
chapter 7

In the morning of August 7, Betty comes out of the dreamworld through a portal and the other imaginary friends come through a different portal.

"That was awesome, how was your adventure?" Betty smiles.

"It was crazy, it looks like a scene in Harry Potter", said Alex.

"That sounds way more awesome than where I went", said Betty.

"Where did you go?" Kisa asks Betty.

"A superhero world", said Betty.

"Nice", said Kisa.

The door of the hospital opens and reveals five adults.

These five adults are related to Kanisha.

Kamari, she is an adult woman who has long braided black hair, brown skin, wearing a blue shirt, yellow pants, and white shoes. Her personality is caring, supportive, and works a lot.

Kyla, she is an adult woman who has long straight black hair, brown skin, wearing a teal shirt, blue pants, and yellow sneakers. She loves reading and hanging out.

Quade, he is an adult man who has short black hair, brown skin, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, blue pants, and white shoes. He is good at construction, chill, and hanging out.

Natalie, she is an adult woman who has curly black hair, brown skin, wearing a white shirt with palm tree pictures on it, red pants, and white shoes. She is responsible, has a lot of things in common with Kanisha, and has an average life.

Aunt Daleyza, she is an adult woman, who has black hair in a bun, brown skin, wearing a purple shirt, blue pants, and white shoes. She works at the church, kind, and responsible.

"Natalie!" Kisa exclaims and hugs Natalie.

"Hello", said Natalie, looking awkward.

Dumbra moves Kisa from Natalie, and says "Sorry about her, she is too excited".

"It's okay, we are family kinda, since you are apart of my cousin's mind", said Natalie.

"I still can't believe this, even though Jana told me about all of you", said Aunt Daleyza.

"Well, that's great, do all of you want to be alone with her?" Sciencia asks Aunt Daleyza.

"We wouldn't want to kick all of you out", said Aunt Daleyza.

"It doesn't matter, we have been with her for a while", said Sciencia.

"Thank you", said Aunt Daleyza. "I see you are truly apart of Kanisha's mind".

"Thank you very much", said Sciencia, with a sincere smile.

All the imaginary friends head to the door.

"Wait, before where were you?" Kyla asks Sciencia

"Oh, Kanisha's dreamworld", said Kyla.

"What's it like?" Kyla asks Sciencia.

"It's a new adventure, each time we enter the dreamworld", said Betty.

"Can people like us enter the dreamworld?" Kyla wonders.

"Maybe if you truly believe in our relationship with Kanisha, even if we were imaginary", said Betty.

"That may take time for me", said Kamari.

"I understand", said Kisa.

"You find this hard to believe too?" Kamari asks Kisa.

"Absolutely, I mean my best friend and creator is in a coma, I'm meeting her sisters and meeting her cousins, this is absolutely ridiculous. I mean Kanisha and all of us imagined about us being seen by you or being real", Kisa admitted, while looking like she would yell.

Kamari looks at Kisa and says "You are our sisters and brothers, since I see some boys too".

"We are honored", said Lukas.

"Right, Aki?" Wolfie asks Aki.

"Yeah, whatever", said Aki, while looking at her book.

"Hey, where is Detective Z and Flynnfield?" Alex asks everybody.

"Those two teleported to the house and are watching a movie", said Sciencia.

"Too bad, but you'll get to meet them later", said Alex.

Kamari looks at Kanisha and says "I can't believe this happened that we won't see her awake until August 17th".

"I hope that prediction is true, she doesn't deserve to…" replied Quade.

Dumbra covers Quade's mouth and says "Don't say that word it's a curse and since we can see by you, we know that her imagination is coming to life, and she strongly believes in superstitions including curse".

"Wait, is there anything dangerous in her imagination? I mean she is a writer that writes a lot of fantasy that has blood, zombies, and futuristic things", Kyla asks Dumbra, while looking worried.

"I know that, but none of that will happen, she would never think about real people dying or anything disastrous", said Dumbra.

"Are you positive?" Kyla asks Dumbra.

"Yes, she only wanted powers and to be acknowledged as being more than an irresponsible person in everybody's eyes", said Dumbra, then looks at Natalie and Aunt Daleyza. "Except you two".

"What about us?" Quade asks Dumbra, feeling concerned.

