

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 3 : What A disappointment.

" Aunt?" said Batuhan in a shaky voice

His eyes shone and then a tear fell from his right eye.

"You dont have to get so emotional...I know you are happy to see me-" but the lady was cut off by Batuhan who was now hugging Jun and crying.

"...the first person from our family I get to meet is an "Aunt!?" ..I mean ..no dad or even a mom ...I am so so disappointed..!!" Batuhan cried with disappointment. The lady visibly pissed off while Jun gave her a disappointed look aswell while caressing Batuhan's soft red hair.

"Unbelievable....to be insulted by my own nephews.... " she said but hid an almost invisible smile with her hand.

"There is no proof you have any such relationship with us ...you look nothing like us being reason ONE for disapproval" Said Jun with Batuhan still wrapped around him.

" Well ofcourse .... " smirked the lady

"My beauty isnt something that can be passed on by mere genes."

Jun and Batuhan went into shock, speechless infront of this proud woman with a crappy personality.

"Even if you are our aunt , you are not doing a great job in trying to make us like you" said Batuhan still in shock.

"I already hate you ..." said Jun , damaged by her words , indirectly calling him ugly.

"These glasses..." said the lady holding Jun's glasses in her hand

Jun's eyes sharpened as he realized his opponent's talent . He had let his guard down.

"Who do you think gave these to you? " asked the woman as if she already knew the answer.

"I found them in the house...our parents left us with" said Jun , cautiously.

"hmmmmmm....is that so . And where did you get this earring Batuhan" said the woman holding Batuhan's earring that he didnt notice escaping his ear.

"She is good...." said Batuhan to Jun as he felt his empty ear with his right hand.

"No , you two are just bad...I am so disappointed . But it is to be expected .."

"Get to the point ..we know you are here for something. Our parents left us with nothing, if you want money , I am sorry we dont have any . " Said Jun

" What kind of aunt will come to her nephews for money?!" said the woman surprised ... " you really need to stop watching those dramas you watch every night"

"So you have been watching us ." said Batuhan with sharp eyes

"Oh I have been around a couple of times.." she said looking away from both of them

Jun smiled , a secretive smile , he knew her and she has been there .

"It was you wasn't it ? it was always you...." thought Jun. Jun smiled at the lady who blushed a little but regained composure in a millisecond.

"I am here to take you with me..you two are old enough now."she said.

"Take us where?" asked Jun

"To the place where young killers like you belong- THE KILLER ACADEMY!"