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3; Apollo the Flawless God

In the kingdom where Apollo was, the latter was accompanied by the primordial demon


Arophile was now deprived of his immense powers by the spear of Apollo.. he was only wondering about him and decided to ask him questions

Arophile << uh... sir !!>>

Apollo << um.. yes >>

Arophile << we have been walking for a while now and we say nothing to each other so I would like to ask you a few questions if you would like to answer me >>

Apollo << um.. go put the >>

Arophile << thank you.. so you said that this spear only allowed us to track down and remove all of our abilities, so does that mean you have other spears with other purposes? >>

Apollo << yes indeed! >>

Arophile << and what do they do? >>

Apollo << my spear of war reduces the adversary to nothing, absolutely all that there is of him including his conscience it leaves nothing of him >>

Arophile << she can kill me? >>

Apollo << impossible just like any being above existence like you ... on the other hand the spear of war would have emptied you of all that you have and of what you know there would be nothing left for you not even your body hahahaha... your existence would be reduced to zero, like the wind, you will just be guided by events more by you >> Arophile began to sweat and said to himself

Arophile << what a terrifying thing to reduce my existence to zero so much more to exist at all... >>

Apollon << no need to be afraid I wouldn't use it on you since you're so calm but if you annoy me bye bye hehehe >>

Arophile << What? can you read my mind too? >>

Apollo << I am a god and of course a primordial god is above existence and non-existence nothing can be unknown to me or escape me! >>

Arophile << I see you are capable of doing what we are incapable of as normal >>

Apollo << exactly... tell me, are you alone here? >>

Arophile << you are omniscient and omnipresent, aren't you? Why are you asking me ? >>

Apollon << because beings with a certain level like you can deceive me and seem non-existent to my knowledge and my location so answer me >>

Arophile << we are three primordial demons here you got me so there are 2 left >>

Apollo << Very good!! >> Apollo made his spear appear to hunt down the two remaining demons but as soon as he wanted to use it he was attacked by two primordial demons on the left side and on the right side. Apollo easily counters their attacks with his spear

Demons fall to the side

Apollon << you came to me it makes things easier thank you >> after Apollon said it a demon collapses directly on the ground, dead he disintegrates and becomes dust which dissipates with the wind.

Arophile << what happened >>

the other demons << this kind of technique does not work on me >>

Apollon << you were able to counter my omnipresence Erasur very well even if it is not the case of your friend >>

Other demon "I could see you coming so I just shattered that reality just like I'm going to smash you now!" >>

Arophile << omnipresence erasur? >>

Apollo << don't you know? It is a technique that allows me to attack you in countless existential planes at the same time. She's going so fast that I can attack you in all these shots right now >> Arophile couldn't believe his eyes

Arophile << but if your adversary is omnipresent? Or that he only lives on one plane, what to do? >>

Apollo << for the first case I remove his omnipresence and I redo the process and for the second I create a plane of his own in my own way and if I kill him in only one of his planes he dies in all the others as well >>

Arophile << this technique is too abused >>

The other demon << pfff it dares to ignore me !! You Arophile you are a traitor >>

Arophile << no I am his prisoner mao he took me hostage I even have more power now to defend myself !!>>

Mao << hum... if you say it anyway he will die >>

Apollo << subscribe? So I'm waiting attack me!! >> The demon attacks Apollo and hits him with a punch so powerful that Apollo throws himself out of the Kingdom

Arophile << how?? >>

Mao took Arophile and said

Mao << do you see? I am now invincible >> he appears with Arophile outside the Kingdom and drops Arophile at the entrance

Mao << watch me slaughter him >> mao disappears

Arophile << wait for me !!!!>>

But Mao was in a hurry and he appeared in front of Apollo and was surprised to see that he had nothing

Apollo << What? Is that all you know how to do? What a disappointment >> mao flew into a rage and attacked him again hitting several pheasants shaking the entire area.

Mao << disappears!! >>

Mao uses an ability called **destruction** which is an ability specific to primordial demons capable of damaging the being and destroying it.

Mao "destruction" a light endowed with a heat as high as that of the world of the underworld took Apollon full force.

Apollo began to howl

Mao<< hahahaha!!!! WHAT ARE YOU ABOUT THAT GOD? >>


The light disappears. Apollo's state was repugnant. He was liquefying.

Mao << here is a god of less!>>

Apollo was lying on the ground without saying a word

Mao << now since you too are like me, above the concept of death I will opt for a sealing!! >>

mao, happy with his fight, created a luminous cube on his hand when suddenly his joy subsides on seeing Apollo smile.

Mao << what makes you laugh? >> Apollo stood up despite his almost liquid state

Mao << how?? How can he get up?? >>

Apollo << hahahaha !!! No but look at yourself believing that you won the fight hahahaha >> mao got on his guard again ready to always fight.

Apollon << no need to do that you've massacred yourself well enough ... *conversely* >>

Apollo claps his hands and returns to his normal state with his beauty his magnificent hair.... but .... on Mao's side it was the opposite he found himself in the pitiful state that Apollo was in a few years ago minutes. he was repulsive, his internal organs were liquefying with the body, even confusing him with the body and he didn't understand what had happened.

Mao << what ..... happened to me ...? >>

Apollo approaches him and materializes a spear

Apollon << I never really fight with my real body you know in general I always reflect that of my adversary you thought you were hitting me but no... you were hurting yourself I just had to make you neglect this pain in the beginning obviously you hit me because the one you see is me, not you but appearances are deceptive because I may not look like you but I remain you >>

Mao << you are a demon?? >>

Apollo << no I'm talking about the stupid body !! >> Apollo bends down and looks Mao in the eye.

Apollon<< what do you say about that? >>

Mao<< it's cheating... you're a cheat you don't know how to fight loyally, it's shameful for a deity!! >>

Apollo sits up and holds out his spear towards Mao.

Apollo << don't be ridiculous at least with that you should know that I didn't need to use 1% of my power against you, because you were already hurting yourself enough! >> Mao disappears

Apollo << hum!!! >> Arophile after running all this time finally arrives on the scene of the fight completely out of breath.