"No offense, but we know you all still think she is irresponsible", said Dumbra.

"Fair enough, I will admit I do say that because of her clumsiness", said Kamari.

After they spend time talking about Kanisha.

Aunt Daleyza is praying with everybody else.

Kyla reads a book to her.

"I know that you would want to know about season 2 of The Owl House coming out and Amphibia season 3 too", said Natalie.

"So, sweet", Max whispers.

"I left you your 'Yu Yu Hakusho' outfit", said Quade. "I hope you like it".

"She'll be over the moon", said Kennedy, while flying excitedly.

"I got the items you asked for, it took a long time, so I hope you like it", said Kamari.

After everybody does their own thing to show respect to Kanisha, the imaginary friends teleport out of the hospital and Kanisha's family goes off in their cars.

Anyway in the house, Detective Z and Flynnfield are in the living room, while looking at the TV.

"I can't believe that they actually put the TV up like that, it's kinda funny because it shows off how wide it is", said Flynnfield.

"True, but I can't believe how terribly they adapt this story once it turns from black and white to color", Detective Z says, while looking annoyed.

"I know, want to watch the black and white version?" Flynnfield asks Detective Z.

"Yes, I'll go get us popcorn", said Detective Z, then gets up.

In the girls' room, Meria is doing a blog, when Alex appears.

"Hello, Meria", said Alex, with a big smile.

Meria coughs, while looking kinda terrified.

"Could you not appear out of nowhere like that?" Meria asks Alex.

"Sorry, but I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere with me", said Alex.

"Where?" Meria asks Alex, while looking surprised.

"My home, away from home", said Alex, then smiles.

"Wait, You are the imaginary friend that has a son and a husband", said Meria.

"Yup, my husband is a mary sue just to warn you and my son is pretty much normal except he can turn something into a video game", said Alex.

"Sounds great, wait your husband can do anything like all of you", said Meria.

"Not necessary, we can do what Kanisha assigned us to be able to do", said Alex.

"So, you can only do magic?" Meria asks Alex.

"Pretty much yes", said Alex. "So, do you want to go with me or not?"

"Sure", said Meria.

Alex takes Meria's hand, then waves her wand and a purple portal opens, then sucks them into it.

The purple portal opens in the forest.

Meria and Alex go through the portal and see a log cabin.

Inside the house, J: a boy who has short blonde hair, white skin, wearing a blue cap, red shirt, and white shoes is playing 'just dance' in the living room, when Josh comes into the living room at top speed.

Josh is wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes.

"J, your mom is here", said Josh, while running around.

"She is", J smiles, then drops his controller and runs to the door.

J moves three steps back from the door and has a big smile.

Alex opens the door.

"Mom!" J replied with a big smile.

"J!" Alex smiles, then picks J up and hugs him.

"Hi, I'm D'aysia", said D'aysia.

"Hi, I'm J, nothing attached to it just the letter J, so you want to play games with me", said J, while shaking D'aysia's hand.

"Sure", D'aysia shrugs her shoulders.

J takes D'aysia's hand and leads him away from Alex.

"So, what kind of game is this?" D'aysia asks J, while being pulled to the living room.

"Just dance 4", said J.

D'aysia smiles.

Alex goes into the kitchen and is picked up by Josh.

"There's my queen", said Josh.

"And my king, sorry I was kinda late", said Alex.

"Were you late? I kinda didn't notice", said Josh.

Alex and Josh were laughing, then stopped and kissed each other.

Meanwhile, Mary is in a pink dress with laces walking on a runway, while Kisa is taking pictures of her.

"Girl, you are gorgeous", said Kisa

"Really? You think the makeup isn't too much", replied Mary.

"No, it's perfect, now let's try another dress", said Kisa, as she gives Mary a cheetah-themed dress.

Mary puts on the dress and models some more.

"The camera loves you", said Kisa.

Mary puts on an ice-themed dress, while Lukas is making it snow in the background and she is singing let it go.

"You are a snow beauty", said Kisa.

Mary has a fire dress on.

"Fierce and hot", said Kisa.

"Thank you, can I take this off?" Mary asks Kisa.

"Of course, Max a little help", said Kisa.

Max absorbs the fire.

