

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 47 : Brothers

"You alright?" Samuel said to Josh who had just got back. He was smiling.

"Yeah." Josh replied.

Bow and Samuel looked at each other , slightly confused.


" Hey big sis! How are you feeling?" Zahhak chirped happily with Aleena as he greeted her with a half hug.

" Perfectly fine. How are your injuries? " Aleena replied with a soft smile.

" All good. Don't even remember where they were."

Aleena laughed and they moved to a corner of the room to chat .

Interestingly, Jun and Batuhan , standing next to each other, had both just observed this sibling care and love show at its finest and were now silent. They both turned their heads , only to have their eyes meet and then immediately turned them away.

They were about to walk away in seperate directions when Bow stepped in between and grabbed their arms.

"That's it!" Bow said , annoyed and dragged them out of the hall into a garden maze outside.

She had used some unknown force , because neither of them , though they tried , had been able to break free.

"You are both here !" Bow said as she let go, "Now talk! and make up...and no need to come inside until you do!!" Bow said and then left them , bewildered , alone and in a maze.

*Five Minutes later..*

The silence was suffocating. Jun stayed silent staring at Batuhan who was facing the ground. His heart heavy , perhaps with guilt.

Jun sighed,

" Look I am s-" But before Jun could finish his sentence , Batuhan cut in.

" I am the one-..." he said hesitantly.

"What?" Jun looked at him.

"I am the one...who ...should be apologizing.." Batuhan said with difficulty.


"Dont be so shocked!!! Aaaagh! this is exactly why.... aaagh! I knew you would make fun of me!!" Batuhan burst as his cheeks went red.

"Make fun of you apologizing for the first time in your life? Man I am just shocked that's all...pfft " Jun said in a serious tone but failed to hide his amusement of the situation.

"Ahh I heard that! I heard that 'pfft' !" Batuhan said pointing towards Jun angrily who , no longer in control , burst out in laughter. He held his stomach and bent over a little , and continued to laugh.

"Hahahahahahahha...s..sorry..haaa!!" Jun wiped a tear off his eye as he regained control.

"Are you done?" Batuhan said with an annoyed look.

"Haha ...*clears throat* ...yeah..." Jun struggled to keep his teeth hidden.

" Well about what I - "

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA I CANT!!" Jun laughed out again and fell on his knees, unable to control himself.

"Man...it wasn't even that funn- pfft" Before Batuhan could finish , he himself fell into laughter , retreated to the ground and laughed it off , his embarassment , his guilt and his bad thoughts.

As they both finally regained control , they figured they just couldn't have this serious talk , so they both only raised their one hand and clasped them together , gripping tightly.

That was all it took for their bond to heal from the strain it was in.


"So.." Noir jumped to the voice behind him and Malak saw the fear in his eyes.

Zakiyye put a hand on Noir's shoulder and he gulped.

" May we have a private discussion ? " Zakiyye asked.

"O..ofcourse." Noir said.

They both went to the other side and stood next to the hall windows.

" Did you read what I told you to?" Zakiyye asked with a smile.

" In my defence! That was way too much.." Noir said looking to the other side.

"Uhhh.." Zakiyye made a disappointed look which made Noir fall into unexpected guilt.

" You are really good at making others feel terrible." Noir said with an annoyed look.

" I'd say its a charm of mine."

" People hate you."

" So what COULD you read?" Zakiyye said , entirely unbothered by Noir's remarks.

" I read the book about the Red Night...and"

" And???"

" The Blackwing was killed by a human child..."

" So the opposite of our books.."

" Asides from that .... there was a third friend...the one who told everyone what happened and that was..."

"A Yosei"

Noir nodded in affirmation.

Suddenly the trumpets ran again and Malak was at the centre of attention.

Noir turned to the sound and so did everyone else.

" Please , everyone , allow us to treat your palettes to the best of Yosei extravagants.

Have a lovely dinner !" Malak finished and people began to chatter and get seated.

"Now that is what you call charm...Zakiyye you should take notes....huh?"

Zakiyye was nowhere near in sight.


"Oh cool! free food!" Samuel had just returned from the restroom and was about to join others when he was suddenly pulled from behind and a moment later he found himself outside on the ground , not infront of a dinner table , but a Zakiyye smiling .... a Zakiyye....smiling...

" I want to cancel our friendship contract." Samuel said as he dusted off his clothes.

" Cover for me."

"That was the plan...but...how do you intend to get to the library..."

Zakiyye pulled out his book .It was floating in the air , his eyes glowing.

Samuel saw it and understood.

"That book of yours is way too overpowered.."Samuel shook his head.

"The library is on the second floor."

" You think you can climb up? The Yoseis will find out if there is someone climbing up their building....they are crazy"

" You know you can just ask Krystallo."

" I don't trust them"

"Fair enough."

" If I don't touch those vines , they wont be able to detect me" Zakiyye said , pointing at the vines covering the building.

"You sure you are monkey enough to be able to climb all the way up?"

" I am not sure if I should agree to what you just said....but I only need to climb upto that window"

" Well , I believe in you , goodluck!" Samuel said with a thumbsup and a smirk.

" Why the sudden confidence?" Zakiyye said as he prepared to climb up .

" Because I want to eat free food that's good." Samuel grabbed the windowsill and stared up a little to see if the path was clear. He jumped back in , closing the window but not locking it. He looked around and saw no one. He fixed his collar and went to where others were.
