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Chapter 3: The Ultimate Goddess.

After the fight against erasa

Wamy returns to the kingdom of the gods thinking of his fight

Wamy << erasa is getting closer to meta-Concepts it's cute... for the moment it's just deep conceptual it's already far above the concepts but too low for me >>

During this time

Mü Thanatos also had finished this meeting, tried to return but Zeus stopped him and

Zeus << say Mü Thanatos say, what would you like to do as an overpowered goddess in a few billion years it is you who will govern the world that god himself will have created the world of his subjects would be shared with you but the priority will be to you who will have a heavy task in this kind of moment will you need me to help you govern? >>

Mü Thanatos lowers his head and says

Mü Thanatos << No I don't think so and for the goddess I want to be I will see according to what will follow but I have no desire to hurt or hurt, I will do what I can to avoid this kind of horrible scene And wamy is a very good adviser he could help me get out of it in some cases certainly>>

Zeus from the top of his 2 meters looks at Mü Thanatos with a worried look

Zeus << I trust you Mü but if you disappoint me I myself would be obliged to condemn you above all do not break my commandments and those of God you are a being of the origins you are above concepts, in-depth concepts, meta-Concepts, in-depth and even higher meta-Concepts just in this form that I see there... so you must have understood a lot of responsibilities? >>

Mü Thanatos << understood! >> and leave

Arriving in his castle wamy proud to see Mü Thanatos


Wamy << Finally... you go home my goddess I was starting to worry at the same time it's useless considering who you are >>

Mü Thanatos << I don't see what you're talking about and you should stop overestimating me wamy >>

(Wamy looks at Mü and thinks

Wamy <<wait would she not be aware herself that her power is excessive? I'm beginning to believe that even she doesn't know the extent of her power >>

Mü sits on his throne and says to wamy

Mü Thanatos << I want a baby Like humans >>

Wamy is surprised and shouts

wamy << quuooooi ???>> Then wamy added

Wamy << But ... But my goddess, it is forbidden for the god to reproduce like humans or you will have violated one of the laws of Zeus himself, it's madness >>

Mü Thanatos releases a ball of purple energy that she formed by her own inner power as an annoyance in humans

And without asking Wamy's opinion, she takes one even from wamy in red, which she mixes with hers to create a divine baby pure of her origins and those of Wamy.

The two mixed together formed a pretty divine baby boy she says

Mü Thanatos << here is my first son!>>

Wamy sighs because he thought they were going to do like humans when it's forbidden and they're asexual

Mü Thanatos << I will call him Validus >>

Then like any divine baby Validus don't cry

wamy << maybe they will feel lonely Over time don't you find goddess? >>

Mü Thanatos << possible I should create it brothers and sisters >> the two balls of energy alone without taking on wamy she in output three of each

And create three more children

The first


The second


And the last death

4 children in a row.

Wamy << why do you want offspring My goddess? >>

Mü Thanatos << just to see if they can also create an emotional bond for me as with you .... with you I tell myself that we may be linked to our creation but with them we will also see if in cases I could have hated you >>

Wamy didn't understand anything and said anyway

Wamy <<oh....yes my goddess completely agree with you!>>

Millions of years are falling and wamy is going to see the children who are now 16 million years old

He will see first

Validus who lived up to his name and had created a dimension like a universe where he could pass the time... there were gigantic celestial animals there

A huge griffin seemed to attack Validus who was meditating on a planet

Validus, similar to a common fire ant in front of the giant griffin, still managed to hold the beast by the beak and knocked him down on the ground like a rag doll.

Wamy had not missed any crumbs of this show.

Wamy << wow not bad Validus !! >> Validus had become a god with long black hair

Muscular ass and bright red eyes with a head to toe height approaching 1.98m

He looks at his father like an insect and says

Validus << just not bad I can do much worse than that father >>

Wamy << but go if show me! >> said wamy with a mocking look

Validus stretches his hand towards the sky and billions of planets merge into one, then Validus holds the planet with one hand and with one finger spins it around like a common basketball ball.

Wamy "still not bad"

Validus appears before him

Validus <<I'm fed up father I'm the most powerful we could settle it here and now in a fight >>

Then mortuus came and interrupted them to say

Mortuus << Hail Father >>

Mortuus the only daughter of Mü Thanatos looked like her like two drops of water unlike the color of the hair which instead of blue which both towards white turns to pure black like a night without one or stars

Mortuus' eyes were a pretty bright yellow glow as well.

Wamy was proud to see her and asks her

Wamy << what were you doing my beautiful? You were doing the strong like your brother too? >>

Mortuus << no I was just walking around and saw you around here >>

During this time

Mü Thanatos is with his son saiko who was lying on clouds

Saiko asked

Saiko << Mother why does it have to exist? >>

Mü Thanatos <<hum... because it was prescribed by the order to which I gave you and also now because it is quite simply the goal and the principle of where you are at the moment you now be part of the fact of existing although you can still exist while not existing and it is above all a divine will that will decide it >>

Saiko << I see if I was in a non-existent world so I would not have existed while existing impressive >>

Mü looks at him and says nothing

Saiko gets up with a huge horn crown was like Mü Thanatos' big brother to see his father he was 1m 95

He had bright red eyes like his mother and his father's long spiky hair stood up all over.

He says

Saiko << mother you can't make me less powerful because my own power is exhausting me and having it makes me want to use it but the meta-Concepts are already too low I want at least to have a reduced capacity in the meta -conceptual mother >>

Mü creates a small colie and puts it around saiko's neck which makes her much less powerful (can only use 5% of her initial strength) Mü says deep inside her

Mü Thanatos << I see so I got used to them over time it's certainly the same principle with Wamy....>> Saiko after taking his colie hugged his creative mother

Then Mü Thanatos takes him out of the hug and says

Mü Thanatos << look for something to do instead of always falling asleep you're a god remember!>>

And then she went to her castle at the same time life on earth already existed the time of the dinosaurs had passed and now came those of humans

Mü Thanatos sits and speaks telepathically with another said quaternary god (level 4 omnipotent)

His name is isisis 4

Mü Thanatos << isisis 4 I would like to know... is it possible to establish my will and my hierarchy now on earth? >>

Isisis 4 << of course... the terrestrial versions exist a very long time ago but this one will be precious because father will also put his own subjects that you will rule and watch over time >>

Mü Thanatos << yes.. I know you understand better how the world of existence is made, right? >>

Isisis 4 << yes of course you should know that too >>

Mü Thanatos << I know it but it's the details that are foreign to me >>

Isisis 4 << what do you want to know about these details? >>

Mü Thanatos << how it is made in infinite terms although I could learn and see myself that this world is very small >>

Isisis 4 << yes of course... the smallest world there is, but already so vast! >>

Mü Thanatos "I'm listening to you"

Isisis 4<< the world of existence is made up of so many different lives a bit like that of the myths the two are a bit similar but... the world of existence is the most complex world you see? >>

Mü Thanatos << that's precisely why I still get a little lost >>

Isisis 4<< it is the system of infinity and infinity which also reigns there and which can often confuse you.. first of all the singularity is the origin of its neutral dimension also called dimension zero it is the center of the world of existence and is the source of its size continuously it does not cease to extend it as for example, this world is made of infinite universes which are infinite in number in a multiverse which is also infinitely in this number of infinity, all the multiverses indeed include an infinity of infinity by infinities of universes which play on past, present, future, higher dimensions, parallel worlds ..... all at the infinity each multiverse possess this hierarchy do you understand goddess? >>

Mü Thanatos << yes it's clearer said like that >>

Isisis 4<< each multiverse therefore has numbers of infinity well stagnated in the multiverse always following this established order although they are separated by spiritual layers of space time which separate them and the multiverse them are beyond the numbers it is even said that since the course of time they are now uncountable and a Giant dimension covers all this hierarchy as it contains them in itself... the Giant dimension is therefore of the same size as all that it abounds in its entirety it depends on the cardinal of its content for its size and its structure, the infinity and infinite are above the quantum numbers and infinitely...their structures are even often incomprehensible even for certain divinities of the structures beyond physics and mathematics.

