
Episode 3

(The episode opens with a teenager with her arm cut, the circle, and Kanisha appears from the circle)

(Kanisha as her 13-year-old self, she is wearing a blue biker uniform, while holding a helmet)

Kanisha (looked surprised): Oh my gosh, sweetie, did you try to commit suicide, before you summoned me

The teenager (looking at Kanisha): Help…please….help (tears comes down from her eyes)

(Kanisha takes samples of blood, then heals the teenager's arm with one kiss)

(The teenager passed out in Kanisha's arm)

Kanisha (holding the teenager): I am so sorry you have to go through this

(Kanisha walks upstairs)

(The screen switches to The teenager walking through mist)

The teenager: Hello, where I am, what is this place?

A voice: You tell me this is your dream

(The teenager turns around to see Kanisha wearing earrings, a orange shirt, blue pants, and white shoes)

(The teenager has short brown hair mixed with blonde, white skin, wearing a yellow shirt, and green pants named Kenna)

Kenna: Are you Kanisha?

Kanisha: I am. Kenna, are you alright?

Kenna: (fell to her knees) I almost tried to die (looks at the sky) and I almost succeeded

Kanisha (sits beside Kenna): Why?

Kenna: I don't deserve to be here

Kanisha: Really? Is it because of something you did, your parents did, or somebody made you believe?

Kenna (shakes her head): No, no, no. This is all me. I thought if I tried to be cool, popular, the stress of high school, would…would…would go away. But then, I started to do things I wouldn't do like drinking, smoking, and worse I nearly blinded my best friend (breathing hard)

Kanisha (hugs Kenna): Okay, okay, breath slowly

(Kenna tries to calm down her breathes)

Kanisha (hugging Kenna): Good, tell me why did you want to change your image?

Kenna (tears): Because I thought if I pretended popular, nobody would care that I am lesbian

Kanisha (eyes widen): Bullied because of that

Kenna: (calm) Bullied? (Angry) More like harassed, (a flashback shows her getting pushed against the locker and stuff thrown at her) day by day people kept making fun of me because of it, saying I'm committing a sin because of who I am, even my parents started to want nothing to do with me, then I found this crowd

Kanisha: Did you have a crush?

Kenna (looking sad): Unfortunately she was the best friend I almost (had a flashback of hitting her friend with a bottle) blinded

Kanisha: Let me guess all girl's school

Kenna: You truly are the most powerful girl in the world

Kanisha: I may have a way to help you, but you must do something for me

Kenna: How? How can you possibly help me erase that terrible past?

Kanisha: Well, it's start with you admitting that who you are

Kenna: What do you mean?

Kanisha: Kenna, none of this will go away, unless you admit you are lesbian and you won't give into any more peer pressure

Kenna: What if I can't…what if it's too late

Kanisha: Listen, Kenna, I've been down this road believe it or not, and I know for a fact it's never too late

Kenna: You have?

Kanisha (nods): Yup

Kenna: But, you had all the power in the world, why would you want to end it?

Kanisha: Because each time I use my powers I create a new enemy and that enemy comes back, nearly ruining my life, the normal life I tried to have. So, I thought if I ended it, then I wouldn't have to suffer, but I stopped because as much as I hated being a hero, I hated being a coward more.

Kenna: I think I understand

(Kanisha helps Kenna off the ground)

Kenna: Fine, I'm a proud lesbian that will never give into peer pressure

Kanisha: Good, say it again

Kenna (louder): I am a proud lesbian that will never give into peer pressure

(The screen switches to Kenna in the school hallway)

Kenna: School?

(Kanisha appears)

Kanisha: Yup, the root of the problem

(Kenna sees a girl who has long red hair, brown skin, with bandages around her eye, wearing a purple dress and shoes putting books in her locker)

Kenna (behind Kanisha): I can't believe I did that

Kanisha: Remember it starts with you admitting who you are

Kenna: Fine (runs) hey Millie

(Millie turns around to see Kenna)

Millie (surprised): Kenna!

Kenna (tears): I am so sorry (backs up) you must hate me

Millie (holds Kenna's hand): What? Absolutely not, I know it's because of those stupid mean girls, but that doesn't mean I forgive you for nearly blinding

Kenna: Realky?

(Millie laughs)

(Kenna covers her mouth and blushes)

Millie: It's okay, I know what you meant

Kenna: So, I meant to also tell you that I also have a big crush on you

Millie: I know, you think I wouldn't notice the way you look at me

Kenna (blushes) (nervous): I thought, it was obvious

Millie: Yeah, but I don't mind

(A girl with a bunch of blonde hair, white skin, wearing sunglasses on her head, wearing a pink dress and heels)

The girl: Well, look who it is, it's the wild child, you ready to have fun again, tonight (looks at Kanisha) who are you?

Kanisha: A friend

Kenna: No, I won't

The girl (confused): What?

Kenna: I can't do this anymore, these parties, being popular I had enough

The girl: You don't know what you are saying, if you do this you'll be back to being a loser

Kenna: (laughs) you know it's ironic, you and your friends think I am a sinner, when you all are much worse than me

(The girl looked shocked)

Kenna: But, you are not going to drag me down or more of I won't let me, I am a proud lesbian and I won't let anyone change me

The girl: Whatever, I thought you were cool

Kanisha: She is and that's because she said no

The girl: No, she is a coward

Kanisha: No, she is strong, because it's easy to yes, but it's hard to say no

Kenna: Thanks Kanisha

The girl: Fine, be this way (walks away) freak

Millie: Good job (kisses Kenna on the cheek)

Kenna: Thank you

Kanisha: No problem, now remember stay true to your words

Kenna: I will, but I still have to apologize to many people

Kanisha: True

(Kenna hugs Kanisha)

Kanisha (as she disappears); Good luck

Kenna: Thank you

(Episode ends with Millie and Kanisha walking through the hallway)