

This is Mahabharata fanfiction. what will if karna is the avatar of lord Shiva? What will happen if Shiva planned to change path of Mahabharata? What will happen if Mata Parvati born as draupadi? so let's join this story of mine to see the play of lord Shiva and how will he his life as Karna and try change the society and caste. Warning: This is not a real Mahabharata. This is my imagination story, so if you don't like this type of stories you can avoid. This is purely a fiction story. (Note: The above chapter is a fictional creation inspired by the Mahabharata. The dialogues and events are fictional and created for the purpose of storytelling.) So just read and enjoy.........

BABY_SP_001 · Fantasía
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 20: Pandavas,Gauravas and Shon Birth

After the joyous birth of Yudhishthira and Bhima, Pandu and Kunti found their family flourishing in the tranquil forest where they had sought refuge. The laughter of their children echoed through the trees, and the bond between the brothers grew strong. Yet, a desire lingered within Kunti's heart – to bear a child with the celestial qualities of Devraj Indra.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and cast a warm glow over the forest, Kunti shared her thoughts with Pandu. "My beloved husband," she said, "our family is blessed, and our sons bring us immense happiness. But I can't help but think of the boon I possess from Sage Durvasa. Could we not invoke Devraj Indra and seek a son, one with his divine qualities?"

Pandu considered her words, his gaze distant. "Kunti, you have the power to bring divine beings into our lives through your devotion. If you wish to call upon Lord Indra , I will stand by your decision."

Filled with determination, Kunti closed her eyes and chanted the mantra that had been bestowed upon her. The air crackled with energy, and a brilliant light enveloped her. When the light faded, a figure stood before her, with an aura of majesty and strength.

"I am Indra, the king of gods," the figure declared. "Kunti, you have summoned me again. What is your desire this time?"

Kunti bowed respectfully and said, "Great Indra, I seek to have a son , a son who possesses your divine qualities, your valor, and your nobility."

Indra smiled, his eyes reflecting the stars. "Kunti, your devotion is unwavering. I shall grant your wish."

As Kunti opened her eyes, she found herself holding a baby boy, his features as radiant as the dawn. His eyes held the wisdom of the ages, and his presence exuded a magnetic aura.

Pandu, who had been watching with bated breath, was awestruck.

Kunti's voice trembled with emotion as she replied, "This is our son, Arya. A son gifted to us by Lord Indra."

Pandu's heart swelled with pride as he gazed at the divine child. "We shall name him Arjuna," he declared, "for he shall be as swift as the wind, as resplendent as a star, and as mighty as the god of thunder."

And so, in the heart of the forest, a new chapter of destiny began for Arjuna. With his celestial lineage and his earthly upbringing, he embarked on a journey that would shape the fate of kingdoms and weave his name into the tapestry of legends.

In the serene forest where Pandu, Kunti, and their three sons lived, a bond of love and harmony had blossomed among them. Yudhishthira, Bhima, and Arjuna thrived under the care of their parents. However, Kunti's heart was empathetic, and she could sense the longing in her co-wife Madri's eyes whenever she looked at her own children.

One day, as the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and gold, Kunti approached Madri with a gentle smile. "Madri," she began softly, "I can see the love and affection you hold for our sons. But I also sense the unspoken pain within you."

Madri's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at Yudhishthira, Bhima, and Arjuna playing in the distance. "sister," she whispered, "I am truly happy for you and our family, but it breaks my heart that I cannot give birth to children of my own."

Kunti embraced Madri, her heart filled with empathy. "Madri, you need not endure this pain alone. I have a solution. I shall teach you the mantra I received from Sage Durvasa. With this mantra, you can call upon any deity and bear children with their features."

Madri's eyes widened with hope, and she held Kunti's hands with gratitude. "Oh, sister, thank you. If you are willing to share this blessing with me, I shall forever be in your debt."

Kunti smiled warmly. "Madri, you are my sister and my co-wife. It is my duty to stand by your side and share in your joys and sorrows."

With Kunti's guidance, Madri learned the sacred mantra. And on a night when the moon shone its brightest, Madri closed her eyes and invoked the Ashwini Kumaras, the divine twins known for their healing powers and grace.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as a radiant light enveloped Madri. When the light faded, she found herself holding two baby boys, their features divine and their presence enchanting.

Pandu, who had been informed of the plan, came to Madri's side with awe in his eyes. "Madri," he whispered, "who are these children?"

