh... get off the dirt!!! >>

from there a voice was heard.

The voice << if I were you I would close it so that no more odds and ends happen to me >>

sata << huh?! >>

A look out of the shadows observing sata who was completely paralyzed. However, she watched this funny look in the shadows with attention which made the moment intense for her.

Then she screamed

Sata << I remember you Lucifer... the source of my being you are the one who sent me to give the apple to Eve telling me that if I did I would be worthily rewarded, but not you liar I I was cursed I hate you you can't imagine how much let go of me!!!! >>

Lucifer's gaze remained unmoved and he said.

Lucifer "what can I do with you except remove you from existence? You were of little interest to me I only needed you for Adam and Eve now after you were no longer useful to me >>

Sata << grrrrr!!! You promised me a reward and I never got it >>

Lucifer "of course if...you are there still alive as sin, I have allowed you to come back to life as one of us and no longer a stupid reptilian...you now have the power to do and to have all that you want here is your reward but also, if I allowed myself to materialize there it is because you wanted to attack what is dearest to me >>

Sata << abon, and what is it? >>

Lucifer << my daughter erasa!! Don't you ever dare make her cry or want to hurt her again otherwise I'll make you regret in the worst possible way!! >>

Sata << haaaahaha!! I will go after her of course despite all this power that your daughter contains she is for me no different from normal beings like simple humans, her power is simply non-existent in front of me I just have to snap my fingers to that she suffers martyrdom, you see? For erasa, I am the equivalent of a god and you know it!! >>

Lucifer << what is all the more funny is that it is in the same way that I see you also you do not even have more difference than an insect in front of me and given that you want to do suffer my daughter I will do it with you now >>

SATA << What?? ... >> Lucifer began to enter Sata's body and the latter saw his body blacken and an intense pain was also felt, the pain was unbearable for Sata who was crying blood. His body was completely black and motionless.

Sata << what is he doing to me? Stop it I beg you I will never come back here again haaaaaaaa !!!!!!!..... >> Then sata seems to wake up in front of erasa as if she came out of a dream

Sata << erasa, aren't you dead? >>

Erasa << What? Of course not, what are you waiting for to delete me? >> sata was slowly stepping back from erasa shaking all over.

Raiku << sata what's happening to you? >>

Raiku did not understand what was happening with sata and besides she was not there alone because erasa was also perplexed.

Erasa << but what are you doing? >>

Sata << you erasa, don't come near me I never want to see you again, is that understood? >>

Erasa << huh?! But what is happening to you? >>

Sata rushes to the sky and screams

Sata << Raiku let's not stay here quickly let's leave this place!!! >>

Raiku was puzzled but suddenly terrified so she took out her wings and took off too.

It took little time for them to completely leave the erasa world.

Erasa was now all alone surrounded by corpses, only Nehemi was still alive but she had no more consciousness, Erasa was completely sad and remained standing without saying a word because for her, she had nothing left.

She approaches Nehemi and sits down on the floor then she puts Nehemi's head on her lap, and looks at Nehemi who was still in his sleep. Erasa's tears flowed over Nehemi. Erasa cried like she had never done before. When suddenly Lucifer appears behind her.

Lucifer << erasa !!! >> erasa looks behind her and sees her father who also saw erasa in tears. Erasa got up and ran crying into her father's arms

Erasa << father, they are dead sniff... I will never dream of them again sniff.... I already miss them so much!!!! >>

Lucifer held his daughter in his arms and said

Lucifer << erasa, stop crying I hate to see you like this!! >>

Erasa << but father I have absolutely nothing left... nothing at all!!!! >>

Erasa's cries following her sadness only became more and more worrying for her father Lucifer could not help thinking that in all this history erasa has always been a victim until now, she was always only in her a victim of all these events up to now. Lucifer should as a father always watch over her while training her to devictimize herself from all these events.

Lucifer << erasa stop crying now I'll fix everything >> said Lucifer wiping away the tears of erasa.

Erasa slowly raises her head and stares her father in the eyes.

Erasa << sniff... really you can do it father? >>

Lucifer << actions speak louder than words don't you think my little Erasa?>> after this sentence everything went back to normal. Erasa's subjects all came back to life and Nehemi was back to being herself. She had regained her consciousness.

Erasa couldn't believe her eyes.

Erasa << father but... but... >>

Lucifer << I did it for you because you are my treasure and if my treasure is defective I must therefore repair it!>>

Erasa << father!!!! Thank you very much !!!! >> erasa began to hug Lucifer, her tears of sadness become tears of joy erasa was all smiles all of a sudden, which made her father proud.

Erasa << er.. but father why they act like they can't see us right now? >>

indeed, they were certainly not doing their usual activities but erasa was not visible to them as well as Lucifer.