And the world of existence is made of several I say several Giant dimension a number just as uncountable over time since the creation of uncountable number of multiverses and which each contain definite numbers of universes which have branches to several infinity each also all transcendent here... it's all that universal and extraversal structures >>

Mü Thanatos << I see ...and how are these Giant dimensions made, especially her alone? What is its structural form? >>

Isisis 4<< the Giant dimensions are like several fictins a bit like books among humans stored in a library but their form is what is made of an indescribable form for them to be conceptual because it is far superior to their consciousness.. . it is of a geometrical shape similar almost to a cube but quite complex as a figure >>

Isisis 4 formed some sort of geometric (mathematics) structure on her hand and said

Isisis 4<< do you see? That's a Giant dimension it seems easy to perceive as a cube but elongated... however if you look at it from the side it's more like that it now looks like a kind of cube with several vertices on each side an infinity of top and if I move it again it doesn't mean anything there meaning is literally indescribable in logic but not each Giant dimension is not made like another ... they are all unique and distinct >> Isisis made the figure disappear on her hand.

Isisis 4 << So my big one, I hope my explanation has oriented you properly on your basic knowledge?! >>

Mü Thanatos << yes indeed, thank you Isisis I will return the favor!! >>

Carnaticum the third son of Mü Thanatos was on earth and had the mission to find an ideal human to be the first human subject of Mü Thanatos who was to begin his reign of goddess

Carnaticum looked more like wamy but with spiky hair he was like a madman with torn clothes and a scarf that hides his excruciatingly sharp canines

He pretends to be thirsty and goes to a well where people were doing their activities such as drawing water, cleaning their clothes...

Carnaticum said out loud

Carnaticum << hey hi there

Please could I have some water to drink? Just a little >>

People stare at it for a while then go on with their business

Carnaticum who says

Carnaticum << seriously shit they completely ignored me there!! Holala humans frankly... hum >>

He went into the shade and sat for a while while people continued their activities.

He scans the sky and thinks back to his birth by comparing with those of humans

Carnaticum << so I was created by my mother and not born by her so I am a creation made to be the child of an overpowered goddess?? It seems a bit far-fetched >>

He looked down and said carnatucum "hum...why not" and there he saw small hands in front of him holding a small glass of water carnaticum look who gave him this water and he saw two small children a boy holding the glass and a shy little girl behind the boy who seemed to want carnaticum's thirst to be quenched carnaticum smiled happily and wanted to grab the glass but a hand knocked the glass down which shattered on the ground it was the mother of the children pulling children by the ears saying

The woman << I have already told you how many times not to approach strangers>> the two children who started crying carnaticum get up and say carnaticum << Madam can you stop that? ... these children just wanted to help me nothing more >> the attention of the others from the well was now around them and the woman who took a bucket of water and spilled it on the head of carnaticum which remains without saying a word

The people around who laughed out loud the woman who said

The woman << if I poured you this Bucket of water it is because you are disgusting look at you with your clothes all torn and disgusting you dare to come near my children again I will cut off your head and I will I'll throw in a scythe with pigs >>

Carnaticum who says nothing and the woman who returns with her children


Carnaticum sighs and goes back on its rounds

And at night he thinks

Carnaticum << I could put the authority of mother on these children and make them first subjects in the future >>

And then saiko appears and says qsaiko << are there any younger brothers? >>

Carnaticum << I think... it may be that the charge given to me is heavy I cannot give this authority to anyone >>

And saiko <<what do you plan to do? )

Carnaticum says nothing

During this time in the world of the gods, Mü Thanatos who says to wamy Mü Thanatos << it's a pity I had gotten so used to my children that I believe that a new feeling is created in me I believe that it is what humans call affection >>

Wamy << calm down my goddess they will just make sure things are going well for a while then come back they will not for eternity and it is for your good moreover >>

Mü Thanatos << yes you are certainly right >>

But the god Ares meanwhile after knowing that Mü Thanatos had sent his lineage to earth he also goes there immediately

With a little time of research he finds them all together making all seem to be homeless.

It is said in him

Ares << if Mü Thanatos has a group of humans at her service, that would mean that she will evolve in rank and sit on immense thrones, that's nonsense, her powers are too dangerous to leave such a thing.. ..I have to stop this nonsense>>

The children of Mü who all listen to Carnaticum during this night

Carnaticum << I found two children according to me who would be perfect to be the first subjects of mother >>

VALIDUS << children? Are you serious ? Our mother cannot reign over children, it is not a post for her greatness >>

Mortuus << I don't see the problem in there VALIDUS because children are growing up... they won't stay like that forever >>

Carnaticum creates a sphere that shows the two children and their mothers and their behaviors

The others could observe what Carnaticum had seen of the other humans in the well, the woman and her children.

Saiko <<Hmm...>>

Carnaticum << yes this woman is crazy it's obvious no need to react like this, if she had learned or if I had shown that I was a god they would all have changed their behavior these humans but the children did not no difference >>

Validus << what you say so much towards selfishness >>

Carnaticum << Yet I know what I say, I can read hearts so I can easily describe your reactions and everything about you >>

Validus << are you talking about humans here? >>

Carnaticum << obviously... the gods are not made of flesh, and bones or blood, we have nothing to do with the human system >>

Mortuus << well.... we shouldn't always rely on just our children! Let's try to find other interesting subject case >>

Validus << I agree with Mortuus >>

Saiko << we will do that then >>

Carnaticum << ok here we go then >> the children separated and started their walk

The day dawned. Validus and mortuus walked side by side in a new region while pretending to be peasants of the region, walking the children of Mü Thanatos discussed many topics

Validus << mortuus! Do you think the first mother subject should be a young man? An adult ? An old man ? >>

Mortuus << I think that in any case it would be favorable not to rush too much on the first action of the subject come >>

Validus << I don't quite understand where you're coming from mortuus >> their conversations are interrupted by two men who were passing by this area as well, a corner a little far from civilization at least 1 kilometer

One of the men says

Man 1 << hey you two! ... no one passes until you give us what you have... both hands up >> the men pointed their guns at Validus and mortuus who raised their hands. Validus says

Validus << we are peasants...we have nothing to offer you just look at our current states >>

Man 1<< um...maybe it's a plan on your part...make you look poor for nothing to offer us and then we'll leave like fools hehehe...no it works not gone strips the...>> the other men goes to Validus et mortuus and starts searching them everywhere and ends up making the conclusion that they really have nothing with them so he tells his colleague

Man 2<< they have nothing on them... what do we do? >>

Man 1<< What? No, but what is this bullshit? >>

Man 2 << well I think we should go back on our way and look for other victims >> Man 2 goes to his college but his college had other ideas in mind and says

Man 1 << waits... >> man 2 stopped

Man 1 << the peasants there who is this girl for you? >>

Validus << um...that's my little sister >> Man 1 had a bad smile and said

Man 1 << I see... you can go, we stay with the girl >>

Validus << What?? >>

Man 1 << you understood me well >>

Man 2 didn't understand what his friend had in mind then and gave it to her by the look and Man 1 said

Man 1<< just look at my friend... kinda look at that girl!! She's only peasants but her beauty is breathtaking just imagine the pleasure she can give us both if you know what I mean... >> he says it winking look at her friend

Her friend understood so quickly and looked mortuus and saw a pretty girl with hair as dark as a starless night, beautiful little curvy shapes...

