
Kid Flash In The MHA Verse

What if Kid Flash was in class 1-A? (Don’t take seriously it’s just for fun.)

TooSexy4U · Cómic
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10 Chs

Hero Training 2

Wally's heart stopped. Tsu was about to die, he barely knew his new froggy friend, but the terror of losing a classmate was enormous. On top of that, he could barely move with his injuries given to him by this Nomu creature, even with his accelerated healing. For a brief moment, everything was silent as Shigaraki put his deadly hand on Tsuyu's face.

"Damn it." Shigaraki silently cursed, why didn't he use his Quirk? "You really are cool… Eraser Head." Sure enough, their caterpillar teacher had gotten up and erased Shigaraki's Quirk, despite the Nomu holding his head down.

"SMASH!" Midoriya reacted instantly by unleashing an attack on Shigaraki.

"Go Midoriya!" Wally yelled. But when the dust cleared, Shigaraki was shielded by the monstrous Nomu, who wasn't even fazed by Midoriya's devastating attack. Any hope of his classmates rescue was lost as the villains went in for the kill, Nomu for Midoriya and Shigaraki for Tsuyu and Mineta. Tsu tried to pull Midoriya away from Nomu with her tongue instead of saving herself, she was definitely hero material, but it didn't matter now that all of their lives were coming to an end. Suddenly, they were interrupted one more time by a huge crash in the direction of the door.

"It's fine now!" Said an unknown figure, but as the dust cleared so did their fear; All Might had arrived! "I am here!" He said heroically as he ripped off his tie for battle.

"All Might!" Mineta yelled as Tsuyu let out a hopeful "Ribbit".

"All...Might…" Midoriya said in wonder.

"Oh," Shigaraki mumbled. "We're getting a continue." He said cheerfully.

"Wow…" Wally whispered, the calm he felt was unbelievable. *Is this what it means to be the symbol of peace? This is the faith they have in him? It's almost like…"

"I've been waiting, you trash of society." Shigaraki spitefully told All Might.

"That's All Might?" Some villain fearfully asked from the crowd.

"It's my first time seeing him in person!" Another said.

"He looks so intimidating…" The statements continued from all the villains in the crowd.

*He inspires hope to the innocent and strikes fear into villain. This guy… is so cool!* Wally thought with a smile on his face.

"Idiots! Don't hesitate, if we kill him then-" The villain didn't get to finish, all of the minions fell to All Might too fast for them to even see.

*He's fast! Not nearly at speedster level, but my guess is that they can't even see him!* Wally speculated. Not only did he defeat those villains, he'd grabbed Aizawa from where Nomu had left him and carried him to safety. Then, in the blink of an eye Wally and his three classmates were saved from the hands of the villains.

"Everyone, go to the entrance and meet up with the others! I'm leaving Aizawa to you." All Might instructed. "He's unconscious, hurry!"

"R-right!" Mineta obeyed.


"All Might…" Midoriya said looking at his idol.

"Young West…" All Might said as he looked at his student. "I'm sorry I couldn't get here in time to help you." He said with sadness in his voice.

"Hey, don't worry about me! I heal fast, so just take these jokers out and we'll call it even."

All Might simply replied with a smile.

"It's no good… it's no good…. It's no good… I-I'm sorry Father..." Shigaraki crazily muttered as he went to pick up his weird hand mask. It must have gotten knocked off when All Might saved them. As he put the mask on, he stopped panicking. "He hit me as he was saving them. It's the violence of a government official. He's fast, as expected. I can't follow him with my eyes. But not as fast as I thought he'd be. I guess it's true after all… that he's getting weaker." Shigaraki analysed the situation to himself with a scary, sadistic smile behind his creepy mask.

"All Might, you can't! That brain villain took One Fo- He took a punch that didn't break my arm, but he didn't even twitch. He's gotta be-" All Might cut Midoriya off.

"Young Midoriya! It's fine!" All Might said with a smile. Midoriya and Mineta carried off Aizawa, while Tsu carried Wally.

"This is so frustrating…" Wally mumbled as they went to the entrance.

"What do you mean?" Tsu asked.

"I got hurt and I can't even move, I want to fight… I want to help All Might." Wally grunted.

"Don't worry about him, All Might can handle whatever the villains throw at him." Tsu explained. Before the conversation could go any further, All Might begun his attack on Shigaraki and Nomu.