Lucifer << I am all simply imperceptible and invisible moreover the fact that you are in my arms currently makes you the same too >>

Erasa << ah... I understand better father, you allow me to see them? >>

Lucifer << not in this state >> Lucifer creates an outfit in erasa

Lucifer "now you can go" erasa hugging Lucifer again and said

Erasa << I love you father!! >>

Then she lets go and was automatically detectable to Nehemi and Jerome.

Nehemi << lord erasa is it really you this time? >> erasa threw herself on Nehemi and Jerome and hugged them

Jerome << huhg... at least we're sure it's lord erasa this time >>

All the subjects were there, proud to see their lord after years.

Lucifer was on high and just watching them

Lucifer << hum... erasa I will do everything so that nothing bad happens to you, you can count on me >> .

Part6; (:Sata, Reptilius, Erashia, Medusa, Hinata... the same) person?

After this shameful defeat against Lucifer, sata and Raiku took refuge in the zero world (world several million times larger than that of existence and characterized by no space just spirits and some spiritual beings)

Raiku " Sata why did we run away because I have absolutely nothing at the moment? "

Sata was silent, she was thinking about her deepest fears, she who had only been afraid twice in her life, the third had just happened.

Sata " what is that? First the supreme god, then mother Lilith and finally Lucifer it's annoying "

Raiku " uh... Sata how are you? "

Sata"eh?! Yes of course....

Well let's get Apollo and teach him his lesson "

Raiku " there now, are you sure? "

Sata"yes i need to put my rage on someone"

Raiku " fine let's go!! " The two demon kings then took the path.

In the world of the gods, Apollo was in his space where he listened to music drawn from his divine instruments which caused pretty flowers to grow around him.

Arophile " lord Apollo, the music, you seem to like it "

Apollo " music is what characterizes the beauty of some things or the bad but for me a good music will always characterize the good there proof this melody is so magnificent that it makes flowers grow around and much better still "

Arophile " you are right lord Apollo! " the divine animals were equally fascinated by the melody of the instruments of Apollo this divine melody was even originated from many miracles according to rumors

Apollo interrupted this because today was the judgment of Zara.

Apollon " well we should go see all this and go back for good " Apollon was rather nervous because since the mistake of zara he is constantly taken from his precious time

In a rather large room, there were gods visible from everywhere who did not want to miss what was about to happen.

In the gods time was slower than in the human world

So he had already collapsed 8 years in the world of existence

The moment to put an end to all this had finally arrived

Zeus"zara, where is your daughter? You only came with this human? "

Zara was in the center of a sort of arena where she was standing staring at zeus who was judging her

Zara " I thought she would be of no use and moreover I don't want any harm to happen to her "

Zeus " because you think I would have eliminated him? "

Zara "um...!!!" zeus frowned

Zeus " Protective Goddess I will ask you to fetch Zara's daughter "

A goddess as beautiful as the great goddess appears with immense wings

She was one of the most powerful tertiary gods in this category.

Protective goddess " it is heard my lord zeus " then she flapped her wings and disappeared

Shiba was held by angels and did not know what was happening

Shiba " sweetheart... Zara, then you were a goddess! Have you always been? "

Zara watched Shiba but did not answer, her eyes were full of tears.

Mü Thanatos was also watching seated with wamy standing to her right

Mü Thanatos " wamy, what's going to happen there now? "

Wamy " well goddess, Zara will definitely receive a lesson from lord zeus I can only see that "

Mü Thanatos " I see and could I refuse to attend this? "

Wamy " unfortunately not goddess because if you do it you will show lord zeus that this meeting made by him does not interest you and he will see it as a kind of insult to him "

Mü Thanatos " I was thinking the same thing I just needed confirmation... "

Wamy"huh?!! " The Protector Goddess reappears with empty hands

Protective goddess " lord zeus, the daughter of zara is by no means in the giant dimension of the latter "

Zeus " what, zara you want to piss me off like never before? Where is your daughter ? "

Zara " lord zeus I swear to you that I left her in my husband's house I don't understand how she could have disappeared from my G dimension? " said zara crying

Zeus looks zara in the eye and says

Zeus " very well Apollo !! "

Apollo appears before Zeus

Apollo "yes my lord!! "

Zeus " I give you the task of choosing an individual to look for Zara's daughter "

Apollo " I could always take care of it my lord I just need Thanato to go there now "

Zeus " so be it "

Thanato appears

Thanato " um... why me? "

Apollo " because you have fewer and fewer tasks so follow me without complaining!! "

Thanato"hurg...!!! " both disappeared

Zeus " zara if you try to play a trick on us I warn you that I will make sure to make your existence disappear "

Zara " I tell you my lord it is strictly not the case "

Zeus "very good!"

