

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 77 : Thirst and Blood


" Dolion..." Laila spoke as she saw Dolion come over to sit by her side.

" I saw you talking to Krystallo. " Dolion spoke in a low tone and a sadness was evident in his eyes. " I am sorry I tried to make you go against a friend..." he said.

Laila remained silent for a few seconds and then spoke ,

" Krystallo...is as stubborn with his beliefs as I am...and though they may differ .... I know he will never hold any ill will.....he is someone I would entrust my life to...a trust that wont be easily damaged. "

" I see... " Dolion said as he stood up , "We should probably start moving."

" Yes , we should."


Aleena tied the rope strongly to the bark of a tree and let it down for the others.

As she waited for them to reach up , she overheard a rustle in the bushes among the forest ahead of her.

" Classic horror movie scene...and I am the classic heroin who is gonna go in.." she thought to herself as she moved forwards deeper into the forest.

She looked around , turning her head but couldnot locate the source of it when ,

" Aleena!" Josh shouted from behind to which she turned immediately.

Aleena felt a sudden headache

Before Josh could run in to save her from the green glaring eyes behind Aleena.

Someone locked their hand over her mouth and just as they were going to pull her away , Aleena's eyes went neon green and she held the hand that chained her , pressing on it so hard that it made a 'crack' sound.

A scream was let out by the perpetrator as he immediately remove his hand from her mouth but, before he could escape , Aleena grabbed him by the neck and threw his body at full force down into the ground .

Her eyes went further green , shining as the blood of her perpatrator came down running . She kicked him and kept kicking the cloaked figure , now lying on the ground seemingly dead from the impact.

As she continued and finally stopped,

Aleena looked up to see the horror-struck faces of her comrade , but instead of being saddened by it she had a smile drawn all over her face.

She sat down and moved her hands within the blood . She cupped them and then she took some of the liquid into her hands and moved it to her lips.

She drank it ,

She drank the blood as if she had been thirsty for it for ages.

She drank and she laughed and she drank....and then she lau-

" ALEENA!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" She heard Josh's voice right before he slapped her back into existence.

The images , the perpatrator , the blood was gone.

She was sitting down on the forest floor , her hands covered in a mix of mud and sand she derived from the forest's ground.

She coughed as she felt a weird taste inside her mouth.

She wiped her face with the back of her hand and saw specks of mud.

Realization , dawned on her like a guillotine.

"Why ....why were you eating mud...Aleena.." Josh asked , holding the hand he slapped Aleena with , worry and regret obvious on his face.

Aleena stared at him , with a red cheek and and mouth covered with mud and gunk , her eyes green.

" Oi!!! What are you guys doing???" Josh quickly wiped Aleena's face with his sleeve ,

" Your eyes Aleena . " he whispered to her as he turned to respond to Samuel.

" You guys were taking too long so we sat down to have a chat. " Josh was hiding her behind his back as she immediately turned her eyes to the normal pink that they used to be.

"Well...you see Zakiyye isn't the most atheltic..he kept falling..." Samuel rubbed the back of his head.

Josh sighed a sigh of relief and stood up .

He looked down at Aleena who was still sitting , her body not moving.

" Let's go Aleena.." he said softly , offering her his hand .

No response . Instead , Josh could see drops of water fall on the ground below Aleena's head.

He sighed and sat down infront of her and whispered ,

" If we keep moving along this path , we will come across your brother Zahhak.

I am sure he will be able to help you Aleena.

You have been so strong so far , you can go a bit further...do you still have Dr Jackal's tablets with you?"

After a moment of silence, she nodded her head.

" Good , keep taking them and try not to fight or use your powers until we meet up with Zahhak, okay?" Josh said with a calming smile , " We are all with you , so long as you don't leave us behind , we won't let you go..so..no need to be scared.."

He patted her head.

After a few seconds , she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and spoke , her head still hanging low,

" My cheek stings...you could have held back a bit.."

" Ah..s..sorry.."

Josh said with a small laugh.

Crotalus , hiding behind the bushes quite far from the team , was writhing in pain as he held his broken hand.

" Wha...what the hell was that ....she broke it...she broke my hand!" He said as a snake wrapped around his hand , " No one told me about that girl! ....and why do I sense Giselle from her....she is a BlackWing ..that is for sure...she almost broke my back too f I hadn't moved back quickly enough...agh...I have to avoid her...and keep my distance until they take me to the temple...damn it!!!"



" Well well , isn't that the Yosei boy that caused us alot of trouble..." Principal Kuro said excitedly as Dr Jackal walked to him with Noel right in his tow.

" He will be coming with us..." Dr Jackal said.

" Why would we put another student in danger Jackal?" Principal Victor now spoke as they boarded the ship.

" He is vital to our mission...with him we have a fighting chance." Dr. Jackal said as they stood on the deck

The ship let up its anchor and prepared to leave.

"How so?" Kuro asked .

" I can...shield your minds....from her curse.." Noel finally spoke on his own behalf.

The three looked at him as he made the statment.

" Ho Ho...can you now.." Principal Kuro said with a wide grin evident on his face.

" Kuro , you look like a creep." Dr Jackal snapped back.