
Kid Flash In The MHA Verse

What if Kid Flash was in class 1-A? (Don’t take seriously it’s just for fun.)

TooSexy4U · Cómic
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10 Chs


"...17...18… and apart-" A detective was saying to the class at USJ when Wally arrived. "Ah, are you Wally West?" He asked him.

"That's me."

"Then apart from Midoriya, all of you are present and accounted for, and with no major injuries." The detective told them.

"Ojiro." Said a talking pair of gloves, the invisible girl from their class. "I heard you were fired up, you were strong by yourself, huh?" She asked a blonde guy with a large tail, another member of class 1-A.

"I thought everyone was by themselves, I survived by using hit and run tactics. Where were you Hagakure?" He asked the gloves.

"In the landslide area, Todoroki was super strong! I was surprised!" She said, pointing at Wally's rival.

"Anyway, I'm glad you weren't hurt." Ojiro told Hagakure. As the class conversed about what had happened, it became apparent that, save Wally and Ojiro, they had all been split into groups and were attacked by low level villains.

"Oh yeah, you got teleported first, where did you get sent, Wally?" Uraraka asked him.

"I got sent to this underground cave in scenario down in the basement, I had to fight a group led by a guy with a spider Quirk. Oh yeah, Officer, did you guys see a small group of four villains? The leader had white hair and called himself Recluse, one guy had moth wings, one had a mutant type Quirk that gave him cricket abilities and the other was a quiet dude with a Quirk that let him travel through the ground. See anyone like that?" Wally asked the detective.

"I don't believe I've gotten any reports about anyone like that, but don't worry, we'll find all the villains and bring them in."

"Of course…." Wally told him. *They got away then. That Golem guy must have taken them somewhere safe.*

"Anyway, let's have the students return to their classroom for now. We won't be questioning them right away, anyway, right?" The detective asked one of his officers.

"Detective, what about Mr. Aizawa?" Tsuyu asked him. Wally had forgotten about their teacher. The detective simply played a voicemail from the doctor who was examining the caterpillar.

"Comminuted fractures in both arms and a facial fracture. Fortunately, there does not seem to be any serious brain damage. However, his orbital floor has broken into small pieces and his eyes may suffer from its aftereffects."

"That's what he said." The detective said, ending the message. Tsuyu let out a sad ribbit.

"No…" Mineta said, teary eyed.

"What about Thirteen?" Asked Mina.

"Thirteen has been treated. The laceration from the back to the upper arm was bad, but Thirteen will survive." The class let out a relieved sigh. "All Might will also be fine, Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him, so he's in the nurse's office."

"Deku!" Uraraka said with worry.

"Midoriya?!" Iida followed up.

"Midori…?" The detective asked.

"Don't worry guys, I took Midoriya to the nurse's office, he'll be fine. His arms and legs are a little busted up, but Recovery Girl has it handled." Wally said with a smile.

"Thank goodness…" Uraraka said with a sigh.

"Now, go back to your classroom." The detective told them.


Next day at UA.

Wally slumped into his chair after putting his bag under his desk at UA, a few other students were already there chatting.

"Hey, did you guys see the news yesterday? We were all on TV for a couple seconds!" Hagakure, the invisible girl, told her friends.

"Seriously?" Kaminari said with a gleam in his eyes, but for once, Wally wasn't in on the action, his mind was elsewhere.

"I wonder what he's doing now? Probably nothing good…" Wally mumbled to himself with a far off look. The rest of the class continued talking about their brief time on the news. As students continued to enter, Wally wasn't left to his thoughts much longer.

"Hey, Wally! How's it going?" Uraraka said with a smile as she walked up to him, she was perky as ever.

"Great as always! How 'bout you?" Wally said to his friend, there was no trace of his worries from moments ago.

"I'm doing awesome! I'm so glad we made it out of USJ!"

"Yeah, that was crazy! And to think that there were two villain attacks in one week too."

"Two?" Uraraka asked.

Crap! I wasn't supposed to mention our run in with Snart!* "Uh.. yeah, you see there was this big-"

"Hey guys!" Midoriya said as he waved to his friends, saving Wally.

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka beamed.

"Phew…" Wally sighed.

"Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" Iida shouted as he charged into the room.

"We're already in our seats." Kaminari told him.

"You're the only one standing up." Sero said with a bland tone.

"Shoot…" Iida said as he took a seat.

"Tsu, who's supposed to teach homeroom today?" Mina asked Tsuyu.

"Well, Mr. Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries…" She began, that's when the door slid open.

"Morning." At the door, was none other than the caterpillar himself. His arms and face were wrapped in bandages and his arms were in slings. The class gawked in surprise at the man who clearly should've been in the ER.

