
Kid Flash In The MHA Verse

What if Kid Flash was in class 1-A? (Don’t take seriously it’s just for fun.)

TooSexy4U · Cómic
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10 Chs

Central City pt.1

Central city?! B-but that's in America? How will we get there? W-we have school!" Midoriya had told Wally, in his usual frantic way.

"Dude, I have super speed, I can take us there easy! We'll leave after school on Friday and spend the weekend there." Wally told him.

"Midoriya! You ready?!" It was Friday, Midoriya had gotten permission from his mom to go visit the US with Wally, although when Wally arrived to pick Midoriya up from his house, his mom was clinging to him asking him all sorts of questions.

"Do you have your phone? Make sure you call me every morning and every night to check in, and pay attention to your phone in case I text you! If you see a villain or any kind of trouble, run away! And make sure to-" She frantically told her son.

"M-mom! It'll be ok! I promise to check in regularly ok?" He frantically responded.

"I see worry runs in the family…" Wally said awkwardly. "Miss Midoriya, don't worry! I'll take good care of your son. Besides, we'll be at the Flash's hero agency, he's one of the top heroes in my country, he couldn't be in safer hands." Wally reassured the worried mom.

"He's right, mom. I'll be fine." Midoriya said, taking his mother's hand in his own.

"O-ok, I love you Izuku! Be safe! Have fun!" She told him tearfully.

"Love you too mom! I will!" With that Midoriya grabbed his bag and walked off with Wally to the train station. "So, how are you going to get us there?"

"Me? Oh that's easy, we'll take the Rainbow Bridge." Wally told his friend.

"What's that?" Midoriya asked, puzzled.

"You've never heard of it? I thought you of all people would know, Mr. Nerd. But anyway, the Rainbow Bridge isn't actually a bridge; it's a passageway for people with Quirks that let them travel long distances to get places. After all, I have this power that lets me travel to another country in minutes, why should I have to use a plane? So, the government made a way for people like me to get where we need to go without illegally trespassing in other countries, the Rainbow Bridge!" The speedster explained.

"Wow! That's a great idea! And they named it after the Rainbow Bridge in mythology, clever…" Midoriya began.

"Hey! No muttering!"

"Hehe, sorry…"

When they arrived at their destination, it was kind of Like an Airport that had a large opening going to the ocean on it. On the ocean, were bobbing lights that they used to guide people to their destination.

"You have your passport like I asked right?" Wally asked.

"Yeah, it's right here." Midoriya said holding the item.

"Great, now let's get going!" The way that had their transportation worked out, was that Wally and their cargo would be strapped down to a raft, which Wally was strapped to with some cables, Wally would run at super speed and carry Midoriya and their belongings to the American station of the Rainbow Bridge.

"This is so cool!" Midoriya said with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah it's cool! Just wait until we get moving!" Wally said taking a running start at their exit point.


"They always have a little message don't they?" Wally asked Midoriya before rocketing off at breakneck speeds. Wally couldn't hear Midoriya, but he knew the timid kid would be screaming, so Wally laughed as he continued to run along the surface of the water. After about 20 minutes of running, the two high schoolers arrived at their destination. "Wooh, guess it took a little longer than usual with the extra load. How was your ride, Midoriya?"

"I-i-i-it was f-f-fantastic…." The green haired kid got out of the raft with shaky legs and a pale face.

"Ooh, first time shakes, eh? Don't worry, it'll stop after a while." Wally picked Midoriya up and slung his arm over his shoulder and helped him up the stairs. An attendant came down to help Wally carry his bags and his friend.

"Hey, you're Kid Flash! Long time no see! What's wrong with your friend there?" Asked the worker.

"Oh nothing much, he's just not used to my speeds yet."

"I see. Well anyhow, welcome home!" The attendant said with a smile.

"Thanks!" Once Wally got to the exit, he sat Midoriya down on a bench.

"What's wrong? Why are we stopping?" Midoriya said with heavy breathing.

"Nothing's wrong, I just want your first look at my city to be a good one, you feeling better yet?"

"Yeah, I think I'm ok now." Midoriya said, taking a drink of water.

"Well then, time for the big reveal then!" The two walked out the door. "I present to you… Central City!" Midoriya's eyes sparkled as he took his first look at his new friend's hometown. The city itself wasn't anything special at first glance, but as Midoriya looked around he could tell that a lot of technological advancements had been made here, the most noticeable was a monorail above them.

"Wow! I thought the US didn't have a lot of trains like this!" Midoriya stated.

"Actually, I doubt there are a lot of trains like this in the world. The train and the rail were developed by Dr. Harrison Wells, one of the greatest scientific minds in the world, and the CEO of S.T.A.R. labs. His train had mag-lev suspension for a zero friction ride, it made the train faster and safer." Wally explained.

"That's amazing!" Midoriya said with a smile.

"Yeah, and Dr. Wells is working to share this monorail system with the world! It does cost a lot of money though… so it'll be a while."

"So where is our first stop?" The green haired kid asked Wally.

"Actually, S.T.A.R. labs is our first stop, that's my un- The Flash's base of operations."

"His base is a company?" Midoriya said with a puzzled look.