Man 2 << yes you there leave us the girl get out >> he says pointing his gun at Validus

Validus also did not understand what these men wanted with mortuus so he looked into the minds of individuals and saw lewd thoughts about his little sister by his men who had too many fantasies in them.

Validus << no but it's not possible... how can you be so despicable? >>

Man 1 "get the hell out of it silly we didn't ask you" Validus looked to his left and saw mortuus looking into his eyes

Mortuus communicates telepathically and says

Mortuus << what are you going to do Validus? >>

Validus "show them the purity of despair and hope to the simplicity of human existence"

Mortuus nodded.

Validus walks slowly towards Man 1, the latter who says

Man 1 "stay away silly"

These words remained indifferent to Validus who always advanced in a threatening way

Man 1 << Very well you will have wanted it >> he fires several shots at Validus who had no effect and continued to advance he took his friend's ax and said

Man 1 << you don't scare me!!!!>> he hit Validus on the chest with his ax which broke into 1000 pieces

Man 1 << what the fuck?? >>

Man 2 << how is it possible? Who is that man ? >> Validus seized Man 1 by the throat he lifted him up and said

Validus << what disgusting creatures.. humans are demon-like in some ways... I will punish you as you should >>

Man 2 << drop my stupid friend!!! >> Mortuus used his telekinesis to suspend Man 2 in the air about 2 meters above the ground

Man 2<< what is that? >>

Validus << you should shut up and wait your turn rather wisely >>

Man 1 << hurg.... what are you going to do? >>

Validus materialized a spike on his right hand and let go of the man he was holding in his left hand. Before the latter hit the ground, Validus pierced him with the pickaxe then ten others which nailed him directly to the ground, the atmosphere had become icy

Man 2 was terrified seeing his friend spit blood and stabbed so quickly he couldn't see when his friend was pinned to the ground and stabbed so much in such a short time

Man 1 screamed in pain then he said

The man 1<< kind of... >> before he finishes his sentence, he gets pierced by another spike which crosses his neck and comes out through his mouth. The man couldn't say anything anymore, he squeezed his butts to bear this pain

Validis drove several spikes which blew blood everywhere transforming the victim into a porcupine full of blood under the gaze of mortuus and The man 2 who feared are also in turn.

Validus took another pick which he thrust into the man's left shoulder and said

Validus << and that's it... that's 109 peaks which represents the total number of your victims since you started as a criminal >>

Man 1 on the ground was in despair and was looking for death rather than continue to feel this pain from all of his spikes that went through his flesh and bones

Validus << no need to seek death, it will never come because I made you immortal for this occasion you will suffer for eternity because I will make sure that no one can see you.... birds, insects and others will devour your flesh and even scattered you will continue to live hehehe good on to the next one now >> Man 2 started to panic and screamed

Man 2 << no mercy spare me I implore you please listen to me >> Mortuus deactivated his technique and Man 2 fell violently to the ground

For fear of dying, he gets up as quickly and tries to flee but Validus pierces his left tendon and the man falls violently.

Validus << you wanted to run away? Do you think about your victims in time who were afraid of you and hoped that you would spare them? Did you spare them? No then I'm going to show you this fear... this fear that they had in them when you attacked them... but tkt since you didn't kill any I wouldn't kill you either because you're already immortal hahahaha >>

Validus materializes a pick on his hand and disembowels the screaming man like never before.

His intestines found themselves outside and crawled slowly and got up despite all this pain he tries to escape awkwardly Validus gave him a small kick which knocked the man down and Validus materialized another spike and planted it on the man's arm

The screaming man could no longer stand due to his pierced arm...

He crawled towards Mortuus hoping with all his heart that she would help him.

While crawling these organs were coming out of his body because of the spikes he already had

He touched Mortuus' feet and said with tears in his eyes

Man 2 << girl please help me!!! Can you please tell him to stop that huh?? >>

Mortuus observes her with a look of sadness without saying a word she rained a rain so powerful that everyone in the region was looking at all costs to go home or take shelter except the two victims, Mortuus and his brother

The rain was blowing winds so violent that their power almost took off the roofs of the houses.

The man who saw Mortuus' yellow eyes that remained bright in the thick rain in shock, he thinks he really pissed off the gods or the devil

Man 2<< how did I get here? There's no second chance for me?>> he looked to his left and saw his friend motionless in the rain with her body pierced and Blood forming a huge pool around her body immersed in her own blood

Then at the same time he sees the bright red eyes of Validus who was approaching with a terrifying figure

The man panics again and screams again holding Mortuus' legs tighter


ET validus stabs him in the left leg The man was screaming in pain that was getting more and more excruciating

Validus peak another on the same leg

The rain so powerful stifled the cries of the man who suffered atrociously

The man began to scream desperately



I BEG YOU THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME HELP HELP>> but the rain was so heavy that it would have been hard to listen to The man who shouts at 3 meters

VALIDUS WHO Plants another peak on the skull and at the same time a huge lightning strikes the sky

And the man stopped screaming.

The man still held Mortuus' legs and said softly in despair that no one could stop this slaughter he realized that the only ones who could stop him were VALIDUS and MORTUUS.

He says

Man 2 << I don't think it's over anymore if only I could go back to the past and all just never do so much harm I wouldn't be there I'm still not ready for what I'm going through now but if I could have a second chance i'll make sure i'm not here anymore and go about my life like the others who are at peace in their homes during this rain of torture... damn it's terrifying what is happening to me >> Mortuus gently bends down to him smiling and whispers softly in his ear

Mortuus << it's good it's over>>

And like magic Man 2 finds himself in his house under his sheet all alone without any spike on him he couldn't believe his eyes but was so happy that he started crying with joy and it's pray to thank god

The same thing with the other Man 1 who woke up in his bed and started looking outside which had a totally crazy rain knew it was not a dream he starts crying and also makes a prayer those of ours dad

Mortuus just made the effect of the dream to the two men

Validus << I expected it from you you are too tender a god must inspire fear and terror but you prefer to act as a mother >>

At this point Mortuus didn't even pay attention to validus then she just said in that torrential rain she called

Mortuus << validus tell me where it was said that a god must necessarily inspire fear? Would you like to lead while making your subjects tremble with fear?

If that's the case, you're humans, we'll all experience horror every day and we'll all want to die, don't you think?>>

Validus <<yes but it will be useless because they will be resurrected and moreover a god must not be walked on by vulgar Humans it's stupid>>

Mortuus closed his eyes and smiled

Validus << why are you smiling? >>

Mortuus << we have to finish this case and we will discuss it ok big brother>>

Validus << ok I agree >>

And there Carnaticum And saiko appear

Carnaticum << it is you who is at the origin of this heavy rain Mortuus? >>

She << yes of course wait I will stop it >>

Saiko intervenes and says

Saiko << no need we will see if there are still good Humans since the departure of the son of god on this planet>>

Validus << where are you coming from? >>

All the others look at Saiko also with a questioning look

Saiko << we will see if someone can accommodate us we will be taken for peasants looking for a place to stay just for this night >>

Carnaticum << yes it's a great idea what do you think of the others?>>

Mortuus waving his hand to mark his approval

Validus nodded at him.

Then they all took action

everyone knocks on several houses to be housed but get rejected again and again and again and again and again

Then Validus says

Validus <<finally humans are almost more annoying than demons your idea makes me open my eyes saiko that our mission is impossible>>

Carnaticum << I now understand why humans seem so close to demons in fact >>

Mortuus << only a few rare humans get closer to angels they Aren't all like that right saiko?>>

Saiko who didn't listen to anything because he was lost in his thoughts answers

Saiko << huh??? ... uh, did you talk to me about Mortuus? >>

Mortuus << what are you not serious there saiko I try to defend your idea >>

The others started laughing out loud, Saiko who still didn't understand anything.