Apollo and Thanato were moving through some kind of empty dimension at very high speed

Apollon was rather focused on the task but that's not what really bothered him to find Arcanum

He had another goal. Apollo's senses were warning him that a demon had been wishing him harm for some time. Apollo therefore wanted to know who this famous demon was and if possible show him that they are not playing in the same class.

Thanato " hey, Apollo why are you so serious? This mission is so important to you? " Apollo came out of his thoughts and looked at Thanato

Apollo " huh, what? "

Thanato " I want to know why you seem so serious is it for this mission? "

Apollo" no, on the contrary, I rather have something else in mind "

Thanato " what? "

Apollo " just a little thing , let's say it's forever to maintain my honor and my magnificence "

Thanato " no but you're serious there, So why put me in this story? "

Apollo " because if I manage to find the being who wants to dishonor me I will make him suffer like never before and you will therefore have to continue this search on your own since I have great confidence in your power and your seriousness in all that you do "

Thanato " um... what you say is honorable for me!! Alright let's go"

They continued their journeys in the empty dimension

Apollo did not tell Thanato the real reason for his choice which was to want to check if death could affect a super-existing being because the control of Thanato's death was somehow linked to that of Mü Thanatos the very existence of this goddess was the source of the formation of Thanato as well as all the primordial gods except zeus who was neutral. Thanato is therefore a form linked to the concept of evil of Mü Thanatos who had death within him and Thanato is therefore the form of this concept. What may seem vague is that Thanato existed long before Mü Thanatos as did the primordial, secondary and tertiary gods as well as some omnipotent ones so how many of them saw their existence linked to the concept of good and bad which was Mü Thanatos. simply because the source of Mü Thanatos existed by being god and this source was detached from him a few billion years ago to form Mü Thanatos.

After a while Apollo and Thanato arrive in the outer void.

Apollo"well where can be our enemies and our kidnapper?"

Thanato "we should rather scan the worlds"

Apollo "no time" Apollo materialized a spear and said

Apollo " this spear will make our task easier " he throws it into the void and the spear disappears

Thanato " um... one of your famous stalking spears? "

Apollo "exactly...there she found our target take my hand" Thanato took Apollo's hand and both disappeared

They appear in the world of nothingness which is said to be equal to the world of gods and the underworld

Apollo sees his spear on a statue and it puzzles him

Apollo " what is this statue? " the statue was pierced by the spear of Apollo

Thanato "it looks like your spear has been tricked or manipulated"

Apollo " it's impossible my spear only obeys me and it never misses its target Thanato " an applause drew the attention of the primordial gods

*Clap Clap Clap *

It's sata who was applauding them

Apollo " so it's her?"

Thanato " looks like Mü Thanatos she looks a lot alike ".

Apollo " isn't she the little erasa? "

Thanato " the erasa demon has skin rather similar to Mü Thanatos not as lightly tanned "

Sata " shut up you two! "

Apollo " what insolence !!" he said with a slight smile

Sata " among you two who is the god Apollo? "

Apollo " who does she think she is? Apollon it's me space of..... " Apollon remarks that he was attacked by the hand full of terrifying claws of sata which he had narrowly dodged before making a leap backwards

Thanato " she's not kidding that one!! "

Apollo remained silent his gaze was more serious now

Sata " good reflex you I understand now how you could beat Éprès; Zérécla and Sai!! "

Thanato " then Apollo I'll let you take care of it I'm going !!"

Apollon " no wait, I would like you to me .... " Apollon and Thanato did not have time to finish their conversations that Raiku had struck in the middle of the two individuals

Apollo in the airs says

Apollo " is it innate for you to attack by surprise?! "

Raiku " No one between you and your boyfriend will leave here alive "

Thanato " what an idea to talk about life in my presence hahahaha!!" Apollo and Thanato land on the ground of nothingness

Apollo " well I'm going to slaughter them !!"

Thanato " no, we share "

Apollo " very well leave me this demon as arrogant as it is " said Apollon staring at his sata

Sata " be proud to cross my arrogance you because I rarely give so much interest to anyone "

Apollo " "separatio"" thanks to this technique Apollo could materialize a force field to separate the world from nothingness and thus everyone can fight in their part without disturbing the others during the fight.

Apollo " I will teach you to respect me little demon "

Sata " that's what we'll see " sata took his position to fight but not Apollo who was just standing.

