
Khaos; World: A Battle of Science and Faith

The story is set in the future where the world is ruled by scientists, this allowed humanity to create technologies that they never imagine would exist. The boy named Argus Andromeda was born from a wealthy family: one of the four great families of scientists that rules Japan. Then Argus discovered something that shouldn't exist, he met a mysterious girl who gave him the power to see the future of the people he touches with his hands physically. One foresight was a great calamity that will bring disaster to him and the people he cared about, so it's up to him to fix everything with his newly gained ability.

SabergKeys · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Future Sight

Looking at my surroundings now, I saw that I was once again back at the abandoned house. Himiko was looking at me worriedly, her eyes widened in fear of seeing me act different, she tried to reach for my shoulder to see if I was okay but decided not to due to fear of me having another breakout.

"What was that..?" My voice was trembling in fear, I feel nauseous and my body was shaking, my hands were covering my mouth to stop myself from puking, but it was futile once I looked at Himiko's eyes.

Her blue giant eyes were agonizing over me acting different, yet there was a hint of happiness on there when she saw me finally okay. Seeing this made me realize something, is that I don't want to ever see her in a constant depressive state, that weird vision I had where she was trying her best to get Gareth to safety and her adult self looking at a portrait of the four of us when we were young with pure melancholy was heartbreaking.

Realizing that whatever that vision I saw made me sick... My stomach hurts just thinking about the fact that Gareth and Arisu are dead makes my mind go crazy, whatever that vision I saw was, I know that if I was in Himiko's position I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Gareth was right when he said that my mental state wouldn't be able to handle their deaths, after all these three are like my own siblings.

and so what the h*ck did I just see?! Could that be... No, no, no, that can't be possible... There's just no way it can...

Because if what I thought to be is true then... Then... I puked, my stress couldn't handle overthinking what I've saw.

"Are you okay Argus?!" Himiko ran to me and patted me on the back. "You've been acting weird, are you sure you're okay?"

I wasn't able to reply to her question, my mind was busy thinking about the Himiko I saw from that vision, even if it may just be like an illusion or something, but there's just something about it that makes me worried.

If I were able to create a hypothesis about what I've seen, perhaps it could be... No, there's really no way it could happen, but those two visions that I saw felt so real... So could it be that what I saw would happen in the future..?

There's no way... It could just be me getting delusional.

Shit, I need to know if that girl was real or just an illusion., a good thing Himiko is here with me, she may think that I'm crazy but at least I could hear what her opinion is.

"Hey Himiko, let's just say that hypothetically, I saw you in the future-"

My mouth stopped, and my heart started thumping loudly I could hear and feel it clearly, it feels like the thumping is gonna burst my chest anytime soon. Not only that but I felt it, even if I don't know how it's possible but it is.

I looked behind me and saw the mysterious girl behind, her hand was inside my body– directly grasping my heart.

Even though I haven't felt my heart being touched by anyone like everyone else, still I could feel her soft fingers and sharp nails on my heart.

My body froze from knowing that the situation I'm facing right now was a hundred percent real, this wasn't something straight from a fantasy novel at all, this is definitely real.

I looked in front of me to see what was Himiko's reaction to the girl but was shocked at what I've seen, her body was fully grey, even her clothes are the color of grey, but what caught my eyes is that she wasn't moving- like she's completely frozen.

But it looks like she wasn't the only thing that was frozen at all, everything around me was color grey and frozen, and the dripping water on the ceiling was frozen in the air and was grey.

It feels like they aren't frozen at all, more like time stopped their movement.

I checked to see what the mysterious girl was doing and upon turning my head she closed to my face, her mouth was close to my heart- very close that I could hear her breath.

Normally I would get excited to feel a pretty girl's breath close to my heart, but in this case, I instead felt fear. With the current situation I'm in, both my body and mind are in fight or flight mode.

"Argus Andromeda..." She whispered slowly in my ear giving me a chill down my spine. "You shall not speak of your ability to others or else, I'll crush your heart."

A strong gust of wind came out of the window, my heart was:t beating anymore and the mysterious girl was nowhere to be seen. Himiko and everything have started to move again, she looked at me in confusion when she saw the fearful face that I have.

"Seriously, I'm really worried Argus. Let's just take the book and get you back home to rest."

Himiko tried to reach for the book on the table, seeing this gave me a sudden heart attack. I immediately grabbed her hand and held it tightly to stop her from touching that accursed book.

"Ouch! What are you doing Argus?! It hurts!"

