

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 72: The Elder Council

*Outside Killer Academy *

*Same night (Island night 7)*

" You are here." Principle KuroOkami said in a whispering voice.

" No." Dr. Jackal replied as he walked to him ,covered by his cloak.

" Hilarious" Kuro took down his hood , " So..What's the plan?" He said.

" Wow..." Dr. Jackal did a facepalm.

" Ah I knew I could trust you Jack." Kuro said with a huge smile.

" Your habit of making me do all the tough work isn't growing old with your age is it."

" Nope."

" We get to the gate first...let's see how they welcome us..."

" Wait weren't we going to be...a bit more stealthy ...about this?"

" I thought about what happened this morning Kuro."

" And?"

"I think Ivy is waiting for us at the Elder Council's gate right now."

" ...Yeah...I think you are right."

" I dont know why she gave herself up so swiftly ...but maybe she doesn't need to hide anymore."

" She wants to get rid of us once and for all huh."

" Likely so...and that is why when you ask me about being stealthy ...I am not really concerned about that.."

" But fighting infront of the Elder Council gate...she could have chosen a better location..."

"If you are worried about the Elder Council stopping us....don't worry..every single one of them is dead already."

" WHAT!?"

" Yes."

" How did the past Principals of each academy just die and no one ever knew!?..and since when have YOU known that!?." Kuro said in a loud tone that reverberated in the silence of the night.

" Iris found out why Adonis and Aslihan were killed and gave me that information to share it with you in case she wasn't able to return...for any reason."


" Aslihan and Adonis knew about the murders of the three principals....The two of them were important members of the council...but they escaped before they could get caught..."

" But they could have contacted us..."

" Think about it Kuro...whoever took out the Elder Council couldn't have done it without help...it is likely every person at the council was working for them...and if the council was after them....do you really think they could have stayed here?"

" But if Iris knew ..why didn't she say anything sooner..."

" I don't think she trusted us very much from the beginning...you especially."

" Huh? " Kuro was taken aback by the declaration.

" Atleast that's what I think...her motive stays unclear to me but I think she wanted to confirm it wasn't you . Once she trusted us enough she told me...right before she left on this mission."

" This happened because they stayed hidden...who on earth came up with the rule of hiding the Elder Council at all costs."

" That I donot know...the reason behind that is entirely unknown...but everything was fine until Adonis and Aslihan were killed.That is when the nights turned red again...that day...we need to defeat Ivy to know what happened that day..."

" Last question." Kuro said with a tired look.

" What is it?"

" How come you didn't come up with all of this in the evening..."

" I hadn't had my evening coffee.."

".....fair enough" 

And they set off.


*Island night - Same time*

" Aleena ...we need to talk.." 

Aleena turned back to see Jun standing there , waiting for the discussion she had promised him before.

" I don't really..." but she was cut off by Jun.

" I promised Zahhak that I would take care of you Aleena. "


" Tell me.."

" sigh...alright."

They both sat down on a set of big stones and stared at the red night sky.

Jun waited for Aleena to speak . After a few minutes , 

" I ...have turned into a BlackWing completely.." Aleena said with a sad smile.

" What..." Jun mumbled , unable to say it out loud .

" Yes...that is my secret.." Aleena proceeded to tell him everything that had happened thus far and he silently listened trying to absorb as much as he could.

"If I hadn't given myself up , I'd be dead right now..."

" So...what do you plan.."

" I will leave Killer Academy after the tournament. It is the only safe and right option.." Aleena stood up and left. Leaving behind Jun in wonder.


" Laila...Laila wake up!" Dolion shook Laila's shoulder as she mumbled.

" D...Dolion...what is it..." she asked , rubbing her eyes. 

The two of them were alone in the cave that Krystallo had left her in.

"Malak has been disqualified..."

" WHA-" but before Laila could finish Dolion covered her mouth with his hand and pointed towards his lips , gesturing her to stay silent.

" I saw it with my own eyes Laila...Krystallo pulled off his pendant.."

Laila grabbed Dolion's hand and pulled it off her mouth.

" I donot believe -"

" Listen Lailah...he is going to try to turn you against me...he knows I am Eisen..."

" How did he..."

" I donot know....and I also donot know why he went rogue and disqualified Malak...we might have a serious enemy hiding inside Krystallo...someone who has had deep animosity against Yoseis....."

" How can you be so sure..."

"I am not...but our only safe option is that we don't let him follow us to the crystal...he might give it up to the Killers..."

"Don't be ridiculous ! We have had our differences but Krystallo would never betray me or Malak or anyone of us!" 

" Ssh!"

"... "

" Listen...Laila dear..."Dolion spoke in a voice that wasn't his...it was Eisen communicatimg with her through him. , " I know you trust your friend but he has already betrayed you once before by helping the Killers escape...and it is not a lie that I have seen him disqualify Malak....whether you believe it or not...that is up to you but....becareful ...my dear...I trusted my friend too.."

With those words , Dolion went silent again , stood up and left the cave , leaving behind Laila , confused and in doubt.

" I....what do I do..." She muttered to herself.


Dolion and Krystallo came across each other , moments after he had just left Laila.

The stood against each other , silent , when Krystallo finally broke the silence.

" I see you are up...how do you feel? You were battered quite badly..."

" Why did you disqualify Malak , Krystallo." Dolion spoke bluntly , monotonous.

Krystallo , taken aback by the sudden unexpected question. 

" I did it to protect him..." he replied cautiously.

" From who?"

" You" is what he wanted to say out loud but decided not to. Krystallo didn't want Dolion to know he had a suspicion of any kind about him so he refrained from letting it out , instead ,

" From someone who poisoned him...."

" Poison?" Laila spoke up from behind , neither of them realizing she was there.

" Yes." Krystallo replied.

" Laila...you should have stayed to rest .." Dolion spoke , shocked by her presence there.

" No , I am worried about Malak too...and I wanted to hear what happened..." she stared at Dolion , " from the one who did it himself."

" As is your right...but you are... a crucial member...we need you to be alright-"

" Krystallo...did you disqualify Malak so that he could return and be cured?"

" Yes ."

" I see..." she spoke softly and turned around to leave.

" Its my failure that I was unable to detect them due to my inability to use my garden.." she said , " I won't be much help in the next two days either but... I will take us to the crystal in the shortest way and we will...win."

Her eyes glowed gold mixed into the red hue of the night sky.