In the world of the gods zara had been left in the center of the arena where she had the company of Mü Thanatos and wamy there was no one else. Shiba had been enclosed in a kind of sheet where he was sealed

Zara " if only... if only I had listened to you Mü Thanatos I wouldn't be here I hate the turn this event is taking "

Mü Thanatos just stared at zara without saying a word. Wamy took the floor

Wamy " well goddess zara unfortunately there is nothing left to do... all you have to do is hope that events change and improve on your side "

Zara " I only do that wamy but we the gods can feel what always awaits us later and on my side it's rather not pretty what will happen to me "

Wamy " what? "

Zara " yes my dear wamy I'm doomed all I can do now is to hope that all this happens quickly and that my daughter will always be fine and even now she is already 21 years old and already has a good command of magic " wamy had a kind of vision that made him feel uncomfortable

Wamy " uh, goddess Mü Thanatos and goddess zara I'm sorry but I'm going to have to retire to do something it won't take long "

Mü Thanatos " go ahead I give you my permission too "

Wamy bowed and disappeared

Zara " wamy is a generous adviser, is he often absent like this? "

Mü Thanatos " yes of course he will come back very soon don't worry... you should rather worry about yourself "

Zara " my destiny is already mapped out and there is nothing good left "

Mü Thanatos " i would love to change that " zara touched Mü Thanatos' head and said

Zara " don't worry about that I think what's happening to me right now I deserve it "....

Back in the world of nothingness the fight of the gods against the demon kings had begun. The intensity of the fight was terrifying on Raiku and Thanato's side

Thanato " you're doing pretty well yourself "

Raiku " is that all you have to say before you disappear? "

Thanato"hahahaha!!! Don't make me laugh" Thanato reaches out his hand and says

Thanato""parricidii principatus""dark magic was leaking from Thanato's hand and at that moment, Raiku saw Thanato's magic on his hand

Raiku " how could I not see this attack coming? "

Thanato " you can't feel her coming she's like the space around you... "

Raiku "I can feel the attacks that come from silly space"

Thanato"hahahaha!! There's nothing to do with these attacks... the truth is you were doomed the moment we met"

Raiku " where are you coming from? "

Thanato " death is omnipresent you know that I am death and it is impossible to escape from the moment we met you were doomed because the magic of death that I am has directly affected you so currently all my attacks have already hit you, I just have to materialize them for them to have an effect on you, do you understand now? "

Raiku"hughhh....?! "

Thanato " you were a hit target even before I launched any attack "

Raiku"shut up!!! " Raiku jumps up and attacks Thanato by punching her in the face but she was surprised as her punch had no effect

Thanato " the attack that I materialized a few minutes ago on you kills the effectiveness of your attacks in other words you can't do anything to me anymore you're dead for me " raiku began to tremble

Thanato "if you're compassionate I won't hurt you" Raiku jumped back but his blood froze when he noticed that Thanato was already behind her

Thanato"Give Up!! "

On the other side of the force field, another fight between sata and Apollo raged.

Sata attacks Apollon without giving her a moment of respite but Apollon easily counters the attacks of the latter

Sata " you never attack? Where you have trouble following my moves haha"Apollo appears behind sata and uses his spear to get it.

The spear pierces sata but the latter's body immediately becomes a statue that evaporates like dust.

Apollo " that's not normal " sata reappears and says

Sata"hahahaha!!!! Haaaahahaha!! Give up you can never hurt me or even hurt me "

Apollo appears next to sata and charges his lance with destructive energy which pierces sata again but the same phenomenon is repeated she then becomes a statue which evaporates afterwards like dust

Apollo " um.... " sata reappears again

Sata " you are stubborn my word you could never hurt me even if I left myself at your mercy you could never scratch me "

Apollo was focused on the fight because it was a first for him that a character escaped the inevitable effect caused by his spear

Sata rushes Apollo and kicks him in the stomach. The latter is projected followed by sata which gave multiple blows

Sata"fatal mistake never let me touch you in a fight because you will literally be at my mercy"sata walks away and says

Sata " "maledictio reptilium damnat in aeternum"" after saying it the body of apollo turns into stone he became a statue

Sata " the spell I just cast on you condemns your being and your person to be cursed by the curse of the reptilians so your being will be sealed as a status for eternity "

Apollo " conversely * "

Sata's body turns to stone and suffers the effect of the attacks she sent to Apollo

Apollo " perfect now how will she escape an attack that will affect her being and her person? "

The stone body of sata remained stable

Apollo " well.. so you can't escape this kind of attack but how could my spear not work it's almost the same principle though!! "

Then he hears behind him

" gooo!!! " Apollo jumped and jerked back

Apollo " she is immune to the being's attacks? But who is this demon? "

Sata " I'm going to tell you a little something that will illuminate all this... I am the demon Sata a demon king I am part of the demons of divine calamity the gods have known me by the name of medusa and the humans by that of hinata " eyes of apollo widen. The situation was no longer to be taken lightly for him because he realizes that in front of him was one of the few demons capable of eliminating primordial gods

