
We Met Again

Alexander POV

With my briefcase in my hand, I walked into the dinning room and met granny and Olive, chatting happily. I smiled at how lively granny looked while talking to Olive.

I cleared my throat to announce my presence, swiftly, they both looked at my direction.

Olive scooted her seat backward and ran to my chest, gleefully.

'I missed you," She murmured as she wrapped her hands around my back. I breathe out softly before unlocking from her grip.

She took my hand and we both walked up to the dining table.

'Good evening, granny" I bent down and kissed her gray hair.

'Evening, son"

'How was work today?" She asked as I sat down next to her, while Olive sat across us- beaming.

'It was great, guess what?" I asked her with so much excitement, and her face lit up immediately.

'You won the contract!" She shrieked with happiness.

'Oh my, granny, you're a genius," I commented as I went into her opened arms.

'Congratulations, son," She said while patting my back.