
Kashimo Hajime son of zeus (pjo)

Read to find out *** I DO NOT OWN JUJUTSU KAISEN NOR PERCY JACKSON AND THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION*** cover isn't mine if it's yours Dm if you want me to take it down

amarril14 · Cómic
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5 Chs

Kashimo side quest

The next three days at camp were dull. I sparred with the other demigods, but none posed a suitable challenge. The only one to get my blood rushing was a slightly older boy named 'Luke,' a son of my elder brother Hermes.

I was the center of attention after effortlessly defeating every kid willing to spar. People flocked to me like I was a hero from the pages of a comic book, especially the daughters of the love goddess, their eyes filled with admiration. 

The way they acted towards me was uncomfortable, to say the least, but not that irritable. Of course, everything got a bit more interesting when I was 'claimed' after I accidentally used my power in a spar.


My father was revealed to be Zeus, and everyone began acting like I was some great plague except for four people: Luke, the nerdy girl with a crush on Luke, and two demigods of the minor goddess Melione. Andrew and sam 

But currently, I find myself talking with a man of imposing stature and power, with A long black beard and wavy black hair—eyes that match mine in interest and a look of curiosity.

"Greetings, son of mine." The man's voice felt like it carried the weight of the entire universe behind it. Naturally, I was already on the move. My pole arched to take his head off.

In an instant, my pole connects with the man's face. Despite putting my full power into the blow, his face doesn't budge. A grin approaches my face as I back off, and I look up at the man. 

"There's no mistake that you are my father; I must say the book I read does you no justice." the man's sheer presence dwarfs what I felt from Sukuna 20 fold. This man is the pinnacle of existence in this world. the king of gods(Kashimo back to glazing XD) 

The man's face remains blank before he begins to laugh heartily. I join him in his laughter as the sky seems to rumble under his voice. 

"Ha, you're quickly the most fearless child I've ever had. to attack me despite knowing who I am." I smile at the compliment before bowing. It's only natural to respect those at the top.

"No need to bow, my child; I only came here to give you a quest. I'm quite aware of your thirst for battle. It's imposing to see one of my children train so religiously. Even my demigod children only relied on their natural capabilities... you, on the other hand." I look up at my father's smiling face. I can't help but feel my heart beat in excitement at the word quest.

"What kind of quest do you want of me, father?" my excitement is almost impossible to contain as my father laughs a bit more before his face turns slightly severe. 

"This quest is of utmost importance. I need you to hunt down and kill a cult of humans that utilize forbidden magic from alternate pantheons to control monsters and kill demigod children." his voice, while serious, lacks any tone of deep caring in it as I nod, waiting for further explanation.

"Normally, I would send your elder sister Artemis to handle the mortals, but she's been busy as of late. the other gods won't stop whining about their children being killed by this cult, so I'm sending the next best thing." I nod in understanding as my father straightens his tie. 

"You may choose three other demigods to go with you on this quest or go solo; I know you'd prefer to do this alone, so I will give you my blessing. With this, you will have an innate understanding of where the cult resides; think of it as a mortal GPS." my father dissipates in a flash of thunder. 

I wasted no time and began packing clothes for the trip. If what the blessing tells me is true, the cult is currently in Manhattan, New York. It's a fair distance from where I am, but it's a two-day trip on foot if I go alone- which I will be doing.

Laving cabin 1, I head towards my half-brother Dionysys and the centaur Chiron to inform them of my quest; ignoring the stares of envy and admiration, I move with purpose. My bookbag bounced with my every step.

After briefly explaining what my father told me, Chiron gave me a supply of Ambrosia and Nectar before asking if I would like to bring anyone along with me on this quest.

"No. They would all hold me back," I speak with the most honesty. I need to find someone in camp to keep up with my speed, and I don't feel like protecting others while enjoying a fight, which has never been my niche. I would not have an issue with teaming up against someone against an overwhelming opponent. They would have to know how to hold their own.

"Typical demigod arrogance." Ignoring my brother's mocking words, I head out, waving at Luke as I reach the top of the hill. I was staring at the tree briefly before dashing off with lightning, enhancing my every step.


[1 Hour later]

(Kashimo) {Unkown} 

After running non-stop, I arrive at a small town in the middle of nowhere. Curing America for being such a large country, I head into a diner. Ignoring the looks the locals give me, I sit down. 

I'm not here to order food, but of course not. I don't get hungry quickly. I'm here for the abnormal monster I see disguising itself as a human. The others don't notice it, but I can perfectly see it through its disguise. It has horns and radiates evil energy. 

Its face is watching a family of 5, with hunger in its pitch-black eyes. My memory is vague, but this is a demon. A being of the Christian pantheon. They are overall pretty pathetic. For ordinary people, they are a death sentence, but even the weakest of demigods could gang up on one of them and defeat it. 

I follow the demon and the family as they enter their car and drive off. Father never said anything about me having a specific date on killing the cult, so what's wrong with me taking a few side quests? 

The demon attaches itself to the girl my age. Holding onto her like the sponge it is. 

I follow the car with a jog; my body's natural physicals alone are enough to keep with an old beat-down van. 

I feel a smile grace my face as the wind rushes against my face, 'hopefully, this demon is an outlier and can give me a good fight before I send it right back to the pits of hell.'

40 power stones= extra chapter

80 power stones= 2 extra chapters

Kahimo slander will not be tolerated

amarril14creators' thoughts