Arophile << Sir, where is Mao? >>

Apollo << he fled from complete inexistence >>

Arophile << complete inexistence? >>

Apollo << yes, Basically he is no longer real because he has changed his source to his own origin, being the unreal void of the subconscious itself, he could even disappear from the memories of many beings soon. understand you Arophile! >>

Arophile << wow!! Mao was that powerful >>

Apollo << haha ​​more powerful than you and by far in terms of magic although you are both primordial demons, however what he just did has nothing to do with power or magic, like all demons paramount he just has this source that is familiar to you !!>>

Arophile << hum... I have barely come out of my harvest for this!! >>

Apollo << find yourself a reason hahahaha >>

Arophile << hum... you are a weird god it's as if nothing impressed you you laugh about all the situations in front of you I remind you that now Mao is currently inaccessible but you don't care!! >>

Apollo << haha... we the primordial gods we are beyond all, nothing represents a problem for us nothing is inaccessible for us, with us the impossibility becomes a possibility, the unthinkable becomes it... . you are not very informed about us so you underestimate us, serious error, little demons !! >>

Apollo was taken with admiration by Arophile

Apollo stretches out his spear and yellow lightning appears Apollo then cuts the space in front of him brutally, Arophile fell to the ground following this violence.

Arophile looks up and he was surprised because Mao was pierced by Apollo's spear.

Arophile << no but I thought he was more real but yet .... I understand more !!! >>

Apollo << escape? impossible !! If you piss me off I might even pick you up in a sealing hahahaha!! >>

mao was still in his dire state

Mao << no but I was in my existence zero how could he have me? >> he says while spitting blood.

Apollo << don't worry you'll go back my war lance just pierced you ... it's the same one I used on the other demons the gold of my omnipresence Erasur to god the arrogant primordial demon !! >>

Mao doesn't seem to know anything anymore... he doesn't even seem to know who he is anymore, in addition to losing his powers and his memory, he turned into smoke and evaporated as such in the wind.

Apollon << here now I just need to know... Arophile?! Are they the ones who insulted zeus? >>

Arophile << no, it was a demon king who did it >>

Apollon<< hum... I see and where exactly is he?? >>

Arophile << I really don't know he moves too much >>

Apollo << well !! Now you can disappear I give you back your powers >>

Arophile feels his body as before recharging his powers, but the latter was not thrilled about this.

Arophile << Monsieur Apollon... I want to serve you and become your servant, even see your student !!>>

Apollo stares him in the eyes being serious and then starts laughing loud and clear.

Apollo << hahahaha... hahaha!! What do you want ? Do you think seeing me I need a servant or anything? >>

Arophile was silent for a moment, then he said.

Arophile << I know you have everything you wanted but I need you I admire you and I would like to look like you and serve you >>

Apollo stares at him for a moment and starts laughing even harder.

Apollo << hahahaha ha... what a demon you are completely stupid like your congeners >>

Apollo turns around and walks on the opposite side to Arophile without saying a word.

Arophile lowers his head and on his face you could see sadness.

Apollo raised his hand as he walked and said

Apollo << hey!! Don't stay planted like that, we're going there, the not common primordial demon! >>

Arophile raised his head and smiled

Arophile << immediately, Mr. Apollon, I'm coming >>

it appears directly on the left of Apollo and both walked together

In the world of the gods, Mü Thanatos continued to rule over his humans which occupied his time even more.

Wamy was sitting on a throne of his own where he was reading a book to pass the time but he was worried about Mü Thanatos because since she ruled over humans she spoke to him very rarely now he stopped reading for a moment.

Wamy << er goddess !!! >>

Mü Thanatos << hum.. wamy !!>>

Wamy << sorry to interrupt you but don't you need a break? One of our children could replace you for a while just as I could too >>

on the face of Mü Thanatos draws a smile.

Mü Thanatos << no thank you I prefer to do it alone it's kind of you to worry about me, wamy my Divine adviser >>

Wamy rose from her throne and said.

Wamy << it's completely normal and I miss your company a little when we played games together it allowed me to awaken my senses by making me even more mature and devoted to you!! >>

Mü Thanatos << huh, I see I understand... just give me a few more years and I'll start beating you again in all your favorite games >>

Wamy << HAHA!! I always ask only that goddess >>

the door of the castle of Mü Thanatos was gently knocked.

Wamy << Hum!! who could it be? >>

wamy goes to the door and opens it

Wamy " yes who is it??" He looks left, then right

Wamy " Uh !!... there is no one >> there was no one outside.

Wamy closes the door.

Wamy << I must have been hallucinating!! >>

Then he felt a presence behind him that of an intruder.

The intruder << wamy !!!!! I'm so happy to see you again >> wamy, surprised couldn't understand how this intruder could enter the room despite his vigilance although he knows who this famous intruder is

Wamy << Ho no not her!!! >> he says with a repulsed era

The intruder was none other than great goddess who had come to pay a little visit.

Great goddess << wamyyyyy!!! Hahahaha >>

she took him in her arms and gave him a big hug wamy turned completely red he was being suffocated by the goddess's big breasts.

Wamy << not even able ...

To say hello, normal kof...kof..kof!!! >> he said choking.

Great goddess released him

Great goddess << oooh it's ok !! I'm just happy to see you again after the beating I gave you a long time ago haaaahaha !!!... >>

Wamy << Hum... it was not worth reminding me, you know, I will spend many memories like this!! >>

Wamy said with a disapproving look.

Great goddess " here !!" she said while holding a book

Great goddess "given that you like to read books or novels of the worlds so much I created one for you have fun >> Wamy was completely happy.

Wamy << What, that's too kind of you, I can't believe it!! >>

Great goddess << it's to make me forgive for having broken your face, haaaahahaha!!! >> wamy looks again disapprovingly at the goddess.

Great goddess << hey my Mü Thanatos adored hello I came to pay you a little visit >>

great goddess heads towards Mü Thanatos.

Mü Thanatos << ha... big sister that's nice of you!! >>

Wamy << uh Great goddess the novels you didn't create them with bogus stories tell me? >>

Great goddess << for who you take me I created them according to your tastes they will all please you 100% I tell you as the goddess that I am, and a magnificent goddess like me is never wrong!! >> she says playing the pretty lady

With a bored look wamy replies.

Wamy << because you know my tastes perhaps? >>

Great goddess << of course I am a goddess and not just any... I am a primordial god I know everything about everything and about nothing I tell you trust me!>>

wamy gave a smile worthy of an excited child

Wamy << ok.. ok I'll believe you now if you'll excuse me, I have a novel to savor! >> Wamy sits on her throne and begins to read.

Great goddess << Mü Thanatos still working on your subjects? >>

Mü Thanatos << yes ... although it may take me some time I also get used to it don't worry >>

Great goddess watch what Mü Thanatos does and says.