"Carolina Smash!" He yelled.

"Nomu." Shigaraki ordered, the monster blocked All Might's attack with his body. To All Might's surprise, the monster wasn't even hurt. It tried to grab All Might, but he dodged.

"It seriously has no effect at all, huh?!" All Might said as he followed up with another punch. "In that case…" He said, dodging and punching Nomu in the face. "It doesn't work on his head either?"

"It doesn't work because of shock absorption." Shigaraki muttered. "In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be most effective to slowly gouge out his flesh. Whether he'd let you do that or not is another issue!" Shigaraki cackled.

"Thanks for telling me all that!" All Might yelled as he continued to dodge every attack Nomu threw at him. "If that's true, then it's easier for me." The hero said, grabbing Nomu and slamming him backwards. The impact caused a wave of wind to spread across the battlefield.

"Hey, hey." Shigaraki mumbled. The students at the entrance were cheering the number one hero on.

"How did he make a suplex look like an explosion?!" Mineta cheerfully wondered. "All Might's on a whole nother level!"

"Even though he's a rookie teacher who can't teach without looking at his notes." Tsu speculated.

"Harsh." Wally pointed out to Tsu, who just shrugged. Midoriya, however, looked much more worried than the rest of them.

"Get 'em! Aim for the balls!" Mineta shrieked to All Might.

"He's amazing!" Tsu cheered.

"Midoriya, are you ok?" Wally asked his friend.

"Hm?" The green haired kid asked, coming out of a thoughtful trance. "Oh, It's just… I'm worried about All Might. I want to fight too, but we'd only be in the way, we just have to put our full trust that All Might can take care of it." Midoriya explained.

"True, his punches haven't been working on that Nomu thing, let's hope his suplex move did the trick." He told his friend. Wally was worried too, but something about Midoriya seemed like he knew something that they didn't. Wally wasn't the most observative person, but he'd seen that look on his mentor's face many times in their time of working together. "Midoriya, do-

"W-what happened?!" Mineta said shakily, interrupting Wally. However, they all looked at the battle scene, what they saw was bad. Kurogiri, the warping mist guy, had saved Nomu from injury by opening a portal in the ground where All Might had slammed him, it opened to right behind All Might, where Nomu dug his fingers into All Might's sides making him bleed.

"Were you trying to stop him from moving by sticking him in the concrete?" Shigaraki tauntingly asked All Might. "You won't be able to stop him like that. Because Nomu is as strong as you are." The hero grit his teeth from the pain. "This is good, Kurogiri." Shigaraki chuckled. "It's an unexpected opportunity."

All Might let go of Nomu and tried to wrestle his hands off of him. "This is your first offense? You'd better prepare yourselves…" All Might threatened.

"Kurogiri." Shigaraki said as he scratched his neck.

"I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me, but I would be happy to take in someone as great as you." The black mist said as the portal slowly started shrinking. "You are too fast to see with the human eye. Restraining you was Nomu's job. And then, when your body is halfway in, to close the gate and tear you apart it my job." Kurogiri said sadistically as All Might sunk deeper into the black portal.

"Asui." Midoriya said suddenly.

"What is it, Midoriya?" Tsu asked.

"Trade places with me carrying Mr. Aizawa."

"Okay… But why?" She asked. But the green haired boy didn't answer, he just walked towards All Might.

"Midoriya, don't!" Wally shouted at his friend, knowing exactly what was doing. But Midoriya didn't listen, he just ran. Once the kid got over to All Might, he jumped towards his hero, but Kurogiri opened a portal in front of him. Just as Wally thought Midoriya would disappear, a flash of light went off.

"Move over! You're in the way, damn Deku!" Katsuki Bakugo had joined the fight.

Bakugo grabbed Kurogiri from in front of Midoriya and slammed him on the ground, it was weird since Kurogiri was made out of mist, but Wally could see that he had some sort of metal collar tha Bakugo was holding down, he assumed it was his holding his body together. Suddenly, Nomu was attacked too, half of him was engulfed in ice.

*Frozen? That means…* "Todoroki!" Wally yelled.