Then a noise catches their attention

Looking out into the mist they saw an old man hitting a pot just to get their attention.

And waved and shouted

The old gentleman <<come children>> but for lack of the noise that the rain was making they hardly heard anything and were still heading, lit by the sign of the hand

When they arrive the old gentleman tells them

The old gentleman << I saw that you seem to be soaking yourself so I wanted to ask you if you don't want to take shelter at my place while waiting for the end of the rain >>

Validus << oh... thank you sir, that's exactly what we're looking for but we got rejected several times so we lost a little hope >>

The old gentleman << hahahaha.... I beg you, come home, come home, children

The Children of Mü Thanatos Who Return to the Old Man's House. Then on returning to the old man's house they saw that it was not pretty to see from the inside

The ceiling has leaks, and full of water seal to prevent water from scattering through these leaks in the house

The house was also eaten away by termites and was therefore very fragile.

The light in the living room was dim and was showing signs of malfunctioning in the storm.

The old gentleman << sorry The house leaves something to be desired but it's better than nothing to shelter in the rain you could have caught cold and you're all soaked I'll bring you a towel>> the gentleman is going to take it the napkin

Carnaticum "to be under the proper appearance of a human makes me hungry"

Validus << and you think this gentleman could give you something to eat? No but it's not that I want to provoke but look at his house I don't even think there are rats here >>

Saiko << you never know maybe only the house is weird... you have to ask him to eat Carnaticum >>

Carnaticum << yeah, I will >>

Validus << pfff it will give you nothing I tell you >>

And there the old gentleman comes back and says

The old gentleman "here's a towel"

He gave the towel to Mortuus saying

The old gentleman << the pretty little girls first hahaha >> wanting to liven up the gallery a little

Mortuus << uh... thank you sir, that's kind and nice of you >>

The old gentleman << I'm really sorry but that's all I can do with my means

If I could have more money I would have offered you a hot chocolate to warm you up and you would be comfortable but I hope that if the good Lord does not see me he will certainly see my grandchildren >>

Validus gave a look as if to say to saiko and Carnaticum "I told you he is too poor"

Then Carnaticum springs up and says

Carnaticum << sir.. would you have something to eat for me? >>

The old gentleman << haa young man without wanting to disturb you that's too much to ask of me >>

He looks in his cupboard and pulls out an old hard piece of bread and says

E old gentleman << I swear to you on the gods that's all I have to eat here and I prefer to give them to my little one and my grandson I haven't eaten for three days thanks to prayer and meditation I can still stand... hold on young man I give you good appetite... sorry but I can't do better >>

Carnaticum who was in pain and no longer hungry

The old gentleman << come on don't worry about me I know that I will soon be enlightened by the gods and they will give me much more than this piece of bread and that day I would like to eat with you and tell you I told you so children... hahaha >>

Validus who cuts and says

Validus << I can see your grandchildren >>

The old gentleman << yes of course follow me !! >>

he walks into a bedroom where one of the 7-year-olds "the boy" was sleeping on a tablecloth

And on an old mattress was a pretty little 5-year-old girl who was shaking and getting very hot due to her illness causing her body temperature to rise

Mortuus who says to the old man

Mortuus << but the little girl is sick she is very hot >>

The old gentleman << yes I know but tomorrow I will go to the healer I wanted to go today but this damn rain is preventing me from doing so she came suddenly as if she wanted to corner me on purpose but I can't help it with nature >>

Saiko << sir have you enough money for the healer? >>

The old gentleman << yes obviously I worked three months for that at the market and I had had enough it's enough to take care of him at the healer >>

Carnaticum who is fed up and decides to want to cure the child

And gets arrested by Validus who says by his Telepathy

Validus << not now let's observe a little more >>

Carnaticum << um... but... bof... ok as you want>>

Validus << hey sir >>

The old gentleman "yes"

Validus << We want to rest please where can we sleep? >>

The old gentleman << you ask me a lot children come follow me >>

The children who follow him and arrive in a room with a mattress

The old gentleman << go rest on this bed children tomorrow I'm sure everything will be better ... there would be no more this damn rain >>

The children went to bed and the old gentleman closed the door

Then he leaves and the others started to sleep except Mortuus who got up and stopped the rain then she went to the living room by opening the door of the room where she was and saw the old man lying on the floor

Mortuus says deep inside her

Mortuus << is it possible that the old man offered us his bed to sleep on ... I think so >> and she goes back in pity to the room and goes to bed with her brothers

The next day a huge alarm clock shouts the children of Mü Thanatos

The old gentleman who is crying because the 5-year-old girl died during the night

The old gentleman << Nina Nina Nina pity you're not dead answer me!!!! >>


The 7-year-old boy was also crying, he had just lost his little sister, the shock was excruciating and brutal for him too.

The children of Mü Thanatos looked at the old gentleman with the corpse of the lifeless little girl seemed to have no resistance and let themselves go

Mortuus << wow what tragedy do you think his soul has already been taken?>>

Saiko << we will only know that if we check it >>

Saiko approaches as well as Carnaticum Et validus

Validus took the young boy and put him on his shoulders and told him

Validus << stop crying my little one >>

The little boy still kept crying

Mortuus comes up behind Validus and tries to console the young boy as they were bound to be able to assure nothing of a clean resurrection unless God took the soul of the little girl to judge her

Saiko and Carnaticum approach the old gentleman

Carnaticum who addresses the old gentleman saying to him

Carnatucum << you are in tears for this little girl and if we tried to thank you for the welcome you gave us yesterday, what would you say? >>

The old man wiped his tears and said

The old gentleman << where are you coming from young man don't you see that I'm crying my little girl? Now is not the time >>

Saiko << instead go away and let me examine the girl first >>

The perplexed old gentleman did not understand anything

Carnaticum << go sir go away a little please >>

The old man then moves away from 5 meters and leaves the corpse of the young girl on the ground

saiko approaches the girl and touches the girl's lower belly, he felt his soul still present somewhere on earth and he therefore deduces that God had not yet taken him to judge

Saiko was happy and made a sign to the others who quickly understood that it was possible to make a resurrection they too began to smile and Carnaticum said to the old

Carnaticum << Here look well what will happen >>

Saiko released her red aura on the little girl who took the whole room for the return of the girl's soul. The room began to shake the old man did not understand anything and said

The old gentleman << what is happening? >> with fear in him

light emitted by saiko's aura decreases and stops completely

Saiko's red aura also disappears and then there was suddenly a great silence. The old man was concentrated and wondered the old gentleman "what are they doing to little Nina" while observing attentively.