Apollo " medusa.. I remember you and your legends you are the demon of sin the one who made the mother of humans sin by pushing her to eat the forbidden apple... but I had heard that you had been beaten by The father of humans Adam!!! "

Sata " it was a failure in my Apophis form yes there was a time I got angry with God so I wanted to devour the world of existence with my reptilian form to make his creations pay but this Adam m had beaten her with her power"

Apollo " hihi this power that allows him to decide everything and nothing that's it yes "

Sata " hum... thanks to this power it was impossible for me to beat him because he could decide my attacks if they should hit him or not and he did not tolerate any of my attacks because if only one reached him on it he would have died easily "

Apollo "he had also decided that his attacks could get the better of you and he did...you know we gods have this "decision" ability?"

Sata"hahahaha!!!! Is this supposed to scare me? "

Apollo "huh...!!!"

Sata " my body is currently developed to its climax so that I can no longer fear anything... I could take everything you know how to do but you, on the contrary, no! "

Apollo " she dares to underestimate me?"

Sata " so what? That's the case you will never be able to touch me in real time "

Apollo " you killed gods and sealed their being in stone statue by being Medusa before hiding them in a cave imperceptible for even us the primordial gods "

Sata"it was fun"

Apollo " then you lived with a human king "Giffereld" you pretended to be his wife for more than 30 years and on the day of your royal wedding you emptied all the men on this planet.... man, male animals and so on all that were male on this planet had been taken out of their total reproductive seed leaving them as dry as old raisins... and that was not enough you turned all those empty men into cannibals thirsty for female blood what was all this for? "

Sata " Apollo... can I call you darling? Apollo my darling you are so royal hihihihi "

Apollo " under the name of Erashia you went to two other divine calamity type demons the demon with 50 heads and 100 arms with his funny cousin you three had spread a curse among the gods pushing them to disobey the laws celestial gods of the Father God then you stabbed your two allies in the back losing them in the endless then for eternity "

Sata " they didn't interest me at all so I had to get rid of them, don't you think I did well, Apollo, honey? "

Apollo " I'm going on... you have committed so many disasters in time that some are not even known by the gods... you know yourself how many gods you have suppressed... how many gods you have manipulated. .. the problem with you is not just the fact that you attack gods but the one where you attack all creatures that are you are a danger to existence itself and that is.... c that's why I have to take it upon myself to end you for good here and now!!! I don't know your real no but I know that sata is just the cover for your new project.."sata was watching Apollo seriously and smiling slightly before saying

Sata " oh.. Apollo darling unmasked me and now he wants to fight? " the world of nothingness shook suddenly. Apollo's aura became more and more dance

Apollo " you will disappear!!"....

During this time,

Always on the side of Thanato and Raiku

Their fight seemed to be over

Raiku " I don't want to admit defeat so easily "

Thanato " yet it's the case don't you agree? "

Raiku"No!! No !! No !!!!!!! *Suicide of being*"

Thanato "what an idiot" Raiku's body exploded releasing murderous particles from his being

Then it materializes again, Raiku also seems to be more confident

Thanato "approaches"" he says but nothing happens

Thanato " how? "

Raiku " too bad for you... when I use my overexist I come back immune to previous attacks and I'm even able to overpower them "

Thanato " nothing special a bit like all the primordial gods what "

Raiku " indeed but not only... the height is that my overexistence takes into account all in my opponent basically I am immune to you and all that you have "

Thanato got serious and said

Thanato " I see " indeed the situation was becoming a real problem for him

Raiku attacks and Thanato smiles

They engage in a hand-to-hand fight where Raiku and Thanato exchange several blows.

But the difference was obvious raiku largely dominated Thanato in this area

Thanato walks away and launches a ranged attack but no effect on raiku

Raiku " you can't do anything to me anymore I told you that now I'm more powerful than you thanks to my overexistence... sata taught me a lot of things and I then improved my techniques to resist you by the way the transcendence ability is useless against me"

Thanato " you know about the gods it's good... it looks like you've been preparing for this meeting for years "

Raiku " it's a bit like that indeed "

Thanato " very well you know I don't have time to waste right now I have to find a missing child you don't know where he is from by any chance? "

Raiku " um... even if I knew I wouldn't tell you "

Thanato " I suspected it... listen to me well I'm not the type to always want to kill demons so don't you rather want to leave this business and go away to let me look for this child? "

Raiku"hahahaha, no!! "

Thanato " you leave me no choice Predator space "!!"

