
Karna:The new journey

This is a story about a teenager from present time named saurya, a hardworking and typical normal Indian ,getting died and got reincarnated in time of era of kuru dynasty of hastinapur and replaced an anti-hero Karna. His new life was filling but a incident turned his life and forced him to show the evilness of present time. Let' s see what a boy from present time does, what will happen to him and will he take original path of karna or what path he will take ? IF SOMEONE FIND FAULT ABOUT BASIC SETTINGS OF MAHABHARATA OR SOMEONE KNOWS ANY SHORT STORIES ABOUT MAHABHARATA THEN PLEASE COMMENT IT (The writer's English is not very good so please point out mistakes in literature if possible) (This story is only for entertainment purposes so, will be very much different,so don't get offended.) (If someone gets offended by this story then, I am not sorry for offending you.)

Indian_Dark_Lord · Derivados de obras
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11 Chs

Hastinapur at war with Gandhar

Time flows like a endless stream, in a blind of eye 1 year passed.

Today, Adhirath and Radha were happy because Vasu has called Radha 'mama'.

Actually, both of them were quite worried about Vasu because was slower than his peers in walking and speaking.

Yes, Vasu was a late Walker and Speaker in his parent's eye , while he has was not.

It can be entirely blamed on Vasu because he hasn't much interacted with his peer's didn't known about growth of his peer's.so,he decided to take everything slowly but, when he saw the anxiety of his parents,then he started to slowly show of his skills.

Early morning sun is not raisen yet.

Adhirath Radha and Vasu three of them waking towards river Ganga. Vasu is walking while gripping his mother's saree.

Today is the day Adhirath found him on Ganga river. They are coming for surya puja on Vasu's birthday. They're are praying to Lord Surya for this blissful life.

Vasu is praying 'Mahadev' for giving him this life. He loved his family as they also loved him.

He was also praying God Surya so, that he can build a good impression on him. so, I will easier for him to robb... ,I mean ask for advice about him about some of his overpowered weapons, he believed that his celestial old man as top notch God must have some good things in his collection. which he can reluctantly take care of.

While in Surya lok , when Vasu was dreaming about his Celestial father's collection. The god Surya was very happy from his child's sensible behaviour and was blessing him heavily , unaware of that his son was eyeing his good collection.

After returning from Surya puja, he has listening to conversation of his parents and has learned that his father was going to royal palace while his mother was worried.

Actually, everything started as half a year ago,

After the marriage of Prince dhritrastra , everyone was expecting him to ascend to the throne. But, his younger brother pandu has ascend the throne by order of lord bhishma, which has suprised everyone and Gandhari brother was angered when he learned about this as in addition he also was very angered when his sister has started to wear blindfold after her marriage.

Then, our good lord bhishma has started the war with Gandhar as for specific reason it was not formally mentioned.

But , as modern person Vasu has hearned a Story from his brother that:

According to the birth chart, Gandhari was a Manglik. When Gandhari was born all the astrologers predicted that her first husband would die early, but her second husband would live long and healthy.

It is believed that the wedding between a Manglik and a Non-Manglik would bring disastrous effects, breakdown of the matrimony, or even death of the spouse.

It was believed that adverse outcomes of Manglik matrimony can be resolved by getting the Manglik "married" to a Peepal tree or an idol of Lord Vishnu or a sacrificial animal. Gandhari was first wedded off to a goat, before being married to Dhritarashtra, the blind prince of Hastinapur. After the wedding, they sacrificed that goat to make her technically a widow.

When Dhritarashtra got to know that Gandhari had first married a goat and then him. He was enraged as her previous marriage with the goat made him her second husband.As, Punishment Dhritarashtra decided to put Gandhari's family in prison, including King Subala.He forcefully put King Subala and his 100 sons, including Shakuni, in jail. Dhritarashtra wanted them to starve to death. He only provided each of them a piece of rice to feed every day.Subala knew that soon all of them would die. He chose that Shakuni would eat all of the food supplied to them. He did this so Shakuni could soon take revenge onHastinapur and Dhritarashtra.

