
Kill the Sun

Earth, thousands of years after the apocalypse. Countless technologies and advances had been lost to time as the Specters, horrifying beings with terrifying powers, arrived and destroyed the world. Over the coming thousands of years, humanity had built itself up but always died again. Nobody remembers the past. Nobody remembers what humanity had once accomplished. Now, everyone is living in a world where the Specters reign supreme. ----- A boy with amnesia woke up in the middle of the Dregs, the worst part of Crimson Fungus City. The boy grows up and manages to become strong enough to pass an exam for one of the most prestigious jobs in existence, a Zephyx Extractor, someone that can harvest the powers of Specters. Sadly, he had already gained a power from a Specter in the past, which made him ineligible for the position. But then, a mysterious man visits him. And his luck finally turns around.

Warmaisach · Fantasía
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631 Chs

Chapter 228 – Envy

The next couple of minutes were horrible for Nick.


His mind was going wild with fear and nervousness.


What had he witnessed?!


How powerful was the starving child that even an Expert working for the city left voluntarily?!


The possibilities of what could happen to Nick shot through his mind.


Who was this starving child?!


How powerful was it?!


Was Nick safe?!


Could Crimson Fungus City protect him?!


Should he run?!


Would he soon die?!


Nick's sense of time became distorted, and he had no idea if he had been inside the Containment Unit for only a minute or for an hour.


The unending whiteness of the walls made Nick feel like he was being compressed.


He wanted to run away but couldn't!


There was no way he could get out of this room!