Raiku "um...?! " the space around raiku became completely like quicksand

Raiku " it's useless you know!! "

Thanato " you think? " space began to absorb raiku

Raiku couldn't get rid of it

Thanato " it's not an attack to defeat you you know I'm just transferring you to a place where you'll have a hard time getting out the next one!! "

Raiku"you coward!! " she says before disappearing

Thanato " piouf... she could have given me a bad time that one "

On the other side a raging fight takes place.

Sata uses her gaze to transform Apollo who was coming towards her at high speed. Sata then spreads a dust of smoke around her which turns Apollo to stone on first contact.

But Apollo reversed the spell

Apollo ""conversely""

Sata finds himself transformed into stone then the phenomenon of earlier reproduces

Apollo " I would have to pierce this Mister!! "

Sata reappears

Sata " hahahaha, well I'm going to tell you a secret my technique is called "Extension space" to protect me it's always there once I take an attack capable of harming me physically or mentally see anyone.... Extension space will get me out of here but still a little secret

Every time Space Extension saves me it gives me immunity to the previous technique and also gives me the right now to use it to my advantage understand? !"

Apollon " huh... " Apollon saw the situation getting worse because he hadn't found a flaw in this technique but still it could literally cause a quick loss

Apollo " I must locate how this ability works and quickly "

Sata materialized Apollo's Spear

Sata " look at that, this spear that never misses its target hihihi, it's mine now!!! "Sata said licking the blade with his forked tongue like a snake

Apollo " it's a bluff this spear can't be authentic like mine because the spear I use is only mine and belongs only to me impossible to make a second one exactly like mine "

Sata " oh, you want to check?! " sata launched the object which rushes at Apollo at high speed

Apollo ""steadfast""Apollo strikes the spear which also forced him to pierce. The shock wave spreading in the world of endless nothingness

Apollo " how she resists, only the original spear can do that!!! "

Sata " it's not over " Sata materializes a second spear

Sata "Hurricane of Destruction*" she twisted the spear with her hand repetitively. Creating a terrifying hurricane that sliced ​​through space and destabilized Apollo so the spear he was watching ended up piercing him removing all his powers and special divine abilities

Apollo was then as fragile as a normal human and the hurricane proceeded to tear him apart cutting his limbs from the body

Sata stopped spinning the spear and saw Apollo fall back to the ground with his limbs ripped off and scattered.

Sata " bouuuuu!!! You shouldn't have underestimated me you see my Extension space technique gives me the absolute capacity of the object I snatched from you including the many combinations that go with it "

Apollo " grrrraaahh!! " he said while being covered in Blood

Sata " it is clear that I have won now... you are lucky your overexistence prevents you from dying no matter what I will put you through but alas your spear took away your way of regenerating you as easily as will you do now, me as far as I am concerned I will seal your existence "

Sata "" maledictio reptilium damnat in aeternum""

Apollo's body slowly turns to stone

Then nothing more happens. Apollo's body stopped transforming

Sata"but what the..."sata's body turns to stone and evaporates

Sata reappears

Sata " who dared to do this? "

Thanato "thin, I thought she would be dead"

Sata"an instant death technique!! "

Thanato " how did you know? "

Sata " my Extension space technique allows me to analyze it, but it's a cheesy technique look I'll show you one that will directly kill you.... " sata disappeared again like ashes before reappearing

Sata "....hum....I see it is also enough to want to kill him for this instant death technique to activate and eliminate me "

Thanato " this Extension space ability how did you learn it? "

Sata " in the norm I was going to ignore this question but since no matter what information I offer you you will always do nothing "

Thanato " so tell me how did you get it? "

Sata " you are the source of the God of gods, all that exists all that we all know that we create is from him because it is the source of all but you know this source capacity is specific to God since I could not possess I just copied it and by copying this ability I can afford any ability to perfection and even improve it because any ability you know comes from the source and I am now in some sort the source also "

Thanato "come to the point!!"

Sata " I just created the Extension space technique which is unique to me based on the laws of the universe "

Apollo " the laws of the universe?! " said Apollo on the floor

Sata " Apollo darling you are still there, sorry you forgot... yes the laws of the universe do you see that you gods are only based on big things or even small things can become a real problem

Extension space is a spatial ability and I amplified it with the laws of existence here you know everything "

Thanato " Apollo how are you? "

Apollo " Thanato, Delete me now! "

Thanato "what?"

Apollo "do it now!!! "

Thanato "very good "sneaky death""

Sata " um... " Apollo was vanishing from existence his body disintegrating into black flames before disappearing completely.

Sata " you eliminate your teammate so easily! "

Thanato "he knows what he's doing"

Sata " well we have a fight to finish too "voracious gravity" " The nether world began to compress itself the gravity was so strong that the nether world was literally collapsing but after a few seconds everyone back to normal

Sata " how? "

Thanato " it looks like I'm going to fight more seriously with you "

Sata " what happened? "

Thanato " it's none of your business "sneaky death""

Black flames began to devour sata.