Madri's voice quivered with emotion as she replied, "My lord, these are our sons, born of my deep desire and the blessings of the Ashwini Kumaras."

Pandu's heart swelled with happiness as he looked at the boys. "We shall name them Nakul and Sahadev," he declared, "for they shall be as handsome as the Ashwini Kumaras themselves."

As the years went by, Nakul and Sahadev grew into young men of exceptional grace and virtue. Their camaraderie with Yudhishthira, Bhima, and Arjuna was unwavering, and their bond as brothers was unbreakable.

And so, within the embrace of the forest, a new chapter of their family's journey began – one marked by unity, strength, and the blessings of celestial beings.

In hastinapur:

In the opulent city of Hastinapur, a joyful event unfolded as the Kaurava princes, all one hundred and one of them, were born to Queen Gandhari and King Dhritarashtra. Despite her blindness, Gandhari's heart brimmed with maternal love for her children, and Dhritarashtra's heart swelled with pride at the thought of his lineage continuing.

As the royal palace buzzed with the laughter and cries of the princes, a curious phenomenon began to unfold. Among the multitude of children, a young boy named Karna, barely eight years old, stood out like a shining star. He exuded an aura of strength and nobility that drew the attention of both the young princes and the royal family.

Gandhari, though unable to see her children, sensed the unique presence of Karna. She observed her sons' interactions and noticed their unwavering fascination with the young boy. Day after day, the Kaurava princes, of varying ages and temperaments, gravitated towards Karna, forming a bond that transcended their royal bloodlines.

One evening, as the sun cast a warm glow over the palace gardens, Gandhari engaged in a conversation with her close confidante, Vidura. "Vidura," she said, her voice laced with curiosity, "have you noticed the affinity my sons share for Karna? It is as if he possesses a magnetism that draws them to him."

Vidura, a wise and astute man, nodded. "Indeed, Your Highness. Karna possesses an aura of strength and humility that resonates with the young princes. His presence seems to instill a sense of camaraderie and admiration among them."

As the days went by, the bond between Karna and the Kaurava princes deepened. They sought his company, listened to his stories, and practiced archery and other skills under his guidance. Karna's wisdom and valor surpassed his tender age, and the Kaurava princes found in him a role model, a friend, and a mentor.

Gandhari and the royal family couldn't help but marvel at the scene that unfolded before their eyes. The unity and camaraderie among the children, fostered by Karna's presence, warmed their hearts. Despite the disparity in their backgrounds and lineage, Karna's innate qualities seemed to bridge the gaps and dissolve the boundaries.

One day, Gandhari approached Karna with gratitude in her heart. "My dear Karna," she said, her voice filled with emotion, "you have brought an unforeseen light into our lives. Your influence on my sons is profound, and for that, I am grateful."

Karna bowed respectfully. "Mata, it is an honor to be in the company of these young princes. Their camaraderie and respect humble me. I am but a humble servant of the kingdom."

And so, in the heart of Hastinapur, a remarkable connection flourished between Karna and the Kaurava princes. Through his presence and influence, he fostered a bond of unity, loyalty, and admiration that would shape the destiny of the kingdom in unforeseen ways.

one day:

In the early morning hours, as the sun began to cast its golden glow upon the tranquil waters of the Ganga river, a young boy named Karna stood on its banks, deeply immersed in his Surya Pooja. His devotion and reverence for the divine were palpable, and the river itself seemed to acknowledge his presence with a gentle ripple.

As Karna completed his prayers, he looked around, his eyes reflecting the pure energy of his faith. It was in this moment that a radiant figure emerged from the depths of the Ganga. It was Devi Ganga herself, the goddess who flowed as the lifeline of the land. Her form exuded a mesmerizing aura, and her eyes held a mix of affection and respect for the young boy before her.

Karna's gaze met Ganga's, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. He sensed her divine presence and felt a deep reverence wash over him. Ganga, on her part, couldn't help but be drawn to the innocence and purity that emanated from Karna. His devotion mirrored the devotion she held for her own lord, Mahadev.

As Karna bowed before her, Ganga spoke with a voice that resonated like the gentle waves. "Young Karna, I have come before you today not as a deity, but as a mother seeking a blessing."

Karna's eyes widened in surprise and wonder. "Devi Ganga," he said, "it is an honor to be in your presence. What blessing do you seek from me?"