"All I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might." Said Wally's rival, standing on the battlefield calmly. The ice he made had frozen up to Nomu's hands that were holding All Might, who used the opportunity to free himself from Nomu's weakened grip. Then, someone went for Shigaraki, who jumped out of the way.

"Damn it! I didn't get to show off!" Said Kirishima, the appearance of his new friend brought a smile to Wally's face.

"Stop acting so stuck-up, foggy nobody!" Bakugo said to the black mist.

"The symbol of peace cannot be killed by the likes of you." Todoroki exclaimed.

"Kacchan, everyone!" Midoriya said with happy tears in his eyes. The green haired kid wiped the tears and readied himself for battle.

"That's it." Wally said, standing up. "You guys look so cool… I won't stand back and watch!" The speedster ran in to join them. Wally's chest hurt, but he could move and that was enough.

"Wally, your injuries are bad, you should stay back!" Midoriya told him.

"Yeah right, I can tell you busted your fingers up again! Unlike you, I heal at superspeed. I can fight." Wally argued, refusing to back down. "Let's take these guys down!" The five students and All Might stood a couple of yards in front of Shigaraki and the frozen Nomu, ready to fight. Wally looked back at Tsu, she and Mineta looked at them for a second, then she nodded and took Aizawa to the entrance with Mineta.

"Kurogiri, our exit and entrance have been overcome. We're in a pinch." Shigaraki complained.

"You careless bastard." Bakugo taunted at the mist. "You're just what I thought you'd be." Only certain parts of you can turn into a misty warp gate. The fog gate covered your actual body, right? Back then… If you were completely made of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said "that was close"."

"What did I miss while I was in that cave?" Wally asked Kirishima.

"A lot." Kirishima told him. "I'll fill you in later." Kurogiri tried to get up, but Bakugo blasted him back down.

"Don't move! If I feel like you're moving suspiciously, then I'll blow you up." Bakugo said with a violent smile.

"Your behaviour isn't very hero-like." Kirishima pointed out.

"In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured." Shigaraki began again. "Kids these days are amazing. They make the League of Villains look bad." He complemented. "Nomu." The creature moved out of the portal and ripped his frozen arm and leg off in the process, then got up.

"Even though his body's broken… he's still moving?" Midoriya asked in confusion.

"Get back, everyone!" All Might said, holding his wound. The ice around Nomu broke, and his arm and leg began to regenerate.

"His Quirk wasn't shock absorption?" All Might questioned.

"I didn't say that was all he had. This is his super regeneration." Shigaraki monologued.

"His regeneration... it's on another level than mine!" Wally exclaimed.

"Nomu has been modified to take you at 100%. He's a super-efficient human sandbag." Shigaraki said with glee. "First, we need to get our gate back. Go, Nomu."

*Gate… Bakugo!* Nomu had already rushed at the crazy teen holding down Kurogiri. Wally started to move towards him, but All Might was just as close as he was, so he let the tougher hero get Bakugo.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya screamed, seeing Nomu on top of Kurogiri and someone knocked into the wall.

"Don't worry, All Might got him. He's right next to you." Wally said with a chill tone. "Man, your All Might is fast for someone without a speed Quirk."

"Huh?" Midoriya said with confusion. "Wow! I didn't even see!"

"Then where's All Might?" Kirishima asked. They all looked to the wall that had gotten knocked down to see All Might still with his guard up that he'd used to cushion the blow from Nomu.

"All Might!" Midoriya said with worry.

"Do you not know how to hold back?" All Might asked with heavy breathing.

"It was to rescue my comrade, I had no choice." Shigaraki told him. "I mean, earlier, that… that plain-looking one. He was about to punch me with everything he had." He said in reference to Midoriya's earlier attack by the water. "Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable. Isn't that right, hero? You know what, All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. "Symbol of peace"? Ha. You're just a device to repress violence. Violence only breeds violence, the world will know this once we kill you!"

"That's preposterous." All Might responded. "The eyes of white-collar criminals like you burn silently. You just want to enjoy this yourself, don't you, you liar?"

"He's already figured-?" Shigaraki began.

"Dude, you are the most cliche person I've ever met! You're just like every other old villain that tries to take down a hero! You bring in your big weapon…" Wally said, pointing at Nomu. "Then you go on about your evil plan and why you're trying to kill the orphans and blah blah blah! I've heard this crap a million times! You, your freaky brain bird thing, and your big black fart friend are going down!" Everyone was taken aback by Wally's display of familiarity with the situation, and how seriously he didn't take the villains. "Come on guys, let's get 'em." He told his classmates.