Sata " this is the technique you used against Apollo, right? " his body disintegrates and Sata reappears

Sata"I'm back with a surprise for you "sneaky death""the black flames attack Thanato then disappear before they touch him

Sata " wow, you are a good mystery for me I have to find out what suppresses my attacks every time since a while ago "

Thanato " I am death and nothing can approach me without dying "

Sata " what, what are you insinuating exactly? "

Thanato " when death decides to devour and surface all who approach it die instantly "

Sata " yet earlier I thought of killing you and I died finally I was supposed to be "

Thanato " the negative thoughts against death that I am directly eliminate the author of these thoughts instantly that's why you were taken earlier "


Sata " so if I understand all the attacks I'm going to send you, let's die instantly including me if I approach you negatively I understand why my technique with gravity is canceled in fact it was dead "

Thanato "exactly but staying away from me doesn't protect you either you know"

Sata " I expected it you're a hard guy to beat seen like that unless!! " sata throws himself towards Thanato who remains unmoved. And the body of sata becomes a statue again which disintegrates then it reappears

Sata " you were right, but now I'm literally immune to you "

Thanato " how? "

Sata " I now have the same powers as you "

Thanato "all my powers? It's impossible "

Sata""parricidii principatus""

Thanato "*transcendence*"

Sata"eh? "

Thanato appears behind sata and says

Thanato " I know how to protect myself from my own attacks and my own magic is useless against me " he hits Sata and the one who disappeared into a stone statue before reappearing afterwards

Sata " if I understand correctly your abilities will be useless against you? "

Thanato "exactly"

Sata " what will be seen " sata materializes Apollo's spear and adds Thanato's own dark magic on it


Thanato " this spear that never misses its target, no!! " Sata threw the spear

Thanato"mist of extinction""a mist of black magic escaped from Thanato the spear sped all the same until a hand seized it in its volley

Sata " but what is it? "

Thanato " Apollon you are finally back!! "

Apollo "well, now it's time to be done with you" Apollon was confident and smiling sata didn't understand why

Sata"Apollo darling you're finally back..."Apollo hits Sata so fast she didn't see her move

Sata's technique caused him to turn to stone before returning

Apollo " "absolute divine perception" combination *transcendence awakened* " sata appears a little further but Apollo was already in front of her and he knocks again on her who disappears. The phenomenon had become weird for her every time she got hit and Extension space accomplished to make her disappear and reappear then make her completely immune to Apollo's attacks more Apollo became powerful and always knew where she will appear, Extension space became almost a burden for Sata because his only use now was to be protected from the attacks of apollo without suffering the consequences of his violence

Sata " but how does he do it? Fog of Extinction" " The dark magic fog was escaping from sata which made Apollo stop for a while

Sata"waking dead"sata attacks Apollon but being toxic even to space her body gave off an aura that killed even space around her

Apollo " so she masters all of Thanato's techniques now? "

Thanato " I'm a little sorry and be careful because this ability she just activated kills everyone who approaches or touches her instantly without possible return "

Apollo "divine immunity" " Apollo's body is covered with a coat of golden aura and the exchange of blows between sata and him was visible

Sata was quite agile in this clinch but Apollon too

Sata steps back and materializes the spear imbued with death magic and Apollo's destruction

Apollo also steps back and materializes his spear also with a divine aura

They exchanged several blows with the spears but none managed to hurt the other or even touch him.

Apollo "Frozen Space"" Sata finds herself stuck in the space around her and could no longer move

Apollo " Thanato devours everyone in this space makes her more able to make the slightest movement in the space of the world of nothing "

Thanato " very good "sneaky space" " The world of nothingness was completely frozen as well as all who were in it now only Apollo and Thanato could make movements

Apollo""visio predonum""Apollo's eyes light up

Apollo "you Apophis, I ask this spear to destroy you to your superexistent being now!!!! "

Apollo threw his spear which hit sata head on and made it disappear

Apollo " it's time! " Apollo materializes a second spear and throws himself on sata. By his vision he saw the pierced body of sata turning into stone in front of him and another body of her was coming out of the stone one.

