
Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

[Check out my new book 500th Time Reborn. A World Only Know By Women: The Karma System] Love holds no boundaries. Not even the space of time or the passing of an eternity will ever change that. There is a Spark inside of all of us that will never forget. A world devoid of magic is invaded by 9 gods and dungeons. A warring world sees peace for the first time in decades, but the strife is traded for the quest to gain ultimate power from a dungeon core. While the humans race to gain power, the gods secretly pit the nations against each other. Kiada, a tank, is the first to ever complete a dungeon and receive the prize, but the prize is not as was advertised. Kiada gets a system called The Blood Servant System, but with it, she will all gain leadership of one of the four Guilds in her city, becoming a Guild Master. Follow Kiada journey to find new friends and find out who she really is. The world that was hidden from her is revealed as she gains blood servants, builds up the guilds from the ground up, collects Guild members, looks for artifacts, sells goods and tries to stop the gods before they destroy the world. SPECIAL THANK FOR HELPING WITH THIS NOVEL: Grangel- always full of great new ideas! EvilGod- Always there to catch my mistakes and full of great ideas! To get more chapters each week, vote! Seraexecjia did my cover! check out his work! https://twitter.com/seraexecfia Join discord for nitro and merch giveaways! link is in the synopsis! Enjoy the book! https://discord.gg/hQHJrZCYZu

Magic_ · Fantasía
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150 Chs

Black Root

"What's wrong? You look like you're going to be sick Gloria," Lesha said, leaving me and going to Gloria who looked scared.

"There was a woman in black following me, on my way to you, but she stopped when I went through the Silent Forest. K, she is deadly dangerous, and she left a trail of bodies behind me. More than once I was questioned concerning the murders, but they kept happening even when I was looked up, so they would have to let me go, but I would be asked to leave the town."

"Did she ever attack you?" I asked walking up to Gloria.

"No, but she would watch me. I had trouble sleeping, and there were times that I would chase after her when I would notice her, but she would just disappear in a black mist," Gloria explained.

"Well, we will all stay close, and keep guards. Did you see the wolf? Before this, I mean."

"No, it was just the Lady in Black."

"Can we eat?" Mei asked. "I'm starting to get hungry, and there aren't any of the bad people here right now, so let's eat!"

Everyone had a short nervous laugh and we went to sit at the fire. There was another stew tonight, and we had new bread supplies, so dinner was good, but I was constantly glancing back. They were both out there, hopefully not killing each other, but my encounter with the Lady in Black worried me.

It was like I was attacked by the wind; I had been just able to get the blood shield up in time. Still, I had received a small cut, and I put my hand to my face, but the mark was gone. I was back in the tent with the girls; Lesha's lick must have done something to the cut and healed it.

I looked over to where Gloria was sitting behind Mei, brushing her long blonde hair. The pair looked cute, but I wish there was something I could do about Mei. Not only was she mentally a small girl, but she was underdeveloped. I was looking at the two of them and then I noticed something on the bottom of Mei's foot.

"Mei, do you have a splinter in your foot? How long has that been there?" I asked moving towards her, but then something happened with Mei.

Mei's normal relaxed and calm composer was replaced with a wicked smile and glaring, and hate-filled eyes. I was close now, and I could see the black circles with strange writing inside on them around the thorn. This was the thing that was doing it, and now he was here to try and do more damage.

"HOLD HER DOWN! Make sure she can't hurt herself! I COMMAND IT!" I shouted with tears stinging my eyes.

Lesha and Gloria immediately pinned Mei down, and I went for my bag, grabbing my metal tweezers. I turned back and grabbed the foot, the black thing was moving, but I grabbed onto it.


The thing I was pulling out of Mei was like a solid black glossy weed root that never ended. After pulling half a meter of it out, Mei's body went limp, and that's when I pulled the blood from her and then girls. The flavor bathed my tongue like silk, but I used all the gained blood on Eosinophil to target the root.

A small pair of red spots appeared near the part that I had gripped in the tweezers, so I used my free hand to pinch the two dots together. Suddenly, the root pulled out Mei and she gasped as it shrunk into a five-centimeter dried-up root. Then Mei burst with light, blinding everyone that had gathered, which was the entire camp at this point.

When the light cleared, the girls had let go of Mei, and that was good because there was a grown-up version of Mei laying on the ground. I rushed to pull a blanket over her and then turned to yell at the men, but only the tent flap was still moving. I sighed and turned back, at least they had the decency to leave before I had to yell at them.

Mei's body had grown, but her cloth had not. Now she was taller with wider hips, and breast the same size as Gloria, just a size under Lesha. Mei still looked a bit confused, but then she looked up at Gloria.

My breath caught, and I'm sure Gloria was having trouble breathing right now. Mei was staring into her eyes, deep in, and I was sure she was seeing the flashes. A small smile started on her face as tears started to come, and then Mei leaned in and pressed her lips into Gloria's.

I was concerned for Gloria at this point, but then she pulled away and gasped in a deep breath of air. She attacked Mei and they were a fury of arms and legs, kissing, touching, and grabbing in place that made both Lesha and I make hasty retreats. These two needed a bit of alone time, Gloria had been left at the edge of her seat wondering if her Mei would ever come back.

Still, I could help, but feel a bit of jealousy in the way they were just going at it like animals. Lesha and I...it was awkward, but I still enjoyed it, but the way those two just tear into each other was a bit of a turn-on. I wanted Lesha to want me that much; to want to tear my clothes off and take every part of me with her soft…

"We will get our time," Lesha said, kissing the back of my neck that sent shivers down my back, but made me warm up at the same time.

She slipped her arms around my waist and put her head on my shoulder. I hoped that our time would be sooner than later, but I was just happy that Mei was going to be whatever her normal was. Tomorrow was going to be a different day, just how different was yet to be determined.

[If you would like to read what happens with Mei and Gloria, check out Kiada's XXX chapters]