

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 62 : Mid Air



" I can't breath....." Malak thought to himself as he laid in what felt like water. However it was too dark to confirm whatever it was.

" The longer I stay here , the more sanity I lose....then my own shadow will devour me....and I will never return ."

His legs were enveloped in darkness upto the knees and so were his hands.

However , even though he knew exactly what was happening and what was going to happen , he just couldn't move. Like his chest had tightened with grief and sadness had him overtaken.

"Can I even escape my own shadow..." he thought to himself.



" Fenrir!!!! " Zahhak shouted as he just barely protect Fenrir little wolf cub's body by taking them on his back. Though his wings had him covered , the crystals had grazed his legs by the sides.

" Is that all you guys had? " Krystallo said as the crystals returned to him on his command. " Michelle is going to have a really hard time accepting she got duped by sprouts like you ."

Zahhak carried fenrir's bruised and cut body in his arms and placed him by a tree for support. He waved his hand and Fenrir was covered by a small fort of feathers around him for protection.

Zahhak rolled back his sleeves and spread out his Black wings to their full glory. Each one of them equal almost to his entire height , as he stared at Krystallo with neon green eyes.

"Those are magnificient ." Krystallo said as his own eyes shone golden . He waved his hand and beautiful diamond wings sprouted out of his back , while the rest of the crystals floated next to him.

"Pftt ..show off." Zakkah said as he raised his hand , simultaneously to Krystallo amd they both shot a barrage of wings and crystals towards one another. After the intital contact they both flew up , dodging each other's attacks in midair. Both of them getting grazed as the feathers and crystals slid by their bodies.

After an attack from Krystallo created an opening , he launched a huge crystal in Zahhak's direction who was falling with his arms open and his chest exposed. However, right before it struck he dodged and protected himself but it struck his wing which broke and Zahhak let out a cry.

Unable to maintain flight he fell heavily on the ground with dust all over . He had been defeated as the fort surrounding Fenrir had also dispered into mere feathers on the ground.

Krystallo landed right next to Zahhak and bent down with his hand moving to grab Zahhak's pendant who seemed to have lost conciousness .

" I will be taking that little sparrow- AGH!!!!!!" Krystallo cried as Fenrir buried his fangs deep into his hand. As he jumped back , Fenrir let go and stood next to Zahhak's body.

" Mm...." Zahhak mumbled as he slowly opened his eyes and a blurry image of Fenrir came across.

"!!!!" He immediately grabbed Fenrir and ran towards the forest.

" W..wait! uhh!!" Krystallo shouted but he was attacked by black feathers and by the time he cleared them , the two perpetators had already gone out of sight.

" Hmm...well that was a good warm up." Krystallo said as he held a neon green pendant in his hand. " That wolf cub's bite is going to leave a mark" He said as the site where he had been bitten got covered in crystals.


" What..." Zahhak stood , his hands that were carrying Fenrir now suddenly empty.

Fenrir had been disqualified .



"What in the name of...." Noir stood speechless , as he viewed the huge three- walled fort that the killer academy had built for themselves.

" They..they are crazy..." Noir said looking towards Aag who too was bewildered by the sight infront on her.

"Do you think you could burn that up...?" Noir asked with hesitation.

" In a few years yeah.." she replied.


" I AM ...NOT CAPABLE OF A FULL TRANFORMATION YET..." Noir replied to the thoughts in his mind.



" Noir ! Duck!" Noir's argument with Achilles was disrupted by Aag's sudden announcement as she had grabbed his head and lowered it.

When Noir raised his head , he found a bullet stuck into the tree bark , the branch of which they were standing.

"That's Jun." Noir whispered to Aag , " Light em up Aag!".

Aag's eyes turned neon green and her hair lit up with fire. She waved her hand and the flames from her hair followed it as she shot the fire right towards the trees , lighting up a huge group of them.

Two figures seemed to have jumped out of the trees but immediately disappeared into the trees that were yet to catch fire. However , Aag was relentless as she keot lighting them on fire , untile finally Batuhan and Jun came out into the open ground.

"You are a menace for nature ." Batuhan said as he wiped off the soot from his face using his gloved hand.

" That wasn't a very warm welcome ...you know with a bullet and all." Noir said as he and Aag jumped out into the ground.

Aag waved her hand , and the fire burning in a massive amount around her , simply detached itself from the trees and flowes right into her hair , making is brighter and longer.

"What the heccckkk...." Batuhan and Jun stared at the black trees , aghasted., "That's not fair-" But as Batuhan was about to complain , Aag waved her hand and thet were immediately surrounded by a ring of fire, closing off their escape.

Jun and Batuhan took their stances and prepared for battle.
