

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 10 : Shadow and Wings

A quiet red night. Six shadows were lurking in academy grounds.

"Well...here we are...some game plan Josh" Bow said with a disappointed face.

"Atleast I tried. A for effort" Josh said standing next to her , covered in his cloak.

"Lets just get this over with." Aleena said, standing between Josh and Bow bickering.

"We split up in teams of two- Bow and Josh are getting along well so they get to go together-"

"WHA-" Bow and Josh tried to refuse but Aleena wouldnt have it.

"Samuel and Batuhan can cover the market area- and Jun will accompany me to the bordering areas...EVERYONE! MOVE OUT!"

All six of them were gone in a flash.


"A full red moon!! Isnt it just wonderful?!" said a girl , fully covered in a cloak with her hoodie down showing hair tied up in a ponytail.Eyes glowing green and fangs shining in the red moonlight as she laughed.

"Quiet down Giselle. This is night patrol not a night party" a boy stepped out of the woods .He took down his mask , revealing a ghost white face , green eyes and short,dark black hair. He too with fangs.

"A full red moon is party for us though. I feel my powers surging. Dont you? Zahhak?"

" Ofcourse. We are really close to the border with the Killers though. Do you mind stepping back bef-" Zahhak heard a branch snap as if someone was moving around at high speed.

A dark figure shot out of the forest, down the hill into the trees below.

"Chase time,Giselle"

"I am so ready tonight".



"SSshh..becareful Jun, this forest is where most of the students have gotten attacked." Aleena said as she offered Jun a hand who tripped over a broken branch.

"Thanks" Jun said as he took her hand and regained his balance.

"I dont understand the reason behind attacking students , if they want a war there are easier ways." Aleena said moving forward.

" Or maybe they are looking for something? or someone?" Jun replied following her.

"Again, easier ways exist and-"


Jun and Aleena stood back to back.

"We are completely surrounded Aleena." Jun whispered, as he took off his glasses and they turned into his pistol.

"No- there is only one person, though his presence is heavy" Aleena whispered as she held a baton in her hands.

In an instant , a red circle appeared on the ground beneath.

"I cant move...Aleena..! watch out!!" Jun shouted as a man jumped out , his face beastly , his claws sharp ready to tear apart Aleena's throat.



"Watch out!!" Giselle grabbed Aleena and moved her out of the way as black feathers surrounded the attacker, trapping him inside.

The circle disappeared and Jun was able to move again.

Zahhak , with his black wings , stood atop his victim.

"I knew killer academy was terrible but this was just pathetic..." he smirked .

The body began to shake.

"What in the..." Zahhak stepped back .

His feathers turned from black to red and then burned up. But the body it held was burnt too and barely moving. All that was still intact were the eyes. Eyes that stared straight at Giselle .

Giselle felt a sensation of sudden freedom, a state of relief, as if all restraints had disappeared and before she realized

"GISELLE NO!!!!!!!!" But Zahhak couldnt stop her as she bit Aleena's hand.

Jun shot at Giselle who saved her head by blocking it with her arm, and then her wings showed and began to spread throwing the wind ,cutting even branches and trees, it was a storm.

Zahhak and Jun had to lie down to avoid being incised.

Giselle walked towards the burnt corpse, touched its face as her wings gathered around her and disappeared.