Ganga's smile was radiant, much like the morning sun. "Karna, my child," she said, "I have always held great respect and affection for your true nature as the avatar of Lord Shiva. Today, I seek your charity, your divine act of granting me a chance to be a mother to my lord for just one day."

Karna's heart swelled with gratitude and humility. He understood the depth of Ganga's desire and the rare opportunity she sought. With a gentle nod, he replied, "Devi Ganga, it would be my honor and privilege to fulfill your wish."

Ganga's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she extended her palms towards Karna. In that instant, a radiant light enveloped them both, and the waters of the Ganga seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly brilliance. When the light faded, Ganga held in her arms a divine child, an embodiment of Lord Shiva himself.

Karna's heart brimmed with awe and reverence as he looked upon the divine child in Ganga's arms. "May this day of motherhood bring you immeasurable joy, Devi Ganga," he said softly.

Ganga's voice held a mixture of emotions as she replied, "Karna, you have bestowed upon me a blessing that transcends time and realms. Your charity has brought me a glimpse of motherhood I had only dreamt of. I shall forever cherish this day."

As the day unfolded, Ganga embraced her role as a mother with boundless love. She cradled the divine child, whispered words of devotion, and reveled in the joy that only a mother can understand. And in that moment, the river Ganga flowed not only as a lifeline for the land but as a river of love and affection, a testament to the sacred bond between a mother and her child.

And so, on the banks of the Ganga river, a divine connection was forged between Karna, the avatar of Lord Shiva, and Ganga, the embodiment of purity and devotion. Through his act of charity, Karna had touched the heart of a deity, reminding the world that even gods yearn for the simple joys of motherhood.

After completing his Surya Pooja, Karna, the avatar of Lord Shiva, made his way back to his house. As he entered, he was greeted by a palpable sense of joy and excitement that filled the air. He smiled to himself, for he knew exactly why his parents, Radha and Adhirath, were so elated.

Just as he thought, a figure materialized before him – his mother, Radha. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of happiness and anticipation. Without a word, she rushed forward and enveloped Karna in a tight embrace. "My beloved Karna," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion, "we have wonderful news to share."

Karna returned his mother's embrace, a warm smile gracing his lips. "I know, Mother," he replied gently. "You're going to have a sibling."

Radha pulled back slightly, surprise evident in her eyes. "How did you...?"

Karna chuckled softly. He just smiled at her and giver her a sense of relief and protection.

Tears of love and pride welled up in Radha's eyes as she gazed at her extraordinary child. "You continue to amaze me, Karna."

Just then, Adhirath entered the room, his face lit up with joy. "Karna, my boy," he exclaimed, "your mother is pregnant with a sibling for you."

Karna's heart swelled with happiness for his parents. "Congratulations, Father," he said sincerely. "This is wonderful news indeed."

As the days turned into weeks, Radha's pregnancy progressed, and the anticipation within the household grew. Karna, with his divine awareness, knew that the soul of his sibling was none other than Nandi, his great devotee who had served him faithfully in his earthly incarnations.

One day, as Radha sat beneath the shade of a tree, Karna approached her. He knelt down beside her, his eyes gentle and filled with affection. "Mother," he said softly, "I know that our family is about to welcome a truly blessed soul-the devotee of mine,Nandi.

Radha looked at Karna in astonishment. "You mean... our child is also divine?

Karna nodded, a tender smile on his lips. "Yes, Mother.Nandi served me with unwavering devotion. He will never separate from me so Now, through your pregnancy, he is being granted the opportunity to be born into our family."

Radha's eyes shimmered with tears of gratitude. "To think that our child is your devotee nandi is an honor beyond words."

As the months passed, the day of Radha's delivery arrived. In the quiet moments before the birth, Karna stood by his mother's side, his presence a calming presence. And when the cries of a newborn filled the air, Karna's heart swelled with a sense of fulfillment and joy.

As Radha held the infant in her arms, a deep sense of connection and love filled her heart. Karna, too, gazed at the child with a mixture of pride and affection. This child, born into their family, was a testament to the intricate threads of destiny woven by the divine and they named him shon.

In the years to come, the family would embrace shon with open hearts, cherishing him as both a member of their family and a devoted soul linked to Karna's divine presence. Their bond would be a reminder that the ties that connect souls transcend lifetimes and embodiments, binding them in a dance of love and devotion that spanned the realms of the earthly and the divine.The infant shone eyes never break from karna face and karna also seeing his devotee,he smiled.

To be continued....