

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 46: A Peaceful Truth


"Welcome! To our esteemed guests. It is an honour to host this gala for such fine people." Malak said as he made a slight bow.

"Tch..." Laila on the side, clicked her tongue that Malak caught on to.

"What ? It wasn't good enough?" Malak asked Laila with an innocent look.

Laila got flustered as she didnt think that Malak would have noticed.

"N..no it was perfect."

" Laila.. " Malak was wearing clothes of golden and black thread. A black shirt , covered by a black with golden embroidery waistcoat. Over this , he wore a knee long coat in black and golden design , glittering. His hair arranged neatly, behind the ear on one side , a strand of hair fell forward as he approached Laila.

Laila , already flustered , gripped her black and golden dress with a golden frill. The corset golden with black embroidery , fully covered up to the neck , her hands half covered aswell . Hair curled up with , golden and black jewellery decorating it , she looked down as Malak came closer to her.

" This event...I want you to have fun.." Malak said to her , using a gush of wind to lift her chin.

"Fun...? Noel is still missing ....how can I-"

"And the best way to get to him is to get allies.." Malak interrupted. " Noel is very strong...and I assume that is why he was taken out right before the tournament."

" How do you know that....?"

" He was taken from the hospital ...not from the forest...so he was definitely targetted specifically."

"That makes sense.."

"Ofcourse it does!" Laila and Malak heard a familiar sound. It was Krystallo , accompanied by Michelle.

Krystallo came over an all black outfit with occassional golden threads on the lapels of his knee-long coat. His waistcoat had golden buttons , with a golden collar shirt. A golden crystal broach on his chest pocket was attached.

" We didn't spend all that time for nothing you know." Krystallo completed his sentence.

"Yes but you also didn't get him back." Michelle shot back . She too was wearing a black gown with a golden short coat over it. The gown divided in the middle , exposing a golden layer. Her hair was wrapped up in a loose bun with small strands falling over her shoulders. Her neck carried a black choker with a golden jewel in the centre. Gold earrings and black and golden gloves.

"Well that's just mean Miche" Krystallo said with an annoyed look.

" Just the facts." Michelle shrugged her shoulders.

" Where is Dolion?" Malak said as he looked around.

" He is right behind you Malak." Krystallo said.

Malak turned around to find a small Dolion standing behind him in tight fit black coat , a golden wastecoat. His oceanic eyes shining with the embroidery on his coat .

"Dolion! You look absolutely stunning my frie nd." Malak shook his hand . Dolion kept looking at him with an innocent face. "T..thankyou.." He mumbled.

While , Malak was still shaking Dolion's hand , the trumpets blew announcing the arrival of the guests.


The Yosei academy principal stood infront of the delegation of students (Zahhak , Noir , Aag , Aranea , Somnium and Fenrir) led by the principal of the BlackWing academy , a sharp looking man , wearing a victorian maroon colored coat , under which hid a black waistcoat. Collars up to the neck. carrying a cane in his right hand covered by a maroon glove. His short , straight , black hair moved a little as he put his hand over his chest to greet the Yosei principal.

"An honor , to meet you again , Principal Ivy."

" I reciprocate , Principal Victor ." Principal Ivy tilted her head a little that made her hair fall down her shoulders slightly. She was wearing a black and purple gown.

Principal Victor stepped into the hall and so did the students behind him.

The Yosei academy students came forward to greet them .

"Sir! It is an honor to have you here." Malak said.

" Oh Malak , I see you are doing well." Principal Victor said.

" Thankyou sir."

Principal Victor nodded his head slightly and left , leaving behind the BlackWing and Yosei students face to face.

There was an awkward silence , when finally Noir , wearing a dark green shirt and black suit pants , covered with a black waist coat shining with green glitter, and a long green and black cloak with fur covering half of his body. His green and black victorian boots looking extremely graceful , stepped forward and put his hand forward towards Malak.

" My name is Noir , I am the leader of our team...This may be our first meeting but our team members...seem to have had some...acquaintance.." Noir said with a small laugh as Laila and Zahhak stared at each other.

Zahhak , like Somnium and fenrir , had similar outfits to that of Noir. All of them wore coats with belts. A color selection of green and black. The girls wore goth like gowns , with a slight Chinese style aesthetic . They were looking phenomenal.

