

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 20 : Lights Out

*Night-Same day*

"Ready?" Josh asked Aleena as he pulled over his hood.

Aleena nodded, covering her head. Jun had also decided to join the two and help with their exploration of the forest.

"Lets go then." Josh said as he started to head towards the forest.

"Aleena. Are you alright?" Jun asked Aleena as she was about to follow.

The question caught her by surprise. All this time she feared Jun knew her secret, ofcourse since he was the one who brought her to Dr.Jackal that night, but her suspicions were washed away,

"You are not afraid of going in there again right? If you are, you can go home and leave it to the two of us. "Jun said with a worried look.

"I will be alright . Sooner or later I would have to go in again. Better sooner.Thankyou." she gave Jun a thumbs up with a smile , only the shaking of the thumb was much too obvious.

"sigh*....Alright. Dont push yourself too much.You know you can rely on all and any of us. Lets go." Jun said as he took Aleena's shaking hand in his and they walked into the forest. The warmth of his hand reassuring, much like that of a brother. Her heart settled and her determination returned.



Bow and Batuhan stood outside the building, they had been staring at it for a while now.

"T..there are nurses and doctors in there right? No need to be afraid at all." Batuhan reassured Bow in the most unassuring tone.

"Ofcourse . The hospital isnt even abandoned...w..why should be we afraid..ha..ha..haha.." Bow replied with the same tone.

"Why are we here again?"

"To check if there is any improvement in the victims's condition and obtain any information from them if possible.."said Bow.

"Oh yeah...that..." Batuhan said , rubbing the back of his head with his hand nervously.

"Lets go and ask the staff first." Bow said as she took the first brave step towards the building followed by Batuhan.

A figure stood near the hospital's main gate observing the duo's actions.

"Any improvement you ask...." said the night shift doctor thoughtfully. Her hair tied back in a neat ponytail,beautiful black eyes,a black labcoat with red scrubs underneath.

"Well the student in room 7, asked about his friend who was with him the night he was attacked.Maybe he can tell you something?"

she pointed towards the hall with the said room.

"Alright. Thankyou." said Bow as she left in the direction. Batuhan however , stayed behind.

"Excuse me..doctor?" he asked.

"Yes?" she looked at him quizzically.

He stared at her for a while and then turned away,

"Nothing.You are just really pretty." he smiled and left.

The doctor stared at the direction in which he left , silently.


*Room 7*

"I hope you werent asleep sir." Bow said to the boy who sat in his hospital bed staring outside the window . His head and arms covered in bandages.

"Its okay. I cant sleep much anyways." he said while staring outside.

Such a serious environment didnot suit the two free spirits who came to visit. Bow and Batuhan both went silent not able to decide what to say next.

"The doctor told us you remembered something about your friend and the night you were attacked." Batuhan took a step forward in the conversation.

"I only asked about him because I remembered him being with me. That is all."his gaze shifted towards Batuhan who yelped.

"W..why do you keep staring outside the window...?" Bow said as she tried to save the conversation from a standstill.

"I am searching...but I just cant seem to find him...." he said.

"Find who?" Batuhan asked as he held on to his earring, he sensed danger.

The room went dark.

"A blackout?" Bow said worried as they stood up.

Batuhan sensed a heavy bloodlust that dulled his senses and he fell to his knees.

"Batuhan! whats wr-." the lights came back on before Bow could finish.

All of a sudden, the bloodlust he felt was gone entirely.

Batuhan stood up , Bow looking at him with a worried expression.

"Find ...who?" he asked again, with a grim expression.

"Hm? What?." the student looked at him with oblivious eyes. He didnot remember the conversation they just had.

" yaaawwn ...I finally feel sleepy."

he laid down and fell asleep in a second leaving Bow and Batuhan confused.