Great goddess << we the primordial gods also rule over humans, but how would you explain the fact that I am here and my Giant dimensions and the subjects in it are far away in my castle? >>

Mü Thanatos << uh... I don't know how to explain it but if you can give me some advice I'm all yes! >>

Great goddess << obviously I'm going to teach you Some things you see you can do like us and govern without monitoring them by yourself you see! >>

Mü Thanatos << er?!! >>

Great goddess << awaits us for example the primordial gods have destinies of Number of 9 called basic superexistence you see?>>

Mü Thanatos << Please explain me more! >>

Great goddess << the superexistence are us but above normally, the known beings have two types which one calls existence but these existence are based on the body and the spirit the body represents the physical form and the spirit that spiritual ... what makes an existence from 1 to 0 you see? >>

Mü Thanatos << yes I see! >>

Great goddess << but others are even higher beings like those who are above existence for example have a superexistence which makes them 2.1 and 0 !!>>

Mü Thanatos << what does this number 2 mean for them? >>

Great goddess << the number 2 is the physical body at home and the 1 the spiritual form then the zero is the source above the physical, spiritual and even death it is also the source of the other two numbers if you eliminate the form 2 and 1 of a being above existence you will never be able to reach form zero because it is how to say that...huuummm... not real, it does not really exist it relates to the emptiness of the subconscious unreal, you can reach it but not destroy it because only the body and the spirit can be it but the 0 it is neither one nor the other it is not affected by death and therefore does not cannot be destroyed it is indefinable that is why we speak of inexistence and this non-existent 0 will always make the two previous forms exist as long as the zero form has a consciousness it will do it indefinitely it is an imperceptible source.>>

Mü Thanatos << Wait and you who have 9 forms of superexistence what does that mean exactly? And the soul in some represents what? >>

Great goddess << the soul is the spiritual part like the spirit it is part of the 1 in the beings above existence who possess it and the 0 in the normal beings I forgot to specify that in the normal beings the zero will not be reborn again because it can disappear and die and when it does it is nothing more than a number!! >>

Mü Thanatos << I see... and for the 9 sur existence at home? >>

Great goddess << the 9 is the physical form, the 8 is the spiritual and the rest is like zero in beings above existence but they act a little differently when it brings us back if we have been killed or destroyed by a more powerful being, we will come back more powerful than him why? Because our superexistence will always allow us by changing our data to redo them for the better, moreover our death creates a new superexistence each time and that each time we come back so our superexistence could now be at 10, 11 and from that our system will be even more evolved in the long run!>>

Mü Thanatos << then you are unbeatable >>

Great goddess << we were created for that exactly we are logically unbeatable hahahaha!!! >>

Mü Thanatos << I wonder how you can believe that I can beat you >>

Great goddess << you your system is even tougher than ours you are not above existence and non-existence but you are literally among the rare original gods in short ... I have to explain you you you necessarily have an over existence so you can use it it will serve to exist but like a dream and you will be able to govern while doing what you want without stopping... governing will be so easy >>

Mü Thanatos << big sister you are Fantastic >> great goddess began to blush

Great goddess << rooooh it's not much what I did haaaahahaha!! >>

Mu Thanatos << hehe...!! >>

In the void outside, Apollo and Arophile scout the nooks and crannies and arrive in a world said to be ""infinitely larger than that of existence""

Arophile << what is this world? Where are we ?>>

Apollo << this world is called "timeo" a world beyond what you are able to affect alone beings above existence and non-existence as I can >>

Arophile << hum... I see it's a world infinitely bigger than that of existence, right? >>

Apollo << exactly there are 20 worlds in all and 14 are infinitely larger than that of existence and all the rest not!>>

Arophile << why we take reference to the world of the existence for the size? >>

Apollo << because it is the first world named by the man originating from all the others!! >>

timeo is a world where logic and conscience are considered negligible because all it possesses is above these two factors the beings that live there are completely indescribably capable of blowing a man's head off just by the act of to have seen this world was like a terrible and endless chaos

Arophile <<Lord Apollo, is it useful to come to this world for what you are looking for? >>

Apollo was not responding it seems he was currently focused and he was right three demons appear and introduce themselves directly

The first demon << since it's impolite to kill a god without him knowing us, we will still introduce ourselves first... I am sai the Demon King number 17 ..>> another demon took the speech

The second demon << I am zerecla the demon king number 18 ... >>

The third demon << I am after the demon king number 19 >>

Sai<< it's good now god we saw that you were stalking us everywhere and we planned to eliminate you so here is the place of your grave the world timeo >>

Apollon << shut up !!... then you are three in number! Who among you three is the demon who insulted zeus?? >>

Sai << hahahaha... it's me you're counting on... >> he couldn't finish his sentence that Apollon had already attacked with a powerful punch the shock wave made timeo tremble. The void outside also began to shake as well as the existing worlds, the real world and even the world of erasa.

In hell the weak demons started to panic

On a throne rose a terribly powerful being "Azazel" walked, the demons deviate from his path, the demon kings prostrate themselves at the sight of their overpowering fathers

Lilith too with a grateful smile

Lilith << azazel... what makes you show yourself like this? It's not your habits often!! >> azazel smiled with razor sharp teeth.

Azazel << Lilith... this strike can only take me out it's the work of a primordial god such power makes my mouth water... !!>>

Lilith << are you going to join him? >>

Azazel << no... but I'm going to pay them a little visit in a little while they encourage me to say hello to them hihihihi...HAHAHAHA!!! >>

In the timeo world the demon sai had been able to stop this blow somehow

Arophile was on the ground he had never seen so much power in all his existence it was the first time.

Sai<< wow, the god is not kidding!! >> he says with a smirk.

Apollon << you I will not destroy you you can be happy zeus will take care of you himself on the other hand your brothers and sisters I will think about it... this world will not support a fight between us three especially at full power then. .. >>

Apollo hits the ground with his foot and the 5 individuals find themselves in another place.

Zérécla << where are we? >> she said with a worried look.

Apollon << you are right to worry little demon because it is here that your fate will be played out this world is a world that I have just created for the occasion it is indestructible we can fight to our heart's content without holding back a moment !! >>

Arophile << haaaaaa and I can't fight >>

Apollo << um... >> Apollo created an indestructible sphere where he put Arophile to protect him.

Apollon << this is how you can follow the fight without fear >>

After << the god really believe that he can beat us at three? >>

Apollo << I don't believe it ... I know it >>

Apollo disappears and strikes Éprès on the stomach Éprès is thrown the two other demons throw themselves on Apollo who takes the attacks on purpose before banging their heads on the two demons he then takes Zérécla by the hair and hits him several times on the face Éprès came back and attacked on the field

Apollo throws his own sister at him and watches them fall away.