Kisa throws a jungle outfit like Katy Perry in the music video 'roar' to Mary.

"Roar!" Mary jokes.

"What are you?" Kisa asks Mary.

"Queen of this jungle!" replied Mary.

"What?" Kisa asks Mary.

"Queen of this jungle!" replied Mary a little bit louder.

"That's more like it", said Kisa, sounding motivated.

In the boys' room, Calvon and Clay are playing video games.

"Say, can we perhaps go into this video game like in role play?" Calvon asks Clay.

Clay smiles.

"Sorry, I forgot you couldn't talk", said Calvon.

Clay giggles.

"What?" Calvon asks Clay.

Clay makes a whiteboard appear that has the words 'You are being so nice, even though we haven't even met before this'.

"Well, we are family, since you are apart of my cousin's mind, which makes you my cousin", said Calvon.

Clay hugs Calvon.

Clay snaps his fingers and they are wearing army outfits with guns.

"Are we?" Calvon asks Clay with an army outfit on.

Clay nodded with a smile.

"Cousins for life", said Calvon.

Clay with the whiteboard that shows 'Cousins for life'.

Clay and Calvon go in shooting a bunch of enemies.

Outside in the back, Jerry and Ron are playing soccer with Ryan.

Ryan passes Jerry and scores into the goal past Ron.

"Go sweetie, you are G.R.E.A.T", Cherry cheered.

"Thank you, sweetheart", said Ryan.

"I knew we wouldn't be able to win", said Jerry.

"You know I never thanked you Jerry", said Ryan.

"For what?" Jerry wondered, looking confused.

"Because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have Cherry", said Ryan, with his hands on Cherry's shoulder.

"That's right, because Den and I gave you the idea to create you to have a girlfriend that is a cheerleader", Jerry remembered.

"You did, sweet, so Ryan have you and Cherry have you know?" Ron smirked.

"Well, we have been dating for a while", said Ryan. "Right, Cherry?"

"Right, and I love you so much", said Ryan.

Ryan and Cherry kiss.

"By any chance could you make us friends?" Ron asks Ryan.

"No, mostly only real people like you can do that, plus they can't become real like us since they aren't apart of Kanisha's imagination", said Ryan.

"Oh", said Ron and Jerry, looking disappointed.

"But, we can still bond like seeing if you two losers are trying to win against me or are all you are chickens", said Ryan.

"Who are you calling chickens?" asked Ron and Jerry.

Ron and Jerry face Ryan, while Cherry is cheering.

Den is riding on Wolfie who is a giant wolf with wings and heading to Paris, France near the Eiffel Tower.

"Woohoo!" replied Den.

"So, what do you think?" Wolfie asks Den.

"I think this is twenty times awesome", said Den.

"Oh! Twenty and I have a great idea", said Wolfie, while diving to the Eiffel Tower.

Wolfie lands on the Eiffel Tower.

Den gets off.

Wolfie shrinks, and returns his normal form with wolf ears, silver hair, white skin, wolf tail, wearing a white shirt, pink jeans, black jacket, and white shoes.

"How do you change your clothes like that?" Den asks Wolfie.

"Easy, I just think of which outfit I want to wear", said Wolfie.

"It must be so cool to be imaginary", said Den.

"Half and Half. Half cool and Half bad. I like being imaginary, but since I'm apart of Kanisha's imagination I can only play with her and now all of you. But, I can't play with other children or adults; in fact, some of these people must think that this is weird, since you are looking at nothing to them", Wolfie explained.

"Let them think that, I don't know any of them anyway", said Den. "Besides we are here to have fun".

"Well, before we do that let's eat, I know the perfect restaurant", said Wolfie.

"You know french?" Den asks Wolfie.

"Duh, Kanisha took French and Jana taught her before that; and I was still around that time", said Wolfie.

"When were you created?" Den asks Wolfie. "I'm sorry I forgot".

"It's okay, it was when Kanisha was in middle school she was researching imaginary friends for fun and found an article on imaginary creatures like me and boom an idea was born", said Wolfie.

"Whoa!" replied Den.

"No, let's go to that restaurant", said Wolfie, then takes Den's hand and speeds off.

Soon, midnight had come, which is when Wolfie put Den in his head.

