
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Ciudad
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46 Chs

Flashback Already

I was hiding in the closet and watching Wallace butcher a woman like she was a pig. He looked like Hannibal Lecter. Dad came in and asked not to serve it to us. He gave a dad a grunt and stomped off without another remark. He cooked her and ate her. His expression had no changes as he switched from human to beef. I was told to stay hidden till he leaves. He might eat me as well. I watched as he removed his fake dentures composed only of fangs. It had sauce dripping from it.

I heard the door close with a bang and deduced that Wallace has arrived to exonerate his brother Frank. He stormed past me without a glance in my direction. I knew what he was thinking even if the others didn't. I watched as he argued with the chief for an hour before he accepted that his brother was a murderer. I knew he was going to kidnap Carolina and eat her.

I assigned an off-duty cop in plain clothes to watch over her. Sure enough, he came to kidnap her. We caught him and he tried to attack us with a nine-inch blade. We had no choice but to shoot him. The chief was impressed and so was my partner.

He decided to make me jealous again by going out with someone else. I decided to focus on my work and let him get himself into trouble when he has to break up with her. Dimka was acting all friendly with me as he went on dates with whoever she was. But finally, I decided that I had enough of his immaturity. Ralph was not the answer to this problem Damien was. He came over on Valentine's Day with red roses and kissed me on the lips. The incredible hulk as my internal companion described came barreling towards us like he was on a warpath. I happily remembered how we came to be husband and wife.

I was walking to the parking lot when I heard a gunshot. I ran to see an old man bleeding on the floor. I did what I could to stop the bleeding and call for help. He tried to give me a weird goodbye expression but the paramedics arrived and whisked him away. I trotted off without waiting to give my statement. The next day a handsome young man with a Russian accent came to question me. I fleshed out what I could and left out the rest. He gave me a grateful smile and walked away. He turned around to take one last look at me.

I decided then and there that he should be my husband. He would be perfect. I started stalking him. Which annoyed my internal companion. She believed I should prefer someone who doesn't wear a badge. Finally, the day arrived when I was able to sweep him off his feet. I risked my life and saved his mother and sister. In my defense, I didn't know who they were but he decided that I was the one. I had "unknowingly done things" that caught his attention. To top it off he was my only. That and much more cemented in his beautiful mind that I should be his wife.

I watched as Damien ducked the punch. His fist was still hungry to punch something that it didn't stop when it missed his face. His hand stopped an inch close to my face. He leaned over and kissed me to apologize. He promised to stop trying to make me jealous. All I had to do was let him move in with me. I promise to consent to his terms if he manages to break up with his new 'girlfriend' without her pulling a tantrum. She threw a stapler at him. I took pity on him and gave him the spare key, "Considering she is a police officer at least she didn't shoot you. Damien's girlfriend threw a beach chair at him when he broke up with her." Dimka looked at him skeptically. Damien laughed, "Your wife asked me to kiss her so you would admit that you were trying to make her feel jealous. If I weren't married I would have a lot more to push your buttons. Trust me. The kiss was the limit we agreed on." I gave the chief my report and asked Damien if he and his wife would like to join me for dinner. He said he already has plans for the day. He took a rain check.

Dimka was enthralled, "Where are you planning to go?" I lowered my head, "I missed their wedding so I owe them dinner. I was thinking the Olive Garden." He smiled, "I would like to take you there. I owe you an apology for my stupidity." He kissed me repeatedly till I smiled at him. This seemed to brighten his day.  He walked to his desk and pulled out a single purple rose. He gave it to me and wished me a happy Valentine's Day. My internal companion decided that it was her turn to recall a memory.

I was bored to tears in the hotel. This is the first time in years that I had gone to kill someone without researching them. I walked the hall and saw a man in a suit walking in a distance like he was tailing someone. I followed him instinctively and was rewarded with the notion that he is an assassin. I hit him with the tranquilizer gun. I had one of the hotel staff who owes me a favor help me drag the assassin to the trunk of my car. He even removed the security footage.

I released him in the junkyard and hunted him down. He was allowed to hunt me as well. I used a katana and so did he. He was someone who prefers to use guns so I got the advantage. In the end, I cut off his head and threw him into the trash compactor. He was crushed along with a totaled Pontiac.

I walked towards the stairs feeling euphoric. The woman who dating Dimka challenged me to a boxing match. I happily agreed and I won. My darling and I celebrated by having dinner at the Olive Garden. Afterward, he moved his meager possessions to my apartment. It took a few minutes to get his belongings to his car. I asked him that I need my car back. He looked like I slapped him across the face. I walked to impound and got my car back. I parked my car and walked to the staircase. He was waiting with a fake angry expression. "I am your chauffeur, remember?" I reminded him that sometimes he and I need to go our separate ways so it is easier if I had a car. He ground his teeth in frustration.

We walked towards the park for a nostalgic evening excursion and I saw that we were being pursued by two green-eyed women who had fought for his affection and lost. I chuckled, "Your fanbase is following us." He turned around to take a look. He seemed bored at the sight of them. "I only see people going on about their business. As far as those women go, I have nothing to be concerned about. It's your inner companion who should be concerned. They might catch her in the act." I laughed, "Bring it on" We stop at the Dosa stand and ordered a Masala Dosa. He wrinkled his nose but finished his quickly. I knew he only preferred Russian and Georgian food. The rest he tolerates for the sake of peace. He would eat a hotdog once in a while. He knew I wanted to broaden his horizon, so he played along. I asked him to take me to his mother's place. He delightfully drove me there.