

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 37: The Story


"Alright let's get you up ..." Aleena said as she helped Zahhak stand up again.

"What happened or rather ...why was I lying on the ground..." Zahhak said as he sat on the bed with Aleena.

"You passed out right after I created the connection..... after that the both of you just came to after a while, Aleena a few minutes before you did."

"Oh..!..Big sis!!" Zahhak said desperately , " What was that negotiation you were talking about?" Zahhak had a sincerely worried look on his face.

"Big sis? Since when did you start calling her that... not to mention...you are looking alot like a little brother than you did before....." Dr. Jackal put his hand under his chin and said in a thoughtful manner.

Zahhak felt embarassed but instead of shoving Aleena away , he puller her closer into his arms,

"Yeah! She is my big sis!!" He looked at Dr.Jackal and Zahhak had never looked so innocent. The air of maturity that used to surround him had completely disappeared , it was as if,

"It is as if I have gotten back my little brother Zayne...." Aleena chuckled, Aleena patted his head , higher than hers.

"You should call me Zayne , if that is what you like!!" Zahhak said with a determinant glow in his eyes , that surprised Aleena.

"To be honest ..I was getting used to Zahhak now.... " Aleena said thoughtfully.

"Zayne or Zahhak , whichever one you like sis.."

"Zahhak what has gotten into you-" Aleena said but was cut short ,

"I.... I want to make up for it..... for not coming back for you...for leaving you alone when you never left me alone ... I don't want to remind you of a terrible past if you don't want to feel it again.....but I want you to know that I will NEVER let any harm come your way...." He said as he sat down in front of her , putting his hand on his chest like a knight who had submitted to his queen.

"The house caught fire...because of me..." Aleena said in a low tone.

"..." Zahhak looked up at her surprised.

"I wasn't really very smart so I didn't know..... Dad's sticks....they were lying on the table. When I touched them my instincts activate and they immediately released fire. They reacted to me . Dad caught me and he threw me out of the window ...before he could escape though... there was a blast and everything was destroyed."

Aleena looked at the roof.

"I was taken to an orphanage....since in that world...we had no relatives...and even if we did...they had already disowned our mum and dad. For interracial marriage... I think that agony was what got to them...they couldn't bear it and lashed it out each other....involving us too."

"But I can't forgive them.... "

"You shouldn't...you can dislike them....but at least we can understand the reasons so maybe we don't end up like they did....we can try.."

Aleena smiled at Zahhak , who shifted his gaze.

"Family matters...more than we think...it can change you....break you if the love is misused and abused..... these bonds can torture the mind out of someone , especially if that person has a great amount of love in their hearts ..... They shouldn't have done that to our parents... All they wanted was to be happy....I was saved by the same hand that gave me bruises..." Aleena touched her hair falling over her shoulder , " But that's beside the point...they are gone now...After that I was taken to an orphanage."

Zahhak flinched as he remembered everything he saw and clenched his fist . Aleena noticed the change.

"The head of the orphanage," But she kept going anyways , " He was abusing the children there in any way imaginable but since the orphanage was in such a far off place.... no one ever even came there to get children....I began helping them escape....because everytime I looked at them they reminded me of me and you....but one day the owner caught me and well he didn't like it and punished me...severely...there was a stick, a bamboo stick , he was about to finish me off with it but I caught it and it caught fire...."

"It caught fire...your instincts..."

"My instincts used to activate in situations of danger I think..... even at the mansion I had actually made father mad...somehow...and he was chasing me...and then he saved my life....How ironic..."

Aleena shook her head.

"After that I escaped from the orphanage aswell , everyone else had already escaped as the smoke began to spread.....For the rest of the year I just lived on the street and I had gotten very sick ....it was then that I was lying on the cold hard floor with only rags covering me that I finally received a hand that saved me and brought me here...."

"Who was it??" Zahhak asked immediately.

Aleena smiled and pointed towards,

"Dr. Jackal ... by the way he is our long lost big brother."

"Huh..." For a moment there was silence. Zahhak couldn't wrap his head around himself.

Aleena chuckled ,

"I am kidding .... but it was someone from Killer Academy who managed to find me....I didn't want the end to be boring so....I pulled a prank." She said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh..." Zahhak was still a bit confused but settled himself.

Aleena looked at Dr.Jackal who shook his head and sighed a sigh of relief.

But before the discussion could continue , Bow slammed the door open. A horrified expression on her face.

"Josh....Josh's vitals are unstable!!! We are losing him!!!!"



"Laila.....Laila!!! This is serious!!! That boy can actually die!!!!"

Krystallo , bruised and beaten , stood in Laila's garden , a small fall behind them coming down the cliff into the river. Laila sitting on a stone , held a red rose in her hand as she took down its petals , one by one. She slowed down at Krysallo's cries.

"They have got Noel.... we need to get him back...they can even kill him..."

"Noel won't die...they won't kill him off just like that...He will be fine...so you don't have to torture that boy."

"How are you so sure..." She lowered the flower and stared at Krystallo with a suspicious gaze.

"I... " But before Krystallo could finish.

"So it WAS you.... I knew it.... I shouldn't have trusted you...YOU LET THEM ESCAPE...!!!" Laila lost her temper completely and clenched the rose in her hand.

"Stop!!! Every petal is the life of that boy...Laila just listen to me for God's sake..." Krystallo froze as he saw the danger infront of his eyes.

Laila stared at him with golden eyes , shining with anger.
