

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

Chapter 73 : Bound



Principal KuroOkami and Dr. Jackal arrived at the gate of the Elder council .

" Well..here we are..." Kuro said , taking down his hood.

" And...there she is.." Dr.Jackal said as he saw a figure stand on the other side of the gate . A cloaked figure. She took down her hood and it was undoubtedly ...Principal Ivy...

She smiled and then turned around , disappearing from sight.

The gates opened on their own and the wind blew , as if beckoning the two of them to enter.

They both looked at each other and stepped into the gate.

" Are we just following her into an obvious trap...?" Dr.Jackal whispered.

" I am just trusting you...if I die..it's going on your head..." Principal Kuro replied.

" We are far too old for teenage jokes Kuro...this is serious.." he snapped back.

" I see no difference in the past and the present...you are as hideously mean as ever..." Principal Kuro replied sulkingly.

" And you are as sensitive as ever.."

" Better than being an insensitive doctor."

They went on at each other until they both came to a halt infront of a huge building at the end of the path.

It was hard to make out it's structure in the darkness of the night as the Council building was surrounded by trees and the lamps that were supposed to light the path were almost all broken.

" Go in." Jackal pushed Kuro into the door.

Inside, there was a huge staircase that led upwards.

Still no sign of principal Ivy so they decided to climb up the stairs.

The sound of their footsteps echoed throughout the hall and the screeches of the wood added a tone to the echoes.

Finally , after climbing all the way up , they entered into a gallery , directly above the Council seating area , where large seats with tall back supports were arranged in a circle.

About six empty seats were present around a round table below.

Dr.Jackal and Kuro looked down to see Ivy standing atop the round table . She had taken off her cloak and wore a purple and gold satin gown , with golden lace and Ivy printed all over the edges. She was staring right back at them.

Principal Kuro threw off his cloak and jumped down in an all black suit. Leather jacket , boots and jeans with a red leather belt and gloves.

" Kuro!" Dr. Jackal tried to stop him but he was already standing face to face with Ivy.

" Where are my students Ivy?" Kuro spoke in an affirmed tone.

" Which ones are you asking about? " she replied calmly with a smile.

" The ones you took from the hospital , from our grounds ...the ones who left and never returned."

" But one did return..." Ivy said with a thoughtful look.

" You returned him to us in a form we never


" That form was his real form...the form that you , your students and every Killer that is feeding off my little brother's power will take...it is your payment for all that power you have enjoyed over the last century...Principal KuroOkami..."

But before Kuro could respond or ask any questions he felt a sudden throbbing headache which got worse as he looked her in the eye. He began to sweat profusely and fell down to his knees.

Ivy walked towards him and was about to put her hand on Kuro's back when she was suddenly caught , her waist wrapped in red bandages that pulled on her and threw her off the table into the chairs.

" Kuro ! What's wrong!?" Dr. Jackal headed towards principal Kuro , his eyes red and bandages flowing out his arms.

" My head.... it felt as if it was about to burst..." Kuro said as he recovered and stood up. Still breathing heavily.

"Close your eyes..." Dr. Jackal whispered to Kuro.

"..." Kuro did as instructed without question.

Dr. Jackal felt a tug on his bandages.

" She has the ability to turn us all into what she turned our student into.." Dr. Jackal said as he wrapped a bandage around his eyes to cover them. He did the same for Kuro.

" I donot know the conditions or anything else of how to activate it...but we have to take her down Kuro or the Academy will lose their principal and surprisingly only infirmary doctor."

" I already told you I was looking for another-"

But Kuro was cut off by a sudden push from Jackal that threw him to the side , barely saving him from being pierced by a flying blade that carried with it ,vines of Ivy.

Dr. Jackal tried to catch the sword with his bandages but it cut through them , slashing him above the shoulder and returning to its owner's hands.

" Did you seriously...cover your eyes.." Ivy said sarcastically who had cut loose all of the bandages.

" As you can see" Dr. Jackal replied as he threw at her a myriad of bandages to tie her, only for them to be slashed entirely.

She swung her sword at high speed and managed to take out most of them but she missed the one that tied itself to her foot.

Dr. Jackal pulled at it causing her to fall on the table.

With a swing of her sword she cut herself loose , looking angry.

However , before she could fully recover she heard a howl and a wolf constructed from the shadows ran towards her and bit her arm ,carrying the sword ,clean off.

Principal Kuro whistled and the wolf devoured the sword and the arm.

Blood spat down Ivy's arm on to the table but she didn't even put pressure on the leftover area. She simply stood there , and smiled .

Kuro' s wolf turned to attack her again but this time as she looked at it , it simply turned into dust.

" What?" Before Kuro could finish his sentence , he felt the severe headache all over again and fell to his knees.

" Agh.." He cried.

Dr.Jackal lost his focus and as soon as his attention deviated towards him Ivy pierced him through with her sword.

Atleast that's what it seemed at first glance.

However , Dr.Jackal had managed to grab her wrist with his bandages just in time to avoid the tip of the blade , touching his skin ,to enter any deeper.

" How are you ..not affected by it?" Ivy said as she still tried to force her blade , with one arm , into his abdomen.

" What .....do you mean? " he said , as once again, long bandages appeared behind him and latched on to Ivy . It pulled her away from the two of them as she slashed through all of them.

Her arm had recovered.

" Are you immortal or something..." Dr. Jackal said as he stood infront of Kuro to protect his kneeling body. Worry evident on Jackal's forehead.

" How are you so unaffected by my presence?" Ivy said as she slashed her sword upwards in air. Unexplanining , it also ended up cutting Dr. Jackal's bandage that covered his red glowing eyes.

" Well you see...I already have someone." He replied with a sarcastic smile that failed to hide his concern for writhing Kuro.

" I will let you in on a secret..." Principal Ivy said as she stepped a few steps forward , " You Killers are only alive to become fodder for my little brother....."

" Well I never thought my life held any meaning to begin with but still....it doesn't mean you can call me fodder. That's just... rude.."

" Do you know why Kuro is in agony right now?"

" Well..He hasn't really lead a sin-free life.."

" H..hey! I can hear ...you." Kuro snapped back in a stuttering voice.

" The crystal inside him...the ember of my little brother's power lies inside of him....."

" Is that so.."

" And you know ..there is only one person my brother could not stand against"

" I will ask a rhetorical question here...who?"

" Me... " she replied , " And the longer you stay in my presence ....the greater the effect....it will affect even you...Half BlackWing!"

With that Dr. Jackal felt a sudden thrust on his chest and he staggered . Failing to stand , he fell down on one knee , as if bowing infront of Ivy who put her boot on his shoulder.

" You cannot disobey...Your Master!!"

" But I can..." Ivy heard a sudden whisper behind her and before she could respond she was held and bound by iron chains .

The red moon shining through the glass dome shone through and lit up the face of the one who now suddenly held the opressor captive. It was the Principal of the BlackWing Academy , Victor Chain.