I transferred my grip to her arm and pulled her closer to me, my eyes were filled with rage and were shaking as I stare directly at her eyes, she met my gaze and was surprised to see my eyes trembling in both rage and fear. "Don't even dare touch that book, hear me?!" I shouted in anger.

Himiko was shaken by what happened, she has never seen me this angry before. She became more worried about me and was also shaking in fear of seeing a side of me that she hasn't seen before.

"Let's go..." I pulled her arm and started walking outside- leaving the cursed book behind.

As we walk and I pull her toward the exit in a hurry, Himiko finally snapped and slapped me on the face. "I told you it hurts didn't I?!" A single tear can be seen in her eyes.

Seeing this reminded me of what I've seen, I didn't mind her slapping me because I didn't feel the pain because of the constant worry on my mind.

And now seeing a single tear appeared in her eyes made my heart shatter, that same teary eyes that I saw broke me.

Knowing that what I've seen was indeed the future is slowly tearing me apart, I can't handle seeing a single tear fall on Himiko's eyes after seeing what will happen to her in the future.

She will leave Gareth to die on the streets, from their conversation it looks like Arisu died too, and when she was looking at a picture of the four of us it could also mean that I died too. Leaving only her to be the only one to live out of all the four of us.

"Tell me, what's wrong with you Argus..? I'm really worried, did that book do something to you..."

"I- I..."

"Look at me in the eyes when you're answering!" She shouted, her voice was filled with rage, having enough of me acting like a different person.

I slowly looked at her in the eyes with my hands clenched together and while gritting my teeth. "I hate the feeling of seeing it, witnessing it, and feeling it... I hope, I hope that everything that I saw is all a lie..." I fell to my knees and started bawling on the floor.

Himiko was confused by what I said, she looked at me with pity and patted me on the head slowly. "I may not know what happened to you between that book, but if you're having a problem with it, don't you think that the solution for whatever it is you suffering from is written in that book?"

My tears disappeared after hearing what she said, I looked at her in the eyes with joy and a smile. "That's it! Let's go back to the book!" I grabbed her hand again and pulled her toward the hallway, but this time my grip wasn't right and she was able to catch up to me.

"*Sigh* You truly are despicable." She whispered to herself in joy.

When we got to the room the two of us were surprised to see someone there standing with the book in her hand.

She was frozen and it looks like she was out of this world, but that didn't mind me at all, what bothers me is that this was someone I know.

"What's Marine doing here?" Himiko asked confusedly.

Seeing her holding the book made my blood boil, I walked up to her in rage and shouted to her. "Hoy! What the hell are you doing here?!"

Marine heard my shout, she finally realized what was going on and immediately looked at me in fear. She tried to use the book as some sort of shield for her face, so I reached for her shoulders and that's when it happened.

The two of us felt the strong jolt of electricity shocking us when I touched her shoulder, she was in confusion on what happened but upon seeing me she was surprise to see me frozen, Himiko witnessing this happened a couple of minutes ago immediately ran up to me.

"Not again..." She snickered, she slowly lay my lifeless body on the floor, waiting for me to come back.

I saw it again, the hot flames burning our entire city like mere ice, on the road was an adult Marine looking at our city with eyes filled with bloodlust. There was an aura of pure hatred coming out of her and the atmosphere surrounding her was heavy enough to make people realize that her anger is not something they should mess with.

Her shoulder started to lit up on flames and it didn't hurt or burn her at all, for her the flames was like a part of her body and not a hazardous matter that could kill her anytime.

She looked at her shoulder and saw the flames, upon seeing her it didn't bother her at all. She clenched her hands and it lit up in flames, she pointed her fingers toward a building like a gun. "Die..."

Like a normal handgun, no perhaps more like a stronger version of a magnum, the flame that was like a bullet moved fast yet it has a tail of flames that could make anyone who watches it in awe travelling with it.

Even if the bullet was faster than any gun in the world, I could see it transform to a giant flaming bird. "Is that a phoenix..?" That was the only thing that I could describe it to be.

The phoenix like bullet hit the building she was aiming for, as soon as the bullet met the pure concrete building I saw the building melt like ice cream easily. The bullet then went deeper inside the building and as soon as it went to the middle point the building and every small other buildings and houses surrounding it was destroyed in a massive explosion.

Marine eyes showed a sign of relief upon seeing the building burn to dust, the flames on her shoulders disappeared and before she left, she looked at the building one last time and whispered. "That's revenge for torturing me when we were still young..."