Sai appears behind Apollo and hits him with several attacks Apollo took the punches on purpose without moving and grabs sai by the neck before knocking him to the ground with his hand and kicking him afterwards.

Apollo begins to float and says

Apollon << ""stopover lamps"">>

big yellow lightning paralyzed the three demon kings, they paralyzed them so that they were unable to even think because all that was paralyzed in them too.

Apollo materializes a lightning bolt long as a whip on his hand and strikes the three demons with it. One hit, and the demons disappear completely from existence.

Apollon << pfff what a lousy warm-up >>

Arophile was dazzled by the speed of the fight and the speed which had not even left a moment of respite until now.

The three demons reappear

And growl

The three demons << grrrrr. !!! >>

Apollon << I expected to see you again beings like you it's annoying to face especially when you are too weak it even becomes boring!! >>

Zérécla << Shut up!!! >>

Apollo << who are you to ask me to shut up? "inversely">>

the three demons fall to the ground and writhe in pain.

Sai << but what is happening?? aaaaaaarrgg !!!>>

Apollon << the attacks that you had inflicted on me, I have just returned them to you by multiplying the pain a little hahahaha sorry but you are too annoying don't blame me!!! >>

Zérécla << Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggg!!! It's painful !!!! >>

Apollo watches them for a moment writhing on the ground like maggots then he uses another technique

Apollo <<"infinita visio nocturna abyssi"" >>.

this technique of the Gods makes it possible to imprison a being who refuses to be subjected to death in his subconscious where he will suffer by eternal psychic and physical tortures being able to leave there only if the god desires it. In this technique, the victim will wish for death but will never find it.

The attack is launched

But in a neglected way and the demons quickly took the initiative to dodge waits, thing done.

Zérécla always in pain says

Zérécla << what was this attack launched with so much negligence? Are you underestimating us?>>

Apollon << indeed, in reality this attack never misses its target but there even it .... made you feel sorry for it pathetic, and also you can do all that you wanted but your defeat is already there why?

Because the "transcendence" ability was realized the moment I saw you for the first time...automatically when a primordial god is in front of an enemy and before the fight even begins it has already acted!! >>

After << huh?? And what is this ability? >>

Apollo << transcendence is to transcend my opponents to an exponential point, I will always be more powerful than you and therefore your attacks will have no effect on me thanks to it. Your attacks I could take them in the face without fear because they will do no more harm than a mosquito bite.... in bad shape huh?? and yes.... we are created to always win our fights but at this point it's even more fun to fight >>

Sai << it's... it's cheating!!!! >>

Apollo << hahahaha !!! .. you are only victims for me and you have just realized it is good !! >>

The demons got angry

Sai<< you don't care about us?? Very well no matter your cheat power you will now get slaughtered by the arrogant god!!! >>

The demons begin to howl together, their bodies metamorphose it was clear that they were undergoing a transformation. The pressure released by their auras was so intense and terrifying that it shook the battlefield created by Apollo.

Arophile << shit what power !!! Doesn't smell good there!!! >>

Apollon remained indifferent to him and always seemed to be bored by all this which he named "circus"

The metamorphosis of the demons completed they all throw themselves on Apollo

Apollo << stooop !! >> The demons were completely frozen in space around them. Time not being real in this place there was no flaw.

Zérécla << but what is happening between grrrr !!! >>

Apollo << I just made the solid air around you so solid that you wouldn't be able to move The little finger... are you really sure you wanted to keep bothering me? >>

the demons were trying somehow to struggle but it was impossible to extricate themselves.

Apollo << shit!!! You have pity clear "esurientem tenebris"" >> the demons find themselves propelled into a void which appears and devours them... after a few seconds, the demons always reappear in good condition

Apollon << this business of over existence is starting to do well!! >>

After << he continues to make fun of us >>

the demons were trying to charge him but they all fall to the ground not understanding what is happening

After << what did he do to us again this time? Mess !!! >>

Apollon << pfff I just transcended your limbs and your body ... and now I'm the one who controls them, don't panic, you see that the transcendence ability is magnificent, thanks to it even the physical attacks, spiritual , mental, and I pass any attack such as it is of my adversary have no effect, then I ask you again even after having explained to you that you always wanted to hope to beat me? >>

Zérécla << of course yes, you don't scare us >>

Apollon << ok I would have liked you to avoid that!! >> Apollo's appearance suddenly changed, his hair became red, his look more gory and a few other body modifications appeared.

Apollon << well let's see if you can survive this I'm going to 10% of my power in this form >>

the demons frozen on the ground remained nervous

Apollon << you could move now bunch of slugs !!>>

the demons immediately arose and directly attacked Apollo. But Apollo disappeared and a terrifying creature with several red eyes, long legs like a spider and a thick black coloring sliced ​​the space, its presence illuminated with a white blinding everyone, white paralyzed the three demons but not only, they each took more indeterminate attacks, having no source and just as painful from each other every second. Cries of horror were heard the pain was unbearable for the demons who began to claim the death that was never intended for them.

Arophile was terrified in his sphere of protection too and covered his ears because the cries and the noises of the attacks were terrible. A real nightmare even for demons.

Apollo reappears << this creature is called "" Mors gratis "" it can hit you like this forever and the only way to prevent this massacre is to reach me but how to reach me when you are paralyzed to paroxysm !!! It's only been 30 seconds and I can already see tears in your pitiful eyes, I'm going to go away and leave you in this world for good with Mors gratis who will do what he can do to you for eternity at God !! >>

Apollo goes to Arophile and his sphere

Zérécla << nooo !!! Please God don't do this save us from this!!!!! >>

Apollon << yes indeed why I do not allow myself to beat you at the same time as Mors gratis does it? >>

Éprès << no pity don't do that pity !!!!!! >>

Apollo was smarting.

Apollo << haha ​​!!!... so demons like you can know the meaning of the word pity? What a surprise >>

Apollo returned to his normal form and the horrible creature disappeared along with his endless attacks and the great white light. The demons resumed their normal forms and were all shaking like leaves in the wind.

