

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 71 : Cure

contd.. ISLAND..

Malak was breathing fast and shallow . He had turned completely pale and was slowly growing number and number . Krystallo recognized that it was poison that was afflicting him and he only found one way to save him , disqualify him.

Without wasting any more time he pulled at Malak's pendant and while it hung from his hand ,Malak was no longer there. 

Krystallo bammed his fist on the ground in frustration.

" Who are we fighting... I am so sick of this .... I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE...I am tired..." He cried while laying his head on the ground ,the anxiety of losing his friend and being left with a burdening truth got to his exhausted body.

At that point , Malak's words echoed in his mind , 

" Eisen is a Yosei.." He mumbled to himself. He raised his head but sat on the grass. After what felt like hours but were merely a few minutes , he wiped his tears with the back of his hand and took a deep breath. " It has to be Dolion....." he said to himself as he stood up with determination and walked towards where Dolion was.

He stood above his sleeping body , battered and beat and stared at him with furious eyes. He clenched his fists and lowered his head.

" Not now...I have to bear it until we get to the crystal...I should...tell Laila everything when she wakes up..."He thought to himself and sat down next to him.



" Phew.... that was close..." said a boy who looked like a teenager. He smiled , a smile that revealed his sharp fangs , his face tattoed with scales like that of a snake. His dark green eyes with a slit shaped pupil like that of a snake stared at the unconcious body of the BlackWing Griffin boy he had pulled away from Malak.

" Be nice to him Crotalus , he was being controlled. Master won't like it if you hurt him ." Said a girl's voice from behind. 

" Fineee...." He yawned and turned around to face the girl.

" And what about you Thorn? You were supposed to grab the boy I poisoned and his friend that came over . We could have had two Yoseis in our grasp...how will you explain that."

The girl with a mix of pink and green colored hair tied in a pigtail full of flowers . her arms and face full of scratches , sighed.

" The boy you poisoned was Malak and his friend was Krystallo , they are both too powerful to be caught off guard. Krystallo especially ..."

" And yet you missed the perfect chance to take them out Thorn..... you really need to gain back your courage. You are strong but you lack a dreadful amount of confidence."

" That is not-"

" That is definitely true ." Said a boy who had just stepped into the cave. His dark skin and black , night-like eyes shone from the minimal light entering the cave. He had a strong build, taller than the rest of them.

" Thorn , you are the strongest general master has. She approves of you....I know that , in the academy , they defeated us but I took out Malak with this strength and surely you can stand up to Krystallo again."

" I ...I will try my best...Hawk." Thorn replied guiltly.

" You have to try harder than you have done before or else you might end up failing to protect yourself , let alone the people you love.."

" What do we do of him , Hawk . " Crotalus pointed towards the unconcious boy.

" We tie him up for a while , Noel is the best mind controller in Yosei academy. He is a natural enemy to master . Only master can break the curse he is under."

" Will he not die of hunger if we just leave him like that...." Thorn said , worriedly.

" We donot have a choice..." Crotalus moved towards the boy and bent down , " His body is good enough to hold on for a few days...we cam place bowls of water here for him... so he doesn't die of thirst..." 

" Dont worry Thorn , as soon as we meet up with Giselle and Stone , we will come back to this cave with them. We will try not to leave him alone ...dont worry we will figure this out. " Hawk patted her shoulder.

" Speaking of which....Crotalus....did this boy manage to get any information to Malak? ....and donot lie to me..." Hawl asked with sharp eyes.

" U..um...even if he did I got Malak on time....he should die from the poison..." Crotalus said hastily.

" Did no one come to his rescue?" Hawk asked.

" Krystallo did..." Thorn replied.

" Did Malak convey anything to him?" 

" I am not sure..."

" We will have to closely follow them ...." Hawk turned to move out of the cave and signalled the two of them to follow. 

" We have to move quickly. Let's move.".


"MALAK!!!!!!!" Michelle screamed his name as he suddenly appeared in the room all of them had in.

Her scream brought in Clara running into the room. 

"Michelle dear!? What's going on?!"

" Miss Clara..M..Malak...I can't feel his pulse..." Michelle replied with her voice shaking.

" Let me see ." Clara checked the pulses of his neck and then touched his cheek . She noticed a purplish hue on his skin, the veins on his neck becoming prominent.

" Poison . BlackWing Poison...." Clara mumbled and rolled back Malak's sleeve.

" What...?" Michelle asked for clarification.

Clara looked at her face full of tears,and smiled.

" Nothing , just that your friend is incredibly lucky."

" What do you-"

" Just watch dear."

Clara put her hand on his arm , her eyes turned neon green when Malak's body got set on green fire . Michelle , terrified , move back further towards the wall. Fire illuminated the room , giving it a neon color.

" Y..you are BURNING HIM!!" Michelle cried , her face horror-struck.

" Hmmmm.... I wouldn't say that..." Clara replied calmly.

After a minute she lifted her hand and the fire lifted away from Malak and disappeared in the air.

Malak's color had improved and he looked as if he was sleeping calmly.

"He will be fine.." Clara said as Michelle moved in closer.

" Malak.....what did you do..?" Michelle looked helplessly at Clara.

" He was poisoned by a BlackWing..likely a serpent type... just like me... We carry antibodies to every poison we have but only a few of us can treat others with them. I am one of those few..."

" Woah..."

" See what I meant when I said your friend was lucky?" 

" Yea..."

" Now that this matter is settled...we have a bigger problem to grasp..."


" There were only a few serpent BlackWings , in our academy....and using such a lethal poison would result in execution of the student himself....There is one student , who disappeared ... like Giselle did.... Crotalus. There is a chance ....he is here....The students are under attack...we will have to move.....immediately." Clara said in a serious tone.