"Do you have to go?" Den asks Wolfie.

"But, let's have fun tomorrow", said Wolfie.

"Yeah", said Den, then he and Wolfie fist bump.

In the girls' room, Mary and Kisa are texting, when Kisa looks at the moon.

"I have to go, bye", said Kisa, then disappears.

"Wait, bye I guess", said Mary, looking surprised.

Alex and Meria appear.

"Alright, good night", said Alex, then kisses Meria on the forehead.

"Good night", said Meria, then sits down.

Alex waves a wand and disappears.

Everybody appears in the hospital as usual.

"So, it seems like today will be another separate mission", said Dumbra.

"It would appear so", said Lily.

"You don't think this will put a wedge between us?" Jack asks Everyone.

"Now, that's just silly, of course it won't", said Sciencia.

"We are just exploring different parts of her mind", said Kisa.

"Well, anyway let's not waste time", said Dumbra.

They touch Kanisha's head and disappear.

Kisa, Dumbra, Sciencia, Wolfie and Alex are falling from the sky.

Alex waves her wand, then a magic carpet appears and she lands on it.

Wolfie glows and turns into a griffin.

Sciencia puts on orange boots, then spins off.

Kisa hops onto Alex's carpet.

Dumbra takes a car key out of her necklace, clicks the car key, and a red convertible appears.

"Everybody ready?" Alex asks Kisa.

"Wait, we don't know where we are going", Sciencia pointed out.

Wolfie uses his griffin eyes and sees a castle.

"It's a castle", said Wolfie.

"Great, then everybody go", said Sciencia.

Everybody splits up and lands by the castle.

This castle has a pink wall, a roof, and four tiny flags on the top. It mostly looks like a normal castle.

Everybody is four feet from the castle, then as they go near the castle their outfits change.

Kisa has two ponytails with bows holding the hair, she is wearing a tiara, purple dress with no sleeves and pink stripes, and heels.

Dumbra has one ponytail, wearing a tiara, gray dress with no stripes, and heels; and holding a sword.

Sciencia has straight hair, wears a tiara, this tiara is made of test tubes, white dress with no sleeves, has a belt with pouches, these pouches have test tubes, and heels that have test tubes on it.

Wolfie is wearing a feather hat, red shirt with long sleeves, blue pants, black cape, and white boots.

Alex is wearing a tiara, black dress with straps, and heels; a wand is holding her ponytail.

"Why am I a princess too?" Sciencia asks her friends.

"I guess it's a rule of this world", said Alex.

"What are you complaining about? I am wearing a feather hat, I would be less insulted if I was put in a jester outfit", said Wolfie.

"Well, I guess we need a prince in this story", said Dumbra.

"Why aren't you complaining you don't like dressing like a princess?" Sciencia asks Dumbra.

"True, but have you noticed that we have gotten hotter", said Dumbra, then closed her mouth. "What the heck did I say?"

"Something is off, I mean normal princesses aren't dressed like this", said Alex.

"Well, fantasy world please change my outfit", said Wolfie. "Because I am not going anywhere like this".

A purple laser blast hits Wolfie, then his hat disappears, his wolf ears and tail are shown now, has a golden suit.

"Must be a modern version of the fairytale life, which I love", said Wolfie, then holds out his shoulders.

Kisa and Alex put their arms around Wolfie's arms as they head to the castle.

The entrance is opened by Max who is wearing a red dress and heels.

"Hi", said Max, while smiling and posing.

"Max, why are you looking like that", said Kisa.

"What do you mean?" Max asks Kisa.

"Alex", said Kisa.

"I got this", said Alex.

Alex takes her magic wand out her hair, her hair went down, she waves her wand.

Max got splashed by water.

"What the heck just happened?" Max asks Alex.

"You were posing", said Kisa.

"Eww, I thought this place was weird", said a mysterious voice.

"Wait, I know that voice", said Dumbra.

"You better know", said Lola, while walking down a long staircase.

Lola has long pink hair with bangs, white skin, wearing a biker-themed dress and boots.

"Lola!" Kisa exclaims and hugs Lola.

"I missed you too", said Lola.

Dumbra, Sciencia, Max and Wolfie joins the hug.

A hand taps Dumbra's hand.