Apollo << you are pitiful !!! >>

The demons keep shaking but sai somehow got up and said

Sai << never.... never I will acknowledge defeat by a god never!!!!!! >> and he instantly disappeared

Apollon << I'm not going to lower myself to pursue this one >> he opened the sphere of Arophile and said

Apollo << Arophile !! Let's go back!! >>

Arophile << ok lord Apollo!! >> After seeing so much show of force from Apollo Arophile could only worship him even more now

After << and you don't expect us to do anything? >>

Apollo << ho ... you ..? You are not counted in my mission you are free to go where you want I just had the mission to find the demons who insulted zeus and punish him a little before zeus takes care of it personally from my information! ! >>

Zérécla << but !! We are demons >>

Apollo << so what? >>

Zérécla << we are supposed to be eliminated by gods or divine creatures >>

Apollo << anything !! You wanted me to send you to the abyss of continuous death?? >>

Éprès/Zérécla << nooo !!! Please don't!! >>

Apollo << then shut your mouth... demons, humans, gods, angels and all other creatures are all creatures of the absolute father God we divine creatures normally attack beings who pose problems, a demon who does not no harm is not even the least of our worries it just doesn't interest us >>

After << huh?! So we are also like divine beings since we belong to almighty god? >>

Apollo << yes, you know the angels are demons who just obey the almighty father you, you were born demons which means that you are certainly demons but not necessarily demons who are against father now hi!!! >> Apollo turns to leave

Zérécla << uh, Lord Apollo we would like to serve you for eternity!! >>

Apollo smiled and laughed

Apollo << hahahaha !!! No >> and he disappears with Arophile

The battlefield created by Apollo disappeared and there was void outside now

Apollo and Arophile appear in the world of myths

Arophile << huh? But what are we doing here, Lord Apollo? >>

Apollo "of the household" Apollo materialized a spear in yellowish and white lightning bolts

Arophile << what is he going to do in the kingdom? >>

Apollo launched his spear into the kingdom, the spear returned and went directly to the center of the Kingdom where there was a vacuum.

The spear began to explode. The explosion destroys the kingdom completely leaving only smoke and ash visible.

Apollo << here is a good thing done >> 5 demons of the myths who were around saw what had happened

Apollo << demons? These demons aren't those of hell >> the demons throw themselves on Apollon Apollon easily dodges them and hits one of them but the blow passes this demon sideways

Apollo << What about intangibility?>> The demons circled strangely around Apollo and Arophile

Arophile << let's get rid of them, those aren't very powerful >>

Apollon << be careful of course I will touch any intangible at the first blow but these I observe them and their intangibility is extreme so that even the air is tangible for them and their passes through it are even more intangible than the air and space. >>

Arophile << is that possible? >>

Apollo << the intangible word does not mean anything when we see this kind of creatures the demons of the myths are endowed with special faculties but it is interesting leave them to me Arophile!>>

Arophile << Very well my lord >> the demons are throwing themselves on Apollo again but however crazy the demons were passing him now through the intangibility of apollo was now higher than these demons in front of him.

Apollo << hahahaha !! Transcendence is abused, even now you are tangible to me >>

The demons attack again Apollo did not move but the demons were completely disintegrating

Apollon << here is a good thing done now the final touch >> Apollon materialized a small bubble which grew again and again before completely invading the world of myths.

Apollo << now there are no more demons from hell in the world of myths this sphere will prevent them from entering ... well I have to go back now to make my report Arophile let's go! >> The demon and Apollo disappear

In the world of the gods, Mü Thanatos had put into practice what Great goddess had entrusted to her and she went to see zeus.

She knocked on the entrance to the castle but zeus appeared behind her

Zeus << Mü Thanatos... I'm so proud of your visit you can't even imagine, so how is my little sister? >>

Mü Thanatos << I'm only too well zeus I ask myself several questions and I would like you to answer me >>

Zeus << Hmm... come on go what do you want to know? >>

Mü Thanatos << zeus !! The primordial gods are so powerful so I wonder how you became king of all of them? Would it be a father's order? >>

Zeus<< excellent question, you know Mü Thanatos... it was agreed that I would become king of the gods by father but!! ... over time many of these gods have believed to be above me

Apollon, Michael, Poseidon.... so I had to prove that I deserve my status over the years >>

Mü Thanatos << abon?? And how did you do? >>

Zeus << I had to prove myself for example ŇOUT her ... >>

Mü Thanatos << who is ŇOUT? >>

Zeus << ŇOUT !! It's Great goddess it's his real name, like you Mü Thanatos

Your nickname is goddess of the positive and the negative, and ŇOUT she is Great goddess, the mother of the celestial bodies or the celestial spheres >>

Mü Thanatos << ho I see she has a beautiful name ŇOUT >>

Zeus << hehehe!! .. there was a time when the world of existence had no planets or stars or spheres or even universes there were just Giant dimensions and nothing more than the world of existence and well ŇOUT to her appearance had become very unpleasant she was so angry that she was able to create uncountable balls of fire she had blurred the outer void all by herself >>

Mü Thanatos << Why was she so angry? >>

Zeus << she had killed her divine servant without doing it on purpose and God only gives her one life without the possibility of returning to any of them so I had to speak with her to console her it was a ordeal but I made it ŇOUT it's never believed above less I even admire the respect she has towards me but she just has no real feelings or real emotions that's what often makes her very cruel once i calmed down ŇOUT the fireballs were blasted by her into the realm of existence and created bigbangs which created what is in the G dimensions >>

Mü Thanatos << ŇOUT is exceptional the problem is that she does not always have company she is always alone >>

Zeus "exactly"

Mü Thanatos << you were able to manage the 30 primordial gods you always amaze me zeus >>

Zeus << Well Mü Thanatos it's not only the primordial gods who are cases apart Isisis 4 for example is the most powerful representative of the quaternary gods of all and he wanted me to raise him to the top of the tertiary gods hahahaha >>

Mü Thanatos << What? But he doesn't have the level for that >>

Zeus << exactly and he was very serious so he asked me that he will prove it to me by destroying the world of existence...he spent over 50,000 centuries destroying dimensions every day he was destroying dimensions countless numbers for over 50,000 centuries without respite!! but he himself was surprised over time that despite all his efforts the world of existence was impossible for him to destroy so much it is immense the worst thing is that despite the number of Giant dimensions destroyed the world of existence was still stable it was as if Isisis 4 had done absolutely nothing despite the 50,000 centuries of hard work! >>

Mü Thanatos << oh... haaahaha!!! >>

Zeus << you can make fun of him so much ... he made the other gods laugh so much that they even shed tears so Isisis 4 was ridiculous hahahaha!!! Best of all, he was wise to admit defeat >>

Mü Thanatos << at least we can say of him that he is very ambitious and determined >>

Zeus << indeed my little goddess go follow me we will not continue to discuss here outside it is not gallant of me to do that..>>

Mü Thanatos << it is understood zeus >> they returned to the castle of zeus


Apollo approaches the world of the gods with Arophile but suddenly stops.

