
Chapter 638 – Safe?

"Stay back! I will shoot!" one of the guards in front of Happiness Through Taste ;) shouted as he pointed his guns at the people.


Several of the people in the crowd had already been injured, but that didn't seem to deter the others.


In fact, they only grew more aggressive.


For now, nobody had been killed.


While the Extractors from Happiness Through Taste ;) fought against Specters from time to time, they had never fought against other Extractors.


After all, the other Manufacturers never touched them.


There was no reason to fight.


Because of that, none of them had ever killed a human before, and they didn't like the thought of being forced to.


They would do it if it was necessary, but they wanted to use up every other option before pulling the trigger.


The shouts became louder.


The pressure increased.