Dumbra turns around to see a girl who has long purple hair, wearing a silver dress with stars on it, and boots.

"Starlight", Dumbra smiles.

"The one and only", said Starlight, then hugs Dumbra.

Somebody pulls Sciencia for a hug.

This person is revealed to have long brown hair, brown skin, an antenna wearing a white dress with pictures of televisions on it, and heels; her name is Youtubia.

"How is scanning all of the internet?" Sciencia asks Youtubia.

"It is fun", said Youtubia. "In fact, guess who I picked up".

Youtubia whistles.

A girl who has long blue hair, white skin, wearing a white dress with clouds on it, and heels named Jenny.

"It's the queen of dreams, I brought some visitors", said Jenny.

Quade, Kyla, Kamari, Natalie and Aunt Daleyza, there is also one more person.

This person is a grown woman who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a teal dress and heels: her name is Anacrima.

"It's mom", said Kyla.

"Hi", said Anacrima, with her voice cracking.

Everybody looked shocked.

"Mom, have you been crying?" Kamari asks Anacrima.

"Yes, I know Kanisha will be fine, but I started to worry and I started…", Anacrima explains it.

Sciencia hugs Anacrima.

"Thank you, it's Sciencia, isn't it?" replied Anacrima.

"Yes, I am so sorry that you are feeling like this", said Sciencia.

Kisa starts crying and is sitting on the floor.

"Kisa, really", said Dumbra.

"Since when have you become heartless", said Kisa, while on the floor.

"Excuse me, I am just as worried about Kanisha as you are", said Dumbra.

"We all are", said Alex.

"I mean she is our sister, our creator", said Wolfie.

"She was my first love", said Max.

"So, she dated all of you?" Kyla asks the friends.

"No, ew gross", said All of them.

"No, just Kisa, Max, Betty, and Hayuki", said Sciencia. "We never were into each other like that".

"I'm her alien sister, so that would be disturbing", said Dumbra.

"I was just her pet before", said Wolfie.

"I already was dating somebody", said Alex.

"Anyway, enough of this sad fest, let's have a princess party", said Kisa, then whistled.

A bat appears, then a girl who has red hair with a hint of black, wearing a black dress holding drinks in wine glasses on a tray.

"Hi, I'm Rina, sup everybody", said Rina.

"Sup,", said Kisa, then hugs Rina.

"Wait, is that wine? I thought Kanisha doesn't drink", said Kamari.

"She doesn't in real life, but in the imaginary world she does along with us", said Kisa, as she takes a wine glass, then drinks from it.

"Thank you, Rina", said Sciencia, taking a wine glass.

"Nice to see you, Rina", said Alex, taking a wine glass.

"Hi, Rina", said Max.

"Gracias, Rina", said Wolfie.

"Uh, thank you", said Anacrima, looking nervous as she took a wine glass from Rina.

"There's no need to be nervous, everybody here has met you all", said Rina.

Quade, Kamari, Kyla, Natalie, and Aunt Daleyza take a glass.

"So, where do we sit down?" Quade asks Kisa.

"Oh, this way", said Youtubia.

Youtubia leads everybody into the dining room.

At the dining room, they see Eva, Sally, Linsey, Star ninja, Ellen, Adelene, Polly, Minda, Rosie along with some pets: Squeaky the squirrel, Diamond the dragon, Shimmer the peacock, Mina, Lucy the bullfrog, Melody the beagle.

Eva has long black hair, white skin, wearing a purple cloth shirt, and pants.

Sally has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing a navy green outfit.

Star ninja has two black ponytails, brown skin, wearing a black jumpsuit with a belt.

Ellen has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a purple top, and purple skirt.

Adelene has brown hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt, white jeans, and shoes.

Minda has blonde hair, wearing bandages that cover most of her body.

Rosie has red hair with a hint of blonde, white skin, wearing a blue suit.

Polly has green hair, white skin, wearing a teal dress.

"Diamond", said Dumbra, as she runs to her.

"Squeaky is that you?" Sciencia smiles.

Squeaky runs to Sciencia.

"Shimmer, my favorite peacock", said Kisa.

Shimmer poses.

"Mina, I haven't seen you in a while", said Alex, as the owl landed on her head.