Apollo " this time I can finally see how it works you won't escape me!!! " Apollo rushes on the body which comes out of the stone one but a strange phenomenon was occurring in this invisible space. Apollo notices that the more he approaches her the more she moved away, the more he accelerated the more she moved away even faster she became impossible to approach to such a point that she disappeared completely

Apollo " shit !!! " sata reappears again

Sata " cuckoo !! "

Apollo " you are really annoying "

Sata " just thank you for all the new techniques you gave me now hahahaha transcendence " "

Apollo " no worries " Apollo and sata approaches with gargantuan speed and hits their point on each other causing colossal power, the world of nothingness was in danger of destruction but not only....the others world too so much the energy was massive

Thanato "divine imprisonment" " thanks to this ability Thanato could stagnate Apollo and sata as well as all this power accumulated in a kind of Giant sphere but it was tricky because there was too much power Thanato did all he could for them hold back but alas it was impossible even for him there was too much destructive energy

Thanato " argh, I can't wait!!!! " the sphere of protection changes shape and deforms completely having full of bumps, by one of the top all the destructive energy escaped brutally there was so much that it created a hole in the space a kind netherworld outer portal

The more the deformed sphere was emptied of this energy, the more it diminished to the point of completely disappearing

Thanato " at least we escaped the disaster... apollo quickly finishes with where you are from!!! " in the hole created by the energy of apollo and sata violently falls into another empty space. A huge blank space in red color but darker

Apollo " well, well, well "

Sata"huh, where are we here? "

Apollo " we are in the second layer of the outer vacuum "

Sata"haha, outer void has layers now?! "

Apollo " he always had, a layer that covers another is infinitely larger than the old one in the worlds but from the second layers it is transfinitely larger than the first in the outer voids the following layers will be at each times transfinitely larger than the previous one too "

Sata " the first layer is already larger than the worlds to such an extent that the worlds are grains of sand for him which is like the universe for them in terms of size and now you are telling me something like that!! So the first layer is not the limit of all?"

Apollo " of course not, the outer layers are innumerable, let's also imagine in this sense that the first layer is a grain of sand and that the second layer represents two universes in front of it so much the difference in size is colossal and it is thus at each top layer "

Sata " why are they so many and big? "

Apollo " to be inaccessible to the Father God do you see the Father God is so absolute that he prefers to be far from us to protect us because if he decides to completely fit into our plan there would be nothing left "

Sata " huh... apollo!! "

Apollo " what else? "

Sata " .... no nothing, I have to finish you now! "

Apollon " pfff I'll be indulgent with you I may have made a mistake so go away now "

Sata " you're not serious, are you afraid of me, so you were showing off in front of your teammate when you're worthless? "

Apollo " nothing to see "

Sata " so let's fight we go !! "

Apollo " um... " sata attacks Apollo

Apollo " very well as you wish authority " I order sata to stay still!! "

Sata " what? " she was completely frozen

Apollo ""divine wrath strikes from the gods salvation from the punishment of sin the strike from the god redeemer" a golden statue materializes behind Apollo this statue appeared to be meditating with billions of arms on its back

Apollo " this attack if you survive it means you're not just anyone! "

Sata " of course I will survive and this technique will be mine too "

Apollo " in this second layer it is said that one can create several infinities of vacuum of the first layer including the worlds that it possesses... here I can release at least 60% of my power without fearing an extinction of existence"

Sata " but what are you waiting for do it!!! "

Apollo " by my authority I command that you no longer possess any power "

Sata feels her powers disappear inside her

Sata " how....? "

Apollon just hits him with a serious punch that throws sata away. For once, her technique does not activate her sata was bleeding a lot from her mouth and nose as she continued her projection, she said to herself that maybe she would finally be freed from everything she had experienced that Apollo would finally put an end to his days for good

Eventually she stops hovering hits bottom and gets up awkwardly

Sata " so that's all you know how to do, I expected better than that from a god like you why not use your technique with all his arms huh? "

Apollo appears before her. The effect of surprise made her seat fall. While being, she looked at Apollo and saw in his eyes an unparalleled gleam that made him sublime for her. She suddenly found him irresistible and attractive.

Sata " get out of my sight you!! " she gets up and attacks with a punch that gets caught by Apollo

Sata " let go of me crazy !! "

Apollo " stop that you're not credible "

Sata"eh?!! "

Apollo " you are no longer able to fight with me, I already congratulate you for having been able to hold against my 38% in the world of nothingness but you will not be able to do more .. the authority capacity is the one whose Father God has used to create and this ability is only allowed if he so decides all the primordial gods have it this ability allows us to covet the power of the divine word and this power which is specific to the Father God is irreversible your ability Extension space normally would have protected you from that and given you the ability to overpower it right after I used it on you but no god give god take back also there is nothing to do against that "

Sata"so why didn't you use it earlier against me? "

Apollo " if I use it in the first layer of the outer void there would be many changes I can't use it anyhow at best I use it in a divine presence superior to mine like zeus or in an outer void even bigger than the first layer"

Sata"Alright then I know what I have to do".Sata frowned.