"It's three against six." Todoroki stated.

"Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness!" Midoriya joined.

"These guys are crazy, but if we backup All Might, we can push them back!" Kirishima said, getting pumped up.

"No!" All Might commanded. "Run away."

"You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier, right?" Todoroki asked the hero.

"That was a different story, Young Todoroki. Thanks. But it's fine! Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got." All Might said with a clenched fist.

"All Might, you're bleeding! Besides, time's-" Midoriya cut himself off again, something was definitely up. All Might gave them a thumbs up and Midoriya didn't continue.

"Nomu, Kurogiri. Get him." Shigaraki commanded his minions. "I'll deal with the children. Now, let's clear this and go home." All Might clenched his other fist and readied himself for battle as Shigaraki ran at the students.

"Hey, we've gotta do this after all!" Kirishima said to his friends.

All Might suddenly welled up with power and rushed at Nomu, their fists hitting each other and causing a shockwave to blast everyone back.

"Hey, you talked about his shock absorption yourself earlier, didn't you?" Shigaraki asked All Might, jumping back from the blast.

"Yes, I did!" All Might acknowledged that, but he continued to pound dozens of punches into Nomu.

"A head-on fistfight?" Said Midoriya.

"W-wow!" Kirishima said, still getting blown back from the force of the two titans fighting like everyone else.

"I can't get near them!" Kurogiri shouted.

"Your Quirk isn't shock nullification but shock absorption. That means there's a limit to it, right?" All Might landed a lot of hits, but he was taking some as well, but after taking a good hit to the chest, he rebounded with more power than before. "Made to fight me? If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!" All Might took less and less hits and gave more and more, the force of his punches increasing. The hero then unleashed another punch that was strong enough to send Nomu flying, but the creature rebounded and rushed All Might, who was coming right at him. "A hero can always break out of a tough spot!" The two had jumped at each other and engaged in a midair battle, but All Might just grabbed the creature's arm and threw him to the ground. "Hey, Villain." All Might said when he landed. "Have you ever heard these words?" Nomu didn't even have a chance to get up before he heard the battle cry. "Go beyond… PLUS ULTRA!" The hit send Nomu flying into the ceiling, smashing part of the dome around USJ and causing the whole building to shake.

"Is this a comic book or something?" Kirishima wondered. "It's like he nullified the shock absorption. His brute strength is crazy…"

"What insane power…" Even Bakugo was amazed. "Does this mean he rushed at him so fast he couldn't regenerate?"

"I could see it, that's exactly what he did…" Wally said in awe.

"I really have gotten weaker, in my prime, five hits would've been enough. But it took three hundred hits." All Might told the students.

Wally West watched All Might, the victorious number one hero of Japan. As he looked at him, in all his glory, innocents saved and a smile on his face, Wally was reminded of what a pro hero looked like, he knew he had come to the right school.

"Now, villains…" All Might said, turning to Kurogiri and Shigaraki. "I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible." He said menacingly.

"He used a cheat…?" Shigaraki said, shaking with rage. "Weaker? No way. We've been completely overwhelmed. I can't believe he did that to my Nomu… He used a cheat?! What's going on?" Shigaraki began to scratch his neck again. "Yeah, he's not weaker at all! Did that guy lie to me?!"

"What's wrong? You're not coming?" All Might said, scaring Shigaraki. "You said you'd "clear" this or something? Come and get me if you can." All Might said with power in his voice. Shigaraki began to back off.

"All Might…" Bakugo said, feeling the strength behind All Might's threat.

"As expected, it looks like there is no need for us to fight." Todoroki told the others, they began to leave, but Midoriya was still in awe of All Might.

"Hey Midoriya, we should get out of here! It'll be worse if we end up getting taken hostage instead!" Kirishima yelled to him. Midoriya's strange behaviour was beginning to bug Wally. He looked closely at All Might, since he could see in slow motion, he could tell that something was wrong with All Might. It was hard to see in the dust, but steam was coming directly from All Might's body.

*Is that part of his power?* Wally wondered.

"Well, what's wrong?!" All Might yelled to the villains. Shigaraki had begun to furiously scratch his neck with both hands.