The little girl's arm began to move

The old gentleman thought he was going crazy or that he simply had bad eyesight. The little girl opens her eyes and stands up completely

The old gentleman began to cry and the same for the little boy Nina looks at her grandfather and smiles

Nina << grandpa!! >> she said

The old gentleman << yes Nina it's me .... how is it possible Nina you are walking you are alive how is it possible I must surely be dreaming >>

Validus who leaves the little boy on the ground the little one rushes to his sister and gives him a huge hug in tears of joy the little one too young to understand that she was dead and that she came back to life just believe that she comes from a heavy sleep and it's just awake like every day but she still didn't understand the joy of her big brother and her grandfather

The old gentleman who rushes to hug his little girl too during this time

The children of Mü Thanatos were whispering among themselves

"" each his miracles in view of the service of the old man saiko was already mocked "" they said

Validus who interrupts their moment of reunion and says to the old gentleman

Validus << take my hand each one of us has a huge miracle for you from now on you will not live here in this house anymore >>

The old man after this miracles of resurrection wanted to see where Validus was coming from he took Validus's hand and at the moment he and his little sons found themselves in a huge empty land full of pretty mountains Validus let go of his hand and climbed towards the sky floating in the air

The old man always told himself that he was dreaming

Validus raised his hands to the sky and tons and tons of billions of fruits, plants and vegetables all grew cultivated and even animals like cows and the like appeared

The children were amazed

The old man was still in shock in tears and behind him

Mortuus << from now on you will no longer miss yours for your little service you will be infinitely rewarded... as you can see a small gesture on your part can be better rewarded for what you have done >>

Mortuus hit the ground with his foot and a Beautiful and pretty house came out big and spacious then it hits the ground a second time and a city appeared with electric current at will

The old gentleman who says in his heart

The old gentleman << all that for me when I had nothing extraordinary .... I dream it's impossible >>

Mortuus << here is your city do what you want ok >>

Carnaticum << and now to me >>

Carnaticum which creates sources of drinking water from everywhere crystal clear and clean water

Carnaticum who stopped the children of Mü Thanatos still gather to thank the old and the old gentleman who says

The old gentleman << no, it's me who thanks you very much

The gods we end up hearing my prayers I... I'm so happy that I want to throw myself into the void I also want to eat with you and tell you that I told you that the gods will end by see me >>

The children of Mü Thanatos laughed out loud

Carnaticum put on the old gentleman the authority of Mü Thanatos and all the thousand people who first come to live in this city will be taken by the authority of Mü Thanatos and will become his subjects

Then the children took off to go to the world of the gods for their daily activities

The children of Mü Thanatos << goodbye sir... be well >>

The old gentleman << I won't miss that yet thank you very much children... oops my lords hehehe >>

Part 2: "Gods, humans, demons (unusual events)

After finding subjects in Mü Thanatos, 76 million years passed, in the world of the gods, the king of the gods zeus discussed with great goddess

Zeus << it is clear that currently all the gods govern without exception on humans to which they will make donations and others to the son of the temple >>

Great goddess << exactly... with the immensity of the world of existence, a god can govern over several dimensions and there will always be some left over, there are so many >>

Zeus << hum.. they are uncountable very dear >>

Great goddess << I am so happy for our beloved Mü Thanatos who finally has the right to be a governing goddess >>

Zeus << indeed... she would have been since if she weren't so young... young, 7 billion years is too little but you .. you exist well from the beginning by being a part of god himself although without conscience >>

Great goddess << I was always aware of my existence just like you hahahaha >>

Zeus << um... there is nothing funny >>

a divine messenger interrupts this conversation and says

Divine Messenger << I salute you my lords...I wanted to tell you that you have many recommendations on some of the humans who worship you through the very domain of other divinities >>

Zeus << hahahaha... normal i am the king of the gods... i rule those they worship and implore so they will always have my echoes... whatever it is Great goddess i will leave you you certainly have humans who are currently praying to you so I leave you >>

Great goddess << but I took you my king >> zeus turns around and goes to his castle

Great Goddess did the same

On Earth, a human chopping wood was watched by a goddess. The goddess "zara" who is a quaternary goddess more precisely an omnipotent level 1, she dominated over an entire Giant dimension although chronology, she gave sign of human life on the 63% of the universes present in the Giant dimension. But nevertheless, a particular universe attracted all his attention for a few years. It was getting weird because she was so devoted to this universe that she even ignored the others that had life.

Zara observes this man who lives in a cabin in the countryside. Zara's gaze was so focused on him that she could not see that the god (Apollo) had entered his sanctuary.

Apollo << zara... what are you doing? >> zara was so surprised that she jumped and said.

Zara << my apollo commander..? but what are you doing here in my sanctuary? >>

Apollon << you seem to forget who you are talking to ... I don't need authorization or permission to go where I want stupid >>

Zara << I'm sorry... I was just surprised >> she says lowering her head and looking at the floor

Apollo approaches her and tells her

Apollo << hum... you were surprised you a goddess? What could get your attention so much to take you by surprise? >>

Zara << uh... my apollon commander I'm going to take a tour in this universe just to see my subjects and test them a few times then.... >>

Apollon << hum... very well I'm leaving I have gods to visit too! >> Apollo disappeared

Zara << um... I'm getting into big trouble there... anyway >> zara disappears and reappears on the planet earth of the universe she was observing.

For the occasion she took human form without her divine outfit just a long green dress

She walked and headed towards the cabin of The Man she had been watching from.

She approached and saw the door closed she knew he was inside so she knocked on the door three times and said

Zara <<is there anyone here?>> >>

The door opened and the man saw the pretty woman in front of him, he said

The man << hi ma'am... can I help you? >>

Zara looked at him for a moment without saying a word, her gaze was full of attention, she seemed amazed by this man. The man shook his hand to get zara's attention and said

The man << heo... ma'am, are you okay? >>

Zara << er.. yes why? >>

The man << you seem to me to be absent.. so what can I do for you, pretty lady? >> zara blushed and said

Zara " do you find me pretty? "

The man " hahahaha... yes you are beautiful it's the very first time I've seen such a beautiful woman.. it's true that I don't see her often but I know what I'm talking about so I can tell you help ? "

Zara " I would like to have a drink please mister schiba "

Astonished Shiba replica

Schiba"What?? Do you know my name? "

Zara << yes of course >>

Schiba << how did you do? >>

Zara << I know that's all and I won't tell you now go get me a drink >>

Schiba << um.. .. ok wait for me here ma'am don't move a push >>

Zara "it's understood"

Schiba went back to his house and took a water worm and said to himself

Schiba <<how does this pretty woman know me? I almost never move from my cabin... well, it doesn't matter, maybe I'll find out one day >>

Schiba arrived at the door and gave the water worm to zara who drinks this water.

Zara << thank you very much I needed it so much thank you very much.. now I'm going back >> zara got ready to leave and Schiba stopped to say Schiba << madam.. uh please. .. i would like to know your name if you allow me at the same time since you know my name so >> zara nodded

Zara << Very well... my name is zara >>

Schiba << delighted Mrs Zara >>

Zara << hum.. I'm.. finally I'm going >>

Schiba << I said something that shouldn't? >>

Zara << no now go back to your activities Schiba >>

Zara went to an area where no one saw her and she took the opportunity to disappear.

Zara arrived again in her outer sanctuary and again looked at Schiba from this place.

Zara << how can I be so attracted to my creation? >> zara turned away from this sphere of universe and disappeared then reappeared in the world of the gods at Mü Thanatos

She knocked gently on the door of the castle and wamy opened

Wamy << Hum... lord zara what are you doing here? >>

Zara << wamy I would like to see the goddess Mü Thanatos please >>

Wamy << oh!! ... but it is that she is a little busy with these subjects answering certain prayers according to the actions of the latter is not easy and you know it >>

Zara << yes I know but I really need to see her >>

Wamy << Hum... it's understood you can come in >> wamy opened the door and zara came in

Once inside zara saw Mü Thanatos and mortuus doing their divine activities on the subjects of Mü Thanatos

Zara approached and said

Zara << Mu Thanatos? Am I disturbing you ? >>

Mü Thanatos << no ... what is your visit worth to me >>

Zara << I need to speak with you on a subject and I especially need your opinion >> Mü Thanatos and mortuus looked at zara without saying a word then Mü Thanatos answers

Mü Thanatos << understood! Mortuus you will take care of my subjects for a few moments I'll be back ok!! >>

Mortuus << yes mother I take care of it without problem you can go there !! >> Mü Thanatos stood up and teleported next to zara

Mü Thanatos << let's talk a little further, do you want? >>

Zara << I don't mind... as long as I talk to you >> Mü Thanatos grabs Zara's hand and disappears with her. They meet outside the castle of Mü Thanatos.