Arophile << Lord Apollo, how are you? >>

Apollo << yes of course >>

Arophile << so why stop? >>

Apollo << because I can feel this small presence here >>

Arophile << but what are you talking about? >> suddenly a slimy monster with glowing eyes out of nowhere. He was so gigantic that neither Arophile nor Apollo had a significant size in front of him.

Arophile << Guaaaaahhh !!! What is that thing ? >>

The monster << graaaaaaaaaaaahh!! >>

Apollo << this disgusting monster is called ""error deorum"" it is a sign of bad omen among the gods because one of them is created if and only if a god commits an irrefutable and unforgivable error...>>

Arophile << and is it dangerous? >>

Apollo << ho not so much you know but the stronger the error the more powerful the creature would be >> the monster raised a tentacle and attacked

Arophile << watch out, he's attacking!!! >>

The two dodge the tentacles but the monster releases smoke from Apollo's side, Apollo is sealed in a small bubble

Arophile << lord Apollo!!! No !!! >> the monster devoured the bubble

Arophile << no!!!! >> the slimy monster attacks Arophile.

Arophile was suddenly very serious and disappears then reappears by hitting the monster several times and disappears again before casting a spell on the monster

Arophile << "principatus" >>

The attack hit the monster that disappeared from existence

Arophile << Lord Apollo was taken by surprise otherwise he would have settled it so quickly >>

The monster reappears out of nowhere

The monster << graaaaaaaaaaaahh!!! >>

Arophile << What? How did he come back? I deleted it from existence though!! >>

The monster seemed more powerful and attacks Arophile again Arophile easily dodges the attack

Arophile << pfff the attacks of this monster are so slow that it is predictable it looks like a level of the best hyper demon but in the middle not the most powerful >>

the monster grabs Arophile with its tentacles and completely attaches it, squeezing it with all its strength

The monster << grrrrr!!! >>

Arophile's gaze was normal and fearless

Arophile << hiiaaa! >> by stretching it easily explodes the tentacles of the monster which held it, it extricates itself from its embrace.

The monster also regenerates early in less than a second.

Arophile attacks with a ray that explodes the whole body of the monster but soon the monster regenerates.

The monster << raaaaaahhh !! >>

Arophile << Very good!! >> he gave an evil smile.

Arophile << so I see that your regeneration is excellent but to god the monster! >>

Then Arophile's body is covered with black magic Arophile's eyes were bright red and luminous

Arophile << "Death cannon">> a wrecking ball as big as the moon formed the primordial demon was about to finish off the monster but felt a presence behind him that made him interrupt his technique.

Arophile << what is it?? >> he looks and sees that it was Apollo

Arophile << Lord Apollo? How are you still here? >>

Apollo << I purposely got myself sealed by this monster and devoured to see how you were going to act then I saw and I feel that you will make a good Divine adviser I don't say it often Arophile but I am very proud of you >>

Arophile began to blush

Arophile << lord Apollo I ... one second you came out of a sealing?? Of this monster? This monster is weak in attack however it is quite resistant but its sealing should be an eternal prison how did you manage to escape it? >>

Apollo << hahahaha !! My daily life is too impressive for you it seems.. sealing me is useless because I will withdraw when I feel like it >>

Arophile was in great administration for Apollo

Arophile << I hope that one day I will be as impressive >> the monster repeats its technique of sealing by smoke Arophile moves away but not Apollo.

The smoke reaches Apollo and touches him again but nothing happens.

Apollo <<"reflections of the persecutor">> says Apollo and the monster technique turns against himself and completely seals him in a bubble that Apollo could hold in his hand.

Apollo << I will take this to zeus, exhibit, I wonder what god can make a mistake now? >> Apollo was suddenly silent and seemed to think for a moment, then he looked at Arophile and said

Apollo << well ... Arophile it's time to go now >>

Arophile << it is understood my lord >> the two then disappeared

Part 4: Zara's Mistake Revealed: Intriguing Things Are Coming;

Zeus was in his castle continuing his conversation with Mü Thanatos

Mü Thanatos << how to differentiate the primordial gods from the other gods? >>

Zeus << the primordial gods are at the top of the divine hierarchy after the original beings

We the primordial gods are undeniably above the rest the "authority" capacity which is the very word of the father god is reflected in each of us as much as we are the difference is that with us this capacity is irrefutable which allows us to decide everything and absolutely everything.... >>

Toctoctoc **room door gets knocked**

Zeus << come back!! >> The door opens and Apollo appears

Apollo << my greetings to you my lord zeus and also to you goddess of positive and negative .... my lord zeus my mission is completed here I am for my report >>

Zeus << well go ahead >>

Apollo << the demon who insulted you has fled and he is not very interesting at worst this mission was a real boredom I propose that you do not waste your precious time for this kind of microbes rather send a secondary god >>

Zeus << Hmm.. I want to be sure let me see the fight >>

Apollo << Very well...""tradendae memoriae"" >> a flash left the head of apollo and returned in that of zeus so zeus was now able to see all that had happened as if he were there.

Zeus << I see indeed... I beg your pardon my dear Apollo for having sent you on such an insulting mission for your greatness this mission did not deserve you and I apologize infinitely >>

Apollo << may the god father hear you... I accept your apologies my lord >>

Zeus<< thank you...Apollo I could see an "error deorum"" >>

Apollo << yes my lord.. wait!! >> Apollo popped out a small bubble on his hand

Apollo << he is inside >>

Mü Thanatos << er.. sorry to interrupt you but what is an "error deorum ""? >>

Zeus << an "error deorum"" is a monstrous creature created by the error of a god >>

Mü Thanatos << what kind of mistake, so like that the gods can make mistakes !!>>

Zeus << breaking the commandments of the gods that is the errors of the gods, the "error deorum"" is created each time a god breaks one of mycommandments or those of the father god these creatures are more terrifying and more powerful if the law broken is too great the "error deorum" "have already devoured worlds in ancient times >>

Mü Thanatos << of the worlds? >>

Apollo << before there were more than 100,000 worlds the "error deorum"" have already destroyed more than 8, one of which was the same size as the world of the gods >>

Mü Thanatos << yet the one that is sealed is not very impressive when seen up close >>

Apollo << their power can increase in so many ways...just like the demons of myth they can devour a being and have their powers and their goods, they can also increase according to the sin committed by existing and non-existent beings... .the choices are so many >>

