
episode 9

(The episode opens with a 14-year-old girl who has long straight blonde hair, white skin, wearing a pink dress and heels named Amanda has two book in the library)

(In one of the books, there is a dog person that is talking to an elf in the forest)

Amanda (smiles) (whispers): I wish I could be a dog person, wait

(Amanda closes the book and opens a blue book)

(In the blue book has a picture of Kanisha: a girl who has black hair, brown skin, wearing a blue shirt, red jeans, and white boots with a long python tail, yellow eyes, fangs meeting magical creatures)

(Amanda's eyes are shifting as she flips through the book)

(In the book, Kanisha is shown as an angel, demon, swordswoman, etc)

(Amanda's eyes sparkle)

Amanda (whispers): I get it, I am going to do it

(Amanda takes the book and walks to the librarian; puts the book on the desk and shows her library card)

(The librarian scans the book and gives it to Amanda)

(Amanda smiles, and walks out of the library)

(Amanda walks into the bathroom, goes into the stall, and closes the stall; opens the book)

Amanda (looks inside of the book): To summon Kanisha, you must take blood from yourself, makes a circle with a star that has four triangles around it

(Amanda closes the door)

Amanda: Okay, that is completely crazy, but then again this person if this book is right, she is half human, half demon, half angel, half shapeshifter, half celestial being; I should've known summoning her wouldn't be easy

(An little angel and An little devil appears on Amanda's shoulder)

Little Angel: Don't do it, she could be destructive

Little Devil: Don't listen to her, you could live your dreams and nobody would mess with you

Little Angel: She could kill you if you get on her bad side

Little Devil: Fool, she is obliged to follow the commands of whoever summon her, so as long as she doesn't request something like that she will be fine

Little Angel: That actually is a good point, just don't draw too much blood

Little Devil: Yeah

(Little Angel and Little Devil disappears)

(Amanda walks out of the stall, sees nobody is around, and steps on a pin; grabs the pin and put the book on the sink)

(Amanda opens the book, draws blood from her finger by using the pin, and makes a circle with a star that has four triangles around her)

(Amanda puts the book in front of her)

Amanda (looks at the book): Read it backwards (puts the book near the mirror)

Amanda (eyes glows): deen fo emit siht ni pleh ruoy rof ksa I, ahsinaK

(The circle glows and throws Amanda against the wall)

Amanda: Did it work? And Oww!

(In the circle, Kanisha appears as her 13-year-old form, she is wearing a black leather jacket, white shirt with rainbow stripes, black skirt, and heels)

Amanda (amazed): Whoa!

(Kanisha smiles, then walks to Amanda)

Kanisha (holds out her hand): How may I help you?

(Amanda takes Kanisha's hand and gets up)

Amanda: Hi, I'm Amanda, and I want to be an dog person

Kanisha: Hold it, do you want dog ears with a dog tail and all normal human features or a dog head and tail with a human body or the first with paws

Amanda: Could I have the first one and be able to change into a true dog form?

Kanisha: That is doable

Amanda: Really?

Kanisha: Yeah

Amanda: No consequences

Kanisha: Nah, unless you don't clean up well you might get fleas

Amanda: Okay

Kanisha: Any other questions?

Amanda: You are nicer than I thought

Kanisha: I get that alot, I'm guessing you were expecting that I would not care about any of your needs, I would hate you and only care about destruction, right?

(Amanda nods)

Kanisha: Yeah, you see, let me tell you about me I'm not evil, I don't care about good and evil, I'm more of a neutral. The only things I can't stand is bastard of people especially anti;LGBTQ+, anti-people of color or anything else controversial

Amanda: So, what's your sexuality or too personal?

Kanisha: (close to Amanda's face) I'm bi, (walks to the sink) though I feel now (lean on the sink) I am more pans.

Amanda: So, mix

Kanisha: Yup, so you want me to grant your request because I can stay as long as you want to be able to ask me more questions

Amanda: Oh, if that's so (nervous smile) yes

(Kanisha's whole body glows, she touches Amanda, then Amanda's body glows)

(Amanda grows dog ears, and a dog tail; her body stops glowing)

(Kanisha's body stops glowing)

Amanda (looks at her reflection): Whoa! Whoa! (jumps and turns into a full dog)

Kanisha: Are you liking it?

Amanda (as a dog): Yes

(Amanda turns back to normal)

(Amanda hugs Kanisha)

Kanisha: You are welcome, so?

Amanda: Right, so you got your powers by a meteor

Kanisha: Yup

Amanda: Okay, so you don't care if you are assigned to kill somebody

(Kanisha laughs)

Kanisha: Sweetie, I already did it

Amanda: What about dating as a request?

Kanisha: Already it

Amanda: Smoke?

Kanisha: Did it, not affected

Amanda: Alcohol

Kanisha: Do it everyday

Amanda: This might be embarrassing for me (whispers) sex

Kanisha: Oh, yeah, I may not accept love, but that I do, especially for missions

Amanda: Filming?

Kanisha: Oh no, never, I hate sickos like that

Amanda: Thank goodness, now can we test my new power?

Kanisha: Of course

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Amanda racing on the race track)

(Kanisha throwing a football)

(Amanda catches the football at super speed)

(Kanisha give Amanda steak)

(Amanda smiles)

(Kanisha shows fur to Amanda and Amanda smells it)

(Amanda enters the forest and finds the squirrel that the fur belongs to)

(Amanda barks)

(Kanisha throwing Amanda in the air and catching her)

(Amanda as a dog running around)

(Kanisha filming Amanda)

(Kanisha throws a disk)

(Amanda catches the disk with her mouth)

(Amanda tackles Kanisha)

(Kanisha giggles)

(Amanda turns back to normal)

(Kanisha and Amanda give each other a high five)

(Kanisha and Amanda drink smoothies)

(The screen shows Amanda and Kanisha sitting next to each other)

Amanda: Thank you, today was so much fun

Kanisha: Glad, you had fun

Kanisha (thought): She is so cute

Amanda (confused): What?

Kanisha: You are adorable

Amanda (blushes): What are you saying all of the sudden?

Kanisha: Relax, i'm just complimenting you

Amanda (Blushes): Well, it's embarrassing

Kanisha: I am just like that, so are you satisfied?

Amanda: Almost I want to take a picture with you

Kanisha: Alright

(Kanisha and Amanda take a picture together in front of the school)

Amanda: Thank you and now my requests have ended

Kanisha (smiles): Then, (bows) I must have bid you farewell, it was fun

(Amanda hugs Kanisha)

Amanda (while hugging Kanisha): I know we only knew each other for a little while, but I'll miss you

Kanisha: Awww, how sweet, remember you can summon me anytime

Amanda: Right

(Kanisha disappears into tiny sparks)

(Amanda looked surprised)

(Episode ends)