Mü Thanatos << then zara? What did you want to say to me ? >>

Zara << well Mü Thanatos I know it's too far fetched but I'm kind of attracted to a human >>

Mü Thanatos << attracted how? >>

Zara << uh... hum... I'm in love with this human >>

Mü Thanatos << What??? Do you realize what you're saying is unbelievable? A god can't be attracted to a human what's happening to you? >> said Mü Thanatos being surprised.

Zara << Calm down !! I know it's wrong but it's weirdly stronger than me I can't get it out of my head I tried again and again but no success so I thought I should talk about it >>

Mü Thanatos << and why did you choose to talk to me? >>

Zara << simply because you're the youngest and being one you don't seem to be made like the rest of us so I thought you could understand me >>

Mü Thanatos << um... and what do you want me to do about what you just told me? >>

Zara << I would like you to advise me or push me to dissuade me for good >>

Mü Thanatos << with my powers? >>

Zara << no .. just words that could convince me every time I think about it >>

Mü Thanatos put his hand under his chin and thought

Zara << don't put too much pressure on me if it's too much to ask you I wouldn't mind if you let me know >>

Mü Thanatos << hum.. I'm mostly just going to tell you what I think about it and from that you can form your own opinion that can help you think about it better, you want? >>

Zara << yes... yes!! Go there >>

Mü Thanatos << here.. what you are doing is certainly abnormal but seeing that you are in this situation shows that this kind of thing is quite possible... so I will tell you that a god cannot lower himself to want breeding with humans is forbidden and it's against the rules because you created all these humans and it's unacceptable that you can fall in love with your own creations to the point of coming where you want... you see ? I don't know if it's clear but I hope you at least see what I mean Zara? >>

Zara << yes indeed I see where you are coming from and you are right but then how do I part with it? I mean how can I not have this feeling anymore? >>

Mü Thanatos << zara you are a goddess you just have to suppress this feeling in you it's so easy.. this feeling is certainly to develop when you observe this creations with all your attention thus leaving the possibility of creating this feeling normally unique to humans >>

Zara << yes... you are right I will remove this feeling for good >>

Mü Thanatos << hum... >>

Zara << What? Don't you think I can? >> wamy suddenly appeared

And say

Wamy << sorry to interrupt this discussion zara! But my goddess Mü Thanatos is requested in a meeting with the primordial gods.. it goes without saying that she arrives on time at least not to make a bad impression, do you see? >>

Zara << oh... yes I understand exactly wamy you are absolutely right .. Mü Thanatos thank you for giving me your time at least for these few moments >> Mü Thanatos takes her hands and says

Mü Thanatos << don't worry it's completely normal >> Wamy extended his right hand to Mü Thanatos and said

Wamy << my goddess... please take my hand so we can get ready for the meeting >> Mü Thanatos let go of zara's hands and took wamy's. Energy gravitated around them and they were disappearing

Mü Thanatos << zara ... I will also add that if you act like that zeus would never forgive you he will make you suffer so I advise you to remove this feeling >> Then they disappeared.

Zara was left alone and said

Zara << yes Mü Thanatos you are absolutely right >>

Zara also teleported to her sanctuary and took the universal sphere from Schiba's and she looked at him carefully again.

Zara << I am dazzled by this human yet he has absolutely nothing special compared to me! ...i should suppress this feeling and quickly >> zara materialized energy on her arm but was hesitant to use it

Zara << damn... why can't I even get rid of this feeling? ... at the same time I don't hate it this feeling I even love it.. well too bad I'm not going to delete it >> zara made the energy of his hand disappear

Zara again began to observe the man with such attention that a smile could be drawn on her face.

Zara << I think I'm going to let myself be dictated by this feeling and even if the consequences will be bad whatever about that >> zara resumed the stopover in the sphere and appears in a market. The conditions she took in this sphere was to be like a human she could easily interact with them like other humans although she was still a goddess.

Zara << strangely I feel too good... >> she walked towards a corner covered by a forest and climbed on a branch of trees which hung above a huge waterfall, zara lies down on the branch and take advantage of this magnificent air which reigned, the passage of birds and the magnificent landscape made her doze but she could not sleep

Zara << it's happiness this feeling how could I get rid of such a pleasant thing? I never felt it before but why? This feeling goes even beyond an affection it is a huge affection a feeling of love yes...yes...yes!!!! Schiba i'm crazy about you...and i love it >> suddenly zara's emotions were so strong that she threw herself off the planet and grew so big that she could hold it in her hands. She pointed the planet to her face and said

Zara << in a point of view are we all creations? What can I say about that? All I want is to never separate myself from this feeling of love again >> she let go of the planet and resumed human size then she fell into the planet crossed the atmosphere and floated in the clouds. She had her eyes closed carried away by this feeling which animated her so much from a dizzying height she took control of her free fall and began to fly and she reappeared directly on the branch above the free fall.

Zara << now what to do when one is driven by such a feeling? Yes I know !! I'm going straight to see Schiba and stay with him hihihi.... but with a softer and more romantic scene >>

Zara disappears

Schiba was near his cabin where he had finished chopping wood. Now he should go get some fruit in the forest and maybe kill an animal for dinner. He took a hat, a rifle and a small bucket for the fruits and he went to the forest

On returning to the forest, he directly saw a pile of fruit with a dead moose in the same place.

Schiba << no but .... that's exactly what I need .... it's probably someone I should pass on my way then >> Schiba withdrew his gaze from all this delight and wanted to continue on his way when he saw zara sitting on a block of stones

Schiba << hey but I know this girl... she's the pretty lady who asked me for a drink a while ago >>

He walked to zara

Schiba << hey ... madam zara how are you? >> zara hid her gaze but sneered in secret as she watched Schiba come towards her

Zara << Mr. Schiba... what do I owe the honor of seeing you here? >>

Schiba << I thought you had a problem... apparently it's fine so I'm going to leave you and go hunting >> Zara stood up and grabbed Schiba by the hand

Zara << why go hunting? We can share all these feasts together, I can't finish it alone >> Schiba was dazzled by Zara's beautiful eyes and the grace she offered him

Schiba << wow... that's too much are you sure you want to share all this with me madam zara? >>

Zara << yes of course.. and stop calling me madam zara ... just call me zara >>

Schiba << oops sorry... I thought you were married or something like that... fine, how about we all bring this to my house? I'm going to have the opportunity to make you taste my sublime cuisine >> zara began to blush and laugh

A sister was also drawn on Schiba who kept looking at Zara she was so beautiful

He lifted the game and Zara carried the fruit then they walked towards Schiba's cabin.

