Here I am, A winged creature behind this door, dreaming of a world that used to be. This is the reality she has lived for years until it all started crumbling from a strange change. -Want more chapters weekly, give feedback and ratings I'm always looking to improve.
Images of fertile fields, wast seas of trees, and now in front, peeking over the horizon, a livid range of mountains sinking into a colossal body of deep blue reflecting the sparkles of the rays above, ending in what must be docks at the edge of this distant walled city in front, seeming so small from this high road we're currently traversing within this strange vehicle, all of this is almost like a painting, a grand expression of nature met with a small patch of human construction. Mary never did tell me what happened all this way, even now, she kept me busy pointing out different landmarks and special constructs within the small towns we passed, it's all so new and interesting so I can't say I wasn't captivated by the looks and constant stories. Well, if she can't tell me now then I won't pressure her about it, it might be that she's not even sure herself, those words she spoke to me when I woke from that strange slumber makes me think that Arthur was vague in his explanation when they must have asked, so something must have happened in that room before I got whisked away, something even Arthur must have had a hard time elaborating on.
We're closing in on the gate now, a place of entrance and transit it seems, looking out in front shows a small row of people, and other vehicles like this slowly passing through after a brief exchange with the guardsmen standing watch, I think there's four of them, yea, it must be at least four since its the number I can spot within this crowd. Their uniforms are distinct, a red one form suit embroidered with a golden tree, broad and sprung with leaves, their brown leather belts outfitted with chains, clubs, keys, a pistol dawning a wide barrel, and at the right hip, swinging slightly as they move, iron encased gas lamps with rounded holes in the casings to focus the beam for when the creeping dark inevitably falls overall, both upon the world of nature and man.
The car has nearly stopped now since we've reached the end of that line, from beyond the glass I can hear the vibrations of muffled voices, sounding both tiered and agitated, but that's all, can't really pick up anything else, guess we'll just wait for a bit now. The sky stretching close to the horizon is bleeding into a darkening hue casting it in a deep purple shade fading by the minute closer towards that velvet shadow.
"You seem to be in thought, would you share?" Mary, she's stretching as her gaze meets mine, she must be feeling rather stiff from the ride, perhaps a bit restless... that's a feeling we both share, with everything that's happened, everything I've seen today, makes me hunger for more, more sights, more experiences, just how much of that waits for me beyond these walls of stone?
("I just wonder about all the new things I'll get to experience after we get through the gate") That look, the side of her lips stretching slightly into a smile exposing the faint outline of her teeth.
"Could this be your first time in a city?"
("Yes") She's leaning forward giving Abel a tap on the shoulder, he shrugs a moment before he turns.
"What is it, Mary?" Her cheeks are flushed as she leans back, did my answer excite her?
"I know we're just passing through and all, but could we take a few hours for sightseeing in the morning, it's her first time in a city." That gaze, this feeling, is warm, gentle, and appeasing.
"Fine, I'll give you guys two hours after we get up, James and I got to stock up on some extra commodities anyway, isn't that right?" Really, we're going to be able to take in the sights and experiences this city provides its travelers and residents during the morning hours? My left fist is clenched against my chest, I must have put it there without noticing, my heart beats so loud, I wonder if Mary can hear it?
"Sure is, just make sure you stay close to each other, and only on the main streets ok?" Why's that? No matter, Mary's grinning from ear to ear, the main streets should be enough.
"No worries, she's not gonna leave my sight for a second, there's almost too much to show for only two hours after all." The anticipation, I swear it floats thick within this small, wheeled box. James is bending down to the side pulling something up from below the leathered seats, it's some sort of wide backpack, it's hollow behind cut open leaving a rather large hole, he's handing it to Mary, her face painted in confusion whilst reaching out.
"What am I going to do with this?" A sigh, I wonder why that was, James seems to be thinking, is he perhaps struggling with what words to use?
"Not for you... just make sure that Khatryn wears this outside to conceal her wings." Conceal my wings? But why?
("Why? Is it bad if their visible?") Another sigh... what's going on all the sudden? Even Mary's in thought now, her eyes lighting up slightly before she takes a look at the bag and me, did she realize something? James's green eyes seem a bit downcast like regretful clouds are passing behind his gaze.
"It's not that it is bad, it's just that they make you stand out too much, I don't want bad people to take an interest in you because of them... Forgive me, but I hope you can bear with it for the time we spend here, you won't have to conceal them at all once we arrive at Ashwood." That painful look even when he does this out of consideration, he's right, thinking about what Arthur told us makes it certain that most people haven't seen or even heard about Suilean's before... if only I was a bit more self-aware.
("Don't be sad, thank you for the consideration, really, I'll make sure to wear it well") Their looks, lightening up as that downtrodden pressure deflates. James's turning back towards the front, a small smile nudging up the corners of his lips.
"Only for tonight and tomorrow when your out, lean back, our turn seems to be coming up." With that he opens the car door, walking up towards one of the uniformed men. Mary turned towards me a bit hesitant but with a look of determination burning behind her hazel eyes.
"Turn your back toward me and tuck your left wing in a bit. Let's get this done before we pass the gate and until we arrive at the inn."