"Wow! We have a lot of friends", said Kyla.

"Oh, I hope this isn't too overwhelming", said Adlene.

"Yeah", said Kisa. "Tell us, when any of you feel awkward being with all of us".

"No, it's just a little awkward because all of you look like Kanisha", said Anacrima.

"Should I take you into the movie theater?" Polly suggested to Anacrima.

"Yes, please", said Anacrima.

Polly and Anacrima exit the room.

"So, how are things?" Linsey asks Kisa. "Have you found your inner peace?"

"Yes, in music", said Kisa.

All of the imaginary friends laugh.

"I'm sorry, we don't get it", said Kyla.

"Oh, yeah you see in our world, our life is played on TV, so they already know", said Alex.

"Oh okay, so how come there is a shorter version of imaginary friend?" Natalie asks Alex.

"Well, you see we split up", said Kisa.

"So, why did you ask if they found inner peace?" Aunt Daleyza asks Linsey.

"Oh, I am a zen girl, plus Kanisha has a tendency to overthink and her overthinking would turn into anger", said Linsey.

"Wait, Kanisha needs a zen", said Natalie, seeming concerned.

"No, she just made me for fun", said Linsey. "Oh, remember when Kanisha wanted to hold the record for keeping imaginary friends for the longest?"

"Oh, yeah", said Sciencia.

"Wait, I think I remember hearing Kanisha say something like that", said Natalie.

"Oh, I think that mission was accomplished", said Quade.

"I disagree", said Sciencia. "I say the longest would be at least 40".

"You want her to be alone for 20 more years", said Kyla.

The imaginary friends go silent.

"Oh, wait I didn't mean it like that", said Kyla, realizing what she said.

"I know what you meant, trust me we encourage her to go out there and talk to people, but you see things don't always go as we plan", said Wolfie.

"So, even though she could lose you forever, you still encourage her to meet new people?" Aunt Daleyza asks Wolfie.

"Yes, and besides she doesn't just have us because she feels lonely, she just likes talking to herself and doesn't want to be awkward so she has us", Kisa explains to Aunt Daleyza.

"I didn't think she was feeling that lonely", said Natalie.

"No, she doesn't, she is just fine, she loves her life. Heck she doesn't even care about getting into relationships", Max tells Natalie.

"She doesn't care?" Kanisha's siblings look confused.

"Oh, that reminds me, did all of you see Kanisha's video on pride month?" Adelene asks everybody, while holding a phone.

"Yes, is she actually asexual?" Star ninja asks Kisa.

"I am positive, she is", said Kisa.

"Wait, she did", said Natalie, then searches through her phone.

"Here, I can show you the video", said Adelene.

"Okay, here", said Natalie, as she hands her phone to Adelene.

"Thank you, have you kept up with all of her videos?" Adelene asks Natalie.

"I do, she's my cousin", said Natalie.

"I am so glad to hear that", said Adelene.

"What does that mean?" Kamari asks Adelene.

"I'm just glad, Kanisha has a supportive family, sometimes she feels like she is alone and she can only talk to us sometimes", said Adelene.

"Like she feels she has to always stay positive because everybody think she is negative, so she tries to smile and bottle up her anger", said Minda.

"Wait, that's not healthy", said Aunt Daleyza, looking worried.

"I don't suppose you know where this bottled up angry is?" Natalie asks Minda.

"We do, but I wouldn't suggest you go there", said Kisa. "Too scary".

"What do you mean?" Kanisha's family asked.

"Should we show them?" Kisa asks Dumbra.

"Do you want to see?" Dumbra asks Kanisha's family.

"Yes, and what do you mean it's too scary?" Quade asks Dumbra.

"You probably don't want to see this, it's a mess", Sciencia suggested.

"Please, take us there, because the more you say we shouldn't go, the more we want to go", said Natalie.

"Yeah, because we feel you are hiding something", said Aunt Daleyza.

"Which. You shouldn't have to do, with us because we are family", said Kyla.

"Right?" Kamari asks Kanisha's imaginary friends.

"Right", said Kisa, Sciencia, and Dumbra.

"How about we come in a small group?" Alex suggested.

"Good idea", said Dumbra. "We don't want to ruin our friends' night".