After that, Shakuni's siblings and King Subala started starving to death. Very Soon, all of Shakuni's ninety-nine brothers died. To make sure Shakuni remembered this, Subala twisted Shakuni's leg as a sign of revenge. Before dying, Subala also requested Dhritarashtra to free his son Shakuni and promising him that his son, will take the responsibility of Dhritarashtra's sons.

During that time, Dhritarashtra had a hundred sons and one daughter. He took mercy on King Subala and agreed to release Shakuni. Subala then died. Shakuni survived and vowed to take revenge from the entire Kuru line. The Kuru's annihilated the entire clan of Gandhar; Consequently, Shakuni swore that he would also destroy the entire Kuru clan.

After some time, Shakuni utilized his father Subala's bones to make a set of magical dice. Shakuni could command these dice and control which number they grounded on as his father's spirit lived within them. They would support him to conquer every game of dice he ever played throughout his life.

So, the dice that has decided the fate of Kuru Dynasty came into being.

The Kauravas were born from pieces of flesh kept in pots, their parents were blind. Shakuni became the supervisor of all the hundred Kaurava sons, as guaranteed by King Subala. The wicked and crooked Duryodhan guided by the advice of Shakuni bothered the Pandavas in various ways for the gaining of absolute supremacy.

Kauravas were disobedient and rude to their parents, their guide and advisor was Shakuni, who was wicked. By arrogance and greed, Duryodhan leads the whole race of Kuru-s into destruction as per the prediction of his birth time.

Actually, he birth time of Duryodhan and bheema was same, so, the former has become the catalyst for destruction while latter has done the destruction.

Vasu has nothing to do with this, even they kill each other or hug eachother, he will not care until they don't bother him.

As person of modern time Vasu has clear philosophy,

You won't bother me, I won't bother you.

If you play joke on my life , I will make your life a joke.

And secondly, Never settle for someone who doesn't make an effort to love you the way you deserve to be loved.

Now, king pandu has ascend the throne, Prince dhritrastra was married and now, only thing that was left was marriage of King pandu, which Vasu was know that his good Lord bhishma might have started to look , and so, he will discover his good mother kunti.

Speaking of Lord bhishma,which Vasu has not a favourable impression or we can say he has bit of hatred because of this deadpan old man , original karna has lost his sons in the hand of Arjuna if this old man hasn't nagged to not battle alongside with karna ,Pandavas has not a easy victory and this old man was obviously not battling with his full strength and was releasing water for Pandavas and wasn't taking the sacrifice of soldier in his side seriously.

so,from this it can be estimated that here like medival time only with strength, cunningness was needed to control your fate otherwise you will only become pawn for other.

And as for his good mother Kunti, I only say she really knows how to play and as taken advantage of original karna by letting him promise not to kill Pandavas which karna has refused, so she has played a emotional card and has successfully convinced karna promise her to only kill Arjuna and only to use nagastra one time against Arjuna otherwise karna might have kill at least 2 Pandavas, Nakul and sahadev easily.

Actually Vasu has no feeling toward her like it doesn't matter if she exists or not in his life , In Vasu previous life, he wasn't actually close to his parents while he was too close to his Uncle and aunt , for him they were his actual parents, like Adhirath and Radha in this life.

But, he will definitely take care of Kuntibhoj kingdom, especially his maternal grandfather, King of Kuntibhoj when he was capable.

And the only person, Vasu was afraid was Lord Krishna, he know that only Mahadev can save him from Lord Krishna, even Vasu has devine Armour and Earings , he don't even want to come near him fearing that he will he will be plotted without knowing and will bleed heavily.

Vasu as modern person, he might be considered good in his time but his thinking and behaviour will never be considered good in this ancient era or bit prone toward evil but he wasn't feeling bothered with it , he can do anything to realise his goal it doesn't whether it is good or bad, holy or evil, benovalent or monovalent , only his end goals and how much benefit he can obtain will matter.

For him, only his mother Radha, father Adhirath and himself matter and nothing else matters.

And all wheel will be set and epic Story of Mahabharata will begin and unexpected future will behold with unlimited possibilities , will Vasu sink or rise in the Whirlpool of time.