
Kento uchiha : before madara

A boy born 200 years before naruto to a family of advanced uchiha that consist of four families. They were born from the uchiha and would have become a different clan like the uzumaksibcsme from the senju but the uchiha wouldn’t let them. Hunted down by the uchiha only one family remained and a boy that shouldn’t have been born was born to them. He was chosen by a strong being to be his vessel but he definitely won’t let that happen and will make use of his power. Watching his mother get killed as a baby was harsh but he might experience many more hardships towards him but he will preserve from them. The powers at the time might have a problem with letting him live however that will not stop him and he will achieve his goals. What will happen to him will he fall to despair and vengeance or will he get his goals? What will the incarnations of Indra and asura do to an enemy both of their clans hate ? How many incarnations of Indra and asura will he meet? Edited: Author note: I already posted a please read message in the story but I am also writing it here. Someone of no fault of them thought that the reincarnator at the beginning is the mc well he isn’t the mc and something happens to him at the end of chapter 1. At the end of chapter 1 I resolved it and revealed the mc but if you didn’t understand or want to know before reading he mc is Kento and you could also include kensuke but just those

Unknown_Unknown_8234 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 11

Kento glares at the fallen man waiting for the answers that he deserves and hoping that he gets what he wants. The man looks at Kento and doesn't say anything preferring to keep shut rather than say anything. However this angers Kento and sasuke who simply look back at him and both trap him in a genjutsu.

In that genjutsu time passes slower and he gets tortured for so long and could even feel the pain. While this happened all of his most tragic memories are repeated but there is a limiter that keeps him from losing his sanity so he could explain ''em everything.

He than screams and says " ok fine I'll talk just please stop this. " he says his voice tired his eyes red and his entire body trembling. The genjutsu dissipated and they return back and Kento prepares to hear what the man has to say.

" five years ago a man came to me he had a star on his face and signs everywhere and went by the name ichi".

He than pants and sweat drops but receiving glares he continues " he told me that I need to come here and try and cause trouble in this area whichever way I want and he said a being he called lord shadow sent him. Ok that's all I got". Kento blinks at him uses all his senses and he gets mad again

" you seemed so strong before but you are just a coward. NOW TELL ME THE TRUTH I need this I need to know where the man who caused so much suffering is and to do that I need to know why you were here".

He then readies his sharingan and prepares to send him to a genjutsu once more. The man then looks at the yes and jumps back with his hand in his head and him shouting and hoping for no more genjutsu. The man than shakes his head sweat all showing signs of nervousness and finally gives in and decides to tell the truth.

" fine I did tell a lie and that was the goal of my journey I wasn't sent here to cause trouble. I was sent here so I can search for something, something old that came here even before her it is ...."

Before the man could finish a seal on his arm appears that quickly spreads throughout his body and kills him. Kento looks at the dead corpse and jumps back and vomits as it the man's body was everywhere.

' this was my first time killing and I though I handed it well but I just killed another one, I just killed another mercenaries' the realization that they actually killed person finally hits Kento and Anika and they immediately fall to their knees.

Kento looks at all the deaths and he might be mature but he is young so he looks at them and begins to doubt himself.

His eyes tear up but before he could actually cry he finally realizes ' no I will not let myself fall I am a shinobi I will see Farr far more deaths and this was for my parents'.

Kento than sees what happened and decides to go back and report to his master the soon to be clan head about what happened. Even though Kento looks fine, his tee mates aren't. Sasuke who is meant to be the mentor is injured and anika is absolutely horrified.

Kento than gets lost in his thoughts and begins to think about Anika ' it's fine she will get over it I don't need to do anything, well it doesn't hurt to help.'

He than goes towards Anika gives her a hand and asks her " hey are you ok" however Anika rejects his gesture and ignores him but she turn around and gives him a flower.

They continue on their way toward the clan until they finally reach the borders of the clan. They go inside the clan territory and finally reach the centre of the clan where Kento goes to report what happened.

He then informs Anura of everything that happened and even tells him about how the man was searching for something and how he didn't know what it was. Anura looks happy and goes towards Kento hugging him and says " finally after five years we have a hint even if it isn't that big of one it is still a hint.

You have no idea how happy your father will be".Kento thanks him for the mission and goes towards the fourth territory to go to his house. He runs through the woods and sees the place that used to have a lot more people.

The clan is more empty than before because of the rebellion and many believe that the clan will all become in e massive city instead of separate territories. He walks is into the fourth territory and passes the many graves that are in this area.

These are the graves of all the people who passed away. He lights some essence for his mother and continues onto his house and greets his caretakers.

Meanwhile in a dark cavern in an unknown place is a tall being that is a mixture of many other beings. The raw chakra emitting from him is immense and shows how he wasn't born natural.

The man has many seals all over his body and in his hand written in kanji is ichi which shows who this man is.

The man starts searching all over the area but is interrupted when a hand with one of his seals on it enters the area. It disappears and the man mutters " huh so he failed but it is not in that area guess more searching for lord shadow".

He than walks back to the cavern does a few hand signs and thousands of hands with seals on them appear and begin searching the place. Eventually one of them finds something and ichi goes to it and happily says' we ,at not have found it but we are getting hints as to where it is.

Author note : ok then one last chapter for the week after this might be posted later today on the 11th of febuary or on the 12th