
Karena Drakennier's Journal

The story of a young woman who is the descendant of a great warrior. with the battle against the Varenian Empire An empire that wants to take over the world with various enemies, whether Cannibals, monsters, demons, religious fanatics. These vampires, werewolves, zombies, other dimensional creatures. Mad scientists, monsters, giants, and her cruel destiny.

Nipitpon_Chuenchit · Fantasía
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8 Chs


Not all stories should be like this. It shouldn't have happened to me and my family consisting of my parents and my two younger brothers that night 14 years ago when I was a kid. Even though it's been more than ten years But I remember it well to this day. It's a nightmare that still haunts me to this day.

When a group of religious fanatics kidnapped my family and performed their depraved rituals. They brutally murdered my father and two younger brothers and ripped out every 32 limbs of the human body before my very eyes and my mother locked up in a cage with ten other women. than people

Every day they would drag women to rape and kill them one by one. Then they did the same thing they did with every male they captured. It's like this every day. Some women older than me decided to use their hair as leashes to their cages. A face full of fear A distorted smile of joy and an eyeball that almost popped out of its socket. It was my picture when I was young. I could never forget it until I was able to forget those elements, even if it wasn't enough. Every day passed in despair and myself, who cried until there were no more tears left to cry. can only hug the mother's body according to the child's instinct that should be done Mom's face was so desperate that I could see the change. It was the face of a mad old man.

My self as a child who couldn't figure it out asked my mother, To which Mother replied, "Yes, your brave and kind knights will soon come to our aid." Mine said, even though my mom knew full well that the chances of something like that were so small, no, it wasn't even possible. Because the place these beasts abducted was in a cave far away from the city and the terrain was hard to notice.

Until the day when they took me and my mother to rape and kill me. The two of us were done like this as the last out of all the women in captivity and were done before my mom and I. They ripped apart the clothes that covered our outer bodies. Until my body and my mother are empty That was when I suffered the most, and it was a torment that I should not have experienced as a child. They did not stop at what they were doing, like some of their chants did not come to rape for the ritual.

"Mother said that someone would help us? Mother lie, mother lie to me, mother lie to me, why did you lie to me!!!"

My anger had lost my sanity as a child back then. Made me decide to blame my mother for always lying to me that "There must be someone to help us." If I had thought at that moment, I shouldn't have done such a thing because it had already become a stigma in my life. My mother only made a despair and crying for this bad situation. This was no different from me, who was strangled by the religious people to shut up my mouth. Before they were satisfied with how they raped me and my mother. and decided to kill me and my mother but for a beast like them Doing that is too easy.

They decided to sing and pointed at me and mom. It's a terrible song. One of them sang a song and at the end of a sentence turned to point at me or my mother. When one of them finished the song and pointed a finger at my mother, they proceeded to rip off all 32 of my mother's human limbs. in front of me at point blank range I puke and pee out, although the fabric is still tight my mouth until it has to be laughed for my pathetic condition. There were only two things I could think of back then. "I want to apologize to mom" and "I don't want to die"

The rapists walked in and were about to do the same thing they did to everyone they had kidnapped to this cave with me.


Then several arrows pierced through the body of the monsters that were about to kill me. and exploded their bodies in the area where they were shot until not even their remains were left. Red blood spurted out like a fountain, hitting me and the undead. before those bodies were thrown and fell to the ground. I look for the root Then he met a man who was in the darkness and was walking into this cave. He loaded the arrow into his mechanical crossbow again. Even though I can't see clearly But I can identify various elements of that man. He was a knight because of the silver armor he wore. one saber A mechanical crossbow, long white hair, the appearance and height of a typical soldier.

When the surviving religious fanatic saw that knight They all got up, their bodies that were being bodied by their souls, died from the arrows exploded and quickly attacked that knight, as if he had already made an appointment. It was at the same time that he walked in until I could clearly see his face. He had a mouth ripped up to his ears. and the left eyelid that no longer exists That face was like the face of a devil. The knight swiftly tucked his mechanical crossbow into his belt and pulled out a saber, slashing those religious fanatics in one blow until they were all dead. Their bodies had already been torn in two, or their guts had flowed out until their blood gushed out like a fountain once more. There was also a religious fanatic who was still alive but had his head pressed against the wall by the side of the sword. It attempted to use its arms and weapons to cut off the knight's arm and flick it apart, but to no avail. The demon-faced knight turned to look at it before forcefully pushing the hilt down on the head of the only cult fanatic left to survive, slashing his skull and cracking a hole in his skull. The hilt of the sword pierced all the way to the brain. before the demon-faced knight kicked its body to take out the hilt of the sword.

At the same time, a religious fanatic who seems to be leading and not participating in the attack is taking me hostage. and shouted out some language

"Argoro Cesey Yajaru!!"

Even though I couldn't hear what it meant, I knew what it meant. Its blade was horribly pointed at my throat. The demon-faced knight who seemed to know the language of the religious fanatics who were holding me hostage froze. Before he quickly hurled in to hold his hand on the side of the knife until it broke and kicked to his legs until the testicles exploded on both sides. It shouted out in pain and accidentally dropped my body to the ground.

Giving the Demon Face Knight an opportunity to use his head to hit its face, causing its skull to crack and fall violently to the ground. Before he rushed into the fist, killed the religious man who was probably the leader, that was not stopped until his face was messy and through the skull and the internal organs clearly, until it could not remember the original condition in the end.

When everything is over He turned to look at me who had seen everything. I hurriedly pushed myself back with my legs in terror, crying and peeing non-stop. The demon-faced knight walked up to me and cut off the rope that held my arms behind my back. But I was still scared of him and pushed myself back a bit with my legs. But when he noticed some symbols on my hand He hurriedly grabbed that hand of mine, which was my right hand, and looked up in shock. before he could say

"The symbol of the Drakennae clan. Are you a descendant of Raquiam??"

DRAKENNIER My name is "Karena Drakennier" and how does he know my last name and my ancestor's name? who is he The mark on my hand was a formidable dragon birthmark, and he continued to stare at it in unstoppable shock. where I could only remain silent before it all comes true Everything that I have told you was a dream I had in the past. That I met "Johanner Krieger", a demonic mercenary knight who has lived for thousands of years for the first time. He saved my life from those religious fanatics and brought me up for adoption and disciple at the same time.

I woke up naked like any other day. Before I get up to shower, brush my teeth, and eat the food that Johanner had made for me in my private dining room. Luckily, today is my only holiday of the month. So I'm not in a hurry like I had to train with him. I live in his huge mansion that was once a country that was destroyed by war like the country of Midgard. There are many historical sites in this mansion. It was both beautiful and took tens or even hundreds of years to build. When I finished my personal business So I decided to visit those ancient sites to forget about those terrible past.


"So you're awake, Karena Drakennier, where are you going to go on vacation that I gave you for the holiday?"


"Ancient site in your mansion. I'm not going anywhere."


"Can I really believe you?"




"Then don't lie to me. Otherwise, you will become a lump to my art in the basement like the scum I kill on every mission. Put it in your brain."

On the way that I was walking I met Johanner and he greeted me. which I greeted him back Right now, he was comfortably reading a novel in the luxurious chair of the country's former nobility. which I didn't think much of before he could continue reading his own novel. Let me take a tour of the ancient sites in this mansion.

This is a novel I wrote and translated on a translation site. If anything goes wrong I'm very sorry.

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