Zahhak looked at Laila , who stared right back with a devilish smile. Krystallo , however , pinched her cheek and stretched it a little while waving at Zahhak who , a bit confused , waved back.

"Ow" Laila snapped at Krystallo.

While they were still standing , the trumpets blew again and this time it was the Killer academy that had entered the hallway.

"Well well...the long awaited guests are here." Malak said with a smile.

Zahhak and Noir looked back to see Jun , Aleena , Batuhan , Josh , Bow , Zakiyye and Samuel , enter the room.

They all wore black with red embroidery coats , the girls had longer coats with gowns underneath , tied over with a belt on the waist. Knee long boots with short heels, made a *tap* sound as they stepped in.

Zahhak's eyes met Aleena's , who was carefully handling all the layers of her dress , her hair curled up into a ponytail hanging down one side of her shoulder. Zahhak waved at her happily and went over to greet her.

"He is a really loving little brother you see..." Noir said to Malak , who laughed.

"I see..haha."

Noir waved at the Killers , which was reciprocated well. Jun , Batuhan , Samuel and Zakiyye came over.

" I have been looking forward to meeting you in person , Malak." Jun said as he shook Malak's hand.

"So have I and..this must be the renowned Zakiyye?" Malak said , looking towards Zakiyye who was making suspicious faces.

"A..ah yes.." Zakiyye said , a bit flustered by the sudden call.

" Renowned huh." Samuel mumbled and shook his head ," Lets hope he is not more renowned after today huh Josh?...uh..Josh?" Samuel looked to the side but didnt find him. Instead Josh was standing behind , near the entrance.

Josh was staring at someone and when he traced the direction of his eyes , Samuel saw them meet Laila , who was looking back aswell with a serious face. Laila , grinned a little and made a "hmph" sound and left towards the other corner of the room .

Josh followed her before Samuel could say a word.

"I hope he will be alright.." Bow said as she stepped up. She had her hair out of the usual pony tails.

" Josh is very strong..physically and mentally.... I am sure he will..be" Samuel said , with hesitation.

" You don't sound so sure..."

" Yeah... I am...a worrywart if you would call it."


* East Corner of Dining hall*

Laila stood infront of a table holding glasses of drinks. She held two of them.

" I didn't think you would have the courage to step into this place. " She turned around and offered a glass to Josh who was standing right behind her. " I must say I am impressed."

Josh stepped up and took the glass.

" Was it painful? " Josh said after a minute of silence.

"What?" Laila said , not expecting such a question.

" To see people crying around you....innocent people dying...is it painful to have such memories?" Josh said , looking her in the eye, with a strong stare.

" I donot know what you are trying to s-"

" My family was murdered infront of me....by a Yosei." Josh cut her sentence.

"Huh.." Laila looked at him.

" Our house was close to the Yosei border , I was only a child of five so I can hardly remember much , but my family of simple farmers was murdered ...you might know of that incident...it became very famous."

Laila went silent for a while , then she remembered.

"The maddened Yosei case....the Yosei who went on a killing spree....maddened by the memories of his ancestors.."

" I am not here to tell you off .... all I wanted to say was that.... I dont want you to end up ..like that. So...whatever hatred there is , built up inside of you... I would like to help you..navigate your way through your pain."

" W..why would you do that for the kind that took your family from you..." Laila said..with wide eyes.

" I saw them..."

"Saw what?"

"Your tears.."


" I saw them in the eyes of the one who murdered my family too... he was about to kill me aswell but he stopped himself and took his own life...before he could.."


" I am not saying I forgive him for what he did.... I would end his life with my own hands if I could."

"Then why-"

" But that was him and this is you... I dont want...an innocent Yosei...taking lives of innocent people...because of what their ancestors suffered... I dont want to see you end up like that.."

"Y..you are not making any sense.." The glass in Laila's hand was shaking. Josh stepped towards her .

"W-wai-" Laila let go of the glass but Josh caught it before it fell , and placed both of the glasses on the table.

" I just dont like...to see ... unnecessary hatred." Josh said as he turned to look at her. " I will find the past truth for you...so that you can live your life in peace..." Josh smiled a soft smile and turned around.

Laila went silent but before he was gone completely , she spoke up ,

"But what if the past truth is not peaceful?"

Josh stopped and turned around.

" Then I will create one for you , in the present." Josh said with the smile of a reliable gentleman and turned around, leaving behind a flustered and shocked Laila.