"Well, S.T.A.R. used to be the leading industry for technology, pretty good right? However, once the age of heroes rolled around; they converted to the most successful support company to ever exist in the US, they work for a few big name heroes, but The Flash is by far their biggest supporter, he even owns a large share of the company. Their Central City location is his hero agency, so if we wanna meet him; S.T.A.R. labs is the place to go!" So, the two friends took a bus down to their destination. The train was great, but S.T.A.R. labs was a truly magnificent sight, it was an enormous, circular structure with reporters, tourists and other various guests trying to get inside.

"Eesh, paparazzi is still at it. We're gonna take the back." Wally grabbed Midoriya and zipped around to a secret entrance which led to the main lab, where a familiar face was waiting. The man was no older than twenty two, he was a shorter latino with long black hair and a round face. Wally's friend didn't have a chance to say anything, he was startled so he accidentally threw his McDonald's fruit punch into his own face.

"Give a guy some warning! Jeez... "

"Cisco! What's up? I thought you would've gotten used to people rushing it by now." Wally teased. Cisco just grumpily wiped the fruit punch off with a paper towel.

"Who's this?" Cisco asked, gesturing to Midoriya.


"He's asking your name?" Wally asked his friend, confused.

"Ano… watashi wa, eigo wakarimasen desu." Midoriya said in Japanese.

"Hello Wally! Sorry Cisco, he doesn't speak english. This is my friend Izuku Midoriya."

"Sup." Cisco said with a nod.

"Midoriya, this is my friend Cisco Ramone, he's the head scientist here at the Central City location." Wally told Midoriya in Japanese. Midoriya simply bowed his head to Cisco. "I forgot about the language barrier, Midoriya. I'll do my best to translate for you, so if you want to say something to anyone, just let me know."


"Hey Cisco, when-" Wally began, but his question was answered in an instant. Before Wally and Midoriya stood the man they'd come for, all in red, the scarlet speedster; The Flash.

"Cisco, how's it going with the… Wally!" The hero said in surprise. "You should've told me you were coming!" The Flash walked up to Wally and gave him a hug. "It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too." Wally said, hugging his mentor.

"How's school? Have you made any friends?" The hero asked.

"It's great! I've made lots of friends! I actually brought one with me, Uncle Barry, this is my friend Izuku Midoriya. He doesn't speak english so I'll have to translate."

"Translate? Hold on, be right back." The Flash left for a total of two seconds then was back. "Hello Midoriya, nice to meet you. I'm Barry." His uncle said in Japanese with a bow.

"Oh is that where you went?" Wally questioned.

"Yup, I just learned the entire Japanese language, plus a few important customs." Barry explained.

"Wow! You learned all that in seconds?! Your Quirk is fantastic! Wally, can you go that fast?!" Midoriya said, whipping out his notebook and scribbling all of this new information down. "What's your top speed? I notice Wally generates lightning when he runs, can you do that too? Are your Quirks exactly the same or do they have differences? What-"

"Woah woah, slow down, although I know that's weird coming from me." Barry said, trying to calm the zealous fanboy.

"Uncle Ber, I was hoping you could show Midoriya a thing or two about being a hero, as you can see; he's very passionate about our studies. We're both working super hard!"

"I'd be happy to! Good to hear you're doing your best. So, what kind of stuff have you guys been learning?"

"Well, we did a Quirk assessment test and combat training. Our most recent day hero studies was supposed to be a field trip, but we were attacked by villains, so it was cut short." Midoriya told Barry.

"Woah, really? Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, everyone's fine. Except our teachers… Eraser Head and Thirteen, heroes from Japan, were critically injured in the fight. They'll live, but they both were pretty messed up." Wally sadly told him.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad you guys have good teachers. The road of a true hero is filled with sacrifice, so I know you guys are in good hands." Barry told them.

"Yeah…" Wally said, drifting off.

"Anyway," Barry said, changing the subject. "What kind of Quirk do you have, Midoriya?" Flash asked the boy.

"Oh, uh… I have an augmentation type Quirk that gives me super strength, but it breaks my body apart whenever I use it, specifically which ever body part I use."

"You can make high pressure wind blasts too, right? Like your fight with Bakugo?" Wally asked, he didn't know very much about Midoriya's Quirk either.

"Yeah, but it still has the same effect on my body." Midoriya told them.

"That's very unique, one of the most interesting Quirks I've ever encountered." Barry said with his hand on his chin. "We could run some tests on you if you'd like? We have some of the most advanced technology on the planet here, I bet we could do something about this drawback." Barry offered.

"Oh, well… I don't know, I probably shouldn't. I just don't have enough control over it, my body can't handle the impact." Midoriya was frantic again, he seemed a little over cautious about the whole thing, why didn't he want to find out more about his Quirk? He always seemed to be hiding something.

"Midoriya, why-" Wally was cut off by an alert on one of their computers. Barry ran over to it to see what was going on.

"It's a robbery, reports are saying it's a villain." Barry told them.

"Don't worry about us, go handle it, we'll wait." Wally assured his mentor.

"What are you talking about? You guys are heroes too! Besides, I told you I'd show you the ropes. Let's get going!"

And so, Deku and Kid Flash were off, off to save the day with the fastest man alive.

Just a little side-story. Tell me what you think in the comments below. Should I delete it? Or leave it. If you enjoyed my fanfiction so far powerstones keep me motivated

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