In the realm of the gods, zeus seemed to be pissed off

Zeus << how dare they? They want to challenge me? Me zeus? They will all be massacred to the last >>

All the 30 primordial gods were at this meeting including Mü Thanatos who was seated on a throne and on his right there was wamy who was standing

Zeus << what to do? Demons who want to piss me off is madness!!! Apollo what do you think? What can we do ? >>

Apollon got up always so graceful and beautiful with long yellow hair even almost golden

Apollo << zeus !!! You should start by sitting down first and we'll all think about it together!!! No demons can drive us so mad haha...we are the primordial gods our power is unmatched we are at the top of the hierarchy of ruling gods >>

Zeus << It is thus that you understand nothing you.... me zeus with all my grace to make me insult by a demon? It's so disgusting >>

Great goddess << zeus !! Apollon is right you should calm down first no but look at our last little one Mü Thanatos!! She sees you acting like this, for her who is more powerful than me I find it unworthy >> zeus looks at Mü Thanatos and approaches her

Zeus "I'm so sorry for this despicable behavior that I showed you ... I'm going to stop this now >>

Mü Thanatos blushed and nodded

Mü Thanatos << it is understood ... >>

Wamy smiled when he saw this

Zeus << good now you the 10 primordial gods of command ... I will ask you to serve me currently Apollo, zirix, Michael, Poseidon, Great goddess, zarachie, zocheth, aeribathoth, theecle and Thanato you will continue this meeting with me .. the rest I will ask you to leave!>>

The other primeval gods "heard my lord" and they all disappeared at the same time

Zeus << you are not only the most powerful gods after me but you are also commanders ... I want one of you to calm me down a bit these little demons who are a little too agitated and inform me of more >>

Apollo << I obviously volunteer...it's been a long time since I fought or relaxed since the gods/demons war >>

Zeus << apollo the number 1 of my said commander... I know that no matter who I send the mission will always be a success!!! So I'm not going to complain about it the meeting is over now you can dispose and continue your activities >>

The other gods "understood my lord" and they also all disappeared

Mü Thanatos on returning seemed thoughtful under the gaze of wamy who worried

Wamy << my goddess !! Are you doing OK ? >>

Mü Thanatos << er.. yes .. yes you worry about me >>

Wamy << Hum.. how not to worry if you always make this face that makes me sick? My princess, tell me what worries you and we'll talk about it so we'll find a simpler solution, don't you think? >>

Mü Thanatos << yes you are right wamy but I prefer not to talk about it .. or at least not talk about it now please wamy ignore my current moods it's me who asks you >> wamy was surprised and shocked at the time he almost panicked

Wamy << but !! Goddess... >>

Mü Thanatos << do what I'm asking you now it's all inclusive wamy? >>

Wamy << but I.... >>

Mü Thanatos << wamy I sincerely ask you please do it >> Wamy's face could show a slight sadness following these words of Mü Thanatos

Wamy << okay my goddess I will always respect your requests >>

Mü Thanatos << thank you very much wamy >>

They walked for a while in a really awkward silence while avoiding eye contact.

Wamy still wanted to change the taste of this bitter discussion and so he spoke

Wamy << Goddess !! If I may allow myself, have you ever thought of visiting these universes which you gave life to? >>

Mu Thanatos << no! Honestly I don't see the point >>

Wamy " However you will have to I assure you... >>

Then the conversation is interrupted by Ares who introduces himself with an icy gaze.

Ares " well, well, look who see there? "

Mü Thanatos " Hey are you okay? "

Ares " shut the fuck up Mü Thanatos, I keep despising you!!! "

Mü Thanatos" but, how? "

Ares " for you are the error of the father god "

Mü Thanatos " the mistake you say?! "

Wamy " hehe...hahahahahahahaaaa!!! "

Ares " but who allowed a fool like you to laugh in a divine conversation? "

Wamy " Goddess, don't listen to this retard there is nothing divine!! "

Mü Thanatos " oh.. wamy!! "

Ares " this stupid advice dare to ignore me? "

Wamy " sorry, I think you got the wrong world, here it is a sacred place full of divinity of the gods in short "

Ares " I'm a god and you're just a junk servant you should shut up "

Wamy " haha.. who gave you god status? You are no better than me a Divine Advisor nothing more"

Ares gritted his teeth

Ares " it's Mü Thanatos who doesn't educate you properly you stupid "

Wamy " how dare you talk like that to a real goddess? You who have nothing more than me "

Ares " no but.... what makes you think I'm not a god? "

Wamy " because you dared to say that the father god made a mistake something that is impossible! "

Ares " what , how ? "

Wamy "because unlike you who are not perfect, the father god and the other divinities are."

Ares "according to you a god is perfect? "

Wamy "Is a god perfect? yes a god is perfect only if he does not question his ideas because do you see the perfect being never questions himself I am not a god but I live for a goddess I have rubbed shoulders with this presence divine for billions of years now so I am not mistaken when I say you are a god or not currently you are not Ares you are no better than me "

Ares"I see....!! " Ares gets closer to wamy with a murderous aura that emanated from his body he wanted to do battle with wamy at all costs

wamy on his side with a bruised era seemed not to be intimidated he even seemed excited and displayed this smile worthy of a real psychopath who was also ready to fight it out

But all that wamy emotion stopped when Mü Thanatos took her hand tenderly saying

Mü Thanatos << let's go back and ignore the wamy >> Ares stopped

Ares << What? >>

Wamy << but goddess !! He dared to insult you in front of me >>

Mü Thanatos << it doesn't matter let's go anyway >> Wamy's gaze was surprised and amazed at the same time his eyes full of red by his pupils and the white of his eye completely black at home

Wamy "understood goddess.. let's go home" he said and the two disappeared on the spot

Ares << pfff ... a matter of time just the time to prepare the death or total disappearance of Mü Thanatos and his shoddy adviser >> he turns around and turns around.

During this time on the earth ruled by zara, zara seemed to live happiness with Schiba they only ate and Schiba told her adventures to zara although she already knew everything about him she acted as if she did not know and she played very well the game

Schiba <<.... there you are !!!... now you know why I live in a cabin now zara where are you from? >>

Zara << er... not very far from here in all that >>

Schiba << wow and how did I ever see you before? >>

Zara6 << 6 I was not very exposed on the other hand I saw you well >>

Schiba << I see.. I understand... uh zara!>>

Zara << yes Schiba >> Schiba looks at the eyes of zara so magnificent that he felt like in front of an angel or a magnificent goddess who came from heaven for him. But what he didn't know was that it was.

Schiba << uh... zara I wanted to tell you that in fact... no it's not important >> Schiba felt too embarrassed to say that he was crazy about her like that so he preferred to wait a little longer before telling him

Zara << you're sure it's not important? >>

Schiba << yes ... finally no finally let's forget >> he was so impressed by the beauty of zara that he no longer knew what to say to her

Zara looked into her eyes and Schiba looked away. Zara smiled and said

Zara << Schiba come closer please >>

Schiba << er... ok >> he approached slightly

Zara "went a little longer" Schiba approached again. Zara's face and Schiba were now 10 centimeters apart. Zara cupped Schiba's cheeks with both hands and gave him a little kiss on the lips before getting up.

Zara << I'm going have a great evening schiba and thank you for the meal >>

Schiba << heuuuuuuu okaaaayyyy>> he was stunned by zara's kiss he was so happy

Zara opened the door to Schiba's cabin, then she got out and closed it.

Schiba << uh .. wait I want to tell you finally >> Schiba rushed to the door ma by opening it he saw no one on the horizon he went back to his hut and closed the door

Far away in the world of the gods, Apollo is about to accomplish what Zeus had asked of him. So by his omnipresence he had no trouble finding the demons who caused so much anger in Zeus.

Apollo << wait a second!! Aren't these demons above existence and non-existence? If so, why allow yourself to be so vulnerable to my omnipresence? Anyway I love the risks if it's a trap they'll regret it straight away >> the moment he stopped talking he found himself in the world of myths directly in front of a sinister realm with lots of webs of spiders.

Apollo << what horror!! Demons have always had funny ways >> he broke down the door to the Kingdom and went inside..

The interior was terrifying with wacky skulls, skeletons and noise but none of that could impress apollo the number 1 of the primordial gods commander

Apollon << um... why do I have this feeling that I'm going to get angry quickly?>> the moment he says it a demon throws himself on him Apollo remains indifferent and approaching him the demon is made pulverize all alone and mysteriously, thousands of other demons also throw themselves from side to side but apollo continues to walk without paying attention to them And the demons all disintegrated without any difference even those who tried to flee did not escape more to this disintegration.

apollo "why waste time when we can get there faster" he holds out his hand and a pretty golden spear materializes on his hand apollo grabs it and spears it into the void the spear seemed to know where it was going as it broke Kingdom structures that already seemed abnormal.

