

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 22: Lightning and Thunder


*16:00 hrs- Rainy weather*

"Alright gang!!" said Samuel banging his hand on the table,"We finally got some time off so lets discuss our progress." he sat down on the sofa next to Jun , wearing a dark blue leather jacket with a turtleneck shirt underneath. Jun , next to him, had his hair tied back in a small ponytail, red hoodie with a red shirt underneath visible at the neck. Standing next to Samuel was Zakiyye leaning on the outside back of the sofa in a brown trenchcoat, black shirt and jeans.

"How were the night patrols?" Zakiyye asked Josh standing infront in a dark green turtleneck sweater with black jeans, coffee in hand.

"Nothing.We went to the forest multiple times. As a matter of fact, there havent been any attacks have there? Ever since Jun and Aleena got attacked..." he said, looking at Jun

Jun nodded.

"The red night is still there though , not to mention the teachers are patrolling now, maybe they are warding off the attacks?" Aleena added while sitting on the sofa opposite to Jun and Samuel. Her long black hair running down her shoulder on one side.She was wearing an orange muffler with an orange trench coat and turtleneck black shirt underneath. Bow was next to her with her usual hairstyle and a long yellow hoodie sweater , black shirt and belt skirt underneath.

"Bow and I have been visiting the hospital every day and night now. Room 7 especially, every day we have to reintroduce ourselves because he doesnt remember us visiting him at all. Same with the rest. I daresay this is something significant." Batuhan added, standing behind the Bow's and Aleena's sofa in a light blue and white jacket with a dark blue shirt and denim jeans underneath. The cafeteria was empty with a wooden floor and plenty of windows to view the weather that was slowly turning greyer and greyer

Sunlight still however, making its way through the clouds giving everything a warm golden tinge.

"They keep forgetting huh...anything else?"Zakiyye added.

"They all look out of the windows as if they are searching for something and they say they cant find 'him'" Bow added.

"The first time we visited the student of room 7 and we asked him who it was they were looking for, they were about to say it but the lights went out." she finished.

"I felt intense bloodlust when the lights were out .....it was gone the moment they got back and the student had forgotten everything we just talked about."Batuhan said putting his hand on the sofa.

"Whoever is behind this thinks we are stupid...sigh* "Josh said, shaking his head.

"So I suppose the hospital is on our hit list then." Samuel said , looking at Zakiyye.

Zakiyye nodded "ofcourse.There is someone there tampering with everyone's memories continuously. Either they made a slip doing it while Batuhan and Bow were there or they were too desperate." he said.

"I didnt feel the bloodlust Batuhan did though....maybe it was directed at him?" Bow said thoughtfully.

"Who did you meet that night ?" Jun asked Batuhan.

"The night shift doctor...who guided us that night...just so you know I already suspect her." Batuhan replied.


"We have torn away quite a number of masks in our life already Jun, and that girl, is definitely wearing one. I dont know if she is with the enemy or there is another reason for it. But she is certainly not who she seems she is."

The group went silent for a minute, then Samuel spoke.

"As for us , we went to Bow's home and searched through her father's archives. One thing is for certain, the Red night is more important than we thought . He had papers saying beasts roam out of the forest on these nights who werent there before. He concluded that based on witnesses-"

"They say one of the beasts was caught by his student and autopsied on , revealing significant information but after that the book was all torn out...." Zakiyye finished but despite the disappointing ending to his story Zakiyye had a grin which was too big to be able to hide.

"You are smiling creepy Zak..." Josh said but he didnt fidget.

"Well I dont blame him,after all, we were lucky enough to be able to find the name of the student-" Samuel added "He has had that creepy smile ever since. Ghhh."

"Why? Is the student near us?" Aleena asked.

"More like....too near." Samuel said.

"Who is it...?"

Samuel and Zakiyye grinned with their eyes sharpened,

"Shiro Kurookami ..now known as Principal Kurookami.."

They both said in unison, as lightning struck the ground and the thunder shook up the building.