"If only I had Nomu… That guy would've been able to go up against him without thinking about anything!"

"Tomura Shigaraki, please calm yourself." Kurogiri told the other villain. "Looking carefully, I see that he was definitely weakened from the damage of Nomu's attacks. Besides, the children seem to be frozen in fear. We still have underlings who can be used. There are likely only a few minutes before the other heroes come, if you and I work together, we still have a chance of killing him." Kurogiri explained.

"Yeah… yeah, yeah… That's right… that's right… We have no choice but to do it. I mean, we have the last boss right in front of our eyes." Shigaraki was clearly off his rocker, the neck scratching thing was just a sample of this guy's problems.

"All Might will do something about the main bad guys. Let's go help the others!" Kirishima suggested, now that the other villains were getting up. Midoriya was still standing frozen, though.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki asked. Shigaraki rushed All Might, ready to kill.

"This is revenge for Nomu, you piece of shit!" The villain screamed. They all had faith in All Might, however, Midoriya had vanished. The green haired kid had used his Quirk on his legs like in the entrance exam, he was right up with the villains and prepared to attack.

"Get away from All Might!" Midoriya was going for Kurogiri, but Shigaraki put his hand through a portal and was inches from deteriorating Midoriya's face. Shigaraki laughed crazily as he prepared to kill Midoriya with his deadly hands… until one was shot.

"Are they here?" All Might asked with hope.

"Sorry everyone! Sorry we're late!" Said an unknown voice from the entrance. "I gathered all who were immediately available!"

"I, the representative of Class 1-A, Tenya Iida... have now returned!" Iida was yelling, and behind him were a dozen or more pro heroes. The one who had spoken was the principal, Nezu… who looked like a mouse-dog. The villains began shooting their various Quirks at the heroes and trying to fight them, but Present Mic just walked a few feet and used his Quirk.

"YEAAAHHH!" He clearly had a sound type Quirk that let him unleash destructive blasts through his scream. It dropped dozens of villains within seconds. Another hero, Ectoplasm, made clones of himself to take down the villains who withstood the blast.

"Split up and protect the students!" Principal Nezu ordered.

"Yes sir!" The pros responded, then proceeded to wreak havoc on the villains forces.

"Aw man, it's game over now." Shigaraki said with disappointment. Shall we go home and try again later, Kurogir-" He didn't get to finish, he was shot in both his legs, once in his stomach and in his right arm before Kurogiri protected him. The shooter turned out to be a cowboy hero Wally didn't recognize.

"Tomura Shigaraki!" Kurogiri shouted, then he began to get more wispy and unstable. Thirteen had come over and was sucking him into a black hole, despite him being seriously injured.

"I may have failed… but I'll kill you next time… Symbol of Peace, All Might!" Shigaraki angrily mumbled as Kurogiri warped him away. The villains were defeated.

In the aftermath of the attack, the pro heroes defeated all the small time villains and all of the students were tended to. Midoriya was on the ground after using his Quirk, he and All Might were having a conversation behind the cloud of dust and steam. Wally waited until they were done talking, then rushed over to him and helped him up.

"Hey man, we won!" Wally cheered to his friend.

"Yeah!" Midoriya said with tears in his eyes.

"Man, you're a bit of a crybaby." Wally teased.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima yelled as he ran towards them. "Are you ok?!"

"Kirishima, wait!" Midoriya called to his friend.

"Why?" Wally asked, then the ground created a wall in covering All Might so none could see him. "Golem?!" Wally stood up, ready to fight.

"We want to make sure all of the students are safe, so please gather at the gate. We will deal with the injured here." Wally quickly realized that it was not the villain he'd fought earlier, but Cementoss, who had made the wall as he told Wally, Kirishima and the others to go to the entrance.

"That makes sense! Roger that!" Kirishima responded.

"Hey, I'll just take Midoriya to Recovery Girl now, I can get him treatment faster than you guys can. Is that alright?"

"Yes, please do that right away." Cementoss said with a smile.

"Alright buddy, up you go." Wally said as he picked up his green haired friend. "And we're off!" Wally ran Midoriya to the nurse's office at school and set him in a bed.

"T-thanks…" Midoriya said, startled by how quick everything was.

"Don't mention it.