The spear sank further and further then he sliced ​​an abnormal being who made Apollo smile who appeared directly with his hand on his spear

Apollo << hold hold!!! I have you at last >> the being who was pierced gesticulated awkwardly trying to free himself

Apollo << it is useless to struggle... once my spear pierces someone he literally becomes vulnerable as vulnerable as a puppy that has just been born... >> the being begins to spit blood and say

The being << what a calamity... hihihi... certainly I have really become vulnerable but I remain deep down a primordial demon I am incapable of dying hahahaha >> he says Then starts spitting blood again

Apollon << hum... indeed you can't die and there's nothing to do about it... that's outstretched my spear you took away everything you have except this ability not to die because it's impossible ... father has shaped all beings above existence to be above all concepts exist including meta concepts and even those deepened but on the other hand, demon, my spear has taken away your power and your techniques... all that made you a fighter you are now as vulnerable as a baby who has just been born and still alone this ability not to die and your conscience has been spared >> The demon laughed and said

The demon << you can't take my conscience away from me, can you? >>

Apollo << indeed not with this spear there in any case >>

The demon "What? >>

Apollo << this spear is the spear that tracks and catches it always finds its target, impossible to escape it, it can even track it for centuries. It will always find it no matter where you are...it will always pierce you, no matter what you may do...it will make you vulnerable too. Then I would always appear too every time she pierces her but I think this realm is not normal too... explain to me how the demon is made >>

The demon << I don't have to do it! >>

Apollo << hum!!>>

Apollo plunged the lance into the entrails of the demon which made him spit out a huge ball of blood. The pain was more and more unbearable each time the blade of this lance sank into the demon.

Apollo << then?? Are you still going to tell me anything? Nothing prevents me from making you suffer eternally, you know? >>

The demon << bouha... ok ok I'll explain... the Kingdom is made of two spaces the top which is a finite space and the bottom which is infinite... it is made of several structures of more than 4 centimeters at 7000 meters which are there to devour the power of the intruders immediately but I don't know how it hasn't had an effect on you normally given the depth where you are you shouldn't even be able to speak or walk!>>

Apollon << I see... too bad for you, my body is armored with protections always active, and the demons of the front door were? >>

The demon << they were basic demons and some hyper demons too >>

Apollo << hahahaha... you really are jesters... are you the demon who insulted zeus? And by the way, what's your name? >>

The demon << no it's not me who made it and my name is Arophile >>

Apollo << hum... you wouldn't be the demon who killed Gilead?? >>

Arophile << no I never killed a single god me kof... kof... >> he said while coughing

Apollo << in any case you will be my prisoner gone by my authority I heal you of this deep wound >> Apollo withdrew his spear from the belly of arophile and the wound closed at the same time

Apollo << go come with me otherwise I will send you to suffer in your worst nightmare >>

Arophile << uh...understood >> Apollo walked followed by arophile in the kingdom

On the sanctuary of zara the latter was seated on her throne always with the universal sphere of that of Schiba on her hand. She was thinking about so many things

Zara << if at least I were human I wouldn't think like that and... what is it? >> someone was knocking at the door of his sanctuary

Zara << every time it's apollo or another god... but what do they want from me here, forget even that I exist damn it then...>> Then she says aloud

Zara << go ahead you could come in >> the door opened zara remained focused on his sphere

The intruder << hello ... lord zara you are lovely this morning you are well I hope? >> zara immediately recognized this way of speaking with so much respect she was surprised because the latter had never visited her... she was so surprised that she dropped the universal sphere she had in her hand

Zara << wamy!!!! You here but what is worth to me such a visit?? >>

Wamy << gently lord zara you made this sphere fall brutally if it breaks the universe which it represents will break too!! >> zara was full of enthusiasm just by this unexpected visit

Zara << don't worry about that, I could always rebuild it... but wamy, what's this visit worth to me? Did Mü Thanatos send you? >>

Wamy << exactly !! She would like to know how you are doing... she didn't come in person because you know she is very busy with her new reign at the same time she is still only a beginner later it won't take her a single second >>

Zara << yes I understand completely I'm too well and the fact that she sent you makes me even more happy thank you wamy >> wamy began to blush and said

Wamy << oh... hahaha but you're welcome lord zara the pleasure is shared >> Then wamy disappeared completely

Zara << I'm so happy... I'm going to take a walk to see Schiba >> Zara also disappeared to enter the sphere. But once inside on earth it was the Chao... the earth was completely broken into 6 large pieces the universe itself was in a catastrophic state too full of stars was destroyed

Zara << but what is this Chao? How it is possible ? >> She went directly to teleport in front of Schiba's hut but the hut was in pieces zara understood absolutely nothing

She looks at the sky which was not blue but red the earth seemed to have lost 96% of living beings and the universe was almost destroyed

Looking in the debris of Schiba Zara's cabin saw a lifeless body lying in the debris even if she couldn't see the head she knew very well that it was Schiba Zara seemed sad but she wasn't so sad

Zara << I understand everything now... it was me who did all that... just now when I dropped the universal sphere when I saw wamy... so I suffered a terrible shock to this universe...but i can fix this almighty zeus has forbidden going back in time in our world of gods but not in these universes

Zara levitates in the air until she reaches the surface of the planet then she stretches her hands in the sky and says

Zara << reditus tempus >> time is set back in the universe and the universe is put back in order

Zara << perfect view that I am here the sphere can not be destroyed now by my mistake anyway I only exist in the present although I can see countless future and past too >> things had returned to the order again

Zara flies straight to Schiba's hut again and she arrives very quickly

She could see it in the sky

Schiba was sitting outside enjoying the good weather and the pretty scenery

Zara appeared neither seen nor known and walked in the direction of Schiba.

Zara<< hi Schiba how are you? >> Schiba jumps up and says

Schiba << huh?? Zara it's you ... phew you scared me I'm too well and you Beautiful young lady? >>

Zara << perfectly also I came to visit you >>

Schiba << and I'm happy to see you beautiful princess... I also wanted to tell you, huh, something that's been bothering me since I met you >>

Zara << So what? >>

Schiba rose from his chair.

Schiba << please take a seat >>

Zara << um.... ok >> she sat down

Schiba << zara I wanted to tell you that...that... uh you're too beautiful hehehe >> he says being as red as a tomato

Zara stared at him with a disapproving look and said

Zara << is that what you wanted to tell me? If so thank you I will go >> zara got up from the chair

Schiba panics and says

Schiba << wait that's not what I really wanted to tell you Zara... humm>>

Zara << yes what do you want to tell me exactly, go ahead and talk >>

Schiba took a serious era suddenly and took zara's hand

Schiba << zara it's going to seem weird to you but... I .. I love you I'm crazy red crazy about you I only want you I want to start my family with you I want you to be the mother of my children you you're so beautiful, nice and everything I know it's stupid that a guy like less can...>> zara kissed him prevented him from continuing his speech the kiss was intense Schiba was in heaven at that moment he was so engrossed that he put his hands on zara's hips and closed his eyes

Zara stops the kiss session and says

Zara << yes... I agree to become the mother of your children and to belong to you Schiba >> Then she says deep inside her

Zara "I may be asexual but I can change that... and I know I may have gotten myself into serious trouble but I'm only looking for happiness right now I just want to be happy yes I just want that only and nothing else" and she kisses Schiba again. Zara was much too happy it was through this joy that she neglected the big nonsense that she was aggravating on the one hand she seemed to be aware of that and on the other hand no, however she was just living the moment and that's it