"You're too much of a pro!" Kaminari stated, partly in fear, the other in amazement.

"So you're alright, Mr. Aizawa?" Iida shouted with his hand up.

"Can you really call that 'all right'?" Uraraka asked.

"My well-being doesn't matter." Aizawa said underneath his bandages. "More importantly, the fight is not yet over."

"Fight?" Bakugo asked, now listening.

"Don't tell me…?" Midoriya asked in fear.

"The villains again?!" Mineta panicked.

"The U.A. sports festival is drawing near." Aizawa told the students.

"That's a super normal school event!" the class cheered.

"School festival?" Wally asked. "I've heard a little about those, but we don't have them in the US."

"It's a really cool festival where the whole school competes in all sorts of games!" Uraraka cheerfully explained.

"It's super cool-" Kirishima began.

"Wait a minute!" Kaminari stopped him.

"Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jiro, the girl with the earphone Quirk asked.

"What if they attack us again?" Ojiro, the guy with the tail, continued.

"Apparently, U.A. thinks that it's our way of showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains." Aizawa explained.

"B-but that's a good reason right? It's just a festival of sports." Mineta said shuttered.

"Mineta, have you never watched the sports festival before?" Midoriya asked with a surprised look.

"Of course I have! That's not what I meant!" Mineta told him, his panic increasing.

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. Now, for Japan, what's taken the place of those Olympics is the UA sports festival!" Aizawa continued.

"I watched recordings of past sports festivals when I was deciding whether or not to apply to UA, don't pro heroes from around Japan come and watch these?" Wally asked.

"Yes, they watch the festival for scouting purposes!" Momo said with wonder.

"I know that…" Mineta whispered.

"After we graduate," Kaminari chimed in. "It's typical to join a hero agency as a sidekick!" He said with his usual smile.

"Although, some people miss opportunities and end up as eternal sidekicks. Kaminari, I feel like you'll become one, since you're dumb." The earphone girl deadpanned.

"Of course," Aizawa went on. "Joining a famous agency will gain you more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you go pro, then the path to your future is set up by this event." The caterpillar warned. "Once a year, just three chances, no aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, don't slack off on your preparations!" Aizawa said with pride.

"Yes sir!" The class said in unison.

"Alright, homeroom is dismissed." Their teacher told them.

"Even though all that crazy stuff with the villains happened, I'm super pumped for this!" Kirishima cheered. The rest of the class followed his example and talked about their aspirations for the festival, but Wally wasn't paying attention. He could only thing about the news Barry had brought him about his Uncle Daniel.

"I wonder where he is now…" Wally said with a far off look.

"WALLY, I'M GONNA DO MY BEST!" Uraraka suddenly shouted, pulling him out of it.

"...what?" Was all Wally could muster, he hadn't heard a single thing anyone had said.

"Haven't you been listening? She's thrilled to compete in the festival! She's been shouting it to everyone!" Iida said in disbelief.

"Oh… yeah totally! You guys are going down!" Wally gloated, faking his usual confident smile.

"Yeah right." Bakugo scoffed from the back of the room. "You losers don't stand a chance."

"Bakugo, that's very unsportsmanlike!" Iida scolded, but Bakugo didn't care. He just got up and walked out of the classroom. Wally's mood immediately changed, he just wasn't having a good enough day to take anymore of Bakugo's crap, so he stood up and snapped.

"Hey Bakugo!" Wally shouted, which made the blonde stop and turn his head, shooting Wally an angry glare.

"What?" He growled.

"I'm gettin' real tired of you acting like you're better than everyone. So, at the finals of the sports festival: I'm gonna beat you in front of everyone, and when I do, you'll have to stop acting so high and mighty all the time! Unless you're too chicken to accept my challenge." Bakugo got more and more angry with every word, then he finally turned around.

"You seriously think you can beat me? Man, you're even dumber than I thought you were. I'll take your stupid challenge, but everyone's gonna be watching me beat the hell outta you! Got that, Freckles?!" He yelled.

"You're on, Poofy Head!" With that, Bakugo stormed off and Wally turned back to his desk to put his things away, leaving the remaining students in the room in stunned silence.

"Y-y-you just yelled at Kacchan!" Midoriya stuttered in surprise.

"I'm sick of him pushing everyone around, someone had to put a stop to it."

"I think it's kinda exciting," said Kaminari. "It adds some extra drama to the festival."

"Classmates shouldn't be starting fights, the festival is supposed to be a friendly competition!" Iida lectured.

"Nothing is friendly with that guy, we're talking about the kid who yells "die!" during training."

"I suppose you have a point, violence was probably inevitable for him." Iida said with his hand on his chin.