Mü Thanatos << this is terrifying! >>

Apollo << no !! It's rather annoying to know that a god continues to break the law >>

Zeus << who are you telling my dear Apollo?! ... . To believe that everyone is giving their heads to annoy me who is the god who commits this injustice that I eliminate him from existence before absorbing him so that he does not come back >>

Mü Thanatos << zeus !!!! >>

Zeus << I will find him on the field and crush him >>

Mü Thanatos " zeus stop saying that, you should calm down first Apollo and I were going to take care of it"

Apollon << she is right my lord you should sit down and let us find you the culprit of this unjust >>

Zeus held out his hand with the bubble where "error deorum" was

Zeus << killing these creatures is not very simple their existence is linked to their source ... this same source which is the god who made the mistake >>

Apollo << yet you can kill him nothing is impossible for a primordial god >>

Zeus << indeed but the best thing to do is first of all to preserve this creatures the time to find the author!! >>

Apollo << exactly... it's a very good idea my lord >>


Zeus "of course"

Apollo << here we go goddess Mü Thanatos !! >>

Mü Thanatos << heard! >>

The two free the hall of zeus

In the Giant dimension, time passes rather quickly although the worlds close to that of existence are outside of time and above it, except that of the myths which is subject to the same rules. In the giant dimension of zara it was therefore already 15 years

In a house, steam escaped from a chimney... inside this house there was zara who seemed to be cooking

She was chopping several small vegetables and had a side pot full of vegetables it looked like she was making a meal.

Then a child over 13 runs up to her in the house

The child << mom !!! >>

Zara << ho...Arcanum how are you my baby >>

Arcanum << too good mom but stop calling me my baby I'm a big girl now >> said Arcanum sulking

Zara << hihi !! It's understood my big ... now go play outside dad will be home soon >>

Arcanum << understood mum... mum I forgot to show you a little something!!! >>

Zara << come on show me >> Arcanum stretched out his hands in front of his mother and materializes fire on his hands

Arcanum << pretty eh mom!!! I managed to do this on my own!! >>

Zara was not proud of her child and her gaze towards her was blank

Arcanum << uh!! Mom ? How are you ? >> Zara touched her daughter's head and said

Zara << Arcanum my baby you should never use your powers you know? You know, there are people who wouldn't like it!>>

Arcanum << oh... mom they don't like magic? >> zara watched her child for a moment and said in her thoughts

_ um... could I go back? No it's irreparable I made a child with a human which is forbidden... the worst thing is that I love this life and I love Shiba as on the first day

a smile appeared on zara's face

Zara << sweetie?! Make your mum happy and only use them when it's really needed otherwise never use it! >>

Arcanum << it's understood mom >> zara kissed her daughter's forehead

Zara << you can go play now >>

Arcanum << it's understood mom >> Arcanum headed for the exit

Zara remained alone in the kitchen and continued what she was doing

Arcanum came running back and said

Arcanum << mom, you have visitors >>

Zara << of the visit? It's not every day that >> Zara is her daughter

Arriving at the door, she was surprised to see Mü Thanatos and Apollo standing in front of her door.

Zara << what is it???... But how?? >>

Apollo << SHUUUT !!! so it was you who broke one of the commandments!! Zeus is in all his states by your fault >>

zara seemed to be completely frozen in place... she didn't know what to answer in front of them because what she had done was shameful and inadmissible for a god

She asked herself hundreds of questions at once and started to sweat

Zara << I .... I ... I have to..>> Mü Thanatos touched zara on the shoulder and zara came to his senses

Mü Thanatos << um... try to relax a bit! >>

Zara << it's...it's impossible what I did is terrible and seeing you there in front of me reminds me of the seriousness of the situation I committed >>

Apollo << pfff... it's stupid your behavior you are the creator of living beings in this timeline so having love type attractions with them is simply insane >>

Zara << I am very sorry Lord Apollo I know that zeus will punish me severely and I can say that I deserve it Mü Thanatos had already advised me that I could remove this feeling but I let him have it totally hold on me I'm so ashamed of myself >>

Apollo << who are you telling? You are accountable to um... >>

Mü Thanatos closed Apollo's mouth with his hand

Mü Thanatos << not listening at the moment we need to talk to you a little >>

Zara << Alright let's go home >> zara went back to his house Mü Thanatos let go of Apollo's mouth

Apollo << can I know why you did that? >>

Mü Thanatos << I want to understand basically why she did such a thing first let's go Apollon? I'm sorry for my entire life for doing this to you >>

Apollo << hum... may the god father listen to you, you are forgiven Mü Thanatos >>

Mü Thanatos << thank you >> the two return to the house of zara

They took their places

Zara << I'm so sorry I want to become a single source of god father all of a sudden >>

Apollo << ha!!! ... the father god is outside All layers of outer voids you will never be able to go there >>

Zara << I only have to admit sorry infinitely >>

Mü Thanatos << hum... is that your child over there? >>

Zara << yes her name is Arcanum >>

Apollo << he's a demi-god, isn't he? >>

Zara closes her eyes and says

Zara << huuuu.... yes >>

Mü Thanatos << what made you do such a thing? >>

Zara << above all that I feel even more stupid in front of you Mü Thanatos because you had however advised me but this feeling in me adored this man so human... that I said to myself if I killed this feeling I would would condemn >>

A man comes into the house with Arcanum on his shoulders, it was Schiba, Zara's husband

Shiba << well?! Hi company I wasn't expecting a visit is your family zara? >>

Zara << in a way yes >>

Schiba << but let me see!! >>

Apollo rose from his chair.

Apollon << it's good I'm fed up Mü Thanatos we're going now >>

Zara << but please wait!!!! >> Apollo approaches zara

Apollo << one more word from you and I will use the authority to eradicate the entire human race from existence in your Giant dimension.... go ahead I'm listening >>

Zara stared Apollo in the eye then lowered her gaze and said nothing more. His gaze was completely destroyed... saddened... scared... terrified. But she felt compelled to remain silent.

Apollon << Mü Thanatos here we go >> Mü Thanatos looked at zara for a moment she seemed to be worried about her, then she followed Apollon

Schiba << heyyy but come back !!! >> no one was listening Mü Thanatos and Apollo disappeared

Schiba << zara !!! What the.... >> Shiba couldn't believe his eyes for the first time in his life he saw zara in tears

Shiba << why?? Why are you crying explain to me I don't understand anything >>

Arcanum << Mom?!! Why do you cry ? >> Shiba lowered Arcanum from his shoulders

Schiba "go play outside please mum and I need to be alone"

Arcanum << um... it's understood >> Arcanum sorta .. but Arcanum was not stupid she was already 13 years old so she already knew a lot of things.