"What, no, we are not splitting up, this is the day we regroup and have a wild night", said Lola.

"Say, Kisa, how many wine glasses have you got?" Natalie asks Kisa.

"Twelve, why?" Kisa answered, then hiccups.

"Because you probably aren't ready to come with us", said Natalie.

The imaginary friends laugh.

"Right, you don't get intoxicated", Natalie snapped her finger.

"Yup, not unless we want to be", said Kisa.

"So, then we can go?" Kyla asks everybody.

"Wait, we should tell Anacrima, we're leaving", said Wolfie, then speeds off.

Wolfie speeds back and says "She said okay and said to send her next time".

"You really are fast", said Quade.

"Thank you", said Wolfie.

"Anyway, let's go", said Alex.

Alex waves her wand and all of them disappear.

They are falling from the sky and landing in a pile of bones.

"Are those bones?" Kyla jumps.

"Oh heck no", said Kamari.

"I am so not cool with that", said Quade.

Aunt Daleyza and Natalie are sinking.

A hand pulls Aunt Daleyza and Natalie.

"What the heck was that?" Natalie asks Wolfie.

"Sorry, Kanisha has bones of fictional characters that she wants to die", said Alex.

"That is a lot of bones", said Aunt Daleyza, while holding onto Alex

"It's okay, just hold onto me", said Alex.

"No, I'm a grown woman so I shouldn't be hanging onto you like a scared child", said Aunt Daleyza.

"No, it's okay", said Alex. "We are family, so you don't have to be embarrassed".

"I am not embarrassed, well maybe a little", said Aunt Daleyza.

A bunch of zombies appear.

Alex blasted the zombies with her wand.

Aunt Daleyza looked shocked along with the other family members.

Sciencia takes two test tubes from her belt and throws it at the zombies.

The zombies melt from the acid in the test tube.

"You carry acid?!" Natalie panicked.

"Don't worry it is always plugged up", Sciencia reassures Natalie.

Dumbra shoots a bunch of zombies with a bazooka.

Youtube sends a wave of digits against the zombies.

Max melts zombies with fire.

Sally blasts the zombies with pure light in the form of a ball.

Ellen throws exploding pom poms at the zombies.

Starlight uses her lasers.

Star ninja slices zombies with her glowing sword.

Eva wipes out the zombie with a water wave.

Polly melts the zombies with fire.

Lola throws bombs at the zombies with a spy outfit on.

Jenny spreads glitter at the zombies, then the zombies go to sleep.

Kisa uses two glowing whips made out of ribbons and attack the zombies.

Rosie uses a giant pencil as a weapon.

"Now, let's go", said Kisa, as she demolished the zombies.

"To where?" Kyla asks Kisa.

"To the center of the mind field", said Sciencia, as she points to the throne.

Natalie gulps.

They climb up the pile of bones.

"So, those zombies won't bother us?" Kamari asks Dumbra.

"It will take them a while to regenerate, so no they won't bother you", said Dumbra.

"Thank goodness", said Kamari.

"When we get to the top what will we see?" Kyla asks Kisa.

"I would rather not say, let's just say you won't be able to sleep", said Kisa, while walking.

Soon, they reach the top and they see a throne covered in blood, but not just that they see the throne they also see a black figure in the form of Kanisha sitting on the throne and is chained.

"Kanisha?!" Kanisha's family gasped.

"Don't move, she isn't the Kanisha you know", said Kisa.

The black figure looks at Kanisha's family seeming demented, and says "Did you like the zombies? You look so scared. Is the blood too much?"

"What's wrong with her?" Kamari asks Kisa, while looking scared.

"Am I not what you expected? Should I send more monsters?" The black figure asks Kamari with lifeless eyes, then snaps her fingers.

Zombies, mummies, and walking skeletons appear.

"So, what do you want to do? Run? Beg me to make them go away? So, what will you do?" The black figure asks Kanisha's family with lifeless eyes, while her face looks more psychotic.

"Get us out of here, please", said Natalie.

Eva makes a giant water wave that takes them out of the creepy zone and reenters the castle.

Kanisha's family looks shocked and heads to the movie theater, they tell Anacrima everything that happened.

Kanisha's imaginary friends go back to the dinner table.