
Kenshin Tanaka: The Summoned Hero of Brighthold

Kenshin Tanaka, a college student with dreams of wealth, is unexpectedly summoned to the kingdom of Brighthold, where he must navigate a dire situation to save the realm from impending doom.

SM_still_plays · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Shadows of Treason

The morning sun bathed the training grounds in a warm glow, but Kenshin barely noticed it as he focused on his movements. Each swing of his sword cut through the air with precision, sweat glistening on his brow. Elara stood nearby, watching his form critically, occasionally offering tips to refine his technique. Despite the intensity of the session, Kenshin found himself invigorated. The rigorous training had become a daily routine, one that pushed him beyond his limits, yet made him stronger with each passing day.

But today was different. Kenshin could feel eyes on him, a sense of scrutiny that wasn't just from Elara. He stole a glance toward the castle and caught a glimpse of the king and the dukes observing from a high window. Their expressions were unreadable, but Kenshin could feel the weight of their expectations. He pushed himself harder, determined not to disappoint.

Meanwhile, inside the chamber overlooking the training grounds, the king and his dukes were deep in conversation. The king, a man of both wisdom and weariness, watched Kenshin with a discerning eye.

"Kenshin is impressive," the king said, his voice carrying a tone of approval. The dukes nodded in agreement, their eyes also fixed on the young man below.

"He is more than that," Commander Varrick, the king's most trusted general, added. "He has the Aura."

The room fell silent as the word lingered in the air. The Aura was a rare and powerful gift, one that only a select few possessed. It was said to be a manifestation of one's inner strength and will, capable of turning the tide of battle and commanding respect from both allies and enemies.

The duke of Corvaris, a man known for his stern demeanor, spoke up. "Only the king and Varrick have mastered the Aura. If Kenshin has this power, it changes everything."

Another duke, Lord Edran of the bordering region with Adrith, leaned forward, his expression grave. "I've been going through the auditing reports provided by Sir Kenshin. There are a few nobles who have caught my attention—Lord Fennick, Baron Trelvin, and Lady Aveline. They've been under my private investigation for some time now."

The king's eyes narrowed. "Treason?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Edran replied, his voice steady but laced with anger. "They've been funneling money from Brighthold to Adrith, selling information about our defenses and military movements."

A murmur of shock rippled through the room. The king's hand clenched around the hilt of his ceremonial sword, his knuckles white with tension. "Why haven't you taken action?"

Edran sighed. "I've lacked substantial proof, but with Kenshin's reports, I can press harder. A little persuasion, perhaps some... enhanced interrogation, and they'll confess."

The king's face darkened. The idea of traitors within their ranks was a bitter pill to swallow. "Do what you must, but make sure the truth comes out. We cannot afford to be weak, not now."

Varrick, who had remained silent during the exchange, finally spoke. "Sire, there's more. Adrith's military is on the rise. They've been quietly moving troops to our border, as if they anticipate our inability to pay. It's a provocation."

The king's gaze turned to the window, where Kenshin continued his training. "We have the money now, thanks to Kenshin. We'll put our plans into action immediately. Fortify the borders, Varrick. I want our forces ready within three months."

Varrick bowed slightly. "It will be done, sire."

"And Varrick," the king added, his tone softening slightly, "train Kenshin in mastering the Aura. If war comes, he'll need every advantage we can give him."

Varrick nodded, understanding the gravity of the request. "He shows great promise. I'll make sure he's prepared."

The king turned back to the assembled dukes, his voice firm. "In a month's time, I will knight Kenshin. He will be the head of the finance department, overseeing our efforts to restore Brighthold's wealth. Do any of you have objections?"

The dukes exchanged glances but remained silent. The king had spoken, and they knew better than to question his judgment.

The king's expression softened, though it was tinged with a hint of sadness. "If anything happens to me, Kenshin will be the one to lead. You will support him."

There was a moment of hesitation, but one by one, the dukes nodded in agreement. Varrick placed a reassuring hand on the king's shoulder. "You have my word, sire. We'll see this through."

The king gave a weary smile. "Then it's settled. Adjourn the meeting and make the necessary preparations."

As the dukes and Varrick filed out of the chamber, the king lingered by the window, watching Kenshin finish his training. There was a fire in the young man's eyes, a determination that reminded the king of himself in his younger days. But there was also something more—a sense of destiny that could not be ignored.