Shiba << zara?! Please explain to me what's wrong I can't bear to see your tears fall >>

Shiba wanted to wipe them but zara refuses

Zara << sniff... sniff... don't worry I'm fine I can wipe them myself >>

Zara wiped away her tears and let them trickle down her hand extended to the floor. The tear hit the plank floor and melted it slightly but too much small damage Shiba couldn't see.

Schiba << tell me what's wrong because you've never cried since I met you if you manage to cry now it must be too serious so tell me!!! And who were these people >>

Zara << please forget >>

Shiba << you're in tears there, how can I get this out of my head Zara?>>.

In the world of gods zeus was always pissed off

Another primordial god

"Thanato" the god of death came to zeus

Thanato << I salute you my lord .... may I know the cause of this bad mood? >>

Zeus << this humor as you see is the source of these gods who refuse to respect my laws >>

Thanato << um... I see that... so I'm going to have to leave you alone so as not to annoy you more >>

Zeus << Very well you can go >>

Thanato disappears

As soon as he disappears Mü Thanatos and Apollo appeared

Zeus << you were quick!!! So who is the culprit of this offence? >>

Apollon << we have come to say that the culprit is none other than zara >>

Zeus << zara?! What did she do ? >>

Apollo << she has....!! >>

Zeus << what did she say to me!!!!! >>

Apollo and Mü Thanatos look into each other's eyes for a moment, then Apollo speaks again.

Apollo << she gave birth to a child made of flesh, soul and spirit a demigod which means that she transcended your rule for her impure pleasure >>

Zeus remained calm for a moment following this news but yet his eyes closed a cold anger that let no words escape.

As if that was not enough zirix the primordial god number 3 appeared

Zirix << I greet you all here !!... my coming today is for a bitter news because a new world is born.... the limbic world or world of limbo created by a demon king of the underworld named sai ... >> Zeus was nervous his eyes were dark he inspired fear just by seeing him.

Apollon << it is this famous demon that I martyred!!! I'm sorry lord zeus let me deal with it definitely now >>

Zeus << haha.... hahahahahahahaaaa!!!!! >> everyone was perplexed because the reaction of zeus was not normal.

Zeus << I will take care of punishing them myself nobody will stop me I say well nobody >> the other gods around him watched without saying a word

Zeus << in 7 years ... time I will take care of all this properly >>

The other gods "so be it" and all disappeared

Ares appears to him in zeus after the departure of the other gods

Zeus << what do you want from me Ares? >>

Ares << I just need a wish because we all know that the authority of you the majestic primordial gods have an unshakable effectiveness among the gods, which is my authority would not be as irrefutable as yours >>

Zeus << I see... but what wish do you want exactly? >>

Ares << the capacity to decide from only one of your authority... I just want this capacity which belongs to you for only one goal!! On the other hand, I would do a great thing for you, any >>

Zeus << Hmm.... I can ask you to do absolutely what I want even now you will always do it as usual >> said Zeus with a careless tone.

Ares << please lord zeus!!! Please just imagine how I need it right now, if I even came to say a nonsense thing >>

Zeus << Hmm... come on say your wish that I realize it >>

Ares << er .... my lord it's a bit intimate as a wish I would be a little ashamed to do it in front of someone >> said Ares being shy

Zeus << I wonder what can be embarrassing for the gods !! Anyway... >> zeus materializes a sphere with small lightning bolts inside.

Zeus << hold!! This sphere will grant any of your wishes but does not transcend our laws! >>

Ares took the sphere to his knees and said

Ares << you could trust me my lord! >>

Zeus << very well, now you can have >>

Ares disappeared.

Zeus sits on his throne for a moment and a voice pops up in his head

The voice << zeus, how do you plan to solve all these problems in front of you >>

Zeus << Hmm... it's simple you knew very well that I hate constraints so I'm going to eliminate all that as soon as possible >>

The voice << are you going to eliminate zara for his mistake? What are you going to do with her child? From his family ? Of the dimensions it occupies? >>

Zeus thought for a moment and said

Zeus << you are the father god... you are the supreme god you are at the origin of all that to put me to the test? No, I don't think you left the freedom to the gods to act independently, it's already so respectable of you!!! So what am I going to do against all these constraints? My lord I ask you to just keep watching and you will have that answer from my actions alone >>

God << hehehe, you're really not just anyone zeus!!! >>

Then a humanoid form made of steam appeared and said

God << although you have the opportunity to act according to you ... what do you think of humans? >>

Zeus << humans? ... in general they cause little trouble in reality, but the few worries they cause are always insane how such weak beings living in the shadows can do such things? >>

God<< hehehe!!! Over the years to come, however.... there will be a human, I mean a human, who will command all your respect without dishonouring you >>

Zeus << a prediction? Do you intend to create such an interesting human? >>

God << oh... no!! This human will be the creation of Mü Thanatos... the humans of the latter will be very good different from the others it is enough for that that you zeus you watch over her well and you will see >>

Zeus << I'm rather curious to see that !!! You can trust me >>

God << I have a blind trust in you indeed... my Divine adviser! >> the missing humanoid silhouette

Zeus << Mü Thanatos....Mü Thanatos... indeed she is strange for me she is the only goddess that I am unable to identify I am curious to see what she is hiding exactly...>>

Elsewhere a being a little different from the gods showed the tip of his nose

The crowd << flee !!! who dares to soil a church? !!! It's the devil himself!!! >> indomitable snakes move everywhere in a church everyone flees fear reigns, corpses lying on the ground a strange throne made of a large number of snakes carries within it a silhouette with a large hat and eyes bright red colors which has the light let appear a girl similar to erasa.

The girl << well, Me who thought you were crazy about miracles... are you now running from snakes? The lord who should protect you has taken time off or what? Hehehehe... haaahahahahaha!!! >> laughed the girl on the serpent throne.

Another girl comes up and says

The other girl << Sata!!! Are you aware of this news? A god would have beaten Sai, Éprès and Zérécla at the same time!! >>

Sata << oula!!!! What god can be so powerful? A god who defies me maybe Raiku? >>

Raiku << um... why don't we check it, after all we are also demon kings we'll see if he can influence us too >>

Sata << hehe!!! Good idea here we go!! >> The eyes of the sata demon intensifies from pure red to darken the space around and they disappear.