"He deserves what's coming to him and that's that. Now, Mr. Aizawa said not to slack off with training, so that's what I need to be working on." Wally said slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out.

"Hold up!" Kirishima said as he ran after him. "Let's train together again!" He said with a smile.

"Sure!" Wally said with a thumbs up.

"I guess I forgot it was lunchtime in the heat of the moment." Wally said with a bit of embarrassment as he and Kirishima sat down in the cafeteria. As Wally wolfed down his mountain sized tray of food, Kirishima gave his friend a concerned look.

"Hey man, are you doing ok? You were out of it all day, then you picked a fight with Bakugo, what's up?" He asked.

Wally stopped eating and sighed at the reminder of his problems. "It's nothing to worry about, I'm just having some family trouble back home."

"That's tough, bro. Do you want to talk about it?"

"...I won't go too into detail, it's not something I'm proud of. Do you remember how I told you I was a bad kid back home?" He asked his friend.

"Yeah I remember."

"Well back then, I really looked up to my Uncle Daniel. He always did whatever he wanted and my family never held him back, to a thirteen year old Wally, that was the coolest thing in the world. Unfortunately, he got involved in crime as a getaway driver and was caught by The Flash, my other Uncle that I told you about, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison." Wally said with a grim face. "The reason I've been off is because he escaped last week."

"Wow, I'm sorry that happened. You must be pretty angry, right?"

"I don't know, I don't know how I feel right now. But seriously dude, don't worry about it, I'll be perfectly fine. Thanks for checking up on me." Wally said with a smile.

"No problem…" Kirishima replied. Wally was just about to start eating again when he got a text. At receiving it, Wally's eyes lit up. "What's that?"

"I just got a message from Flash, he said he heard about the sports festival and said he'd send me some training videos for some new moves. The first one is a video on… man this is cool!" Wally said in excitement.

"What kind of move is it?" Kirishima asked in anticipation.

"Oh you'll see, just wait until after school." He said with a grin.

At last the final class of the day came and everyone in class 1-A was ready to leave, but unfortunately they still had one more trouble to deal with before they were free.

"You ready?" Wally asked Kirishima as they got up to leave.

"What's going on?!" Wally heard Uraraka shout. Wally looked over at her to see that the door was blocked by dozens of students from the other classes.

"What are they milling around for?" Wally asked, followed by other such questions from the rest of 1-A.

"We can't even get out, what are you here for anyway?!" An angry Mineta asked the crowd.

"Scouting out the enemy, small fry." Bakugo explained. "We're the ones who made it out of the villains' attack. They probably want to check us out before the sports festival." Bakugo stopped in front of the crowd and looked out into it. "There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way, extras!" Bakugo said this quietly, at least for him, but his aggression was still there.

"Stop calling people extras because you don't know them!" Iida shouted, but it fell on deaf ears.

"I came to see what the famous class A was like, said a voice from the crowd. "But you seem pretty arrogant. Are all the students in the hero course like this? Seeing something like this makes me pretty disillusioned." The guy who said it was a tall, thin boy with a crazy mane of purple hair, the dark circles under his purple eyes and the tired way he talked made it obvious he didn't get much sleep. "There are quite a few people who are enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?" He asked Bakugo. "The school has left us with a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course… and it seems they may also transfer people out." His words sent a shock through the class, the stakes had just been raised immensely. "Scouting out the enemy?" He continued. "I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away; I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war."

"Hey man, that's super cool." Wally said, walking up to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "But could ya move out of the way? "I've got stuff I gotta do." He said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hey hey!" Said a voice before the sleepy guy could answer. "I heard you fought against villains, so I came to hear 'bout it!" The loud voice belonged to a guy with wavy silver hair, sharp teeth, small black eyes and some kind of sharp white material growing around his eyes. "Don't get so full of yourself! If you bark too much, it'll be embarrassing for you durin' the real fight!" The guy was yelling to Bakugo, but he simply ignored him and started to walk away. "You ignoring me, bastard?!"

"Wait a minute, Bakugo!" Kirishima called. "What're you gonna do about all this? It's your fault that everyone is hating on us!"

"It doesn't matter." Bakugo boldly stated.

"Huh?!" Kiri said in confusion.

"It doesn't matter if you rise to the top." Bakugo said before walking off.

"For the record, I hate him!" Wally announced to the crowd. But Kirishima was the exact opposite.

"That's so simple and manly!" Kiri said to himself. The rest of 1-A chattered in agreement.

"Whatever you say dude," Wally said to him. "Either way, I'm outta here." With that, Wally pushed his way through the crowd and left for the gym.

Power stones?

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