

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 26: Handshake.

Same night-outside in killer academy grounds:

"Should we head back then?" Jun asked Aleena as they watched the two move out of sight.

"Do we have a choice?" Aleena asked with a sigh

"I suppose not."

"Well today was a waste...atleast for us."

"I am sure everyone else have come across something significant."

"Should we wait for Sam and Zak to come back ?"

"Sure thing,"

"Well what do we have here!" Aleena and Jun jumped to a sudden voice from behind.

It was Zahhak and Noir.

"Zay- I mean Zahhak..!" Aleena stared at her brother who gave her a soft smile and patted her head.

"So this is the sister you told me about. Hi! I am Noir ! It is very very nice to finally meet you ." He shook her hand vigorously which left Aleena flustered.

"Uh..huh...nice..to..meet..you..too." She let out the words somehow.

"Hey!" Zahhak cut through their connecting hands with a slide of his own causing Noir to let go of Aleena's hand.

"Ho Ho.." Noir said , rubbing his hand , "Aren't you a protective little brother."

Zahhak stared at him and finally looked at Jun who was staring right back.

"So I have some questions...." Jun said.

"Okay then , you first." Zahhak replied.

Jun rubbed the back of his head with his hand and let out a sigh.

"Exactly how bad is the security of our territory that BlackWing students can just casually come over to THE Killer Academy grounds as if they are on a stroll."

Aleena looked sideways in embarassment while Jun looked down on the ground disappointedly.

Noir let out a chuckle.

"Don't be too hard on yourselves. We have our ways." he said looking at Jun

"And what exactly ARE those ways." Jun asked

"That is what we are here to show you ." Zahhak said looking at Aleena.

"You two came here looking for us? Who told you we'd be here tonight?" Aleena asked quizzically.

"Coincidence? Yeah I know...that's too much of a stretch. But its really not that easy for us to explain it either." Noir shrugged his shoulders. "A man spotted us you see, a bit of a distance from here , we thought we were done for...he felt quite strange. He then casually pointed in this direction with a weird, and wind blew all over him after which he suddenly disappeared." he finished.

Jun and Aleena looked at Noir with disbelief.

"Haha , I told you it was hard to explain."

Zahhak handed a rolled up parchment paper to Aleena.

"We don't have much time until dawn so I will hurry this up . " Zahhak had a grim look on his face . " We have been attacked just the way your students have been , only ...our students didnot return , they disappeared just like Giselle did that night when she attacked you. That was not her being..herself. Someone is trying to frame BlackWings , trying to create discord between the Killers and us. Its not us. Trust me Jun, Aleena."

"Why are you sharing this information with us?" Jun asked.

"We want us to work together." Noir said "against a common enemy."

"And our only common enemy is....the Yoseis.." Aleena thought out loud which caught everyone by surprise.

"Yoseis...Yosei academy.....yes they could have something to do with this....since the tournament is coming up too..." Zahhak and Noir looked at each other and nodded.

"The Red Night though..." Jun wondered.

"What about it?" Zahhak asked.

"Does it have something to do with all of this? We have been researching it .....for a while."

"The disappearances began only recently while the red night has been there for quite a while....there seems to be no obvious connection, atleast." Noir shook his head.

"We should leave...." Zahhak grabbed Noir's arm and turned around but as he was about to dash , he looked behind ,

"How are you feeling?" he asked Aleena . For a moment she gave him surprised look which then turned into a gentle smile,

"Never better." she said.

Zahhak turned around and left with Noir right behind him.

As the distance grew between them and they both made it to their territory,

"Ha...haaaa what was the rush you didn't even let me say goodbye..."Noir said as he gasped for breath but Zahhak mind was rolling in the past as he stared at the red moon.

His sister's , a child, bruised eye , as she patted little Zayne's head as he finally came out of hiding under the bed and hugged Aleena.

"Are you...o..okay..." he asked with tears in his eyes and Aleena looked at him with a soft smile,

"Never better."

Zahhak, finally back to the present , let out a sigh.

"Some things...never change." he said.

Noir looked at him and patted his back.

"Time changes ..everything.....but to see the change , you have to change your point of view and quite possibly , your actions with it...you are no longer hiding under the bed...Zayne."

"Ha....did I ever come out of there."

"Trust me....you did" Noir rubbed his head, dissheveling his hair.

"Ok ok i got it ! Stop! "


They both let out a laugh.


"Its no use...." Batuhan said as he sat down on the grass."We can't find him Bow,not tonight."

but Bow entirely ignored him and was about to dash off again . However,

"Stop, listen to me Bow!." Batuhan stopped her by grabbing her arm . Bow lowered her head, refusing to look him in the eye.

"Let go.." she mumbled.

Batuhan did as ordered to but didnt take his eyes off of her.

"That silver light Batuhan.....that was Gleam..." she said in a low voice.


"A Gleam is a technique that is only used by Yoseis...they are the only species who have it and can use it for teleportation aswell"

"So you are saying...they are the ones who have been attacking the students and took Josh."

"I am sure about the latter...."

"We should regroup for now, if they have taken him to their territory, there is not much we can do right now."

"The Yoseis...are very cruel..."

"How cruel?"

"Cruel enough to torture the mind out of him."

"And why would they do that..."

"Supremacy...the Yosei like to show it off that they are the most powerful beings."

"But if they do that....wouldn't there be retaliation? From the Killers?" Batuhan asked slowly, trying to absorb how dangerous a situation Josh was in.

"Did you find any tracks of them tonight?" Bow looked at Batuhan as she asked him this question and watched Batuhan's expression turn grim.



Bow and Batuhan both stood there, never had they felt so helpless.


Dr Jackal , stood at the window in the dark hallway of the school as he saw small figures of Zakiyye and Samuel fly past the ground.

"Hmm...." he mumbled to himself , "To think they could have entered the office....I failed to predict that one.....we might have to stop this before this goes out of hand.."He chuckled as he said that and retreated into the dark hallway.


Aleena and Jun stood there as they watched Noir and Zahhak disappear into the darkness.

"We should leave aswell." Aleena patted Jun's shoulder but as they turned around to leave their danger sense activated but was too late for they both felt a strike and their minds fell into darkness.

A figure , stood over them,, holding the parchment that Zahhak had handed over to Aleena as they bid farewell.
